Valleys of Cuneo - Valli cuneesi

Valleys of Cuneo
Monviso from the Val Maira
Tourism site

Valleys of Cuneo they are valleys of the 'Piedmontese Alps.

To know

The Cuneo valleys, which have been excluded for centuries due to their impervious position, both from the history of Piedmont, but also from that of the province itself, have experienced considerable economic and tourist marginality. In recent years, however, the valleys are being rediscovered by both hikers and skiers, allowing you to appreciate their hidden treasures.

Geographical notes

The Cuneo valleys, parallel to each other, are located on the south-eastern side of the Alps and are interspersed with mountain ranges that develop with an E-W trend. If direct communication between the individual valleys is difficult, they are easily accessible from the Po Valley. Thanks to Colle della Maddalena and Colle di Tenda, which communicate with the western side of the Alps, the inhabitants of the high valleys have long maintained economic, social and linguistic contacts with the France.

Spoken languages

In the western valleys the Occitan language is spoken, derived from French language of oc. This is due to the fact that the economic exchanges of these valleys were mainly concentrated with the country beyond the Alps. In the southern valleys, on the other hand, a Ligurian dialect is spoken, also in this case due to exchanges with the Liguria. Of course, Italian is universally known and spoken.

Territories and tourist destinations

The source of the Po

The main valleys are:

  • Po Valley - Very narrow and sunken valley, it is the northernmost of the Cuneo valleys. There is the source of the river Po, which flows from the slopes of the Monviso.
  • Varaita Valley - Culturally and economically linked to France thanks to the accessible passes, and one of the widest valleys in the Cuneo area. Occitan culture is still very much felt, manifesting itself in architecture, clothing and cuisine.
  • Val Maira - This valley is quite isolated but for this very reason it has been able to preserve its Occitan traditions and its naturalistic heritage. For a long time ignored by winter tourism, it is now the home of hikers, who are offered a dense network of paths with breathtaking views.
  • Grana Valley - Short valley of pre-alpine character. It is covered by woods, vineyards and large pastures, where fine cheeses are produced.
  • Stura Valley of Demonte - The longest valley in the Cuneo area, starts from Borgo San Dalmazzo and reaches the border with France near the Maddalena hill. It follows the course of the Stura di Demonte river and numerous side valleys branch off from it.
  • Gesso Valley - Rugged valley with sharp crests covered with large forests. The upper part goes into the Natural Park of the Maritime Alps, once a hunting reserve of the House of Savoy, which culminates with the massif Monte Argentera.
  • Vermenagna Valley - Verdant valley that connects Wedge with France through the Tenda hill. It can be walked across the line Wedge-Nice, a daring railway that overcomes considerable differences in height with panoramic viaducts and helical tunnels.
  • Monregalesi Valleys - System of valleys that starts from Mondovì and insinuates itself into the mountains above. They are subject to important karst phenomena that generate spectacular caves. The most famous valley is the Upper Val Tanaro, in common with the Liguria.

