San Vito Chietino - San Vito Chietino

San Vito Chietino
View of San Vito Chietino
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San Vito Chetino is a city ofAbruzzo.

To know

Geographical notes

San Vito Chietino is located on a rocky hill that stretches to the sea, from which you can see the wide horizon that goes from the Maiella to the Gran Sasso, up to Vast; open landscape on the Adriatic sea, from which you can see several trabocchi, which occupy the whole coast from Fossacesia until Casalbordino.

The town also includes the hilly hamlet of Sant'Apollinare, which enjoys a view of the rural areas, mainly cultivated with vines and olive trees, and a marine hamlet that extends along the Coast of the trabocchi and includes in its territory the Feltrino river, called San Vito Marina or Marina di San Vito.


The first news about the town of San Vito Chietino dates back to Roman times when there was already a Frentano port near the Feltrino stream; later the port was used by the Romans for connections beyond the Adriatic but it was also important for cargo ships. Subsequently in the eleventh century the coast experienced a period of decline and the port was abandoned. In the following centuries the port was gradually covered with stones and river debris. The village, on the other hand, continued to grow since the early Christian period, when a church was built in honor of San Vito Martire. In the Middle Ages a castle called "Castellalto" was built, of which there is no news prior to the year 1000. The name of the castle was subsequently changed from Castellalto with the name of the village that surrounded it. A document dated 1385 attests that the ownership of the village and the port of Gualdum belonged to the Abbey of San Giovanni in Venere.

In the fourteenth century the inhabitants of the fief of Sanctum Vitum sided with Pope Urban VI: the castle was plundered by the followers of the antipope Clement VII commanded by Ugone degli Orsini, then the abbot of San Giovanni in Venere (Fossacesia) asked for help from the army of Anxanum (today's They launch) who managed to turn the situation to his own advantage, getting the fiefdom in perpetual emphyteusis, paying a canon of sixty silver pugs to the abbey of San Giovanni in Venere. Later the municipality of Lanciano, seeing a good economy in the port of San Vito Chietino, decided to conquer the area; the inhabitants of the commercial maritime city of Ortona then they began to worry, fearing that they would lose their supremacy over the sea. Thus Ladislaus, the then king of the Kingdom of Naples, he revoked the authorization to Lanciano to restructure the port; by doing this, however, he gave birth to a period of struggle between Lanciano and Ortona. In 1427 San Giovanni da Capestrano he brought a provisional peace by establishing the confession of the country, but with the death of Ladislao and the subsequent struggles for his succession, Lanciano took advantage of it to restructure the port. In doing so, Lanciano entered into open war with Ortona, who hired a pirate in charge of demolishing the new port of San Vito, and plundered the houses of the village, establishing a period of terror in the area. However Lanciano kept the fief of San Vito Chietino intact. During the Aragonese period (16th century), the port of San Vito was still used for the Lanciano fairs and was used for maritime trade. The document attesting the period of peace between Lanciano and Ortona is now in the Municipal Library of Lanciano. With the decline of the Lancianesi fairs, the port of San Vito also declined again, and Lanciano decided to sell the port with its fief of San Vito Chietino to San Vito Lopez in 1528. In the following years the fief passed from lordship to lordship, including the Caracciolo. Ferdinando Caracciolo, Duke of Castel di Sangro he was the last feudal lord of San Vito Chietino. During the Risorgimento the town was marked by an anti-Bourbon struggle. On 3 February 1916, during the First World War, an Austro-Hungarian team formed by the armored cruiser SMS Sankt Georg, three destroyers and two torpedo boats, bombed Ortona and San Vito Chietino; the destructive action was fortunately interrupted by the intervention of an armed train of the Royal Navy equipped with 152/40 pieces which with its counter battery forced the ships to interrupt the assault; a plaque on the Colle del Belvedere commemorates the event. In a cottage called D'Annunzio hermitage Gabriele D'Annunzio stayed for a long time.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes the villages of Anticaglia, Balsamate, Bufara, Castellana, Cese, Cintioni, Colle Capuano, Foresta, Mancini, Pomegranate, Murata Alta, Murata Bassa, Paolini, Passo Tucci, Pontoni, Portelle, Quercia del Corvo, Rapanice , Renazzo, San Fino, San Rocco Vecchio, Sant'Apollinare, San Vito Marina (or Marina di San Vito, Sciutico, Strutte, Valle Ienno, Vicende

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - bianco direction.svg

By car

  • A14 Tollbooth of They launch on the A14 Adriatica.
  • It is not far from the Strada Statale 84 Italia.svg former state road 84 Frentana variant and from Strada Statale 16 Italia.svg former state road 16 Adriatica.

