Larino - Larino

Larino: Aerial view of the historic center of the city, which is characterized as a village on the ridge on a hill.
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Larino is a city of Molise.

To know

It is a service center; constitutes, after Termoli, the second attractive pole of Molise coast and it is a reference point for many surrounding countries.

Geographical notes

Located among the first hills of Molise coast, the city overlooks a vast flat area (Piane di Larino) that extends towards the Adriatic coast.Near Larino there are numerous olive fields, which is the prevailing crop of the territory and from which an excellent oil is obtained quality (from the native Gentile di Larino olive). Other typical crops are vines, cereals and vegetables.

It is 26 km from Termoli and from Campomarino, 19 from Guardialfiera, 53 from Campobasso.

When to go

In Larino, the climate is mild Mediterranean due to its hillside position and proximity to the coast. In winter it tends to be cold with sporadic snowfalls, while in summer temperatures often exceed 30 degrees.


Urbs princeps frentanorum the ancients called it to underline the importance of this important city in the past, which was one of the main centers of the Frentani territory.Its foundation is most likely datable to around the 12th century BC. by the hand of the Italic people of the Osci, who gave it the name of Frenter. Subsequently the city was destroyed and rebuilt with the name of Ladinod, as written on numerous ancient coins found in the Larinate area. Over the centuries, this term underwent changes, transforming itself into the Latin name Larinum, subsequently deforming into Larina, then into Alarino, to reach the current form of Larino in the nineteenth century.

Following the Samnite wars the city was conquered by the Roman Republic (319 BC) and became a res publica, maintaining its own autonomy from the other Frentane cities. The name was changed to the Latin Larinum, that is the place where the Frentani had the Lares. During the Second Punic War (217-201 BC) it was the scene of battles between Hannibal's army, encamped in nearby Geryon, and Fabio Massimo, dictator in Larinum.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the domination of southern Italy by the Lombards (6th - 10th century AD) influenced the life of Larino, who became an integral part of the Duchy of Benevento, retaining a certain legal autonomy guaranteed by the presence of a Count. In fact it was at the head of one of the 34 counties into which the Duchy of Benevento was divided.The traditional date of 842, associated with the memory of the translation of the relics of the patron Saint Leopard from the city of Lucera to Larino, sanctions the definitive exodus from the ancient Roman city, located on the hill and easily reachable from the Saracen and Hungarian incursions coming from the coast, towards the more hidden valley below and placed on a naturally defended rocky spur.In the new nucleus, under the subsequent influence of the Kingdom of Naples, starting from the thirteenth century. AD, the city recovered all its importance and the presence of an important fortress, subsequently used as the residence of the rulers of the time (Palazzo Ducale), is the testimony of this together with the construction of the new Cathedral in honor of the Patron Saint Pardo (consecrated July 31, 1319). On January 26, 1564, Bishop Belisario Balduino, a veteran of the Council of Trent, opened the first diocesan seminary in the Catholic world in Larino.

With the administrative reorganization in the Kingdom of Naples (1806), Larino passed from the Capitanata to the new District of Molise and regained a decisive institutional role, becoming the capital of the District.

By decree of the President of the Republic of 1 January 2000 Larino was elevated to the rank of city.

2002 earthquake

Larino in the Molise earthquake which occurred between 31 October and 2 November 2002 was one of the worst hit centers. Some of the most important monuments have been damaged causing inconvenience to the Frentana population. These include the Palazzo Ducale, which returned to the seat of the Municipality of Larino in January 2009 after the partial restoration works, the churches of S. Francesco, S. Stefano and S. Maria, which are still under reconstruction, the liceo "F. D'ovidio" and the "Novelli" elementary school.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes the localities of Farese, Lago Di Liscione, Romualdi, Travaglini, Vizzarri.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • Highway A14 Italy.svg Adriatic A14 motorway, exit at Termoli, follow the direction Campobasso/ Larino, take the SS 87 (Bifernina state road) following signs for Larino.
  • A1 motorway Italy.svg A1 motorway: exit at Caianello, turn in the direction of Benevento, follow signs for Campobasso, continue on the SS 647 and then turn in the direction of Diga del Liscione, continue following the signs for Larino (SP 80).
  • From Termoli take the SS 87 (Bifernina state road) in the direction of Larino.
  • From Campobasso take the State Road 87, continue on the SS 647, turn in the direction of Diga del Liscione, continue following the signs for Larino (SP 80).

