Agnone - Agnone

Panoramic view of Agnone
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Tourism site
Institutional website

Agnone is a city of Molise.

To know

Ancient Samnite city, it is home to what is presumed to be the oldest plant in the world for the manufacture of bells (Pontifical Marinelli bell foundry), founded around the year 1000 and among the few that can boast the honor of using for its products the pontifical coat of arms.

Geographical notes

Until 1811 for about 600 years Agnone and its surroundings have always been an integral part of the Giustizierato d'Abruzzo and Abruzzo Citra, in the district of They launch. Aggregated with Molise, together with the municipalities of the area it constitutes theUpper Molise. It is 40 km from Castel di Sangro, 42 from Isernia, 58 from Vast, 63 from They launch, 64 from Venafro is Campobasso.


Detail of the fragment of a bronze table from the 3rd century BC. found in Agnone

Tradition has it that Agnone was built on the ruins of the Samnite city of Aquilonia destroyed by the Romans during the conquest of Sannio: in the area various archaeological finds have been recovered, such as the funerary stele of Vibia Bonitas, preserved at the Italo Argentino Theater, in the historic center of the city.

An important center during the Lombard domination, it then decayed in the centuries immediately preceding 1000, while the Verrino Valley and the surrounding hills became the site of hermitages, small monasteries and small agricultural colonies. Pietrabbondante and captains of fortune of Venice, brought a considerable number of Venetian soldiers and craftsmen to the place. The Venetian foundation of the ancient center, built on the arched hill in front of Monte Caraceno, is evident due to the clear signs of Venetian culture that can be observed in the original district, that of Ripa, otherwise known as "Venetian village".

The importance of Agnone grew in the Angevin period and also in the Aragonese one, to the point that during the Bourbon reign of the Two Sicilies the city was among the 56 royal cities, directly dependent on the King, free from any other feudal subjection, with of high court, with the right to impose capital punishment.

Always belonging to Abruzzo Hither, when King Giuseppe Bonaparte (brother of Napoleon) decided to create the Region Molise(1806), Agnone was left in theAbruzzo. But during the reign of Gioacchino Murat, the local elders asked for and obtained the passage to Molise, basing the request on the geographical difficulty of the Abruzzo connections, and hoping to rise to a dominant role in the new, small region (1811). The first disappointment hit the Agnonesi immediately after this passage, since the three districts into which Molise was divided, had as centers and capitals Larino, Campobasso is Isernia, excluding Agnone from any role of administrative pre-eminence. A united Italy, moreover, by reuniting Abruzzo and Molise in a single region, effectively overcome this problem. Flourishing for the breadth of the countryside and for the number and volume of artisan enterprises, Agnone was able to develop in the course of the 19th century a large number of educated minds: doctors, philosophers, jurists, theologians, hence the honorific name of "Atene del Sannio ".

The price revolution linked to the early development of Italian industry in the late nineteenth century, however, undermined this balance, giving way to the phenomenon of emigration. Despite this Agnone stood out for his spirit of economic and cultural initiative. For example, in full positivist spirit, thanks to the action of some enlightened spirits, Agnone managed to be electrified well before Rome. In fact, the inauguration of the Verrino hydroelectric power plant, managed by the electric company of the same name, dates back to 1905, which preceded the first power plant in Rome, the Montemartini power plant, by 8 years.

In the Fascist era, Agnone was a place of confinement for many opponents of the regime, including Don Raimondo Viale, protagonist of "The Right Priest" by Nuto Revelli. From July 1940 near Agnone a concentration camp was built for Jews, opponents of the regime and mainly Roma gathered throughout Italy and in the area of ​​ex-Yugoslavia. The local prefect for this purpose chose and obtained from the bishop of the time the concession of the convent of S. Bernardino. After September 8, the camp was opened and the interned people were released.

The last demographic growth, Agnone had it in the forties, and then undergo a continuous decrease from the fifties to today. At the same time - and paradoxically - the city saw the sure signs of a notable socio-economic development, such as the birth of the local Civil Hospital and the ASL and that of high schools, including the scientific high school (first in Molise), the technical institute Leonida Marinelli, the professional institute. It is also worth mentioning - in the first post-war period - the birth of the Teatro Italo Argentino (founded thanks to the contributions of the Agnonesi d 'Argentina) which for a long time was one of the largest in Abruzzo-Molise, returned to being so in March 2008 due to the closure of some large theaters in the two regions.

