Hills in Volturno - Colli a Volturno

Hills in Volturno
Hills in Volturno
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Hills in Volturno
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Hills in Volturno is a center of the Molise.

To know

Its territory extends to the border with the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise in an area of ​​exceptional environmental value. Up to the fifteenth century it was an integral part of the Giustizierato d'Abruzzo and of the Abruzzi Citrior.


The territory was inhabited since the most remote and ancient times by the Samnites, who built fortified cities around the seventh century BC. Immediately afterwards Colli was razed to the ground and conquered by the Romans. Around the tenth century the monks, saints Paldo, Tato and Taso called it li Colli. The construction of the castle of Colli is due to the monastery of San Vincenzo al Volturno. There were numerous attempts and usurpations of almost all the manors of abbatial origin by the neighboring feudal lords, especially after the reorganization of the land patrimony of the Terra Sancti Vincentii. Already in 981 the Count Landolfo Greco arbitrarily occupied the castles of Colli, Fornelli and Valleporcina (as mentioned in the Chronicon Volturnense). The Emperor Otto II sanctioned the restitution of the fiefs to the abbot John III. Subsequently the quarrels and abuses resumed, in particular by the Borrello family, who occupied Colli in about 1050. Pope Nicholas II returned it to the monastery of San Vincenzo al Volturno. The Angevins then entrusted the castle to a military garrison, against an annual fee to the monastery of San Vincenzo al Volturno. After the clash with the Angevins there was a long period of peace.

The earthquake of 1349 and the plague of 1350 brought extreme and widespread misery, so much so as to force the monks to sell most of the castles, including Colli, to the nobleman Camillo Pandone, patrician of the Sedile di Nido (Naples). Antonio and Giovanni Caldora took the castle from him by force, which they kept until 1451, when Francesco Pandone, Count of Venafro, in turn took it away from Giacomo Caldora. The approval for the occupation of the castles in the area came from Pope Niccolò V. King Ferdinand II of Aragon took Colli away from the pro-Angevin Galeazzo Pandone, until at the time of his death his assets went to the state property.

Colli, San Paolo, San Vito and Valleporcina were bought back in 1479 by Count Camillo Pandone. These were succeeded by Federico Pandone, baron of Cerro (later Cerro al Volturno), who subdued Colli and Valleporcina to the doctor Bartolomeo Amodeo (later Amodei), from Cava de 'Tirreni. He sold, among others, the fief of Colli in 1525 to the Neapolitan nobleman Manfredino Bucca (or Bocca). Colli then passed to the Rizzo barons, patricians of the Sedile di Nido, related to the Pandones, who will keep it until 1570 and who will alienate it to the Greco di Isernia nobles: they will have it until 1648. Finally the fiefdom came to the Carmignano nobles, patricians of the Sedile di Montagna (Naples), who will keep it until the subversion of feudalism (1806).

The town was severely hit by numerous earthquakes, in particular by the earthquake of 7 and 11 May 1984; since then Colli, which has always had a high tourist and commercial vocation, has undergone further development from all points of view. of the historical events of the Samnite civilization, of the relationship it had with the great Rome and of the process through which the Italic populations were incorporated into Latin culture.

How to orient yourself

1.5991 | long = 14.1052


Its municipal territory also includes the hamlets of Casali, Castiglioni, Cerreto, Colle, Fonticelle, Pescorosso, Raddi, Santa Giusta, Sterpara and Valloni.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon Railway station of Isernia (about 15 km away): Direct connections with Rome is Naples

Continue by bus with the "ATM" bus lines.

By bus

How to get around

What see

  • Church of Santa Maria Assunta. The church of Santa Maria Assunta or Mother Church. It is the tallest structure in the whole country and is also the oldest, as it dates back to around the beginning of the 11th century. It is located in the historic center.
  • Church of San Leonardo. - the church of San Leonardo. It is the main church of the town, with the cycle of frescoes dedicated to the "Glory of God in Paradise" made by Pietro Brunetto and dating back to the 13th century and with the representation on stone of the "Jerusalem Labyrinth" set on the facade.
  • Acropolis (in the historic center).
  • Samnite fortification (in Monte San Paolo).
  • Remains of the Roman aqueduct (in Rio Chiaro).
  • Remains of the necropolis (in Colle Sant'Angelo).
  • Archaeological excavations of Piana dell'Olmo (in Valleporcina-Piana Sant'Antonino). The remains of an ancient Roman villa, a toga statue and other objects from the Roman era were found there
  • Ancient Raddi Mill. on the Volturno river, built in 1830.
  • Red Bridge. on the Volturno river.
  • Volturno River Park. It is equipped with a dining area, a picnic area, a wellness path, a beach volleyball pitch and a playground for children.

