Venafro - Venafro

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Venafro is a city of Molise.

To know

Fourth city of Molise by population, it has an ancient and distinguished history. The large number of churches in the area has earned it the nickname of city ​​of 33 churches. There are many churches of various sizes and eras present in the historic center and in the foothills area; unfortunately many today are closed to worship and abandoned.

Geographical notes

Formerly part of the province of Land of Work (also known as Liburia), was located in Campania, a territory with which it still has linguistic-cultural affinities, but in 1863 it was annexed to the current one Molise and is known today as Door of Molise. It is of great socio-economic importance in the Molise landscape, thanks to the development of the nearby industrial nucleus which constitutes the fourth industrial pole of the region.

The municipality is today located in the extreme Molise western border with Lazio and the Campania and rises at the foot of Mount Santa Croce. It is 25 km from Isernia, 23 from Cassino, 71 from Campobasso, 62 from Formia, 61 from Caserta.


Although its foundation is attributed to Diomede, a character from Greek mythology, it has Samnite origins in the ancient name of Venafrum.In the plain at various points numerous finds have been found that suggest the existence of human settlements already in prehistoric times. During the Social War the Frentano Mario Egnazio treacherously conquered it and killed six Roman cohorts. Silla also razed it to the ground. In January 49 BC Pompey the Great, coming from Teano, stopped there. But the first certain news of the existence of Venafro dates back to 300 AD. when it was under the jurisdiction of the Romans with Maximilian, immediately playing an important and strategic role so as to be a Roman colony with Augustus (Colonia Augusta Julia Venafrum), and incorporated the characteristic urban layout, partially preserved in the current town. In the Augustan period much attention was given to the aqueduct (Rivus Venafranus) which carried the water of the Volturno river from Rocchetta a Volturno in Venafro. Renowned for fertility and amenities, it is remembered by Horace as a holiday resort, and Pliny the Elder speaks of a diuretic spring located there. In Roman times it boasts a developed economy with the renowned oil which, according to legend, was brought by Licinius who speaks of it in many of his works. Martial testifies to the fertility of the soil and the fame of the Venafrano oil.

Between 774 and 787 the plain of Venafro was crossed by the troops of Charlemagne who clashed with those of the Lombards of the Principality of Benevento. It suffered serious damage in the earthquake of 1349 and in that of 1456. In 1495 it gave hospitality to the troops of Charles VIII of France passing through the conquest of the Kingdom of Naples (Ferdinand II of Aragon). After the dark period of the Middle Ages that saw Venafro collapse in poverty and disease, in the following centuries the city experienced an era of expansion and prosperity, just think of the numerous buildings dating back to this era that changed the face of the city with monumental churches and palaces. Venafro has been a bishopric since the fifth century. The last feudal lords were the Savellis, the Peretti and the Caracciolos of Miranda.

In 1811 the district of Piedimonte d'Alife, in which the whole north-eastern area of ​​the district of Capua and the districts of Venafro e Hills seconded from the district of Sora. With the Garibaldi occupation and the annexation to the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1860, the district was suppressed.On 24 and 25 October 1860 Venafro hosted King Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoy on his way to go to Teano to meet Giuseppe Garibaldi. The Sovereign came from Isernia where he had arrived on 23 October and had taken up residence in the Cimorelli Palace in Isernia.

On 10 May 1863 there was the annexation to the province of Campobasso, despite the controversy and protests of the citizens and the municipal council of the time, favoring instead to remain part of the province of Caserta. It definitively became part of the region Molise.

In October 1911 the Provincial Father, Benedetto da San Marco in Lamis, accompanied Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who was sick, to Naples to the famous doctor Antonio Cardarelli, who suggested taking him to Venafro. During the month and a half spent in this convent, the fraternity became aware of the first supernatural phenomena: divine ecstasies lasting up to an hour and diabolical apparitions, of short duration.

On 13 April 1914 with Royal Decree (registered at the Court of Auditors on 28 August 1914 under Reg. 50, sheet 12) the municipality acquires the title of City of Venafro in the acts and in the seal.