The last decades have seen Agnone develop a modern and articulated tourist culture, with the spread of equestrian sports, the creation of numerous agritourism centers, the construction of swimming pools, the hospitality of show and study events (the latter linked to the world of medical sciences, religion, and above all to the remarkable archaeological and paleontological riches of the district) .Part of the inhabitants would like to reunite Agnone, after years of belonging to Molise, to Abruzzo, also due to the presumed lack of interest of the region towards theUpper Molise.

Traditional and ancient construction of the bells

The ancient Marinelli bell foundry

Agnone is famous throughout Italy and in Europe for the presence of the very ancient Marinelli foundry, which is in perfect working order and in full operation.Its origins date back to the Middle Ages, and the foundry is remembered for the manufacture of bells for high-relief buildings such as the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin of the Holy Rosary of Pompeii and the abbey of Monte CassinoThe first official bells cast by the Marinelli foundry date back to 1339, by the director Nicodemo Marinelli, known as "Campanarus". In the following two centuries, when Italy passed into the hands of the Aragonese, the Marinellis continued to cast bells for the various churches and bell towers that were built throughout the peninsula. In 1924 Pope Pius X gave the Marinelli family the honor of using the Papal Coat of Arms so that they could represent it in the face of the bells that continued to melt copiously.

The Marinellis at the beginning of the twentieth century were called by many churches throughout Italy because the systems for the oscillation of the bells were by now obsolete or severely damaged. When in 1944 the German Nazi occupiers also came in Abruzzo and in Molise the foundry was closed and used as a headquarters for battle missions. In addition, the bells that were being melted at that time were destroyed by the Nazis and recast to create combat guns. Defeated the Germans by the Americans, in 1949 the Marinelli foundry once again became a reference point for the foundation of new bells. In the post-war period of Italy the Marinellis built the concert of bells for the Cathedral of Montecassino, destroyed during the famous battle of the Second World War, and so they continue to contribute to this day, whenever a new church is built, casting the bells necessary for new concerts.

How to orient yourself


The towns of Fontesambuco and Villacanale are included in its municipal territory.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A1 Toll booth of San Vittore on the Autostrada del Sole for those coming from the north; follow the signs for Venafro-Isernia-Agnone.
  • A1 Toll booth of Caianello on the Autostrada del Sole for those coming from the south; continue towards Venafro-Isernia.
  • A14 Toll booth Val di Sangro on the Adriatic motorway for those coming from the north; continue for Bomb, Villasantamaria; after the Villasantamaria bridge continue towards Rosello-Agnone.
  • A14 Toll booth of Vast south on the Adriatic motorway for those coming from the south; take the Trigno valley bottom, exit for Agnone after the Salcito exit; take the Verrino valley floor up to Agnone.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon Railway station of Isernia (about 42 km away): Direct connections with Rome and Naples.

Continue by bus with the "Lariviera" bus lines.

By bus

How to get around

What see

San Francesco - the portal
  • Parish church of San Francesco and convent. The church of San Francesco is considered a national monument. Dating back to the fourteenth century, it has a characteristic Gothic portal surmounted by a fascinating rose window. To underline the superb drum dome and the original bell tower (with the final part in wrought iron). Inside the church, with decorations by Ambrosio Piazza, there are very rich altars and frescoes by Paolo Gamba from Molise.
Adjacent to the church of San Francesco is the former convent of the conventual Fathers, with a cloister (on the walls of which there are frescoes representing the life of San Francesco), home to the municipal library and the permanent exhibition of the ancient book.
  • Permanent exhibition of the ancient book. Housed in the Palazzo San Francesco, the exhibition collects very rare volumes, including an ancient copy of Plato's Opera Omnia, dating back to the sixteenth century.
  • Church of Sant'Emidio. It dates back to the 14th century, has a Gothic portal and contains masterpieces of art by Giulio Monteverde, Giacomo Colombo, Giovanni and Amalia Dupré. Characteristic are the life-size wooden statues of the 12 apostles, attributed to the Neapolitan school of 1650. Adjacent to the church is the Emidiana Library, rich in ancient texts from the 11th century.
Church of Agnone
  • Other churches. For architectural features and preserved works, the churches of San Pietro Celestino (Maiella), San Nicola (1353), Sant'Antonio Abate (12th century) (with an adjoining bell tower that can be visited), San Pietro (10th century) should also be visited. San Biase (oldest church in Agnone, from the 11th century), Sant'Amico (12th century), Santa Croce (1434), San Bernardino (1451), the Trinity (16th century), L'Annunziata (1502) . .
  • Historic center and medieval village. Interesting is the civil architecture of the ancient nucleus: the historic center is clearly Venetian in style, in fact, venturing along the narrow streets of the ancient village, one frequently encounters the characteristic Venetian shops and small stone statues depicting lions. Venetians.
  • Ancient copper workshop, Corso Garibaldi. The Antica Bottega Orafa testifies to an ancient migration of artisans from the Venetian lagoon to Agnone, which took place centuries ago by the Borrello family.
  • Piazza XX Settembre and obelisk. Interesting is the main square of the historic center, Piazza Plebiscito, formerly known as Piazza del Tomolo, in which seven streets converge that depart from as many other areas of the ancient village and which houses a characteristic marble fountain dating back to 1881 (the year of the construction of the first urban aqueduct. agnonese), restored like the whole square, between the end of 2006 and the first months of 2007.
  • 1 Historic Italo-Argentine theater. It was built in the postwar period with funds from the Agnonesi of South America. It functions both as a theater (the only one in the province of Isernia) and as a cinema.