By bus

Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg
  • Company bus lines Sangritana[1]
  • Bus lines managed by ARPA - Abruzzesi regional public bus lines [2]

How to get around

What see

Corso Trento e Trieste and the church of San Francesco
The facade of the church of the Immaculate Conception
  • Church of San Rocco. It is located on the Sant'Apollinare viewpoint. It has a single nave covered by trusses. The façade is simple with a triangular tympanum which houses two campame. It has recently been restored.
  • Church of San Gabriele dell'Addolorata (in the locality of Bardella). Recent building designed by Vito Iezzi in 1981. A particularity of the building is the internal urn with the relics of San Gabriel. Between 1992 and 1995 the hall under the church was completed. The main facade is preceded by a staircase. Access is via a porch. The interior has a single hall with presbytery and sacristy.
  • Church of San Francesco da Paola (at the Marconi belvedere). It is currently a private chapel. The church dates back to the 15th century, but over the centuries it has undergone alterations. The plant has a single room divided by two bays with a ribbed vault with stucco decorations. The altar is placed under a niche with a statue of Christ. The facade is divided by two Doric pilasters. Furthermore, in the façade there are two rectangular openings, a niche placed between two semicircular aedicules, a rectangular window and another small window in the shape of an eye that allows the ventilation of the attic.
  • Church of the Madonna delle Grazie (in the district Sant'Apollinar). Certain data on its foundation are lacking, however it can be dated to the foundation of the inhabited center, towards the 13th-14th century, but someone points to the Byzantine era. The main facade is brick. The portal is placed between two Ionic pilasters which support an entablature which in turn supports a triangular tympanum. The bell tower is on four levels. The interior has a single room divided by three bays with a ribbed vault. It preserves a Byzantine style mosaic depicting the "coronation of the Virgin". Other works inside the church are: an organ, a bell of the sixteenth century, a painting depicting the Madonna of the seventeenth century and a statue of the Madonna delle Grazie in silver.
  • Church of the Immaculate Conception, Corso Matteotti. It dates back to the second half of the nineteenth century. The façade, from 1910 in the late sixteenth century style, is preceded by a staircase covered in travertine. The two niches above the two side portals house the statues of San Vito and Pope John XXIII. The bell tower is located at the back of the church and is marked by string courses. The Greek cross interior with a semicircular apse is divided by Corinthian columns. In the church some 15th-century goldsmith works are preserved, including a chiseled silver cross and some 16th-17th century paintings.
  • Church of the Madonna delle Vigne (in the Sciutico district). Completed in 1969, it presents a system with a single room. The sacristy is incorporated into the bell tower. Access is on one side.
  • Church of the Madonna del Porto (in San Vito Marina). The interior has a single nave with side chapels and prefabricated reinforced concrete beams. It dates back to the second half of the 20th century. The entrance to the church is preceded by a portico with three arches that retrace the three entrances. The exterior is brick and has a bell tower on the eastern side. Very beautiful is the procession in the sea during one of the days of the holiday, precisely the last Sunday of July.
  • Remains of the castle. The castle was built together with the abbey of San Giovanni in Venere, and destroyed during the Second World War. Today the walls and a tower remain.
  • Baronial Palace of Onofrio. It is a part of the old castle transformed into a noble residence.
  • Hermitage of D'Annunzio (Hermitage of the Portelle). Although it is called a hermitage it is a rural house. As the name attests, the poet stayed there (in the summer of 1899), but it is currently used as a Gabriele D'Annunzio house museum. From the architectural style it seems to be a typical building of the 19th century Abruzzo rural architecture. The part of the building used by the poet has no degradation elements. The plant has a square base. The façade on the square is on two levels with elements in the Lombard neo-medieval style. On the ground floor there is a portico that follows the upper floor whose central part is advanced with respect to the rest of the building. On the sides there are two arches. The front is in sandstone.
