Tortoreto - Tortoreto

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Tortoreto is a city ofAbruzzo.

To know

Tortoreto is an important seaside resort ofAbruzzo and in the summer it is frequented by many tourists. The historic center is a characteristic medieval village, absolutely worth visiting, which is located in the hills behind the coast, at an altitude of about 240 meters above sea level. How Colonnella, its position allows you to wander over a long range of sea and mountains, so much so that it is defined Adriatic sentinel. More famous and popular is the hamlet of Tortoreto Lido, a town built a few decades ago, which is located right along the coast.

Geographical notes

On the first Apennine reliefs of the Val Vibrata close to the sea, Tortoreto is 6.3 km away. from Giulianova, 23 km. from Teramo. The seaside resort of Tortoreto Lido develops on the coast.


Access stairway to the historic center

Already inhabited in prehistoric times, the place has revealed several Aeneolithic settlements that have been the subject of excavations and studies since the sixties. In historical times the town was called Castrum Salini and was part of theager palmensis of the disappeared Roman city of Palma.

In 867 the emperor Ludovico donated the territory of Turturitus to the Abbot of Montecassino; in that period numerous churches were built in the area favored by the Dukes of Atri and the Abbots of Montecassino. The sixteenth century brought clashes between rival troops; the seventeenth century brought banditry and attacks by Turkish ships; the Spanish domination brought the decadence.

In modern times Tortoreto had to recover from the destruction of the war, particularly in Tortoreto Lido and Tortoreto Stazione. Today Tortoreto is an important seaside resort on the Abruzzo Adriatic coast, with a large fleet of fishing boats. It also has an industrial area of ​​furniture and metallurgy. The promenade is full of hotels, guesthouses and tourist villages.

How to orient yourself


View towards the sea from Tortoreto Alto
View towards the sea from Tortoreto Alto

The Old Town (Tortoreto Alto) is located on a hill overlooking the sea coast, from which you can enjoy a wide view that ranges from the innermost mountain massifs to a large stretch of the Marche and Abruzzo coast. The old town is divided into three historical centers: Terravecchia, Terranova and Borgo.

Terravecchia, as evidenced by the name itself, it is the oldest nucleus, equipped with scarp wall defenses, with the clock tower and extends up to Palazzo Liberati. The church of Terravecchia is that of Sant'Agostino, which was previously dedicated to Sant'Antonio and more anciently to Santa Eufemia.

New earth, a district that developed later, is connected to the ancient core by a brick bridge, and includes the Torrione and the church of San Nicola.

The Village, up to the church of Carmine (ex San Rocco) is the external part, developed around 1400.

Tortoreto Lido it is the recent building explosion, which began with the Tortoreto Scalo railway station and with the Adriatic coast road, to then consolidate and launch definitively with the 1960s. It now constitutes a conurbation with the other coastal centers of Alba Adriatica to the north and the subsequent Marche centers, and with Giulianova to the south, along the lines of the long conurbation that makes up the Riviera Romagnola.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

  • The nearest airport is that of Pescara (Pasquale Lanzi) (via Tiburtina, tel. 085 4313341). From here it is possible to reach Tortoreto via the Adriatica motorway (A14) in the direction Bologna, or by all other means available from Pescara (train, bus, taxi).
  • Alternative is the airport of Ancona (Raffaello Sanzio) (tel. 071 2802641), actually more distant: from here the same services (bus, train, taxi) can take you to Abruzzo.

By car

  • A14 motorway Italy Highway exit Val Vibrata on the highway Adriatic
  • Strada Statale 16 Italia.svg State road 16 Adriatica
  • Provincial Road 8 Italia.svg Provincial road 8 of the Salinello valley floor
  • Provincial Road 10 Italia.svg Provincial road 10 of Cavatassi and Villa Maggi

On the train

Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon
  • Adriatic Railway - Tortoreto Lido Station

Tortoreto is crossed by the important Adriatic railway line. It has a small station where few trains stop. The closest stations are those of Alba Adriatica and of Giulianova, the latter is the more important of the two.

