Cusio (territory) - Cusio (territorio)

Cusio (territory)
San Giulio Island

Cusio is a territory ofPiedmontese Alps between the provinces of Novara and del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola.

To know

Geographical notes

The Cusio includes all the reliefs that surround the Lake Orta. Classic destination for lake and mountain tourism, it offers splendid views from not too inaccessible reliefs with numerous isolated villages on the lake and in the valleys. The main center is the city of Omegna, while other important centers are Gravellona Toce, Gozzano, Casale Corte Cerro, Pettenasco, San Maurizio d'Opaglio is Orta San Giulio. It includes 25 municipalities (13 in the Verbano-Cusio-Ossola area and 12 in the Novara area) and has about 52,800 inhabitants.It is mainly made up of hills and the major inhabited centers develop in the valleys: the highest peak of the whole Cusio is Mount Capezzone (2,421 m), which rises in the Strona Valley and separates the VCO from the province of Vercelli; secondary peaks to Capezzone are Cima Ronda (2,416 m) and Cima Altemberg (2,395 m).

When to go

The village of Orta San Giulio

Suitable for year-round tourism, it offers the best conditions in spring and summer when the temperatures are not too high to enjoy the breeze on the banks of the Lake Orta or leave for simple walks on the surrounding hills.


The human presence around Lake Orta is ancient and dates back to at least the Neolithic, as evidenced by the archaeological excavations conducted on the island of San Giulio. During the Iron Age the Cusio was inhabited by Celto-speaking people that could be classified as part of the Culture of Golasecca. In the following centuries the territory follows the Romanization process that characterizes the Transpadana. At the end of the 4th century, the two Greek brothers Giulio and Giuliano, originally from the island of Aegina, arrived on the shores of the lake and dedicated themselves, with the approval of Emperor Theodosius I, to the demolition of pagan places of worship and the construction of churches. With the arrival of the Lombards, around the year 570, the lands of the Alto Novarese were framed in the duchy of San Giulio. After struggles for supremacy between the Franks and the Lombards, in the thirteenth century there were disputes between the Bishop and the municipality of Novara, when the episcopal fief of the Riviera di San Giulio was formally born. In 1311 the small state became an imperial county and later also known as the bishop's principality. In 1767 the sovereign rights over the territory were ceded to the House of Savoy. However, the definitive transfer of power to the Savoy took place only in 1817 with the official resignation by the last titular prince-bishop. The municipality of Omegna and the northern part of the Cusio instead federated with the Municipality of Novara since 1221, following the fate of the Novara area.

Spoken languages

Italian is commonly spoken in the Cusio area even though the frequent use of the dialect often survives, especially in the more internal countries, which, despite its geographical location, belongs to the family of western Lombard dialects. In the upper Val Strona, in particular a Campello Monti instead, a Walser dialect from the Valais Valleys is spoken.

Territories and tourist destinations

In the Cusio in addition to Lake Orta are located there Strona Valley and Val Corcera, while it partially includes the Agogna Valley.