  • Tosti Palace, Garibaldi square. The scarcity of documents and historical sources make it difficult to date the construction of the building, however, given the analogy of other buildings of the period, it can be traced back to the second half of the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century. The building is on three levels. On the ground floor, openings framed by ashlar elements lead to shops. A brick frame separates the ground floor from the second floor. The windows on the first floor are framed by brick. On the third level, four openings lead onto as many balconies supported by shelves. The cantonal corners are in brick on the first two levels, while at the last they are decorated with Corinthian pilasters. The front is crowned by a classic cornice.
  • Renzetti Palace, Corso Trento and Trieste (at the Belvedere Marconi). The building dates back to the mid-nineteenth century. The facade is degraded by various signs of aging such as rising damp, falling plaster and mortar worn in several places. The building is spread over three levels. On the ground floor there are three doors, two of which with a lowered arch and one is decorated with ashlar style and has pilasters on the sides that support an entablature which in turn supports the balcony above. Above the windows of the last level there are circular openings, above there is the classic crowning frame.
  • D'Onofrio Palace. It is located on the western side of the fortified hill of Sant'Apollinare. It is currently used as a farmhouse of the Onofrio family. Numerous documents mention the existence of the building from the Middle Ages, in some it is even mentioned as a castle: a bull of Pope Alexander III of 1176, some geographical maps of the Vatican Museums of 1581 and a plan of the surveyor Donato Forlani of 1873. The building being an occasional residence is not in the best state of maintenance. Access to the building is given by a brick portal and arched crowning. The body of the building is plastered and surrounded by a portico with arches of dubious historical location. There is also a courtyard and a series of buildings used as remittances. In the main façade the original structure is visible where two of the three levels are characterized by shoe buttresses and made of rough stone.
  • Altobelli Palace, Corso Trento and Trieste. Construction on three levels of the second half of the nineteenth century.
  • Liberty houses. They are houses located along the coastal strip that starts from Portelle and reaches Valle Grotte. They were made during the first half of the twentieth century in the Abruzzo liberty style.
  • Murata Bassa archaeological site. It dates back to the 1st century AD. and its findings (some coins from late ancient eras, tombs and oil lamps from the Byzantine period) show that it was inhabited until the sixth century. Excavations carried out between 1991 and 1994 uncovered a late Republican building with square and circular column bases. The building is made in opus incertum and pebbles; perhaps it was a terracotta furnace.
  • Great Source (in Rio Fontane). It was built in 1914 and recently restored. The central plant has a massive square structure to supply water. A portico with pillars marked by pilasters supporting round arches is set against the central element.
  • Source Cupa (in Rio Fontane). It was built in 1814 and recently restored. It consists of a stone front made of sandstone ashlars decorated with anthropomorphic figures through which the water flows. The crowning is a triangular tympanum.

Areas of environmental concern

  • Cave of the butterflies. It is located exactly on the border between the municipalities of San Vito Chietino and Rocca San Giovanni, a naturalistic curiosity of the territory of Coast of the trabocchi included in Guided nature reserve Cave of the Butterflies.

Events and parties

What to do


In its territory an excellent olive oil is produced; San Vito Chietino is part of theNational Association City of oil.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 3 Italian post, Via Orientale, 4, 39 0872 618704.
  • 4 Italian post, Largo Argentieri, 1, 39 0873 61093.


  • They launch - City of ancient tradition, it was the capital of the Frentani and then a Roman municipality. It has an ancient nucleus of great interest, which comes alive on the occasion of the numerous historical re-enactments; famous are the Medieval Week with the '' Mastrogiurato '' and the sacred representations of Holy Week. It is a destination for pilgrimages following his Eucharistic miracle

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning San Vito Chietino
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on San Vito Chietino
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