Turin di Sangro - Torino di Sangro

Turin di Sangro
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Turin di Sangro is a center ofAbruzzo.

To know

Seaside resort that is developing on a coast that still has large areas to be equipped, it offers a sea with ideal backdrops for underwater fishing.

Geographical notes

The town is located on a hill set back from the coast line. Its coastline extends for six kilometers characterized by a sandy beach in the locality Le Morge, from the gravel coast in the locality Costa Verde. The hills overlooking the sea are rich in woods, a characteristic that distinguishes the territory of Torino di Sangro, differentiating it from the nearby towns.

The historic center is about ten kilometers from its beaches, 26 from Vast, 30 from Ortona, 20 from They launch.


The origins of the name are still uncertain, but according to the best known legend the inhabitants of "Civita di Sangro", attacked by the Saracens, fled preceded by a bull that stopped under the ancient tower, where they took refuge, giving life to a new town that took the name of Turin. After the unification of Italy the name was changed to Torino di Sangro to avoid postal misunderstandings with the Piedmontese city of the same name. The municipality has a significant historical and naturalistic interest. In fact, in the territory of the municipality there is a military cemetery called "Sangro River War Cemetery" where the soldiers who fought the battle of the Sangro during the Second World War rest, in offensive phases against the Gustav line. Young soldiers aged only 16 or 17 are also buried in the cemetery.

How to orient yourself


The settlement that is developing on the coast takes the name of Borgata Marina.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - bianco direction.svg

By car

  • A14 A14 Adriatica motorway with the Val di Sangro toll booths and Vast north
  • Strada Statale 16 Italia.svg Adriatic coast

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon Shares the railway station with Fossacesia on the Adriatic railway ridge.

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Bus lines managed by ARPA - Abruzzesi regional public bus lines [1]

How to get around

What see

  • Church of San Salvatore. Built in 1302, it was a possession of the Abbey of Santo Stefano and of Arabona; it is in Baroque Romanesque style.
  • 1 Church of the Madonna of Loreto. It dates back to the 14th century; it has three naves, following the enlargements made on the previous smaller church.
  • Church of San Felice, Viale Sant'Angelo. The church with the adjoining convent dates back to 1878, since then they have always maintained the original structure except for some additions dating back to 1949-50 such as the caretaker's house, the porch, the terrace, the wash house. Also in the same period partial restorations are made. The facade of the church is plastered and brick with a triangular tympanum at the top. The portal is framed with pilasters on the sides and a coat of arms above. The side facades have splayed low-arched windows. The interior has a single nave with a barrel vault and lunettes. The internal walls are plastered in white and beige which are supported by blind round arches resting on Corinthian pilasters. The adjoining convent develops to the left of the church.
  • Palazzo Priori, Piazza Donato Iezzi. It is a two-story building with a turret. Currently the interior is for office use. There are no documents attesting the date of its construction, but from the architectural style it can be deduced that the palace was built between the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. A plaque located on the facade of the building asserts that a certain Domenico Priori, a local historian and humanist, lived in the building, from which it derives its name.
The façade is divided into five bays by pilasters. In the main span there is the access portal with an upper round arch, above there is a balcony. Above the side entrances there are balconies decorated with an iron balustrade.
  • Town Hall Building, Donato Iezzi square. The three-storey building houses the municipal offices. The construction of the building began in 1779. The construction of the building is due to the modification of the portico of the church.
The main facade is painted and is divided by five spans of pilasters. The two left bays that embrace the two upper floors are dominated by a stone balustrade. The other three spans are represented by giant pilasters. The spans on the ground floor are adorned with round arches with, below, entrance portals. A string course frames the second floor from the third.
  • 2 Guided nature reserve Lecceta di Torino di Sangro. The municipality has a great naturalistic importance thanks to the presence of the "Lecceta Litoranea" which hosts varieties of protected flora and fauna. This natural reserve extends for 180 hectares from the last stretch of the Sangro river, near the mouth, to the Adriatic coast; it is a coastal wood planted on the Pliocene beach and is the only area in Abruzzo where the terrestrial tortoise lives and reproduces.
  • 3 British military cemetery (Sangro River War Cemetery). It is a military cemetery located on the slope of a hill near the town. Designed by architect Louis de Soissons, it is managed by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC). The same architect designed the nearby Canadian Military Cemetery, near Ortona, in memory of the Allied soldiers who died in the battle of Ortona.
2617 soldiers from British Commonwealth territories are buried in the cemetery, of which 2542 identified and 75 unknown, who died during the Second World War during the battle for the breakthrough of the Gustav Line on the Sangro river, in November - December 1943.
The tombs, made up of marble tombstones, are arranged to form a semicircular crown. A path lined with rows of magnolias leads to the Cross of the Sacrifice. Another path surrounded by hawthorn hedges leads to the Stone of Remembrance.
There is also a memorial in memory of 517 Indian fallen, cremated according to their religious faith.

Events and parties

  • Feast of Our Lady of Loreto. Simple icon time.svgLast Sunday in May and the two following days. The statue of the Madonna is carried in procession which ends with a throw of rose petals when the procession reaches the bell tower. The auction to the Madonna on Monday afternoon is famous: many citizens offer self-produced gifts, coming from nature or handcrafted. They conclude the fireworks festival. During the days of the event the musical band performs several times.
  • The morning of the adorned face. Simple icon time.svgOn the evening of December 9th until the next morning. It can always be traced back to the cult of the Madonna of Loreto. The population gathers on the roads to the coast, retracing the ancient sheep tracks with suggestive torchlight processions, singing traditional Marian songs and stopping at the rural newsstands along the way. Once at the church of the Madonna di Loreto, the participants spend the whole night there in prayer and meditation. In the morning the statue of the Madonna is taken to the church square; all around there are singers who sing the traditional song of the Viso Adorno. Then the procession winds its way to find acquaintances and relatives.
  • Feast of St. Michael the Archangel. Simple icon time.svgIn August. It takes place in Marina di Torino di Sangro at the eponymous church.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Borgo Antico restaurant, Via Orientale, 1, 39 0873 913212.
  • 2 Antica Osteria del Tiglio, Contrada Ruzzo, 3, 39 0873 911341.

Where stay

Average prices



Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Vast - The ancient city with its fortifications is in an elevated position on the sea; the modern budding is on the coast where the seaside resort of Marina di Vasto develops.
  • Ortona - The ancient monumental inhabited area stretches out on a promontory of the coast; fishing and bathing activities develop on the coast. It is a city linked to important events of the Second World War.
  • They launch - City of ancient tradition, it was the capital of the Frentani and then a Roman municipality. It has an ancient nucleus of great interest, which comes alive on the occasion of the numerous historical re-enactments; famous are the Medieval Week with the '' Mastrogiurato '' and the sacred representations of Holy Week. It is a destination for pilgrimages following his Eucharistic miracle

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Turin di Sangro
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Turin di Sangro
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