Urban centers

Bridge of the Devil of Dronero
Fort of Vinadio
The Vicoforte sanctuary
  • 1 Pretty (Blins in Occitan, Blìn in Piedmontese) - In Val Varaita. It is a small village where the Romanesque Church of San Giacomo is located. On the houses of the historic center there are many frescoed sundials, so much so that a museum dedicated to them has been created.
  • 2 Borgo San Dalmazzo (Ël Borgh San Dalmass in Piedmontese, Ou Bourc in Occitan) - In Valle Stura di Demonte. Of interest is the Longobard abbey of San Dalmazzo, with the recently restored ancient crypt. Near the abbey there is also the museum where the history of the village is retraced. You can not miss the "Cold Fair" to taste the quality of snails produced on site.
  • 3 Casteldelfino (Casteldelfin in Piedmontese, Chasteldeifin in Occitan) - In Val Varaita, it is a characteristic village with colorful houses where the church of Santa Margherita di Antiochia is located with a large carved portal. Above the town is the Bosco dell'Alevè, the largest stone pine forest in Europe.
  • 4 Castelmagno (Castelmagn in Piedmontese, Chastelmanh in Occitan) - In Valle Grana, just above the town, stands the Sanctuary of San Magno, built on the site of the saint's martyrdom. Remarkable is the chapel inside the complex, where there are ancient and precious fifteenth-century frescoes.
  • 5 Chianale (Cianal in Piedmontese, Chanal in Occitan) - In Val Varaita, it is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. The town is located in a high mountain valley just above the characteristic alpine lake of "Castello". Its ancient stone houses and the parish church of San Lorenzo are developed around the course of the river.
  • 6 Crissolo (Crisseul in Piedmontese, Criçòl in Occitan) - At the head of the Po valley, it is the starting point for excursions on the Monviso. In a few minutes you can reach the cave of the Rio Martino, a splendid karst phenomenon that can partly be visited by tourists.
  • 7 Demonte (Demont in Piedmontese, Demount in Occitan) - Main center of the Stura Valley, it is a village of medieval origin that preserves the parish church of San Donato which houses an eighteenth-century fresco concerning the battle of Lepanto.
  • 8 Dronero (Droné in Piedmontese) - In Val Maira. You enter the town by crossing a long bridge built in 1428, called the "Ponte del Diavolo". Just outside the town is the Occitan Museum, a multimedia museum that illustrates Occitan life, language and culture.
  • 9 Elva (Elva in Piedmontese, Elvo in Occitan) - Located in a side valley of the Val Maira, the town retains a historic center full of evidence of typical Alpine architecture. Not to be missed is the church of Santa Maria Assunta, all frescoed by the Flemish painter Hans Clemer.
  • 10 Garessio (Garess in Piedmontese, Garesce in Ligurian) - In the Monregalesi Valleys, on the Tanaro river it is distributed over four villages that preserve interesting architectural works, such as the parish church of Santa Caterina. A few minutes from the city is the splendid Sanctuary of Valsorda with a large dome overlooking the valley.
  • 11 Piedmont lemon (Limon in Occitan and Piedmontese) - A well-known tourist resort in the Vermenagna valley, the town is characterized by classic mountain dwellings and the beautiful church of San Pietro in Vincoli. It is the home of winter sports: it has 56 km of slopes among the snowiest in Italy.
  • 12 Ormea (Ulmèa in Ligurian, Ormèa in Piedmontese) - In the Monregalesi Valleys, it is a town with a historic core, with a medieval imprint, still well preserved, so much so as to maintain the characteristic "trevi", winding alleys flanked by houses. Not far away is the spectacular Fascette gorge, a canyon carved into the limestone rock.
  • 13 Ostana (Ostan-a in Piedmontese, Oustano in Occitan) - In the Po valley it is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, is composed of numerous hamlets that with their small and characteristic stone houses create a very suggestive center.
  • 14 Revello (Arvel in Piedmontese, Revel in Occitan) - In the Po valley, the historic center houses the town hall, once called Palazzo Marchionale, wanted by Ludovico II as a summer residence. On the side there is the rich Marchionale chapel. Also of interest is the fifteenth-century collegiate church of Santa Maria with its precious sacred frescoes inside.
  • 15 Sampeyre (San Pèire in Piedmontese and Occitan) - The main center of the Varaita valley is a renowned and lively tourist resort, with beautiful ski lifts. Every five years the Baìo festival takes place, a historical re-enactment with costumes and music that makes tourists and locals relive the expulsion of the Saracens from Sampeyre complete with a fictitious trial of the Turks.
  • 16 Valdieri (Vaudiè or Vodiar in Piedmontese, Vudìer in Occitan) - In Valle Gesso, it is a small village located at the entrance to the natural park of the Maritime Alps. There is the ecomuseum of rye which testifies to the importance of this product in the life and economy of the Valley.
  • 17 Vicoforte (Vi in Piedmontese) - Located in the Monregalesi Valleys, this town is known worldwide for its majestic sanctuary. Bordered by four large towers, the Vicoforte Sanctuary is surmounted by the largest elliptical dome ever built and inside it preserves the small temple of the Pilone adorned with precious statues by Bartolomeo Solaro.
  • 18 Villar San Costanzo (Ël Vilar San Costans in Piedmontese, Vilar San Coustans in Occitan) - Located in Val Maira, on the heights near the town is the Sanctuary of San Costanzo al Monte, dating back to the Lombard period. It is a wonderful example of Romanesque architecture with precious frescoes recently brought to light.
  • 19 Vinadio (Vinaj in Piedmontese, Vinai in Occitan) - In the Stura di Demonte Valley, the town is dominated by the Forte di Vinadio, originally from 1834 and built at the behest of Carlo Alberto di Savoia. It represents an excellent, well-preserved example of a defensive structure used to protect the Italian valleys from repeated French raids.

