Bachelors - Scapoli

View of Scapoli from Rocchetta
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Bachelors is a center of the Molise.

To know

It is the land of bagpipes.

Geographical notes

OnMolise Apennines, in the area ofIsernino, the country is on the western border of the Molise with the Lazio. It is 20 km from Isernia, 25 from Castel di Sangro, 30 from Venafro, 50 from Cassino, 80 from Campobasso.


Until the fifteenth century it was an integral part of the Giustizierato d 'Abruzzo and of the Abruzzo Hither. The name of the town could be related to the morphological position of the village: in fact it could come from the Latin scopulus which means spire or scopulae which means side of the mountain.

The origins of the town probably date back to the 9th century, as it appears from some texts including the "Chronicon Vulturnense", an ancient text written around 1130 by a monk ofAbbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno named Giovanni. It would appear from this text that the settlement of Scapoli (Castrum Scappili) was born on the lands owned by the abbey by the monks who had been driven out by the Saracens from Castel San Vincenzo. From its constitution Scapoli was influenced by several families of Franco-Roman origin, among which in 1043 the Borrello family prevailed, which had stolen the entire Volturno valley from the abbey. The town returned to the hands of the abbey thanks to the intervention of Pope Niccolò II and was then taken from it again by the Counts of the Marsi. Subsequently from 1200 it passed into the hands of the Caldora and in 1382 the fief was sold to the Pandones. In the sixteenth century and until 1621 it was owned by the Bucciarelli and then sold to Innico di Grazia, baron of Cerro al Volturno, up to the Marquises Battiloro.

It was annexed to the duchy of Terra di Lavoro until 1861 when it entered the territory of Campobasso. During the Second World War it found itself on the famous "Gustav Line" created by the Germans to prevent the advance of the allies. In fact, the creation of the Italian Liberation Corps in Scapoli, the protagonist of bloody battles on the nearby Monte Marrone was very important. In 1970 it was annexed to the newly formed province of Isernia and has been part of the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes the hamlets of Acquaviva, Cannine, Cerratino, Collalto, Collematteo, Fontecostanza, Fonte La Villa, Padulo, Pantano, Parrucce, Ponte, Prato, Santa Caterina, Sodalarga, Vaglie and Vicenne.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • Highway A14 Italy.svg Adriatic Highway A14:
  • from the north: follow the direction Rome, take the A 25 motorway, exit towards Bussi /Peoples, follow the signs for L'Aquila (A 24), continue on the SS 17, cross Popoli, SS 652 in the direction of Venafro, continue on the SS 158 up to the SS 627 in the direction of Scapoli.
  • from the south: follow the direction Pescara, continue on the A16 motorway, follow the direction Benevento, in Benevento continue on the SS 88, exit at Campobasso, take the SS 87 (Bifernina state road) towards Campobasso /Isernia, continue on the SS 17, take the SS 85 in the direction of Venafro, turn onto the SS 158 and follow it up to the SS 627 in the direction of Scapoli.
  • A1 motorway Italy.svg Autostrada del Sole A1 Rome - Naples:
  • from the north exit at San Vittore, follow the direction Venafro on the SS 6, in Venafro continue on the SS 85, follow the direction Montaquila/Roccaraso, turn onto the SS 158 in the direction of Roccaraso, take the SS 627 in the direction of Scapoli.
  • from the south exit at Caianello, follow the signs for Isernia, SS 85, follow the direction Montaquila/Roccaraso, turn onto the SS 158 in the direction of Roccaraso, take the SS 627 in the direction of Scapoli.
  • From Isernia take the SS 85, turn onto the SS 158, continue until the SS 627 in the direction of Scapoli.
  • From Campobasso take the SS 87 (Bifernina state road), near the Vinchiaturo continue on the SS 17, take the SS 85 in the direction of Venafro, turn onto the SS 158 and follow it up to the SS 627 in the direction of Scapoli.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon You can reach the Isernia railway station (about 22 km away):

Continue to Scapoli by bus with the "Lariviera" bus lines (Castelnuovo - Isernia line).

