San Pietro Avellana - San Pietro Avellana

San Pietro Avellana
View of San Pietro Avellana
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San Pietro Avellana
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San Pietro Avellana is a center of the Molise.

To know

The town is known for the collection of truffles, so much so that it is called "the home of the white truffle".

Geographical notes

The inhabited center is located on the north-western slopes of Mount Miglio, in its territory also flows the Rio torrent, a tributary of the Sangro river, as well as the Vandra river, a tributary of the Volturno river. It is 11 km from Vastogirardi, 16 from Castel di Sangro, 17 from Carovilli, 26 from Pietrabbondante, 33 from Agnone, 42 from Isernia.


The current town was founded around the 10th century by San Domenico di Sora. It originated from a settlement of local inhabitants who, following the destruction of the various hamlets to which administrative autonomy was recognized, felt they had to reside in the immediate vicinity of the Benedictine abbey, which at the time was a fortified citadel and therefore also provided protection. of a military type. The hypotheses on the meaning "Avellana" are many, but the most accredited is that it may derive from "Volana", a Samnite city destroyed during the third Samnite war in 293 BC by the Roman consul Spurius Carvilius, together with other Samnite cities: Herculaneum and Palombina.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes the towns of Alvani, Cerri, Masserie di Cristo and Scalo Ferroviario.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A1 - Adriatic highway:
  • from the north exit of Val di Sangro, follow the state road 652 towards Villa S. Maria, near San Marco continue straight, then turn onto the state road 558, follow the direction for Sant 'Angelo del Pesco, continue in the direction of San Pietro Avellana (SP 70).
  • from the south exit of Montenero di Bisaccia/Vast south/San Salvo, take the state road 650 Fondo Valle Trigno towards Isernia, turn onto state road 651 in the direction of Carovilli, continue on state road 86 in the direction of San Pietro Avellana.
  • A1 motorway Italy.svg A1 Autostrada del Sole:
  • from the north exit of San Vittore, follow the direction Venafro on state road 6, in Venafro continue on 85, follow the direction Montaquila/Roccaraso, turn onto state road 158 in the direction of Roccaraso, take the state road 652, continue on the 558 and follow the signs for San Pietro Avellana.
  • from the south at the Caianello exit, follow the signs for Isernia, follow the direction Montaquila/Roccaraso, turn onto state road 158 in the direction of Roccaraso, take the 652, continue on the 558 and follow the signs for San Pietro Avellana.
  • From Isernia provincial road 21, continue on state road 17 in the direction of Rionero Sannitico, take the state road 652, turn onto the SS 558, follow the signs for San Pietro Avellana.
  • From Campobasso state road Bifernina 87, near Vinchiaturo continue on the SS 17, take the SS 650 "Fondo Valle Trigno", turn onto the 651 in the direction of Carovilli, continue on the SS 86 in the direction of San Pietro Avellana.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon S. Pietro Avellana-Capracotta railway station on the line Sulmona - Isernia.

By bus

How to get around

What see

  • Parish church of S.S. Apostles Peter and Paul. The body of S. Amico is preserved in the crypt.
  • Hermitage of Sant'Amico. immersed in the homonymous forest that surrounds the town.
  • Cyclopean walls. On the top of Monte Miglio, they are from the Samnite period.
  • Big Fountain. It dates back to the 18th century.
  • Astronomical observatory. In the Montagna area, the Leopoldo del Re astronomical observatory has a planetarium that reproduces the celestial vault with about 20,000 stars.
  • Civic Museum. dedicated to traditions, peasant civilization and archeology.
  • Ruins of a monastery. Near the town there are the ruins of a medieval monastery where the Chronicon Volturnense, a sort of land registry of the churches of the Sangro Valley.

Events and parties

  • King Fajone trophy. Foot race.
  • National summer truffle fair. Simple icon time.svgsecond weekend of August.
  • Exhibition-market of the prized white truffle. Simple icon time.svgearly November.

What to do


The territory of San Pietro Avellana, thanks to the abundance of springs and streams, the particularity of the land and the unspoiled nature, is particularly rich in undergrowth products, first of all the truffle (black and fine white). In fact, San Pietro Avellana is part of the 42 National Truffle Cities, on a par with Sunrise, Acqualagna, etc, whose production of white truffles is around 40% of the national production.

Among the more traditional economic activities, which although not widespread as in the past have not completely disappeared, there are artisanal ones, among which we can mention the art of weaving aimed at the production of blankets, renowned for their colors and geometric themes

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 2 Italian post, Via Vittorio Alfieri, 10, 39 0865 940142.


  • Castel di Sangro - It was a Roman city, then a fief of the Borrellos; the ruins of the medieval castle and the nearby megalithic walls testify to the past greatness of port of Abruzzo.
  • Capracotta - Its facilities and its ski slopes make it a winter sports pole frequented by skiers from Molise, Abruzzo, Lazio is Campania.
  • Roccaraso - Its ski facilities, belonging to the Alto Sangro ski area, make it one of the major mountain tourist resorts of the entire Apennines.
  • Agnone - Ancient Samnite city, known worldwide for the traditional and centuries-old artisan construction of bells, has an interesting historic center and an expanding tourist infrastructure.
  • Isernia - Among the first documented Paleolithic settlements in Europe, it was then a flourishing Samnite city, capital of the Italic League, later a Roman Municipium. Its millennial past has left it with an important monumental heritage that extends up to the pre-Roman era, as well as very important prehistoric finds.


  • Castles in the province of Isernia - There are numerous manors of theMolise Apennines in the countries of [Alto Molise]], ofIsernino he was born in Venafrano. Some are in ruins due to war or earthquakes; others have been recovered; many have a military aspect, with little or no external architectural evolution of transformation into a stately home.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning San Pietro Avellana
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on San Pietro Avellana
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