Poggio Sannita - Poggio Sannita

Poggio Sannita
View of Poggio Sannita - The image clearly highlights its nature as a center of the ridge
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Poggio Sannita
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Poggio Sannita is a center of the Molise.

To know

The municipality has the particularity of having changed its name. On February 20, 1921 the City Council approves the resolution according to which, since the name of the town Caccavone (reportedly, probably, due to the fact that in ancient times the locality was the seat of production of the I hunted, a sort of large cauldron or copper pot used by farmers for the coagulation of milk) remember in the first part something that disgusts, and in the second an augmentative "that fills the mouth and ears”, Arousing the laughter and derision of the people, is changed to Vinoli, according to the typical local products. But on 3 July 1921 the City Council, not considering the new name sufficiently characterizing, returned to the question; considering that the town falls within the historical-geographical region of the ancient Sannio with the proven presence of Samnite camps on its territory and in relation to the position of the town located precisely on a hillock, the Council approves a new resolution with which the municipality is renamed Poggio Sannita. The I hunted, an ancient and beloved symbol of the town, remains present in the coats of arms of local institutions and in the municipal banner.

Geographical notes

The town is located on a 705 m high hillside overlooking the Verrino valley to the south-east, and the Sente valley to the north-west, the latter natural border with Abruzzo. Its territory is between 300 and 767 meters above sea level. with a total altitude range of 467 m. and is part ofUpper Molise.


The history of the town originates in the pre-Roman age when it was populated by Caracen shepherds, a subpopulation of the Samnites who referred to a sanctuary located in "Bovianus Vetus" or "Caracenum" at the present Pietrabbondante. In fact, the findings of remains in the Oscan language on the heights of the area are confirmed. In Roman times it was the site of military camps and agricultural villas, as evidenced by other findings.

However, the origin of the town of Caccavone seems to be traced back to the early Middle Ages, at the time of the Saracen invasions that between 860 and 900 AD. also shocked Molise. Several Saracen raids brought ruin and devastation to Isernia, Venafro is Bojano. In this context the inhabitants of the hamlet Casale perched on the cliff called "Borgo Castello". In 953 the still small town was given as a fief to the Benevento princes of Lombard lineage. Next to the Castle, which was the inhabited area of ​​the highest hill and residence of the feudal lords, a church was built; subsequently the Rinsacca district developed and then the Porta district (door of the Castle). Having acquired the appearance of a fortified village, the town found itself surrounded by large and mighty rocky walls; there were two entrances to the village: Porta Maddalena in the place that the locals call "'mbuorzie", and Porta Castello which is the current arch of the church of Santa Vittoria.

In feudal times, according to tradition, there was a Benedictine monastery on the hill of San Cataldo, with various secondary abbeys on the nearby hills, as evidenced by some findings of tombs and sepulchers. In the Angevin period the two castles of Caccavone and Agnone were unified. The town then changed hands between various lords in the following centuries until the abolition of feudalism.

How to orient yourself

The current topography of the country is the result of a south-west to north-east development. The oldest part of the inhabited center is located in the southern part and from here the houses have developed towards the north-east. The urban form follows that of the hilly decline on which it grew and therefore the urban center appears to be elongated precisely from south-west to north-east. The areas of more recent construction are therefore located in the northernmost part of the country and there is still the construction of new homes (a few units) despite the progressive depopulation. In the lower and northern area there is the so-called P.I.P. where the industrial plants are located (currently an industry in the manufacturing sector and an oil mill).