Events and parties

  • Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. Simple icon time.svgJune 13. On the occasion of the festival it is traditional to bring gifts in nature such as olive oil, wine, poultry such as chickens, hens, rabbits, doves and even lambs, which are then sold at auction to pay the costs of the festival.
  • Feast of S.Antonino and S.Emidio. Simple icon time.svgSeptember 2. Religious celebration with lights, fireworks, procession of Saints throughout the town, with the town's musical band and evening entertainment shows.
  • Solemn celebrations in honor of San Leonardo. Simple icon time.svgNovember 6. Feast of the town's patron saint. Ancient Fair of San Leonardo.
  • Carnival.
  • San Silvestro Pope. Simple icon time.svgDecember 31st.
  • Traditional feast of Sant'Antonio Abate. Simple icon time.svgJanuary 16.
  • "Tuzza". Popular game of ancient tradition in which the participants in the Easter period challenge each other "with eggs"
  • VolturniadI. The games of the Upper Volturno Valley, a playful event that involves the five main municipalities of the Volturno Valley every year. (first weekend of August in one of the five participating countries)
  • Beer festival. Simple icon time.svgin July.
  • August Collese. Simple icon time.svgin August. Events, conferences, festivals, shows and concerts in the square and in the historic center organized by the Pro-Loco.
  • Painful way. Simple icon time.svgPalm Sunday. Living representation of the Via Crucis and the Passion of Christ.

What to do

In the surrounding woods, in addition to healthy walks, you can spend time with the collection of mushrooms, abundant in the area, and also of truffles. Many hikers also dedicate themselves to harvesting the fruits of the undergrowth: pine nuts, blackberries, asparagus, blueberries, strawberries, strawberry trees, hazelnuts, raspberries and many aromatic herbs useful in the kitchen: fennel, anise, oregano etc.


The town is in an advantageous position from a commercial point of view and has in fact always been equipped with a network of services and activities that does not exist in the other neighboring municipalities. Colli has always been the economic center of gravity for the entire Volturno Valley, thanks to the numerous shops and its appreciated handicraft activities of all kinds; for this reason, those who reside in the town or stay there for tourism are completely independent from any need.

  • La Tulipe boutique by Cennamo Gabriella, Via Roma, 5, 39 0865 957627.
  • The Aedicule of Amodei Michele, Town Hall Square, 1, 39 0865 957615.
  • Tobacco Stationery of Luca D'Alessio, Piazza San Leonardo, 5, 39 0865 957440.

How to have fun

  • 1 The Dollar Publichouse, Via Roma, 8, 39 327 334 9751. It is also possible to eat there.

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • Capriccio coffee, Town Hall Square, 6, 39 0865 957162.
  • La Pergola Bar, State Road 158, 39 338 873 4741.
  • 1 Eni Cafè & Shop, State Road 158, km 27.266.

Average prices

  • 2 The terrace, State Road 158, 39 0865 955441. Restaurant Pizzeria.
  • 3 The Falconara, Location Castiglione, 39 0865 955377. Pizzeria, restaurant (by reservation).
  • 4 The squirrel, State Road 158, 2, 39 0865 957421. Pizzeria, grill.
  • The stop of Cicchetti and sons, Via Nazionale, 39 0865 957282. Pizzeria, rotisserie and bakery.
  • 5 The cottage, State Road 158, 39 342 800 2186. Pizzeria, grill.
  • From Oreste and Maria, State Road 158, km 28,400, 39 388 093 4361. Restaurant.
  • Cafe de Paris, Town Hall Square 13A, 39 0865 957163. Pastry, ice cream shop.
  • Don Pascal, Provincial Road 627 of the Vandra, 39 347 832 9962. Farmhouse
  • The Casale di San Lorenzo, Via San Lorenzo, 22, 39 0865 250034. Farmhouse, it is also possible to stay
  • The Rectory, Via Andreucci, 3 (Historic center, Eastern Gate), 39 320 441 1621. Pizzeria.
  • The Pantry, Via Nazionale, 5, 39 339 745 4779. Typical products ofAbruzzo is Molise.

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 Volturno, Via Fonticelle, 16, 39 0865 955215. Hotel and restaurant.
  • B&B Little Residence of the Maci, Corso Volturno, 9, 39 339 562 9186.
  • Dimora De Iorio, Provincial Road 627 della Vandra, 15, 39 333 415 4440. Holiday home.
  • The Masseria of Antonio and Teresina, Via Fonticelle, 44, 39 339 288 5527.
  • The House in the Hill, Via Santa Giusta n.7, 39 389 962 2772.


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

  • 1 Dr. Nicola Renzone, Via Regina Elena, 10, 39 0865 957606.

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Venafro - His long membership in the Campania. City of the Samnites, later a Roman colony, the vestiges of the empire flanked by an important medieval urban heritage, in which the numerous churches stand out, unfortunately in large numbers deteriorated.
  • Cassino - For centuries the administrative center of the ancient Land of San Benedetto, the city develops at the foot of the hill on which stands the famous abbey of Montecassino, for which it is mainly known. However, it also boasts important evidence of its Roman past: amphitheater, theater, mausoleum, nymphaeum, urban walls of the archaeological park Casinum.
  • Isernia - Among the first documented Paleolithic settlements in Europe, it was then a flourishing Samnite city, capital of the Italic League, later a Roman Municipium. Its millennial past has left it with an important monumental heritage that extends up to the pre-Roman era, as well as very important prehistoric finds.
  • Castel di Sangro - It was a Roman city, then a fief of the Borrellos; the ruins of the medieval castle and the nearby megalithic walls testify to the past greatness of port of Abruzzo.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Hills in Volturno
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Hills in Volturno
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