Upper Molise - Alto Molise

Upper Molise
Panorama of Agnone, the capital of Alto Sannio.

Upper Molise is an area ofItaly.

To know

For a long time it was part of theAbruzzo.

Geographical notes

Subregion ofMolise Apennines North of Isernia, bordering on Peligna-Alto Sangro Valley is Frentano-Alto Vastese in Abruzzo to the north west and north east, Isernino is Central Molise campobassano to the south and east, has in Agnone its center of reference.

It groups the municipalities of Agnone, Bagnoli del Trigno, Belmonte del Sannio, Capracotta, Carovilli, Castel del Giudice, Castelverrino, Pescolanciano, Pescopennataro, Pietrabbondante, Poggio Sannita, San Pietro Avellana, Sant'Angelo del Pesco, Vastogirardi.

This area is mainly hilly / mountainous of limestone origin. The heights exceed 1500 meters in height and the flat parts are mainly concentrated in the valleys of the Trigno and Sangro rivers. The area is characterized by the presence of Turkey oak (Staffoli and Oasi Selva di Castiglione) and silver fir (Collemeluccio and Pescopennataro). Above 1100 meters there are beech trees (Monte Capraro, Monte Campo and Monte San Nicola) and meadows characterized by a great variety of flora, while the fauna is still characterized by the Marsican brown bear, the wolf, the otter and many species of birds of prey. including the golden eagle. Upper Molise (especially the village of Agnone) is famous for its villages rich in history, monuments, palaces, churches, historical centers similar to those of the region Umbria. In the upper Molise there is a cold climate, with very rigid temperatures and in winter snow in abundance; you can admire its mountains, woods, forest animals of all kinds. The area offers excellent food and traditional mountain dishes


In the period between the ninth century BC and the 1st century AD the high Molise (or high Sannio) was very popular with the warlike population of the Samnites, who found very advantageous positions in the mountains of San Pietro Avellana is Pietrabbondante, as evidenced by the remains of some surrounding walls. The archaeological site of Pietrabbondante, dating back to the 2nd century BC, is very important for understanding Samnite art, which has now joined with Roman art after the defeat in the Samnite wars. There are in fact large remains of Roman temples and theater in the Hellenistic manner in Pietrabbondante, while a Belmonte del Sannio a tomb dedicated to the Samnite commander Ovio Paccio, dating back to the II Samnite war, was found. A temple was also found under the hill of Vastogirardi. To Agnone a bronze plaque was found with the list of many Samnite divinities.

With the arrival of the Lombards and Normans in the upper Sannio, the work of fortification begins, i.e. the construction of fortified villages on the ruins of the old municipia Romans: an example is that of Belmonte where the Longobard tower still resists, which survived the various earthquakes that brought the town a nineteenth-century appearance for subsequent reconstructions. But above all the most representative element of the village-castle is the upper part of the medieval center of Vastogirardi, fairly preserved, despite the renovations of the eighteenth century. Agnone it has perfectly preserved its medieval appearance, except for the disappearance of some city gates and the transformation of the castle into a baronial palace. This village in particular was one of the most prosperous in Upper Molise for the creation of the Marinelli Pontifical Foundry (XII century), specialized in the construction of bells for churches throughout Italy. Pescolanciano, another example of a fortified village with the presence of an isolated castle on top of the mountainous hill.

The Molise current was divided by the countryside of Molise (1221), with the progenitor of the dominion Rodolfo di Moulins. The small portion bordered the county of Bojano, Pescolanciano, Isernia is Pietrabbondante, and with Borrello, Ateleta, Castiglione Messer Marino and Rosello, from which the tratturo passed Castel di Sangro. The upper Molise was incorporated after 1806 in the territory of Campobasso, linked to the Giustizierato degli Abruzzi and Molise. This future region will be abolished in the twentieth century, after its brief establishment, and detached in 1963 inAbruzzo is in the Molise current, which included only the province of Campobasso. Only twenty years later the upper Molise will be included in the province of Isernia. Nevertheless, still today there are movements for the detachment of the upper Molise from the region and the aggregation to theAbruzzo. The municipalities of upper Molise are adjacent to the municipalities of Abruzzo.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Agnone - Ancient Samnite city, known worldwide for the traditional and centuries-old artisan construction of bells, it has an interesting historic center and an expanding tourist infrastructure.
  • Capracotta - Its facilities and its ski slopes make it a winter sports center frequented by skiers from Molise, Abruzzo, Lazio is Campania.
  • Pescolanciano - Due to its geographical position it is considered by many to be the "gateway to Upper Molise". Its D'Alessandro castle is one of the best examples of the region.
  • Pietrabbondante - The remains of the fortifications and the spectacular Samnite Theater of Monte Saraceno testify to the human presence on the territory of Pietrabbontante since remote times. Near the inhabited center are the remains of the ancient settlement which was the most important sanctuary and political center of the Samnites between the 2nd century BC. and 95 BC
  • Poggio Sannita - Center of the ridge in a panoramic position, its historic core preserves the Ducal Palace and churches of good interest.
  • Vastogirardi - It boasts the remains of a Samnite sanctuary from the 2nd century BC. in the locality of S. Angelo and the exceptional complex of the fortified castle, internal courtyard and parish complex. It has stone portals in the houses