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Bus lines managed by ARPA - Abruzzesi regional public bus lines [1]

How to get around

Adriatic Green Corridor

  • Italian traffic signs - bicycle lane.svg The Adriatic Green Corridor or Adriatic Cycle Route is the cycle path that runs along the Adriatic coast. This path coincides with branch no. 6 of the great national cycle network (BicItalia) proposed by FIAB, the Italian Federation of friends of the bicycle, partly in the design phase and partly already built, which integrates with the wider European cycle network called EuroVelo.
The planned route is the coastal road par excellence, it runs parallel to the E55, to the Romea in the central part and to the Adriatica state road in the southern part. It has a length of 1300 km and connects Trieste with Santa Maria di Leuca, along the Italian Riviera with the richest beaches dedicated to seaside tourism.
This very long cycle path crosses all the regions bathed by this coast. At the moment (year 2015) patches of patches have been built, but from year to year the route is increasingly being completed by the municipal, provincial and regional administrations crossed. The region Abruzzo it financed the completion of the entire regional section of competence with an extension of 132 km, that is the entire coast. These works began in March 2015.
Along the Teramo coast there are several sections of the cycle path already completed and others in the completion phase (works started in March 2015 financed by the Abruzzo Region).
South of the Tronto, in the stretch Martinsicuro-Villa Rosa at the moment you cycle mostly on the sidewalk; after the cycle / pedestrian bridge over the Vibrata stream, a long cycle path follows that crosses the towns of Alba Adriatica-Tortoreto Lido-Giulianova-Cologna beach, crossing the cycle / pedestrian bridges over Salinello and Tordino; the track crosses areas with rich vegetation (pine forests, rows of palms and tamarisks). Another active section is in Scerne di Pineto (3 km) and a Pineto (where a stretch of beaten earth develops under the characteristic pine forest).
So the cycle path is almost uninterrupted in the Pescarese-Theatine between Montesilvano, Pescara (where there are some short sections missing and where the Ponte del mare that crosses the Pescara river is in operation) e Francavilla al Mare.
In the southern section, ie along the Coast of the trabocchi, the project for the recovery of a long section of the disused railway is ready Ortona-Vast-San Salvo (about 50 km) in a wild and particular territory. At the moment there is a stretch of cycle path in the towns of Vasto Marina and San Salvo Marina.

What see

The Nailing
The Crucifixion
  • 1 Church of the Madonna della Misericordia (Santa Maria della Misericordia). The late Romanesque church was built in 1348 as a devotional tribute after the plague that struck Europe in that period. The interior is of particular importance for the frescoes that Giacomo Bonfini painted there in 1526. Main subject of the images are the last days of Christ. In the sails of the apse depicts a triptych Nailing, the Crucifixion is the Deposition. At the foot of the Crucifix you can see a view of Tortoreto with the sea and boats.
The figures of the Four Evangelists stand out on the vaulted ceiling, as well as a Sibyl; in the center the triumphal representation of the risen Christ on a gilded almond. These frescoes represent a very high expression of Renaissance art in the Teramo area. They were also attributed to other artists, but the latest studies conducted by eminent experts agree in attributing them to Giacomo Bonfini (about 1470-1557), an artist from Patrignone in the nearby Picena province.
They are in excellent condition thanks to the skilful restoration carried out in 1974.
  • Church of San Rocco fuori le Mura. It was built in 1529; with the restructuring of 1881 it was equipped with a neoclassical facade of yellow bricks.
  • 2 Church of San Nicola. Its construction dates back to 1534, and was at the expense of Domenico Tavani and the work of the Bergamo architect Giovanni Antonio Piermarini, who was on friendly terms with Vincenzo Pagani. The interior of the church was unfortunately transformed in 1950 and redecorated in 2005. The building retains a 630-pipe organ from 1842 by Vincenzo Paci.
Church of Sant'Agostino
Baptism of St. Augustine (Mattia Preti
  • 3 Church of Sant'Agostino. It was Father Agostino Tavani, Prior and founder of the annexed convent, who began construction in 1613. The works were completed in 1644. The interior has six baroque altars, of which the first on the right in inlaid wood which is attributed to the work of the sons of Giovanni Antonio Piermarini.
The main altar shows the coat of arms and symbols of the Augustinians and of Sant'Antonio abate. The large central framework (4.15 x 2.90 meters) represents the Baptism of St. Augustine, the work of Mattia Preti said the Calabrese Knight. Saint Ambrose, with Saint Stephen beside him, pours the baptismal water on the head of Saint Augustine, while his mother Saint Monica prays in front of him. The young boy on the bottom left is Cianferlì, the painter's boy whom Preti also portrayed in his other works. On the background Sant'Antonio Abate holds a scroll of praise to God with figures of angels.
The painting reproduces the insignia of the Barberini family, in memory of Maffeo Barberini's brief apostolic, Pope Urban VIII, with whom the legacy of a Tortoretana noblewoman was accepted for the benefit of the monastery.
The church retains a Risen Christ in wood, a terracotta Madonna, an eighteenth-century sarcophagus. The 300-pipe organ is a Vincenzo Paci from 1850.