Urban centers

Val Strona
  • 1 Pleasant (Amén in Piedmontese dialect) - In the hamlet of Lortallo one of the most important necropolises from the early Iron Age has been unearthed.
  • 2 Arola (Àrola in Piedmontese dialect) - Of interest is the parish church of San Bartolomeo, built in the seventeenth century.
  • 3 Casale Corte Cerro (Casàl dla Cort Cèra in Piedmontese dialect, Cäsàal dlä Cort Cèrä in local dialect) - Numerous chapels and some churches inside and outside the town are of interest.
  • 4 Germagno (Germagn in Piedmontese and Lombard) - Of interest are the naturalistic area of ​​the park of Germagno (Alpe Quaggione with the Madonna della Neve church, Alpe Colla with the church of the Alpini, Alpe Cardello with the Madonna del Cardello church of the seventeenth century ), the Zio Lalo museum and the Resistance monument in Alpe Quaggione.
  • 5 Gozzano (Güzön in Piedmontese dialect) - The castle of Buccione is of interest
  • 6 Gravellona Toce (Gravalüna in Ossola dialect) - The ruins of the Castrum Gravallonae and its churches.
  • 7 Madonna del Sasso (Bolèj in Piedmontese, Bulèj in Lombard) - Of interest are the sanctuary of the Madonna del Sasso erected on a granite spur directly above the lake, the Stonemason Museum, dedicated to work in the white granite quarries.
  • 8 Massiola (Maciòla in Piedmontese and Ossola dialect) - In the Strona valley. Of interest is the parish church which has a beautiful Romanesque bell tower and a Baroque altar, and the former white marble quarry which was intensely exploited in the times of Napoleon.
  • 9 Miasino (Miasin in Piedmontese dialect) - The parish church of San Rocco, rebuilt in 1627 on a project by the Milanese architect Francesco Maria Richino.
  • 10 Omegna (Omegna in Piedmontese, Umegna in Lombard) - Ancient town overlooking the Lake Orta. Of interest are the "Forum" arts and industry museum, the ancient bridge, built in the 15th century, the Roman gate of the 12th century and churches such as that of Sant'Ambrogio.
  • 11 Orta San Giulio (Òrta in Piedmontese dialect) - On the bank of the Lake Orta stands in front of theSan Giulio Island where is the basilica of San Giulio, the most important Romanesque monument in the Novara area.
  • 12 Pella (Italy) (Pela in Piedmontese dialect) - On Lake Orta. Of interest is the complex of the church of San Filiberto.
  • 13 Pogno (Pogn in Piedmontese dialect) - It is known as the "village of painted walls" for the numerous murals that decorate the buildings in the town.
  • 14 Quarna Above (Quarnà Zura in Piedmontese, Quarna de Sura in Lombard) - Of interest are the war memorial and some places of worship such as the 18th century sanctuary of the Madonna della Neve del Fontegno.
  • 15 Quarna Below (Quarnà 'd Sota in Piedmontese, Quarna de Sot in Lombard) - Of interest is the Ethnographic Museum and the Wind Musical Instrument dedicated to the "Country of music" Quarna Sotto, due to the centuries-old production of wind musical instruments.
  • 16 Valstrona (Stron-a or Valstron-a in Piedmontese, Struna or Val Struna in Lombard) - In the Strona Valley. Of interest is the sanctuary of the Madonna della Colletta in the locality of Luzzogno.

How to get

By plane

The closest airport is Milan Malpensa.

By car

  • A26 motorway: from Genoa direction Gravellona Toce. Exit Arona or Gravellona Toce.
  • A8 motorway: from Milan direction Varese. Gallarate-Gattico branch, entrance to A26. Exit Arona or Gravellona Toce.
  • Strada Statale 33 del Sempione: from Brig direction Simplon Pass - Iselle state border.

On the train

With the line Domodossola - Novara, you can reach the main towns of del Cusio: Gravellona Toce, Crusinallo, Omegna, Orta San Giulio is Gozzano.

How to get around

By car

The main road that runs through the Cusio from north to south is the provincial road 229 which touches all the main towns and runs alongside Lake Orta.

On boat

During the summer season a public navigation service on the Lake Orta affects the stopovers of Orta San Giulio, San Giulio Island, Pettenasco, Omegna, Ronco, Pella, Lagna, Buccione. For information consult the site Navigation of Lake Orta.

What see

Sacred mountain of Orta


  • Sacro Monte of Orta. UNESCO heritage since 2003, it is located in the center of the peninsula of Orta San Giulio, overlooking the eastern bank of the Lake Orta, and it is the only sacred mountain in Piedmont that has not undergone any changes in its structure after the sixteenth century.
  • Sanctuary of the Madonna del Sasso. it stands on a rocky spur that flows over Lake Orta. In addition to the church dating back to 1725 of interest is the square in front of the church which is considered an exceptional panoramic point so as to be known as the "Cusio balcony".


  • Museum of the Turnaria Dairy, Casale Corte Cerro.
  • Museum of the tap and its technology, San Maurizio d'Opaglio. unique museum in Italy, it tells the story of the relationship between man and water and the major innovations to exploit it. In the second part it describes the history of the tap industry highly developed over the centuries in San Maurizio d'Opaglio.
  • Ethnographic and Wind Musical Instrument Museum, Quarna Below.
  • "Forum" Museum of Arts and Industry, Omegna. born to promote historical research on the Cusian industry. It is home to shows and exhibitions of modern art as well as the collection of the innovations of the major industries (Bialetti, Alessi, Lagostina ...) that have made Omegna the leader in the production of household products for the kitchen. It also manages the Park of Fantasy Gianni Rodari entirely dedicated to children in the footsteps of the great fiction writer Rodari, a native of Omegna. It is made up of recreational, educational and naturalistic areas to let the imagination fly.
  • Museum of the stonemason, Madonna del Sasso.

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Cusio (territory)
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