Vastogirardi - Vastogirardi

Italic temple in Vastogirardi
Name inhabitants
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Institutional website

Vastogirardi is a center of the Molise.

To know

Geographical notes

It is located on the Apennines in theUpper Molise; is 12 km from Carovilli, 14 from Pietrabbondante, 22 from Agnone, 34 from Isernia.

How to orient yourself

Vastogirardi develops close to a hill at the top of which are the castle and the ecclesial complex of San Nicola di Bari. Inside the walls is the village, which appears well preserved in its original defensive function, as evidenced by the cylindrical towers incorporated in the factories and the supports between the buildings. The result of successive extensions, the churches of S. Rocco and S. Maria delle Grazie were built at the beginning of the 18th century and incorporated into the third urban extension dating back to the 18th - 19th century.

Over the course of the last century the town no longer followed the aggregative trend in tiered bands, according to the morphological trend of the site, but developed along via Garibaldi and via Re d'Italia.


Its municipal territory includes the hamlet of Villa San Michele and the locality of Cerreto.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A14 Adriatic Highway A14 tollbooth of Montenero di Bisaccia/Vast South/San Salvo on the Adriatica motorway, take the state road 650 Fondo Valle Trigno in the direction of Isernia, turn onto state road 651 in the direction of Vastogirardi, continue on state road 86 and follow directions.
  • A1 A1 Autostrada del Sole:
  • from the north exit of San Vittore, follow the direction Venafro on state 6, in Venafro continue on state 85, continue on state 17, cross Isernia and continue on state road 650 in the direction of San Salvo, turn onto the state road 651 in the direction of Vastogirardi, continue on the SS 86 and follow the signs.
  • from the south at the Caianello exit, follow the signs for Isernia, state road 85, continue on state road 17, cross Isernia and continue on state road 650 in the direction of San Salvo, turn onto state road 651 in the direction of Vastogirardi, continue on state road 86 and follow directions.
  • From Isernia: take state road 85, continue on state road 17, continue on state road 650 in the direction of San Salvo, turn onto state road 651 in the direction of Vastogirardi, take state road 86 and follow directions.
  • From Campobasso: take the state road 87 Bifernina, near Vinchiaturo continue on state road 17, continue on state road 650, turn onto state road 651 in the direction of Vastogirardi, continue on state road 86 and follow the signs.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon Station of Castel di Sangro at about 26 km, railway routes: Rome - Sulmona - Castel di Sangro; Naples - Carpinone - Castel di Sangro; Bari - Pescara - Sulmona - Castel di Sangro; Ancona - Pescara - Sulmona - Castel di Sangro.

By bus

How to get around

What see

  • Samnite sanctuary and temple. The archaeological-architectural heritage of Vastogirardi includes the remains of a Samnite sanctuary from the 2nd century BC. in the locality of S. Angelo and the exceptional complex of the fortified castle, internal courtyard and parish complex. Stone portals of the houses, the same in irregularly sized stones, and openings framed by stone blocks and shelves in shaped stones represent the character of the minor building.
  • Fortified Angevin Castle. It was built in the thirteenth century by the Angevins on the hill of the village. Later it belonged to the Caldora and then to families of the kingdom of Naples, including the Caracciolos. It was consolidated in the 18th century and with this restoration it was transformed into a noble residence.
The castle is incorporated into the surrounding walls of the highest part of the village, including the square and the parish church of San Nicola. It is accessed by a round arch. A circular tower remains of the Angevin fortification, and a loggia from the Caldoresco period in the part inside the village overlooking the square. The fortification together with the village forms an ellipse.
  • Parish church of San Nicola di Bari. It dates back to the 15th century but the building was fully restored in 1702, as evidenced by a walled inscription in the entrance portal. The interior has a single nave which is accessed through a portico reachable via a double ramp. The side-by-side bell tower is made of stone.
Keep an ancient silver monstrance.

Events and parties

  • Flight of the Angel. Simple icon time.svg1-3 July. Since 1911 it has been one of the most suggestive manifestations of Vastogirardi; it takes place in the form of a sacred representation and sees girls as protagonists, who play the role of a real angel. This event is part of a three-day celebration, from 1 to 3 July, in which the first two are dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of the Madonna delle Grazie and on 3 July to the celebrations of the patron saint St. Nicholas of Bari. always represented by a girl aged 4 to 6, secured to a solid steel cable. The Angel "flies" several times from the balcony of a private house (indicated on the spot by a plaque) to the statue of the Madonna which on that occasion is exhibited in front of the facade of the Church.
There is no shortage of fireworks to seal the party.
  • Fires of Sant'Antonio. Simple icon time.svgJanuary 17. On the occasion of the celebrations in honor of Sant'Antonio Abate, the squares and alleys of the ancient village come alive with majestic and burning bonfires: the "Fuochi di Sant'Antonio".

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices



Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

  • 1 Marracino, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 6, 39 0865 836250.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 2 Italian post, Vittorio Emanuele square, 39 0865 836183.


  • Agnone - Ancient Samnite city, known worldwide for the traditional and centuries-old artisan construction of bells, has an interesting historic center and an expanding tourist infrastructure.
  • Capracotta - Its facilities and its ski slopes make it a winter sports pole frequented by skiers from Molise, Abruzzo, Lazio is Campania.
  • Pietrabbondante - The remains of the fortifications and the spectacular Samnite Theater of Monte Saraceno testify to the human presence on the territory of Pietrabbondante since remote times. Near the inhabited center are the remains of the ancient settlement which was the most important sanctuary and political center of the Samnites between the 2nd century BC. and 95 BC


  • Castles in the province of Isernia - There are numerous manors of theMolise Apennines in the countries of [Alto Molise]], ofIsernino he was born in Venafrano. Some are in ruins due to war or earthquakes; others have been recovered; many have a military aspect, with little or no external architectural evolution of transformation into a stately home.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Vastogirardi
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Vastogirardi
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