Tortoreto Lido


It is the seaside town that develops along 3.5 kilometers of sandy beach, with a gently sloping seabed and without rocks. The beach is wide and has over 30 bathing establishments, but also free beaches. The entire promenade is equipped with gardens, pines, palm trees, and is flanked by a long cycle path that, through a wooden bridge over the Salinello stream, joins the same path of Giulianova, where it extends for about 5 kilometers. When completed, the project foresees a cycle / pedestrian development that will affect a large part of the Abruzzo and Marche coast.

Tortoreto is since 1992, the year of the first assignment, Blue Flag of Europe. The Blue Flag is a quality mark for beaches and ports that demonstrate proper environmental management. To obtain the Blue Flag, the beaches must demonstrate that they fall within the parameters established by 27 different evaluation criteria and in particular: water quality, management, safety, services, environmental education and information.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

There are many hotels, and there are also bed and breakfast accommodation facilities, campsites, tourist villages, landlords, etc. mostly located in Tortoreto Lido following the tourist development of the coast. A rich list of these structures can be found in official site of the municipal administration.

Average prices


  • 1 Carabinieri station, Via Giacomo Leopardi, 21, 39 0861 787059.

Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

  • 2 Municipal, Via XX Settembre, 39 (in Tortoreto Alto), 39 0861 788678.
  • 3 Gasparroni, Via Giosue 'Carducci, 145 (locality: Tortoreto Lido), 39 0861 787039.
  • 4 Misantone, Via Nazionale, 106, 39 0861 787274.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 5 Italian post, via XX Settembre 1 (in Tortoreto), 39 0861 788365, fax: 39 0861 788365, @.
  • 6 Italian post, via Archimede 17 (in Tortoreto Lido), 39 0861 788588, fax: 39 0861 788588.

Keep informed


  • Giulianova - The ancient city, on a hill, preserves the remains of the fortifications and ancient churches; the urban development spread over the coast constitutes one of the most important seaside resorts in the region.
  • Mosciano Sant'Angelo - Ancient medieval village, has an orderly historic center with turreted emergencies.
  • Atri - One of the oldest cities in the region, it preserves a first-rate artistic heritage, the excellence of which (among many) is certainly recognizable in the stupendous Cathedral, distinguished among the noteworthy churches ofAbruzzo.
  • Teramo - Ancient city with an important historical center, it boasts a splendid Cathedral which is one of the best expressions of Abruzzo's religious architecture.
  • Civitella del Tronto - Perched on a ridge, it offers us the spectacle of its fortifications which are among the best preserved and the largest in Europe; it was the last stronghold to surrender, when the rest of the Bourbon kingdom had already been conquered from Italy.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Tortoreto
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Tortoreto
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