Between the autumn of 1943 and the spring of 1944 it was the scene, like other surrounding villages (Pozzilli, Filignano, San Pietro Infine and others), of fierce fighting between the Germans, barricaded on the mountains to the north and the Anglo-Franco-American , along the Gustav Line, for the conquest of Cassino is Monte Cassino. Mistaken for the latter by the Anglo-American pilots, Venafro was hit hard by Allied bombing on March 15, 1944 which caused about 400 civilian and military casualties.

In 1970 it was included in the newly formed province of Isernia, of which it is currently part and on whose belonging the municipality, in the periods preceding its establishment, a parochial discussion took place. Comino, in the province of Frosinone. In 1986 the two episcopal sees of the diocese of Isernia and Venafro were united aeque principaliter, constituting the current diocese of Isernia-Venafro. The ancient cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta assumed the title of co-cathedral.

How to orient yourself

The historic center was built on the pre-existing Roman urban structure. On the upper floors of the buildings there are the houses, while the rooms on the lower floor are used as shops, as can be seen above all in the via per interno (via Plebiscito). In particular, it is possible to identify the Lombard nucleus in the area near the Castle and the medieval and Renaissance area that follows the ancient Roman roads. Along the perimeter of the historic center it is possible to identify the wall layout and the various access gates to the city. Outside the walls there are springs from which to draw water.


Venafro can be divided into the following areas: Old Town; Center; Maiella-V.le San Nicandro; Starza; Via Campania-Strepparo; Maria Pia-Rava; The Madonnella.

Its municipal territory includes the hamlets of Ceppagna, Le Noci and Vallecupa.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A1 Autostrada del Sole: from the north exit San Vittore, then follow the signs for Venafro-Isernia-Campobasso for another 15 Km. From the south exit Caianello, continue for 20 Km towards Venafro-Isernia-Campobasso

