Pella (Italy) - Pella (Italia)

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Pella is a center of the Piedmont.

To know

Geographical notes

Its territory develops on the western coast of Lake Orta.


There is no certain information relating to the oldest settlements. However, a coppellato boulder from the 4th-1st century BC has recently been found, probably a religious altar that is comparable to those of Bugnate and Monte Zuoli. A small burial ground with cinerary urns and coins from the 3rd and 4th century AD was also found in the area. It is mentioned in the papers starting from 1039. The town followed the events of all the lands linked to the Island of San Giulio, under the bishop's power until 1767. Therefore, Pella was also a bishop's possession starting from the 10th century with Orta and Cozzano. The ancient "castrum" was taken in 957 by Litolfo son of Emperor Otto I, called by his father to reorganize the lands of Northern Italy and to oppose the tyranny of Berengario II and Adalbert, lords ofSan Giulio Island. In 1529 with Orta and the other towns of Cusio repelled the invasion of Cesare Maggio, captain of Charles V.

How to orient yourself

On the road from Alzo to Pella, before entering the town, there is a rest area.


In its municipal territory there are the villages of Alzo, Monte S.Giulio, Ronco and Ventraggia.

How to get

By plane

By car

  • Borgomanero motorway exit
  • Arona motorway exit

Both on the A26 motorway GenoaGravellona Toce

  • Provincial road n. 46 Gozzano - Omegna '' western road of Lake Orta
  • Provincial road n. 48 San Maurizio d’Opaglio - Pella '' Lungolago Lago d’Orta ''

On boat

On the train

By bus

  • Bus lines: timetables and lines [1]
  • Arona - Borgomanero - Omegna - stop at Alzo crossroads via Zanotti
  • Borgomanero - Alzo - Omegna - stops at Alzo crossroads, piazza Fiorentini, Ventragia, San Filiberto, via Zanotti

How to get around

By taxi

What see

  • Coppellato boulder, Scalpellini Path (4th century BC, C:). It is believed to date back to the second Iron Age (4th-1st century BC). It is located at the beginning of the Pellano territory, along the ancient one via degli Scalpellini coming from San Maurizio d'Opaglio. Scholars tend to consider it a sort of altar for religious rites, perhaps sacrifices; the cupels and grooves made in the boulder have the function of conveying liquids downwards, perhaps the blood of sacrificed offerings.
The medieval tower
  • Medieval tower, Way along the lake. It is the only remaining testimony of the ancient fortifications of when Pella and the other coastal towns rejected the Spanish soldiers of Charles V in 1529. Private property, it stands on the lakefront and can be recognized from afar; it is a bit of a symbol of the country.
The ancient bridge of Pella
  • Bridge over the Pellino river (In Alzo). Carved the date 1578 and the name of the builder; the ancient humpback structure was the path of the funeral processions from the church to the cemetery, since it was used to connect the cemetery of San Rocco to the town.
  • Church of San Filiberto (In Alzo), 39 0322 969118. The church stands on the shore of the lake, and shows notable references to its Romanesque origin despite the changes and the subsequent works. It has the distinction of being the only church in Italy dedicated to San Filiberto. The architectural complex has 14 chapels, built in 1794, connected to each other by a low dry wall and showing scenes from the Via Crucis. The bell tower stands alone in front of the church; dated between 1075 and 1110, it has a massive square structure with slits in the lower part and two orders of mullioned windows in the upper area of ​​the tower.
The building, which now serves as a cemetery church, is considered the oldest on the western shore of the lake as it was built in the 11th century. It was rebuilt at the end of the sixteenth century. The gabled façade of the entrance is the oldest part of the structure; the higher apse was built later. The interior, which is accessed by going down a few steps, has a single nave framed by two pointed arches; the hall converges in the raised apse with a pitched basin and pentagonal base.
On the right wall of the church traces of frescoes with San Giulio and other figures of difficult dating have come to light; an inscription in gothic characters shows the name of San Filiberto. A painting of San Giulio is kept under the portico of the Lourdes Chapel, by an anonymous artist of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
  • Parish church of San Giovanni Battista (In the hamlet of Alzo), 39 0322 969141. It was built when the parish of the hamlet of Alzo was erected in 1674; its structure has a single nave with four side chapels.
  • Parish Church of Sant’Albino, Via Pietro Durio 96 (In Alzo), 39 0322 969118. It is the parish church of Pella and was built in 1591, as evidenced by the date engraved in the granite architrave of the entrance portal; in that year the church became independent from the Pieve dell'Isola di San Giusto, on which almost all the churches of the lake depended. The new parish was probably built on an existing Romanesque building. Extension works were then made in the nineteenth century, when the single nave was lengthened and the portico on the facade was built. The church preserves a remarkable painting by Peracino, on the right side of the entrance.
The current bell tower replaced the previous one in 1936.
  • Church of San Defendente (In the hamlet of Ronco Sotto), 39 0322 969141. It is located along the ancient path that connected the Valsesia to the lake and is dedicated to the Roman soldier who became a saint who considers himself protector against the plague. Among the paintings housed in the building there is one Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary which comes from the oratory of the same name in Ronco Sopra.
  • Oratory of San Giulio (In the hamlet of Ronco Sopra), 39 0322 969118.

Events and parties

  • Harmonies on the Lake. Simple icon time.svgJuly August. concert review
  • Crossing of Lake Orta. Simple icon time.svgin July. Non-competitive and competitive swimming event from Pella to Orta San Giulio of mt. 1500

What to do


How to have fun

  • Rialaccio municipal beach (Fraction Roncallo sul Lago).

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices

  • La Rosa Blu Hotel Restaurant, Via Pietro Durio 106 (in Alzo), 39 0322 969282, fax: 39 0322 969282.


  • Castellania del Lago d’Orta, via Buonarroti 10, 39 0322 969298, fax: 39 0322 969622.

Holiday house

  • Mary Help of Christians, via Lungo Lago 64, 39 0322 969125, fax: 39 322 969444.


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Italian post, Via Roma 5, 39 0322 969154, fax: 39 0322 969154.
  • Italian post, Oiazza Fiorentini 1 (In Anzo), 39 0322 969153, fax: 39 0322 969153.


Useful information

  • Pro Loco Pella - tourist information, Via Vignaccia 2, 39 0322 969171.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pella (Italy)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pella (Italy)
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).