Sites of archaeological interest

How to get

By plane

Venafrano has no airports. The closest one is a Pescara. Another airport to consider is Rome-Fiumicino. ATM regional bus lines [1] they operate a connection with the Tiburtina station in Rome where the trains to Fiumicino airport pass and another for Pescara.

By bus

How to get around

What see

Sites of naturalistic interest

  • Montedimezzo Nature Reserve
  • Garden of the Apennine Flora of Capracotta
  • Abetine by Pescopennataro
  • Wood of Monte Capraro
  • Bosco di S. Martino and Cantalupo
  • Pennataro Forest


  • Castles in the province of Isernia - There are numerous manors of theMolise Apennines in the villages of Upper Molise, ofIsernino he was born in Venafrano. Some are in ruins due to war or earthquakes; others have been recovered; almost all of them have a military aspect, with little or no external architectural evolution of transformation into a stately home.

What to do

At the table

Stracciata from Molise


  • Pampanella Pork dish cooked in the oven and abundantly spiced. The dish originates from the town of San Martino in Pensilis.
  • Panonta - Originally from the country of Miranda, Panonta is fresh pork sausage garnished with peppers, grated pecorino, parsley and garlic.
  • Pied - Originally from Capracotta, the Pezzata is a dish based on sheep meat cooked over low heat in copper pots and seasoned with aromatic herbs.
  • Cazzarielli with beans - Fresh pasta similar to gnocchetti seasoned with fried borlotti beans together with bacon, chilli and chopped celery, onion, carrot and then boiled in abundant tomato sauce.
  • Cheese and eggs - balls of cheese and breadcrumbs cooked in a full-bodied tomato sauce.
  • Torcinelli - lamb intestines stuffed with lamb sweetbreads. Usually, it is eaten cooked on coals, but sometimes it is also eaten with meat sauce.
  • Rattatura pizza - a pizza bread created from remixed, salted and oiled oven-baked flour scraps, generally goes well with sauces and cold cuts. Typical of Castelmauro.
  • Friarielli - fried green peppers.
  • Sfringions - fried batter in the shape of a sausage.
  • Cavatelli - fresh handmade pasta, usually seasoned with sauce.
  • Pizza and soup - country vegetables and a pizza made with maize flour.


  • Caragnoli - Typical sweets with a helical shape prepared for Christmas and Carnival with a dough made from flour and eggs which, after being fried in olive oil, is sprinkled with honey.

Typical products

  • Truffle - Widespread in the Matese mountains and in the Mainarde. The Molise towns best known for truffle harvesting are Carovilli is San Pietro Avellana. The latter is called "the homeland of the White Truffle" (prepared to season fettuccine)
  • Olive oil - "La bella del Molise" is the name of the olive, known especially to Larino, but not only that, which produces a fragrant and tasty oil unique in Italy.


  • Tattered - An elongated dairy product, made from cow's milk.
  • Burrino - Typical cheese of southern Italy with stretched curd made from cow's milk, with a heart of butter.
  • Pecorino di Capracotta - Cheese made from aromatic sheep's milk and a little spicy if aged. It has a hard, hazelnut-colored rind and a compact texture with rare watery holes. The curing phase can last from 3 months up to 2 years.
  • Scamorza Molisana - Produced with milk from alpine brown cows reared in the wild, it has the characteristic shape of a pear with a severed head. Eaten fresh or after a few days, it is excellent grilled.

Salami and sausage meats

  • Pietracatella sausage - Made with pork with abundant quantities of fat, salt, wild fennel, sweet and spicy chilli.
  • Soppressata from Molise - Obtained from pork, lightly smoked, it is consumed after maturing or stored in fat in glass jars, but also in crates containing wheat to keep the product fragrant in the summer.

Each country then has its own typical products that follow ancient traditions handed down from generation to generation. A tip for those who decide to visit Molise is to explore these places and their typical products, you can rediscover a simple but wonderful cuisine.



  • Tintilia del Molise - Obtained from a native grape of Molise, Tintilia is a red and rosé DOC wine with an intense flavor and strong color. It follows the Molise tradition according to which good wine must "stain" the glass.
  • Pentro wine from Isernia - It is a DOC white wine with an intense flavor.
  • Biferno - White, red and rosé, it is one of the most prestigious DOC in the region.


Thefts and robberies are a minimal risk in Alto Molise as in the rest of the region which is safe from every point of view.

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