On the train

By bus

How to get around

What see

Exterior of the Co-Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
  • 1 Co-cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta. The highest temple in the city is located at the foot of the Oraziano Park. It is currently the co-cathedral of the diocese of Isernia-Venafro. Dating back to the 5th century, it was built under the bishop Constantine on the site where a pagan temple had already stood for centuries with materials taken from other monuments of previous eras, Roman elements and Christian decorations, such as the bas-relief of the bishop Peter of Ravenna, a relief which due to its unusual appearance is called by the inhabitants "Marzo Settecappotti".
The interior has three naves decorated with paintings of the fourteenth century. From the right aisle it is possible to access the four side chapels. The current appearance is due to restoration works dating back to the sixties and seventies which deprived the co-cathedral of the ancient Baroque forms, bringing the sacred place back to the previous Gothic-medieval aspect. At the end of the seventeenth century the so-called "cappellone" was built, a chapel in which to administer the sacraments. The church has 5 portals, the portal to the right of the main one has been a holy door since at least 1500. A large square precedes it, considered the beginning of the ancient city walls. Co-cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta (Venafro) on Wikipedia co-cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta (Q2942847) on Wikidata
Pandone Castle
  • Pandone Castle. Located at the north-western limits of the Roman Venafro, it originates from a megalithic fortification which was subsequently transformed into the square Longobard keep. This transformation took place when Count Paldefrido placed his seat there in the 10th century. In the fourteenth century, three circular towers and the crenellated branch were added to the square keep. It was completely transformed in the 15th century by the Pandone, lords of Venafro; it was defended on three sides by a large moat which involved the entire population in its construction. The moat was never fully completed due to a popular uprising that claimed the poor conditions in which she was forced to work. The castle was accessed via a drawbridge to the west and a postern to the east. Positions that allowed access to one knight at a time and therefore could be controlled by only one guard. Enrico Pandone transformed it into a Renaissance residence by adding an Italian garden, an airy loggia and having it frescoed with images of his mighty horses. Horses for the count represented his main activity. Even today, the portraits of horses in life size, twenty-six in number and made in slight relief, decorate the entire main floor and constitute an exclusive for the castle of Venafro. In the hall of war horses, the silhouette of the horse San Giorgio stands out, donated by Henry to Charles V. Henry was always devoted to Charles V until Lotrec's descent from France. Charles V got the better of the French and the betrayal cost Henry the beheading in Naples. Below the patrol plan, a walkway with slits allowed the manor to be controlled from the moat level. The walkway is entirely passable. In the seventeenth century the Castle, after being of the viceregal Lannoy family, passed to the Peretti-Savellis, family of Sixtus V, and in the following century to the powerful family of the Capua. Giovanni di Capua transformed it into his residence in view of the marriage he should have contracted with Maria Vittoria Piccolomini, at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Major works were undertaken including the removal of most of the horses made by Enrico Pandone. Marriage that remained a dream for the immature death of Giovanni. The advanced state of the preparations for this event had led to its realization in the great coat of arms, which is still in the hall, where the union of the coats of arms of the two families recalls an event that never happened. After years of restoration work, which like all interventions has happy and less happy moments, the Castello di Venafro hosts conferences and exhibitions and can be visited every day.
  • National Museum of Molise. Since 2013 the Castle has been the seat of the National Museum of Molise, with a rich art gallery of Molise artistic testimonies, compared with other state-owned ones, coming from the deposits of the Capodimonte and San Martino di Naples, of the National Gallery of Ancient Art in Rome and the Royal Palace of Caserta. The itinerary is divided into two sections: the castle, a "museum of itself", with its urban, architectural and decorative values, and the exhibition on the second floor of frescoes, sculptures, canvases, drawings and prints, in an itinerary that documents the chronology - from the Middle Ages to the Baroque - and the different cultural orientations of clients and artists in Molise.
  • Archaeological Museum. It is housed in the former seventeenth-century monastery of Santa Chiara, which housed the small civic museum established in 1931 following the archaeological findings of 1919 in Terme di S. Aniello. In addition to the ancient collection, the museum also preserves the findings from recent archaeological excavations that have made it possible to learn more about the Samnite settlement and the Venafro of the imperial age.
As for the Samnite period, the most ancient and conspicuous testimonies refer to the necropolis found in the countryside of Pozzilli and which belong to a settlement whose attendance was relatively long (from the 6th century BC to the second half of the 4th century BC. .). The burials have grave goods characterized by simple materials (spears, javelins, fibulae and a single sword), but the conspicuous presence of imported ceramics, black bucchero of Capuan production and red bucchero produced between northern Campania and southern Lazio, suggests a certain economic vivacity favored precisely by trade and commerce. One of these tombs has been entirely rebuilt in the museum and the massive presence of bucchero pottery inside indicates the good social conditions of the deceased. In later times the pottery present is the one with black paint, while the funerary objects, in some cases real services to recall the symposium of Greek culture, become more homogeneous.
The testimonies of the Roman age concern the presence of public buildings, but also of private houses, decorated with marble exhibited in the museum, like the architectural friezes and statues from the Roman theater. There are also many finds from the necropolis of the imperial age: different material concerns the funerary inscriptions and even more numerous are the simple stones containing only the name of the deceased that were driven into the ground, according to the Roman custom that wanted the burials to flank the extra-urban roads . Of particular interest is the funerary stone of Tilla Eutychia, the only known Venafran priestess, consecrated to one of the two cults attested in the city, that of the Magna Mater and that of the Bona Dea. Equally interesting is the gigantic face of a Gorgon, a funerary symbol par excellence.
