Alba Adriatica - Alba Adriatica

Alba Adriatica
Waterfront fountain
Coat of arms
Alba Adriatica - Coat of arms
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Alba Adriatica
Institutional website

Alba Adriatica is a city ofAbruzzo.

To know

Alba Adriatica is one of the seven sisters of the Abruzzo coast (Martinsicuro, Alba Adriatica, Tortoreto, Giulianova, Roseto degli Abruzzi, Pineto is Silvi Marina) in the province of Teramo. Awarded in 2005 the Blue Flag ofEurope (recognition for the cleanest seaside resorts), it is nicknamed and also known as the Silver Beach for the beauty of its coastline; in the Blue Guide of Legambiente it is marked with three sails. In 2006 it celebrated its first 50th anniversary.

Geographical notes

It develops parallel to the Teramo Adriatic beach in Abruzzo. It is 40 km away. from Teramo, 41 from Ascoli Piceno, 17 from San Benedetto del Tronto and 9 from Giulianova.


Its administrative independence from Tortoreto it is a recent thing of the twentieth century: May 29, 1956. The first inhabited nucleus arose and developed around the railway station of the Adriatic line, and was called Tortoreto Scalo until the municipal independence was reached.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

  • The closest is the International Airport ofAbruzzo "Pasquale Liberi" (via Tiburtina, tel. 085 4313341), 7 km from Pescara. From here it is possible to reach Alba Adriatica via the Adriatica motorway (A14) towards Bologna, or by all other means available from Pescara.
  • Alternative is the airport of Ancona-Falconara "Raffaello Sanzio" (tel. 071 2802641), actually more distant: from here the same services (bus, train, taxi) can take you to Abruzzo.

By car

  • A14 motorwayIt has its own tollbooth on the Adriatica motorway, exit Val Vibrata
  • State Road 16 The Adriatic state road covers the entire coast.

From the A24 Rome - Teramo - L'Aquila motorway, exiting at the Val Vomano junction, you reach the State Road 150, with which you can reach the A14 towards Ancona: from here, exit at the Val Vibrata junction (recently opened, and not always marked on the maps) and therefore follow the directions to the destination. Also from the A 25 it is possible to reach the Adriatic motorway with which to reach the town. For more information: Automobile Club of Italy, viale Mazzini 84, tel. 39 0861 713173.

On boat

  • Italian traffic signs - marina icon.svg
    Alba Adriatica has a small Yatch Club, but it is not possible to stop with your boats if you are not associated. For information on ferries from tremiti Islands: Intercontinental, Corso Umberto I, Termoli, tel. 39 0875 705341; Jetmar, maritime station of the port of Pescara, tel. 39 085 68591.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon It has its own station - Alba Adriatica-Nereto-Controguerra - on the Adriatic route:

The Alba Adriatica railway station is located inside the town, just under 1 km from the sea (viale Regina Margherita 11, tel. 39 0861 712547), It has 3 tracks. Convoys stop you daily from Rome, Ancona, Giulianova, Avezzano, Pescara and all other connected locations. There is an automatic ticket machine at the station, even at long range. There are public toilets. There is no permanent staff at the station. Taxi (tel. 39 0861 714355) are usually available in the square in front.

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Private coach services connect the main neighboring towns, such as Pescara, San Benedetto del Tronto, Ascoli Piceno is Rome (departures from Castro Pretorio). The main ones: Harp - Regional bus lines [1] (tel. 39 0861 242214) is Start (Viale Kennedy 22, Ascoli Piceno, tel. 39 0736 259091).

How to get around

The town is very small, although the seafront is a few kilometers long.

By public transport

Regional buses serve the town, connecting it to other locations on the Adriatic coast and inland Teramo.

By taxi

Taxi services are available at the main places (Railway Station, Town Hall, Round Nile)

By bike

It is advisable to mainly use the bicycle: a beautiful cycle path, which runs along the entire beach of Alba Adriatica, separated from the sidewalk and the car route, runs throughout the town.