Events and parties

  • 'Ndocciata. Simple icon time.svgChristmas Eve and the Immaculate Conception. On 24 December the "'Ndocciata" takes place in Agnone, the largest fire rite known: it is a parade of thousands of huge handcrafted torches. Since 2000, this event has also been held permanently on the day of the Immaculate Conception. In 1996 it was brought to Rome in the presence of Pope John Paul II.
This tradition, which in ancient times was probably connected to the rites of the rebirth of light, as well as in Agnone has been preserved - to a lesser extent - also in Santo Stefano di Sante Marie inthe Aquila and has taken on a different significance by binding to the Christmas festivities.
Obviously it is possible to taste the excellent products of local gastronomy in the various refreshment points located within the event, where it is possible to dine with a few euros.
In 2012, the Italian Post Office dedicated a stamp to this traditional festival.
  • Party "Drr'Accasaet" (of the married). Simple icon time.svgin February.
  • Upper Molise Carnival. Simple icon time.svgShrove Tuesday.
  • Good Friday procession.
  • Fires of San Michele. Simple icon time.svgMay 8.
  • Agnonese summer. Simple icon time.svgin August. Shows, events, exhibitions, festivals, concerts, theater and cinema
  • Fair of ancient arts and crafts.
  • Corsalonga. Simple icon time.svgin August. Equestrian event.
  • The Pasturella (The little Christmas). Simple icon time.svgNovember 21.
  • National Award "Il Mantello". Simple icon time.svgin December.
  • Agnonese Eve. Simple icon time.svgChristmas time. La Ndocciata, living nativity scene, artistic nativity scenes.
  • Theater and film season.

What to do


Agnone still preserves many artisan activities that allow purchases of hand-made objects difficult to find in other places: tools in worked copper, wrought iron, bronze.

Rich is also the artisanal production in the food sector with dairy products, typical sweets, sugared almonds.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices

High prices

  • 3 Hotel Il Duca Del Sannio, Via Marconi 26, 39 0865 77544. Hotel 4 Stars


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

  • 1 Falasca, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 180, 39 0866 78250.
  • Tiberius, Ascent Tamburri, 13, 39 0866 77241.
  • 2 Mastronardi, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 105, 39 0866 78279.

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Pietrabbondante - The remains of the fortifications and the spectacular Samnite Theater of Monte Saraceno testify to the human presence on the territory of Pietrabbondante since remote times. Near the inhabited center are the remains of the ancient settlement which was the most important sanctuary and political center of the Samnites between the 2nd century BC. and 95 BC
  • Isernia - Among the first documented Paleolithic settlements in Europe, it was then a flourishing Samnite city, capital of the Italic League, later a Roman Municipium. Its millennial past has left it with an important monumental heritage that extends up to the pre-Roman era, as well as very important prehistoric finds.
  • Castel di Sangro - It was a Roman city, then a fief of the Borrellos; the ruins of the medieval castle and the nearby megalithic walls testify to the past greatness of port of Abruzzo.
  • Capracotta - Its facilities and its ski slopes make it a winter sports pole frequented by skiers from Molise, Abruzzo, Lazio is Campania.


Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Agnone
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Agnone
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