Riccia - Riccia

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curly is a center of the Molise.

To know

It is part of the Authentic Villages of Italy.

Geographical notes

OnMolise Apennines of the Central Molise on the border with Campania and the territory of Benevento and not very far from the border with the Puglia, the town is 34 km from Campobasso, 38 from Bojano, 59 from Lucera.


The Samnite center was conquered in the social war by Silla, and had the name of Aritia, becoming a Roman outpost.

With the Angevin conquest in the twelfth century Riccia became an important medieval outpost, with the construction of the castle over the old Samnite fortification, as a trade control point.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes a large number of hamlets and localities Paolina, Sticozze, Mancini, Escamare, Acciarelli, Campolavoro, Caccia Murata, Casalicchio, Castellana, Cesa di Poce, Chianeri, Ciammetta, Colle della Macchia, Colle Favaro, Colle Raio, Crocelle, Campasule, Colle Cuculo, Colle Arso, Colle Giumentaro, Coste, Coste di Borea, Folicari, Fontana Briele, Fontana del Parco, Fonte Cupa, Garden, Ialessi, Iana, Guado delle Rena, Ford della Stretta, Guadolapillo, Lama della Terra , Lauri, Linzi, Loie, Mazzocca, Mountain, Montefiglio, Montelanno, Monte Verdone, Orto Vecchio, Pantanello, Peschete, Padule della Vetica, Paper peach, Tesoro peach, Zingaro peach, Beech peach, Monachello Park, Parruccia- Celaro, Piana d'Asino, Piana dei Mulini, Piana della Melia, Piana Ospedale, Piano della Battaglia, Piloni, Rio Secco, Rivicciola, Romano, Scaraiazzo, Scarpellino, Schito, Serrola, Trono, Vado Mistongo, Vallefinocchio, Vallescura, Vicenna and Vignalitt or.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • Highway A14 Italy.svg Adriatic Highway A14:
  • from the north exit a Termoli, follow the direction #RINVIA Campobasso/ # RESEND Larino, follow signs for Campobasso along the SS 647 and SS 87 (state road Bifernina), go through Campobasso, continue on the SS 645, take the SS 17, SS 212 and follow the signs for Riccia.
  • from the south follow the direction Pescara, exit a Foggia, follow the direction Campobasso/Pescara, take the SS 673, reach the SS 17 in the direction of Lucera/Campobasso, cross Lucera, continue on the SS 645, take the SS 17, SS 212 and follow the signs for Riccia.
  • A1 motorway Italy.svg A1 Autostrada del Sole:
  • from the north exit at San Vittore, direction Isernia, Campobasso, reach the SS 17 following the Campobasso sign, continue on the SS 87 (Bifernina state road), take the SP 162, cross Monteverde, Cercemaggiore and continue following the signs for Riccia.
  • from the south continue on the A16 motorway, follow the direction Benevento, in Benevento continue on the SS 88, exit at Campobasso, take the SS 87 (state road Bifernina) in the direction of Campobasso/Isernia, continue on the Strada Statale 88 dei Due Principati in the direction of Pontelandolfo, continue on the SP 100, cross Colle Sannita, take the SS 212 and follow signs for Riccia.
  • From Campobasso take the SS 645, SS 17, SS 212 and follow signs for Riccia.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon Railway station of Campobasso (about 26 km away).

Connections to Riccia by bus with the "Molise Trasporti" bus lines.

By bus

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Originally it was the mausoleum of the Di Capua family, built by Bartolomeo III in the 1500s. The church is very bare, built in stone with a single nave. The facade has a Greek temple layout, with architrave and side columns.
  • Church of Santa Maria Annunziata. Parish church built in the 12th century, it is perfectly preserved. The portal is Gothic and splayed, the bell tower is a tower, and the interior has three naves.
  • medieval castle. It was built by the Angevins: in 1285 Bartolomeo di Capua gave it to Carlo d'Angiò, dependent on the center of Gambatesa. In 1400 it was inhabited by the Countess Costanza di Chiaromonte. In the 1500s it passed to Bartolomeo III who transformed it into a real military stronghold. But in 1799 a popular uprising destroyed the facade.
Today it is preserved in an incomplete form: some parts of the fortified enclosure and some towers are missing. The courtyard is well preserved, as are the keep and the ducal palace, which now houses the Museum of Arts.
The castle had a triangular enclosure plan.
  • Cylindrical tower. The Angevin tower has a circular plan, divided into two sectors by a frame. At the top it has two windows. The top is decorated with denticles and battlements.
  • Magazeno of Capua. It is a part of the castle, used as a wheat warehouse until the end of the feudal period. The gabled palace is decorated with ramparts and a loggia. It is the part of the castle that houses the Museum.
  • Museum of the arts. It preserves ancient tools of craftsmanship and fields, games of the past, clothes, everything that speaks of a peasant world that no longer exists.

Sites of naturalistic interest

  • Bosco Mazzocca. It is a broad-leaved wood (mainly composed of ash and Turkey oaks) owned by the municipality, covering about 400 hectares and located at an average height of 800 meters above sea level. Its surface, which originally amounted to over 800 hectares, was reduced by half during the nineteenth century to give a concrete response to the hunger for arable land that came from a population in significant increase and without other resources. A large strip of land was then cleared, obtaining 576 shares of land which were assigned free of charge to poor and landless peasants. A sign of this fragmentation is clearly visible in the regularity of the cultivated fields and the grassy service roads that flank and divide them.
Currently the forest is mostly used to supply firewood (with a civic use in favor of resident citizens) following a twenty-year rotation plan. The north-eastern part was instead reserved for tall trees and recreational and recreational activities.

Events and parties

  • Grape Festival. Simple icon time.svgin September. The event that welcomes tourists from all over Italy. The Grape Festival is a competition of artistic floats decorated with grapes. The parade of floats, originally very small in size and simple in manufacture, has become the central moment of the festival over the years, which have become larger and more sophisticated in their vine decorations and figurative compositions. The floats run through the streets of the entire town, preceded by a procession of folk groups and flag-wavers, expected, followed and chased by a vociferous crowd that interacts with the protagonists of the ceremony and becomes an integral part of the ceremony itself.
  • Patronal Feast of the Madonna del Carmine. Simple icon time.svgJuly 16. It includes a rich religious and civil program that involves the whole community. Riccia dedicated his first church to the Madonna. The devotees begin the veneration from the month of May by participating in the rites and, on July 16, the day of the solemn feast, a large number of faithful gather to participate in the long procession. On the same day, nationally renowned singers perform in Piazza Sedati.

What to do

The Bosco Mazzocca it is relatively flat and in any case free from excessive roughness; it lends itself to walks, even off the path, and to mushroom hunting, whose abundance and quality is known and appreciated far beyond the regional borders.The tourist offer is centered on a hotel-restaurant with swimming pool, built in 1962 , and on other small public establishments located inside or in the immediate vicinity of the wood.

Paths of considerable interest are the road ring that surrounds the high forest and the characteristic road of the Serrola that winds in a serpentine under a green tunnel formed by very tall ash trees, making it an ideal itinerary for cyclists.The Bosco Mazzocca is easily reachable along the SS 212 which, starting from Riccia, crosses it longitudinally from north to south up to the border with the Campania and the territory of Benevento.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 2 Italian post (Riccia Post Office 1), via Guglielmo Marconi 24, 39 0874 717369.
  • 3 Italian post, Corso Carmine 2, 39 0874 715068.


  • Campobasso - The old city develops on a hill around the castle in a dominant position. The modern city has developed in the plan. It is the most populous center of Molise, of which it is the regional capital.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning curly
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on curly
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