On boat

On the train

By bus

How to get around

What see

The amphitheater
  • medieval village. The historic center is characterized not only by the Palazzo Ducale and the Duomo, but also by some monuments from the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The towers, the villas, the surrounding walls and some churches in the village testify to a somewhat evolved social life over the past centuries. There are many palaces of local historical families that have had an impact on Larino's life.
  • 1 Roman amphitheater. Made at the end of the 1st century AD. following a testamentary bequest from a Senatorial citizen of Larinum. To achieve it, the road system of the ancient Larinum was modified, requiring an excavation in the rock of more than six meters below the road level.
  • Ara Frentana. It is an area along the Sannitica State Road 87 reserved for a public garden and for the exhibition of archaeological material, such as finds of funerary monuments and public buildings from the Roman era.
Cathedral of San Pardo
  • 2 Cathedral of San Pardo (Duomo). The inhabitants of Larino, persecuted in the early Middle Ages by the Saracen and Hungarian hordes, were forced to build a new town in a better defensible area, but not very far from the Roman city: the current historic center is made up of the new nucleus where Larino recovered. soon all its importance. Here a new cathedral was built dedicated to the Assumption and San Pardo. It is a Gothic-Romanesque church consecrated on 30 July 1319 on an older building: we have news of it as early as the 9th century.
Among the most beautiful of the Molise, has a horizontal crowning prospect and a Gothic portal attributed to the Lancianese Francesco Petrini. It is adorned with intertwined garden columns and in the ogival lunette there is a representation of Christ on the cross flanked by the Virgin and St. John. At the top there are two mullioned windows delimited by a rich frame and a large rose window of the Apulian type, unusually with thirteen rays. The interior has three high naves divided by pointed arches (five on the left and two on the right) resting on sturdy cruciform pillars with elaborate capitals. The apse with a slender single lancet window has a square plan with a cross vault. The walls were originally covered with frescoes from the late fourteenth and mid-fifteenth centuries, of which some shreds of Sant'Orsola and his companions, San Michele Arcangelo and San Benedetto remain. On the right side of the portal rises the bell network due to several hands: the base is the work of Giovanni da Casalbore of 1451, but it is certainly to be considered a reconstruction on a previous structure; the first floor, with walls covered with herringbone bricks, is the work of 1523.
The chapel of the Annunciation dates back to 1532, where a beautiful arch is flanked by two elegant pilasters decorated with the coats of arms of the bishop of Larino Giacomo Sedani and the city. Between the walls there is a frescoed Annunciation. The tabernacle and a relief depicting Christ blessing between angels and cornucopias placed on the wall of the left aisle date from the same period. Above the two stone reliefs there is the Immaculate Conception, a canvas attributed to Solimena.
In the sacristy there are the Baroque high altar and the bishop's throne in inlaid polychrome marble, works of the Neapolitan Lorenzo Troccoli. Of note are two wooden panels representing the Last Supper and the entrance to the body of San Pardo in Larino, ornaments of a confessional which has now disappeared. The furnishings of the co-cathedral are completed by various paintings including those by Francesco Antonio Borzillo, made between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Ducal Palace
  • 3 Ducal Palace. Built between 1100 and 1200 by the will of the wealthy Normans, it was used as the home of the families who ruled the fate of Larino and as a prison in which bandits and other criminals were locked up. Its location was considered strategic, as it was built between the "Porta di Piano" and the "Porta da Basso" which until the mid-nineteenth century were the only entrances to the town of Frentana. The Palace retained its fortress structure until the mid-seventeenth century and there were two entrances to it. Both led to an internal courtyard which led to a cellar for storing wine, and to a noble floor where several frescoed rooms were located.
In the mid-nineteenth century it was purchased by the Decurionate of the Municipality of Larino.
From its construction to today the palace has undergone numerous changes, with the destruction of its old parts and the construction of new ones.
The building consists of several floors, and at its access after a long staircase it has a porticoed atrium on all four sides on which rests a loggia with large pointed arches. On the first floor there is the Civic Museum, in which numerous finds from the Roman period are collected, including several precious mosaics from the imperial age. In one of the countless rooms that make up the building there is a fresco from the beginning of the century, depicting the wing on a blue field, symbol of the city, with medallions on four sides with effigies of characters from the Risorgimento period. The room is finished with Art Nouveau motifs. The inner courtyard corridor contains a number of ancient inscriptions and artifacts.

