Roccaraso - Roccaraso

View of Roccaraso
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Roccaraso is a city ofAbruzzo.

To know

Its ski facilities, belonging to the Alto Sangro ski area, make it one of the major mountain tourist resorts of the entire Apennines.

Geographical notes

In one of the busiest areas ofAbruzzo Apennines for winter sports, Roccaraso is 10 km from Castel di Sangro, 34 from Sulmona, 40 from Isernia is Agnone, 70 from They launch, 83 from Chieti, 101 fromthe Eagle.


Roccaraso rises around the year 1000 near the stream Rasinus, hence the name of Rocca Rasini. It developed as an agricultural, pastoral and artisan village, allowing its population a peaceful and prosperous life. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the opening of the railway connection with Naples begins to bring the first tourists, attracted by the beauty of the natural environment, welcomed in the various hotels that were beginning to rise at that time. An abrupt halt occurred with the Second World War. Roccaraso was right on the direction of the Gustav line, the system of fortifications with which the Germans tried to stop the advance of the Allies after the landing in Salerno. The town was completely razed to the ground by bombing, which among other things caused the loss of the theater built in 1698, one of the oldest in Italy. The Roccolani did not lose heart; at the end of the world war the country slowly began to live again, to return to being one of the most popular tourist centers.

Roccaraso is among the cities decorated with Military Valor for the War of Liberation because it was awarded the Gold Medal for Military Valor for the sacrifices of its populations (culminating in the Pietransieri Massacre) and for its activity in the partisan struggle during the Second World War.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes the towns of Aremogna, Pietransieri, Soggiorno Montano Enel.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Bus lines managed by ARPA - Abruzzesi regional public bus lines [1]

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta. It is located in front of the Rocca. It dates back to before the 16th century and was remodeled in the early 17th century. The interior has 3 naves with stone columns interspersed with round arches that separate the aisles. In 1588 the church had 9 altars which became 15 in 1630; now 11 remain. The sixteenth-century wooden pulpit is leaning against one of the columns of the main nave and is similar to that of the collegiate church of Pescocostanzo.
The earthquakes of 1703 (earthquake ofthe Eagle) and in 1706 they destroyed it several times, until the Second World War completely destroyed it. In 1954 it was rebuilt.
Of the original church remains only the silver statue of Sant'Ippolito, patron saint of Roccaraso, of the Neapolitan goldsmith school, donated by Baron Donato Berardino Angeloni in 1688 to the church. The statue escaped looting during World War II because it was kept hidden.
  • Church of San Bernardino. The church of San Bernardino was built in 1851 in the street where, according to a widespread tradition in Roccaraso, San Bernardino stopped during his evangelization mission.
It was restored in 1715 and rebuilt in 1954.
  • Church of San Rocco. It was built in 1656 as a grace received for the end of the plague and dedicated to San Rocco patron saint of the sick of this disease; in 1743 the inhabitants renewed their vow to the same saint. The church is the only significant building to have escaped the Nazi fury during World War II.
The façade is a gable crowning completed by pilasters that frame the whole. Inside, with a single nave and semicircular apse, in the upper part it shows a shell decoration. The altar rests on wooden columns. Above the wooden choir there is a niche with the statue of San Rocco.

Events and parties

What to do

It is located within the Marsicani Mountains with Monte Greco (2283 m), Monte Pratello (2012 m), Monte delle Vitelle (1953 m) and Monte Calvario (1743 m) as a reference. The stations of Roccaraso and Rivisondoli are directly related.
The area has 58 slopes for a total length of almost 160 kilometers (60 of which have artificial snow systems) distributed over 38 ski lifts, to which must be added 60 kilometers of Nordic skiing slopes. Divided into various sides, of which the main one is the one between the mountains of Aremogna and Pizzalto near Roccaraso, it develops from a height of 1500 meters above sea level. of piazzale Aremogna at 2142 meters above sea level by Patches of the Treasury. It also has 7 parking areas and numerous accommodation facilities.
In 2010 the district celebrated one hundred years of activity; In fact, the first international competition held in these mountains dates back to 1910, precisely in Roccaraso. In the Alto Sangro, international competitions are held annually: in 2005 the men's and women's finals of the European Alpine Skiing Cup took place and in 2012 the area hosted the Junior Alpine Skiing World Championships.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • Campetto degli Alpini restaurant, Campetto degli Alpini area, 39 0864 602285.
  • La Preta restaurant, Via Adua, 7, 39 0864 62716.
  • Il Girarrosto Restaurant, Viale Roma, 15, 39 0864 62329, fax: 39 0864 62329.

Where stay


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Rivisondoli
  • Villa Santa Maria
  • Castel di Sangro - It was a Roman city, then a fief of the Borrellos; the ruins of the medieval castle and the nearby megalithic walls testify to the past greatness of port of Abruzzo.
  • Sulmona - City of Peligni, Municipium Roman, homeland of the Latin poet Ovid (Sulmo mihi patria est), capital ofAbruzzo in the thirteenth century, Sulmona is the reference city of Peligna-Alto Sangro Valley; boasts an important monumental center and also links its name to the production of sugared almonds, already flourishing and renowned in past times.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Roccaraso
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Roccaraso
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Roccaraso
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