Piedmontese Alpine Arch - Arco alpino piemontese

Piedmontese Alpine Arch

The Piedmontese Alpine Arch is a mountain range of the Piedmont.

To know

Geographical notes

The Alpine arc surrounds all of Piedmont from north-east to south-west and has some of the most important peaks of theItaly including the Monviso, the Gran Paradiso and the Monte Rosa. There are also many lakes: dal Lake Maggiore, the Lake Orta and the Viverone Lake up to the multitude of alpine lakes that dot the valleys. In this area, to enhance the uncontaminated nature of the places, several natural parks have been established including the Val Grande National Park, the Gran Paradiso national park and the natural park of the Maritime Alps.

When to go

Of particular importance are the naturalistic and historical-cultural attractions, which make the alpine environment a destination suitable for all seasons. An example are the characteristic alpine villages, many of which are considered among the most beautiful in Italy, and important architectural works such as the Sacra di San Michele, overlooking the Val di Susa, and the Sacro Monte di Varallo. As far as winter tourism is concerned, it is ensured by internationally renowned ski resorts, many of which have hosted the competitions of the 2006 Turin Winter Olympic Games.

Territories and tourist destinations

From north-east to south-west:

Map divided by regions
      Verbano from Piedmont - Territory located along the shores of Lake Maggiore with important lake resorts such as Verbania, Stresa is Cannobio.
      Ossola Valley - Located along the Toce river it has several side valleys with tourist resorts such as Macugnaga is Formazza.
      Cusio - Low mountain area that rises around the Lake Orta with famous destinations for lake tourism and important sanctuaries such as the Sacro Monte di Orta or the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Sasso.
      Val Sesia - Extremely green landscapes dominated by the mass of the Monte Rosa, offers the possibility to practice alpine skiing and to go up the course of its rivers by canoe.
      Biellese - Enclosed to the west and north by the mountain range of the Biellese Alps which, dominated by Mount Mars and the Bo, overlook the nearby Monte Rosa. The hub of the whole territory is the city of Biella.
      Canavese - The territory between Turin and the Valle d'Aosta. Ivrea is its main center from which the Valle dell'Orco.
      Valleys of Lanzo - A favorite destination for trips outside the city of Turin, the three valleys radiate from Lanzo Torinese and climb up to reach mountain locations still unknown to mass tourism.
      Val di Susa - The valley is articulated around the center of Susa, which is located at the confluence of two important Alpine passes for communications between Italy and France, the nearby Mont Cenis and the more distant Montgenevre. Notable in the Susa Valley is the heritage of castles and fortifications, but also of abbeys (Sacra di San Michele, Novalesa, San Giusto di Susa, San Antonio di Ranverso), as well as frescoed churches and chapels.
      Waldensian valleys - These three valleys, once a refuge for the Waldensian minority in Italy, now offer tourists incredible historical and natural heritage.
      Valleys of Cuneo - These valleys (Varaita, Maira, Grana, Stura, Gesso, Vermenagna, Ellero, Pesio and Tanaro) offer a great artistic-environmental heritage, thanks to the well-preserved medieval historical villages, ancient churches and castles, natural reserves and parks and to thematic itineraries and trails.

Urban centers

  • Biella - Located at the foot of the Biellese Alps, it is an ancient city that gathers important historical buildings in its village, not to mention the very important evidence of industrial archeology.
  • Domodossola (Domo in German, Döm in walser in Lombard and Dòm in Ossola dialect) - The main center of the Ossola Valley with its characteristic market square for its fifteenth-century arcades. Other places of interest are the fourteenth-century tower of the bishop's palace, the sanctuary of the Madonna della Neve and several palaces.
  • Ivrea - Capital of the Canavese area, it is surrounded by gentle hills. Due to its beauty and industrial vocation, the twentieth century city has been nominated as a UNESCO heritage site.
  • Omegna (Umegna in Lombard) - Of interest are the "Forum" arts and industry museum, the ancient bridge, built in the fifteenth century, the Roman gate of the twelfth century and churches such as that of Sant'Ambrogio.
  • Susa (Italy) - At the center of the homonymous valley, it is an exchange point for commercial and tourist connections from Italy to France.
  • Verbania - On the bank of the Lake Maggiore is the capital of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola. Intra and Pallanza are the two historic centers that have been united to form the city of Verbania. However, there are still two parts with different nature: Pallanza more suggestive, with medieval atmospheres; Intra more modern, with an industrial past, an important port of call on the lake.

How to get

How to get around

What see


What to do

At the table


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