Events and parties

  • Feast of San Pardo (Carrese di San Pardo). Simple icon time.svg25-26-27 May. The origins of this festival (considered one of the most beautiful that are celebrated in Italy) date back to the year 842, when some inhabitants who survived the invasion of the Saracens found the tomb that contained the body of the saint. Considering it as a miraculous find, the Larinese elected the Saint as their protector, loaded his remains on a float covered with flowers and took him to the city, followed by a triumphant procession.
The preparation of the wagons (today there are about 130) is an operation that requires time and commitment. The carts are pulled by sheep, calves, cows and oxen, artistically decorated and covered with crepe paper flowers handmade by the villagers.
The Cart represents the symbol of the family handed down from generation to generation, as a sign of continuity and tradition. Each wagon is distinguished by a progressive number, attributed to it according to the date of foundation; the lower numbers correspond to the oldest ones, the higher ones are of recent origin.
  • October Fair. Simple icon time.svgSecond week of October. Trade fair of peasant origins which in the past centuries was a point of passage for all those who, through the sheep tracks, carried out the transhumance towards the nearby Puglia. Mainly farm animals, cured meats and cheeses were sold. The first edition dates back to the 18th century. Even today it sees hundreds of traders from all over central Italy gather; at the fair there are products for the skin, clothing, but also cured meats, cheeses and household appliances.
The October fair is composed of an external and an internal part, in the external one there are small, medium and large tractors or tools for the countryside inside precisely salami, cheeses, cosmetics for the skin, mattresses etc.
  • Larinese Carnival. Every year, usually during the weekend preceding Shrove Tuesday, the parade of the "papier-mâché giants" takes place, allegorical floats built by groups of local young people that reach 6 meters in height. The event, one of the most important of Molise, takes place since 1976 and in recent years has seen a notable development of the technique used by the papier-mâché masters, so much so that the artifacts are compared to those of the nearby Carnival of Putignano.

What to do


In its territory an excellent olive oil is produced; Larino is part ofNational Association City of oil.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

  • 1 Caradonius, Piazza dei Frentani, 17. Simple icon time.svg 39 0874 822263.
  • 2 Del Gennaro, Piazza del Popolo, 1-4.
  • 3 Curls, Piazza Duomo, 39 0874 822224.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 4 Italian post, via Opllaco 10, 39 0874 829549.
  • 5 Larino Italian Post 1, via Cluenzio 76, 39 0874 822264.


  • Termoli - It is the main town on the Molise coast and the second largest city in the region by number of inhabitants. Its ancient core, with the cathedral and fortifications, stands on a promontory overlooking the sea.
  • Campomarino - The seaside settlements on the coast form a conurbation with Termoli; the ancient center is further away towards the hills. It is one of the four municipalities of Molise whose population descends from the Albanians fleeing the Ottoman dominion and preserves traditions, customs and language of origin, the arbëreshë, that is theMolise Albanian.
  • Guardialfiera - It rises a short distance from the lake of the same name, born following the creation of a dam which thus produced the body of water, completely in the Molise area, the largest in the region.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Larino
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Larino
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