Located on the ground floor of the convent, to attract the attention of the visitor is the beautiful statue of Venus from the Antonine age, a copy of one of the most famous statues of antiquity: the Venus Landolina is commonly called Venus of Venafro.
The Museum of Venafro also preserves an important epigraphic document: the large stone or Aquarian Table the Roman aqueduct of Venafro testifying the edict of Augustus. The Edict was drawn up between 17 and 11 BC. in the same period in which the aqueduct was built which fed the city from the sources of the Volturno, over a distance of over thirty kilometers. A large public work, whose construction rules were established by this epigraphic document. Furthermore, the Edict regulated the use of the work, the methods of distribution of water, as well as the competent magistrates in the event of disputes. In the same rooms where the tombstone is exhibited there are numerous stones which, placed at the side of the pipeline, reported the requirement to leave the passage free.
The alabaster altar - originally located in the chapel of the Church of the Annunziata - is more recent and is located in one of the rooms on the second floor. It is a piece of great value, being one of the rare examples in Italy of an English-made polyptych still intact.
Church of the Annunziata
  • Church of the Annunziata. It is a fine example of architecture from the whole of Molise. It was built in the fourteenth century by the "Confraterna dei Flagellanti" all natives of Venafro, and has been modified several times over time. : It was built with material from the nearby Roman theater and had a gabled facade. Over the centuries it underwent important restoration works and the church took on its current baroque appearance. It has a bell tower of considerable height and a Renaissance Baroque appearance. The single nave interior preserves a 14th century Crucifix, a 16th century table with Santa Caterina, a painting with Madonna and Saints, all frescoes by Neapolitan painters Giacinto Diano and Paolo Sperduti, pupils of Vanvitelli. In a lateral niche there is the silver bust of San Nicandro together with the reliquary head in gold and some relics of the martyrs. The church also has a large frescoed dome, visible from every point of the city, which emits most of the light near the presbytery. It has an organ from 1784.
The church of Christ
  • Viaticum Church (Church of Christ), via Cavour. It was built in the second half of the sixteenth century and enlarged, assuming its present form, in the second half of the seventeenth century. The interior, apparently in the form of a Latin cross, has a single nave. : In fact, between the hall and the presbytery a fake transept, limited to a hint, opens with false stucco perspectives that manage to give the impression of the existence of the transept
Inside there are stuccoes of frames and capitals of considerable value and workmanship. There are several valuable canvases and in special niches there are the statues of the 4 evangelists at the top of the nave. The church has 2 small domes without windows, a tall bell tower with a Baroque appearance similar to that of the Annunziata. The facade has a large window and is preceded by a staircase.
  • Church of the Purgatory (Church of Saints Simeone and Caterina), Vittorio Veneto square. It was built in the eighteenth century and has an elegant facade that follows the baroque style of the century. The interior has a central plan with stuccoes and friezes and a small decorated dome.
Basilica of the Sts. Martyrs Nicandro, Marciano and Daria
  • Basilica sanctuary of the Sts. Martyrs Nicandro, Marciano and Daria and convent. Located on the eastern outskirts of the city, on the road to Isernia, were built on Roman remains partly reused in the construction. Transformed and restored several times in 2001, the church has a two-nave interior and preserves an inlaid and pyrographed wooden altar and the paintings of the Molise artist Amedeo Trivisonno, which narrate the events of the Saints Martyrs to whom the church is dedicated. The bronze portals are the work of Alessandro Caetani. Under the main altar there is the crypt where the sepulcher of San Nicandro was found, near which a mysterious liquid calledManna of San Nicandro to whom miraculous gifts are attributed. The church is very popular with devotees especially near the patronal feasts of the Holy Martyrs.
Church of San Giovanni in Platea (San Francesco)
  • Church of San Giovanni in Platea (Church of San Francesco), Nicola Maria Merola square. With a Baroque appearance, it has a statue of the Immaculate Virgin on the facade. The first construction of this church dates back to the fourteenth century and the legend wants it to have been founded by San Francesco. Due to several earthquakes it has been closed for worship several times and restored or rebuilt. : The interior, with a single nave, on the sides has several marble altars and various paintings depicting various sacred scenes. In the background rises the marble altar on which stands a canopy with baroque shapes inside which there is the statue of the Madonna surmounted by a golden crown. : From the church it is possible to access the excavations below, also visible through a glass floor in some points, discovered with the recent restoration determined by the earthquake of 1984.
French Military Cemetery
  • French military cemetery (along the state road 85 Venafrana towards Isernia). On an extensive flat area (70,000 m²) is the French war cemetery, in which about 6000 graves of soldiers of the Corps Expeditionnaire Français are buried (but many have been exhumed), of which about two thirds of Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian, as well as some Africans (Senegalese?), who mostly fell during the battle of Cassino (Nov 1943-May 1944) and in the bypass of Montecassino. Here the burials of Miano have been moved. A monument has been erected for them that explicitly recalls the North African minarets, decorated with blue ceramic tiles, which stand out against the whitewash of the walls, and with some inscriptions. Inside there are some tombs, one of which to the unknown Muslim soldier, and three dedicated to soldiers with a name, one Tunisian, one Algerian, one Moroccan. All the tombs are arranged on the North-East South-West axis, with the tombstones facing North-East, with the exception of some tombs, placed behind the minaret, of Jewish soldiers (recognizable by the six-pointed star on the tombstone) and animists (which on the tombstone have a stylized "agnostic" sun). This arrangement of the tombs suggests the possibility that the fallen Muslims, if they were placed on the right flank, have their faces turned towards Mecca. Each tombstone bears the name (if known) and the words (in French) "Mort pour la France" (died for France). It should be noted that Arab and African names are also recognizable among Christian tombs.