Its municipal territory includes the hamlets of Carapellese, Castel di Croce, Quarto I, Quarto II, Rimanci, San Cataldo, Scalzavacca, Sente and Valle del Porco.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • From Rome: A1 Autostrada del Sole exit S. Vittore - Isernia - Strada Statale 650 Italia.svg Fondovalle Trigno exit for Poggio Sannita - Fondovalle Verrino exit Poggio Sannita.
  • From Naples: A1 Autostrada del Sole exit Caianello - Isernia - Strada Statale 650 Italia.svg Fondovalle Trigno exit for Poggio Sannita - Fondovalle Verrino exit Poggio Sannita.
  • From Pescara: A14 Adriatic motorway exit Vast south - Strada Statale 650 Italia.svg Fondovalle Trigno exit for Poggio Sannita - Fondovalle Verrino exit Poggio Sannita.
  • From Foggia - Bari: A14 Adriatic motorway exit Vast south - Strada Statale 650 Italia.svg Fondovalle Trigno exit for Poggio Sannita - Fondovalle Verrino exit Poggio Sannita.
  • From Campobasso: Take the F.V. Biferno - Exit for Fossalto (Fossaltina) - Salcito - Strada Statale 650 Italia.svg Fondovalle Trigno (direction Isernia) exit for Poggio Sannita - Fondovalle Verrino exit Poggio Sannita.
  • From Benevento: Exit Bojano - Isernia North - Strada Statale 650 Italia.svg Fondovalle Trigno exit for Poggio Sannita - Fondovalle Verrino exit Poggio Sannita.
  • From Sulmona-Castel di Sangro: Take the State Road 652 Italia.svg Sangro valley bottom - San Pietro Avellana - Castel del Giudice - PescopennataroAgnone.

On the train

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg ARPA bus lines [1]

How to get around

What see

  • Ducal Palace. It is the most important historical building in Poggio Sannita; it was built in the fifteenth century as the residence of the Dukes of Caccavone and was inhabited until the early nineteenth century by the Petra or de Petra family, dukes of Vastogirardi and Marquises of Caccavone after a restoration which took place in 1761 by Giuseppe Maria Petra XVIII century. It is called the "Royal Palace" by the locals because it is said that a Queen of Bourbon lineage, of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, stayed there for a short time during a visit to the area. After the restoration by the municipal administration with the use of local stone and an exposed facade, it was reopened to the public in 1994; from the fourth floor of the facade facing north-west you can appreciate a dominant view of the area that goes from the Verrino valley to the town of Capracotta. It currently houses the municipal library, one of the conference rooms of the province ofIsernia (with a capacity for 200 people), a permanent photographic exhibition, and the civil protection office.
  • Church of Santa Vittoria. Main church of Poggio Sannita, it is located in the heart of the ancient medieval village. The cult for this saint of Rieti origins spread around the V-VI century from Sabina to Marsica, then in the Samnite area. The current church is not the original medieval one, of which we know the existence thanks to the topographic maps of the ancient village. It was probably built in the early Middle Ages at the time of the construction of the Ducal Palace. It was destroyed by the violent earthquake that shook the diocese of Trivento in 1720 and 1725 it was rebuilt in a short time, by the will of the Duke of Vastogirardi and Marquis of Caccavone and rededicated on 13 September of the same year; finally it was enlarged by the Duke Giuseppe Maria Petra in 1762. The building has three asymmetrical aisles, a Latin cross, resting on a rock base. The current floor of the church is raised on an embankment which in the course of further renovations has covered the underlying ossuary in which the dukes of Caccavone and members of the nobility were presumably buried.
Of exquisite workmanship are the paintings of the Souls in Purgatory, of the Last Supper and of Sant'Antonio Abate; there is also the reliquary, with an urn containing a bone from the arm of St. Prospero martyr, patron saint of Poggio Sannita, brought in 1743 by Cardinal Vincenzo Petra, archbishop of Damascus, who had extracted it from the body of the martyr in the catacombs of San Calepodio a Rome, with the permission of Pope Clement XII.
The organ dating back to 1769 is important and historic; the pulpit, the main altar, the stoup and the statue of San Prospero from 1764 are interesting.
  • Church of San Rocco. It is the second most important church in the town, and is dedicated to San Rocco, who is also very revered in Poggio Sannita together with Santa Vittoria, San Cataldo and Sant'Antonio Abate. Remarkable are the decorations of the altar dedicated to St. Roch in late Baroque style. The structure of the church dates back to the late seventeenth century.
  • Church of Santa Lucia. Small extra moenia chapel from the last century, until the 1970s, a private church, then donated to the parish.
  • Church of the Madonna delle Grazie. Located outside the town and built around 1590 for 5 years it served as the main church due to the collapse of the church of Santa Vittoria due to an earthquake that shocked the diocese of Trivento. It probably preserves a crypt that is now hidden (as was the custom of the time) and is the destination of the pilgrimage on March 25, for the Annunciation.
  • Piazza XVII Aprile. The main square, located in the center of the town, is the most popular meeting place in Poggio Sannita. There is a fountain decentralized towards the north and from here, looking southwards, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the town's surroundings. It takes its name from the date of the death of 10 Poggesi citizens (including the mayor) in 1862 to fight banditry in the South.
  • Belvedere "Colle Calvario". Colle Calvario is the seat of the municipal villa as well as the highest point in the town. It is a meeting place for young people and even from here the view embraces the Verrino valley up to Capracotta.
  • "Ara Giagnagnera" viewpoint. Located at the south-east end of the town, the view of the belvedere extends from the nearby Agnone (north-north-west), a Castelverrino (to the south-south-west) up to the same Poggesi countryside located to the north-east for a view of almost 360 °.
  • Equipped area of ​​Quarto II. Natural oasis immersed in the greenery of the Verrino valley equipped for camping and campers.