Other destinations

Bosco dell'Alevè
  • 1 Bosco dell'Alevè - It is the largest stone pine forest in all of Italy and is in any case one of the oldest in Europe with pines up to 25 meters high.
  • 2 Natural Park of the Maritime Alps - It occupies the entire upper part of the Gesso Valley and houses notable examples of alpine fauna, such as the chamois.
  • 3 Pian del Re - High plateau, excellent starting point for climbing to the Monviso.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are those of Wedge-Levaldigi o Turin- Boxes.

By car

From Italy:

  • A21 Turin-Piacenza (Asti Est exit), then A33 Asti-Cuneo.
  • A6 Turin-Savona, take the A33 Asti-Cuneo.

From France:

  • Colle dell'Agnello (2,748 m - always closed in the winter months) which leads into Varaita Valley and leads to Saluzzo
  • Colle della Maddalena (1,996 m) which leads into Stura di Demonte valley.
  • Colle della Lombarda (2,351 m - always closed in the winter months) which leads into the Stura di Demonte valley.
  • Colle di Tenda Tunnel (1,300 m) which leads into Vermenagna Valley.

On the train

Wedge can be reached from the Cuneo railway lineFossano-Turin.

From Cuneo the only valley served by the train is the Vermenagna Valley located along the Cuneo-Ventimiglia.

How to get around

What see

Charterhouse of Pesio
  • Vicoforte Sanctuary, @. Bordered by four large towers, the Vicoforte Sanctuary is surmounted by the largest elliptical dome ever built and inside it preserves the small temple of the Pilone adorned with precious statues by Bartolomeo Solaro. Vicoforte Sanctuary on Wikipedia Vicoforte sanctuary (Q3471751) on Wikidata
  • Charterhouse of Pesio (Chiusa di Pesio). Large abbey complex, originally from 1173, subsequently transformed into a spa, has now been renovated and you can admire the large frescoes in the vault of the presbytery. Certosa di Pesio on Wikipedia Charterhouse of Pesio (Q1056333) on Wikidata
  • Bossea caves (Frabosa Soprana). 3 km long cave system, in which considerable fossil residues and limestone formations can be found. Natural reserve of the Bossea Caves on Wikipedia Bossea Caves nature reserve (Q3936777) on Wikidata
  • Filatoio Rosso di Caraglio (Caraglio). It is the oldest silk production plant in all of Europe. Built between 1676 and 1678, today it houses the ancient equipment for raising and spinning the precious Piedmontese silk. Filatoio Rosso di Caraglio on Wikipedia Filatoio Rosso di Caraglio (Q30899161) on Wikidata
  • Balma Boves (Sanfront). Characteristic stone village, perfectly preserved, lying under a rocky spur (balma means precisely a shelter protected by a rock). It has now become an open-air museum.
  • Royal Palace of Valcasotto (Garessio). Heritage of Unesco as a Savoy residence, it is a majestic palace dating back to 1837 and used by King Vittorio Emanuele II as a base for hunting trips. Royal Palace of Valcasotto on Wikipedia Reggia di Valcasotto (Q19863) on Wikidata
  • Museums of the Gal. Network of museums created to enhance Occitan culture, language and traditions.

What to do

  • Excursions. The Valleys offer hikers of all kinds a vast range of itineraries that cross the length and breadth of the natural beauties of the place. In particular, the ascension to the Monviso, which despite being reserved for mountaineers, reaches unforgettable views in a short time.
  • Ski. The valleys, thanks to their excellent exposure, have many ski resorts, both cross-country (such as the Valmala slopes) and downhill (such as the slopes of Monvisoski, White Lemon Reserve is Snowy meadow).
  • KE Rafting, Via Perasso 11, Roccasparvera, 39 348 7269863. Exciting rafting along the Stura river.
  • Royal Baths of Valdieri, 39 0171 97341. Important thermal resort with spa and swimming pools, located in an elegant complex from 1755.

At the table


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