Archaeological sites

  • Roman amphitheater (Verlasce). It is located in the modern center of Venafro; although over time it has undergone medieval and seventeenth-century superimpositions, the elliptical plan remains visible. The ellipse had the largest diameter of 110 meters and the smallest of 85. It is believed that the steps could hold up to 15,000 spectators. Until some time ago, before it became state property, this structure housed the stables and warehouses for agricultural tools. This monument, unique in Italy together with the "Parlascio" of Lucca, today it is being restored after a period of relative abandonment. : Once upon a time during the patronal feast there was a fun and characteristic "pacifier race" as well as other popular games. An interesting restoration is bringing this suggestive and particular place in the city center back to its ancient splendor.
  • Roman theatre. Located upstream of the last decumanus, it is of considerable size and has a scene (frons scaena) of about 60 m, with an auditorium capable of accommodating 3,500 spectators. After the various excavations carried out and the interventions to bring it back to light, this monument is also abandoned together with the nearby odéon. The theater demonstrates how the Roman city was in its full splendor equipped with entertainment facilities typical of the most important centers. A unique feature of the Roman world is the construction of this theater near a mountain as was the case for the Greek theaters that were carved into the rock.
  • Other Roman, Samnite and medieval finds. Near the historic center there are traces of a Roman aqueduct, of the walls, with a phase of the Samnite era dating back to the fourth century BC. and one in polygonal work from the 1st century BC, with Samnite walls. Also of Roman origin is the "Torricella", a fortified structure located on the mountain recently restored and brought back to its ancient splendor. Among the other monuments there are also the so-called "Torre del Mercato" ("Palazzo Caracciolo"), a defensive structure of medieval origin with its mighty battlements, in defense of what once corresponded to the eastern gate of Venafro, and the aqueduct Romano di Venafro also located in the municipal area of Pozzilli is Montaquila, which supplied the city with water from the Volturno springs.