Adriatic Green Corridor

  • Italian traffic signs - bicycle lane.svg The Adriatic Green Corridor or Adriatic Cycle Route is the cycle path that runs along the Adriatic coast. This path coincides with branch no. 6 of the great national cycle network (BicItalia) proposed by FIAB, the Italian Federation of friends of the bicycle, partly in the design phase and partly already built, which integrates with the wider European cycle network called EuroVelo.
The planned route is the coastal road par excellence, it runs parallel to the E55, to the Romea in the central part and to the Adriatica state road in the southern part. It has a length of 1300 km and connects Trieste with Santa Maria di Leuca, along the Italian Riviera with the richest beaches dedicated to seaside tourism.
This very long cycle path crosses all the regions bathed by this coast. At the moment (year 2015) patches of patches have been built, but from year to year the route is increasingly being completed by the municipal, provincial and regional administrations crossed. The region Abruzzo it financed the completion of the entire regional section of competence with an extension of 132 km, that is the entire coast. These works began in March 2015.
Along the Teramo coast there are several sections of the cycle path already completed and others in the completion phase (works started in March 2015 financed by the Abruzzo Region).
South of the Tronto, in the stretch Martinsicuro-Villa Rosa at the moment you cycle mostly on the sidewalk; after the cycle / pedestrian bridge over the Vibrata stream, a long cycle path follows that crosses the towns of Alba Adriatica-Tortoreto Lido-Giulianova-Cologna beach, crossing the cycle / pedestrian bridges over Salinello and Tordino; the track crosses areas with rich vegetation (pine forests, rows of palms and tamarisks). Another active section is in Scerne di Pineto (3 km) and a Pineto (where a stretch of beaten earth develops under the characteristic pine forest).
So the cycle path is almost uninterrupted in the Pescarese-Theatine between Montesilvano, Pescara (where there are some short sections missing and where the Ponte del mare that crosses the Pescara river is in operation) e Francavilla al Mare.
In the southern section, ie along the Coast of the trabocchi, the project for the recovery of a long section of the disused railway is ready Ortona-Vast-San Salvo (about 50 km) in a wild and particular territory. At the moment there is a stretch of cycle path in the towns of Vasto Marina and San Salvo Marina.

What see

  • Tower. It was certainly built in the second half of the sixteenth century by Don Parafan de Ribera, viceroy of Naples, and is part of the countless towers erected along the Adriatic coast from the mouth of the Tronto to Vasto with control and sighting functions for pirates and smugglers. The tower of Alba Adriatica, like that of Martinsicuro, has a square plan, since the plan of this type made it easier to place the guns on each side. The brick tower is used today for civilian purposes.
  • Noble villas. Of the villas built in Alba, the oldest is Villa Ranalli, known as The Favorite as it was the family's favorite for summer holidays. It was built on the remains of an ancient fortress in 1720, while the church and the chapel stand on the remains of a pagan temple. The whole complex is elegantly in neoclassical style, with large halls paved in Florentine terracotta. Located in a large park, it is currently used for civilian use.
There Villa Gialluca Palma it dates back to 1908 in neoclassical style, with gable windows, cornices, and consists of two buildings joined by a cylindrical construction with a wrought iron balustrade. It is set in a large park of palm trees and conifers, and can be reached via an avenue.
There Villa Zanoni it has elegant lines and a small tower at the top of the building. The façade with stone squared windows is enlivened by the contrasts and play of colors of the hammered glass on the windows.
  • Church of San Vincenzo Ferri. The church, built by the Guidobaldi family, is located in the Basciani district. The façade, crowned by a tympanum, of simple and essential lines, has a door with two windows on the side. On its left rear side stands the bell tower which has two mullioned windows with two small bells.
  • Seafront. Embellished with flower beds and palm trees, it extends for about three kilometers and has a pedestrian and a cycle path. At its far north is the Nile roundabout with a fountain with jets of water and the headquarters of the Municipal Bambinopoli, a play area for children and events during the summer. A wooden bridge over the Vibrata stream connects the north promenade of Alba with the south promenade of Martinsicuro. Along this promenade, for about 650 meters, extends the pine forest, built in 1951.
The promenade on the west side is bordered by houses, shops, hotels and restaurants.

Events and parties

What to do

By bicycle it is possible to travel the beautiful bicycle lane call Adriatic Green Corridor. Towards the north you go to Villa Rosa, Martinsicuro, Port of Ascoli, San Benedetto del Tronto, Grottammare and finally Cupramarittima. To the south, however, it can be reached Tortoreto, then continue towards Giulianova and finally Cologne. As soon as the stretch in the Borsacchio nature reserve is built, it will also be possible to reach the locality of Roseto degli Abruzzi. Every Tuesday evening a characteristic is set up along Viale della Vittoria antiques Fair and second-hand, very popular. Every evening, however, beach parties and recreational activities are organized (especially at the city public park, called Municipal Bambinopoli), comedy shows, concerts and more. An example for all, the show of The most beautiful in Italy, hosted in Alba for two years now. Every evening the cinema local (Aurora, viale Regina Margherita 20, tel. 0861 714247) shows a different film, re-proposing most of the previous seasonal releases; shows are usually at 6:30 pm, 8:30 pm and 10:30 pm. Then there are many sports that can be practiced using the local facilities, starting with bowling green located in via Merano 9 (tel. 0861 752624), to go to sports Center with tennis courts and five-a-side football (via Olimpica 10, tel. 0861 752694) and al sailing club "Silver Beach" (tel. 0861 789020).