Events and parties

  • Our Lady of Grace. Simple icon time.svgMarch 25. mass, procession, fireworks and a party in the square.
  • Saint Lucia. Simple icon time.svgFirst Sunday of June. mass, procession, fireworks and a party in the square.
  • Our Lady of Grace. Simple icon time.svg2nd of July. mass, procession, fireworks and a party in the square.
  • San Rocco. Simple icon time.svgAugust 16. mass and popular games.
  • San Cataldo. Simple icon time.svgAugust 17th. mass, procession, fireworks display of typical products and big party in the homonymous district.
  • San Prospero. Simple icon time.svgAugust 21. mass, procession, fireworks and a party in the square.
  • San Rocco. Simple icon time.svgAugust 22. mass, procession, fireworks and a party in the square.
  • San Domenico. Simple icon time.svgLast Saturday of September. Holy mass, procession, fireworks and a party in the square.
  • Our Lady of Grace. Simple icon time.svgLast Sunday of September. mass, procession, fireworks and a party in the square.
  • Santa Vittoria. Simple icon time.svgDecember 23.
  • 'Ndoccia' of Christmas. Simple icon time.svgDecember 24th. Characteristic Christmas torchlight procession that is found in many Molise centers.

What to do

The sports facility in the town is recently built, it houses a football field equipped with changing rooms and warehouse (currently not used by the local club, the A.S.D. Poggio Sannita, because it is not registered in the last championship), a Tennis court with grandstands equipped with single seats and a modern one 5-a-side football field in synthetic grass equipped with lighting and stands.


Typical products of the country are theolive oil, of the highest quality and genuineness for whose enhancement the municipality has joined the consortium "The cities of oil"; the wine (until recently celebrated in a famous "Grape Festival); honey, handcrafted by some Poggesi and in recent years the collection of truffle present in high quality in the Poggese area.

How to have fun

Where to eat

The typical dishes of the country are represented by: le sagne a pezzate (lasagna dissolved in pieces), i got out (dumplings), i cic leaven (typical leavened dough), le pallotte with cheese and ova (egg and cheese balls) and i Magliatiell (lamb torcinelli) as well as various quality sausages.

Average prices

Where stay


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Agnone - Ancient Samnite city, known worldwide for the traditional and centuries-old artisan construction of bells, has an interesting historic center and an expanding tourist infrastructure.
  • Pietrabbondante - The remains of the fortifications and the spectacular Samnite Theater of Monte Saraceno testify to the human presence on the territory of Pietrabbondante since remote times. Near the inhabited center are the remains of the ancient settlement which was the most important sanctuary and political center of the Samnites between the 2nd century BC. and 95 BC
  • Capracotta - Its facilities and its ski slopes make it a winter sports center frequented by skiers from Molise, Abruzzo, Lazio is Campania.
  • Trivento - Ancient bishopric, in its cathedral the crypt of particular historical-architectural value dating back to the 11th-12th century is preserved.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Poggio Sannita
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Poggio Sannita
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