Sites of naturalistic interest

  • Le Mortine naturalistic oasis. The Oasis Le Mortine is a 110-hectare protected natural area entrusted to the Pianeta Terra Onlus Association near the ENEL dam for hydroelectric production. : It is made up of a hygrophilous wooded area and large reed beds along the banks of the regulation basin. The area falls within a site of community interest and a special protection area. The riparian vegetation that once enveloped the Volturno today is organized only in limited areas in consistent hygrophilous formations with a good degree of naturalness. Among them, the hygrophilous forest of Mortine, extending over 100 hectares, assumes particular naturalistic importance, of which the wood nucleus granted by ENEL to Planet Earth represents a fragment intact for at least 45 years. : In this area, interposed between the Mainarde and the Matese, the Volturno penetrates a dense hygrophilous wood cover, divided by its secondary branches that circumscribe impenetrable islands with unique characteristics in the course of the river. Shortly before the ENEL barrier, the river widens and its slow waters allow the development of a reed bed that also borders the banks of the adjoining regulation basin. : Despite being entrusted to Planet Earth about 30 hectares of territory contiguous to the ENEL "Presa Volturno" plant (built in the fifties following a Royal Decree of March 1942), the area embraces an extensive state-owned river island and an artificial lake, covering a total of over 50 hectares. The entire district is to be considered, both from a historical and landscape point of view, the northern limit of the Royal Bourbon Hunting of Venafro and Torcino. From the letters of Luigi Vanvitelli (court architect) to his brother Urbano we learn that the hunting trips in Venafro were held in the months of February and March, and lasted about ten days. During his stay in Venafro Ferdinando IV went hunting in the "mene" of the Colle di Santa Lucia, Castagneto, Mortina, Castellone, Mortina delle Colonne, Colle di Torcino and Selvone.
  • Historical agricultural regional park of the Olivo di Venafro (Oraziano Park, Campaglione). It is the first regional park of the Molise, established by regional law to safeguard the olive-growing heritage of the Venafrano area, and is the first theme park on the olive tree in the Mediterranean. In addition to its agricultural and environmental value, it is an instrument for the tourist promotion of the Venafrano area which, in addition to its agricultural value, is rich in historical and ecological emergencies that emerge among the dry stone walls and terraces. The olive trees of Venafro are mentioned in the works of the greatest Latin poets for the excellent quality of the oil: among them Orazio, hence Parco Oraziano.
  • Villa Maria. In the heart of the city center there are public gardens of about one hectare, an environment rich in vegetation and water with a pond and streams. In the villa there is a bowling green and a basketball and volleyball court.

Events and parties

What to do


In its territory an excellent olive oil is produced; Venafro is part of theNational Association City of oil.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • DOC-Risto-pub beer & wine, Via C. De Utris, 18/20, 39 328 1784033.
  • Al Traliccio Pizzeria Restaurant, State Road 85 Venafrana, 39 0865 927232, 39 333 7033928.
  • Amphitryon Restaurant-Pizzeria, Strada St. 85 Venafrana (La Madonnella locality), 39 0865 903749.
  • Il Quadrifoglio Restaurant-Pizzeria, State Road 85 Venafrana, 39 0865 909886.
  • La Dorada Restaurant, Via Appiano, 9, 39 0865 910000.
  • Le Mele Blu Restaurant, Via L. Da Vinci, 10, 39 0865 904337. Reservations are recommended
  • Elisa Bar Restaurant, Via Machiavelli, 16, 39 0865 903191.
  • Eleven Club Risto-pub, Via Mailla, 13, 39 0865 903340.
  • Masaniello Restaurant-Pizzeria, SS 85 Venafrana, 18.840 km, 39 0865 902263.
  • Il Ghiottone Restaurant.
  • Restaurant-Trattoria da Gabriella.
  • La Tana del Conte restaurant.
  • Jester'S Castle Club Restaurant-Pizzeria.
  • La Villa di Lucullo Restaurant-Pizzeria, Via Licinio, 39 333 3095795.
  • Restaurant-Pizzeria La Riviera.
  • La Cantina Restaurant, SS 6 branch.
  • Ristopub Pizzeria Guinness dal Prior, p.zza Cimorelli, n.3 / 4, 39 329 4148664.

Where stay

Average prices

High prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

  • 1 Of the Priest, Corso Campano, 124, 39 0865 900015.
  • 2 Sardella, Via Colonia Giulia, 306/310, 39 0865 904163.

How to keep in touch


  • Isernia - Among the first documented Paleolithic settlements in Europe, it was then a flourishing Samnite city, capital of the Italic League, later a Roman Municipium. Its millennial past has left it with an important monumental heritage that extends up to the pre-Roman era, as well as very important prehistoric finds.
  • Cassino - For centuries the administrative center of the ancient Land of San Benedetto, the city develops at the foot of the hill on which stands the famous abbey of Montecassino, for which it is mainly known. However, it also boasts important evidence of its Roman past: amphitheater, theater, mausoleum, nymphaeum, urban walls of the archaeological park Casinum.


  • Castles in the province of Isernia - There are numerous manors of theMolise Apennines in the countries of [Alto Molise]], ofIsernino he was born in Venafrano. Some are in ruins due to war or earthquakes; others have been recovered; many have a military aspect, with little or no external architectural evolution of transformation into a stately home.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Venafro
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Venafro
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Venafro
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