  • 1 Victory Avenue. It has a remarkable variety of shops, from the major Italian and international brands to local productions: we remember the leathers, of which Alba Adriatica is one of the major producers.

How to have fun

  • 1 Alpen rose, via Trento 7, 39 0861 710866.
  • 2 Black out, viale Mazzini 167, 39 0861 711920.
  • 3 Charles V, via Cavour 20, 39 0861 710225.
  • 4 Edelweiss, viale Trieste 41, 39 0861 713397.
  • 5 Gauguin, via Cesare Battisti 173, 39 347 6729040.
  • 6 Me Gusta - Artisan ice cream and pastry shop, Lungomare Marconi 80, 39 328 1926504.

Where to eat

Average prices

Bathing establishments with catering

High prices

Where stay

The town is the most famous tourist center of Abruzzo, especially as regards the summer period: it is difficult to find places to stay overnight or stop between November and April. However, compared to the almost complete inactivity of the winter months, in the summer the promenade is populated by different people and nightclubs, known along the entire Abruzzo coast. There are many places on the sea, such as pizzerias, restaurants, disco pubs and more, while going back inland you will occasionally find pubs with the most different layouts. This tourist phenomenon, now lasting several decades, sees the city prepared for tourist flows: the Tourist Information and Reception Office professionally deals with local tourist activities (Lungomare Marconi, Rotonda Nilo, tel. 0861 713993).

Moderate prices


Average prices

High prices

  • 24 Meripol, seafront Marconi 290, 39 0861 714744. Hotel 4 Stars.
  • 25 Eden, Marconi seafront 328, 39 0861 714251. Hotel 4 Stars.


Alba Adriatica is a decidedly quiet location, which can be visited practically at any time. No dangerous events or situations of danger for the inhabitants or tourists are reported. However, it is always possible to contact the local authorities:

Local emergency room

  • 3 White Cross, via Maternity, 24, 39 0861 753667.
  • 4 Red Cross, Marconi seafront, 39 0861 712597.
  • 5 Green Cross, via Filzi 1 (location Villa Rosa), 39 0861 751988.


  • 6 Bruni Pharmacy, via Trieste 1, 39 0861 713153. Simple icon time.svg8:30-13:00-16:00-20:00.
  • 7 Pharmacy Opinion, via Roma 42, 39 0861 712352. Simple icon time.svg8:30-13:00-16:00-20:00.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 8 Italian post, via Risorgimento 4, 39 0861 727031, fax: 39 0861 750937.
  • 9 Italian post (Agency 1), via Toscana 1, 39 0861 711557, fax: 39 0861 711557.

Keep informed


  • Ascoli Piceno - The city is about 20 km from Ankaran along the SP1b towards Castel di Lama and then channeled into the Ascoli Piceno-Porto d'Ascoli junction towards Ascoli and follow the signs. It is known as the City of a hundred towers. Its historic center is famous for having houses, palaces, churches, bridges and elevated towers in travertine. Here, history and architectural styles have settled their passage from the Roman age to the Middle Ages, up to the Renaissance. Artists such as Cola dell'Amatrice, Lazzaro Morelli, Carlo Crivelli, Giosafatti and other talented sculptors, stonecutters, painters have left a mark of their talent. It welcomes one of the most beautiful squares in Italy: Piazza del Popolo, center of cultural and political life, framed by arcades with loggias, Palazzo dei Capitani and Caffè Meletti. Every year in August the Quintana is held there, a historical re-enactment in costume with a procession and competition of six knights vying for the conquest of the Palio.
  • Civitella del Tronto - Perched on a ridge, it offers us the spectacle of its fortifications which are among the best preserved and the largest in Europe; it was the last stronghold to surrender, when the rest of the Bourbon kingdom had already been conquered from Italy.
  • Teramo - Ancient city with an important historical center, it boasts a splendid Cathedral which is one of the best expressions of Abruzzo's religious architecture. It has important Roman remains.
  • Giulianova - The ancient city, on a hill, preserves the remains of the fortifications and ancient churches; the urban development spread over the coast constitutes one of the most important seaside resorts in the region.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Alba Adriatica
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Alba Adriatica
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).