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg The main public transport companies operating in the Molise area are the following (consult the website for destinations and timetables):
  • Lariviera bus lines [1]
  • SATI bus lines [2]
  • Molise Trasporti bus lines [3]
  • Autoservizi F.lli Cerella: For connections to Isernia from Rome and from Naples

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Battiloro Palace. The castle also known as Palazzo Battiloro today is identified with the Scarupato, an entrance that leads to the patrol path and that embraces the whole ancient village of the town. The castle was built around 982 following a concession contract stipulated by the colonists with the monks of San Vincenzo. Unfortunately in 1984 the earthquake caused extensive damage to the structure which was immediately restored. Three of its four facades overlook streets and squares, while the last one faces a private property. The bodies added to the original structure are many as evidence of the many recovery works. The palace stands on four levels. The external walls fall overhanging the rock as evidence of the fortress character that the castle originally had. The main entrance is called "Sporto" and can be reached by a staircase as well as supporting a balcony. This entrance, however, with a door inside the castle, but to the “Scarupato”, a corridor that leads to the patrol path. On the right side of this entrance there are a series of round arches that give life to a loggia from which you can admire the town. On the contrary, on the left side there are some shops that in the past were used by artisans.
  • Bagpipe Museum. It hosts a permanent bagpipe exhibition
  • Workshops of the artisans who build bagpipes.
  • Chapel of San Giovanni, Piazza San Giovanni. In the homonymous locality, the chapel preserves the fresco of Christ in the almond. A spring gushes out nearby.
  • 2 Church of San Giorgio. It was rebuilt after the Second World War. It has a nice portal with reliefs. The interior preserves a canvas depicting the titular saint.

Events and parties

  • International bagpipe festival. Simple icon time.svglast weekend of July. Demonstration that promotes the country as Homeland of the bagpipe; an exhibition-market of craftsmanship is held at the same time.
  • Raviolata. Simple icon time.svglast Sunday of Carnival. The typical dish consisting of ravioli alla scapolese which is nothing more than a large ravioli with a particular filling with a strong taste and intense flavor.
  • Bonfire of San Giorgio. Simple icon time.svgon April 22. In various hamlets, bonfires are lit in honor of the patron saint around whom we gather.

What to do


The town has preserved the ancient artisan manufacture of bagpipes, a peasant musical instrument that still finds skilled craftsmen here. The bagpipe is the protagonist of the annual International Festival, which contributes to spreading the culture of the bagpipe, to commercialize musical instruments and to make the country known.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Terra Nostra Restaurant - Bar - Pizzeria, Via Fonte La Villa, 39 0865 954135.

Where stay

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 1 Italian post, via Antonio Cardarelli 3, 39 0865 954141.


  • Castel di Sangro - It was a Roman city, then a fief of the Borrellos; the ruins of the medieval castle and the nearby megalithic walls testify to the past greatness of port of Abruzzo.
  • Isernia - Among the first documented Paleolithic settlements in Europe, it was then a flourishing Samnite city, capital of the Italic League, later a Roman Municipium. Its millennial past has left it with an important monumental heritage that extends up to the pre-Roman era, as well as very important prehistoric finds.
  • Venafro - His long membership in the Campania. City of the Samnites, later a Roman colony, the vestiges of the empire flanked by an important medieval urban heritage, in which the numerous churches stand out, unfortunately in large numbers deteriorated.
  • Cassino - For centuries the administrative center of the ancient Land of San Benedetto, the city develops at the foot of the hill on which stands the famous abbey of Montecassino, for which it is mainly known. However, it also boasts important evidence of its Roman past: amphitheater, theater, mausoleum, nymphaeum, urban walls of the archaeological park Casinum.


  • Castles in the province of Isernia - There are numerous manors of theMolise Apennines in the countries of [Alto Molise]], ofIsernino he was born in Venafrano. Some are in ruins due to war or earthquakes; others have been recovered; many have a military aspect, with little or no external architectural evolution of transformation into a stately home.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Bachelors
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Bachelors
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