Biellese - Biellese

Biellese is a territory ofPiedmontese Alps.

To know

It is an extensive territory, which ranges from flat areas scattered with rice fields in the south, to the high alpine valleys in the north. The Biella area is particularly rich in history, in particular the medieval one, which you can breathe while walking in the ancient villages or visiting the numerous Sacri Monti. One of the main threads that can guide a visit to this area is industrial archeology: the Biella area has always been linked to textile production, and in particular wool, which has left incredible evidence of industrial architecture in the cities. Even from the hiking point of view, it does not fail to offer splendid views that can be enjoyed climbing its mountains.

Geographical notes

The Biellese area is enclosed to the west and north by the mountain range of the Biellese Alps which, dominated by Mount Mars and the Bo, overlook the nearby Monte Rosa and guarantee the underlying territory considerable water resources and the presence of numerous spring sources. To the south-west the hilly chain of moraine origin called the Serra di Ivrea separates the Biellese from the Canavese; to the east and south there are plains mainly cultivated with rice and maize.

The maximum altitude of the provincial territory is Mount Mars (2600 m); the minimum altitude, on the other hand, is represented by the municipality of Gifflenga (187 m a.s.l.).

The main streams are the Oropa, the Cervo, the Elvo, the Strona di Mosso and the Sessera.

Spoken languages

Italian is commonly spoken in the Biellese even if the frequent use of the Piedmontese dialect often survives, especially in the more internal towns.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

The castle of Rosazza
City gate of Salussola
  • 1 Biella (Bièla in Piedmontese) - Located at the foot of the Biellese Alps, it is an ancient city that gathers important buildings in the historic center of the "Piazzo", such as the Romanesque baptistery and the basilica of San Sebastiano, not to mention the very important evidence of industrial archeology.
  • 2 Candelo (Candèj in Piedmontese) - Important city known for the ancient ricetto, a fortified area where the products and wealth of the city were kept to protect them from raids. It is one of the largest in Italy and is perfectly preserved.
  • 3 Cavaglià (Cavajà in Piedmontese) - Of interest is the castle built on the outskirts of the city and completely renovated in a neo-medieval style at the end of the 19th century.
  • 4 Cossato (Cusal in Piedmontese) - The second largest city in the province is characteristic for its villages scattered throughout the territory, in which the buildings are gathered around a courtyard, such as Fecia with the beautiful square, which the building overlooks of the accounts.
  • 5 Crevacuore (Crevcheur in Piedmontese, Cravacòr in the Valsesian variant) - Legend has it that its name derives from the death by "heartbreak" of a princess who lost her son in the lake where the town now stands. Above the town stands the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Fontana completely immersed in the woods.
  • 6 Graglia (Graja in Piedmontese) - Ancient town where the Sacro Monte di Graglia is located. Not far from the sanctuary, in a very specific point, an echo of even 11 syllables can be produced!
  • 7 Magnano (Magnan in Piedmontese) - There is a ricetto well preserved, in which, in August, the medieval fair of San Rocco takes place, a historical re-enactment through the streets of the center.
  • 8 Piedicavallo (Pidcaval in Piedmontese, Pickuvoal in Walser language) - Last village of the Cervo Valley, offers a very suggestive historical center of Walser imprint.
  • 9 Rosazza (Arsassa in Piedmontese) - Defined as the most mysterious town in Italy it was the birthplace of Federico Rosazza, Senator and member of the Freemasonry, who built numerous works in the nineteenth-century style: his castle, the town hall, a monumental cemetery and a church, which rumors suggest was used by his lodge as a temple for their rites. Throughout the country it is possible to find many esoteric and Masonic symbols.
  • 10 Salussola (Sanisòla in Piedmontese) - Medieval village surrounded by an important circle of walls. The parish church of Santa Maria Assunta and the lower city gate surmounted by a guard tower are of interest.
  • 11 Sordevolo (Sordèivo in Piedmontese) - It has become exceptionally famous for the representation of the Passion of Christ which is held every five years. It is represented by more than three hundred non-professional actors all from the country. The next edition of the Passion will be held from 12 June to 26 September 2021.
  • 12 Valdilana - Made up of several hamlets, it is the gateway to theOasis Zegna. In the hamlet of Trivero there is the sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Brughiera, while the hamlet of Valle di Mosso, an excellent vantage point, is an important center of the textile industry.
  • 13 Zumaglia (Zumaja in Piedmontese) - There is the castle of the same name, of medieval origin, in which there is a botanical garden with exotic plants.

Other destinations

  • 1 Oasis Zegna - Oasi Zegna, between Mosso Valley and the Val Sessera aims to protect and enhance the territory, communicating with visitors through an innovative "visual alphabet" sign system that describes the animals, plants and minerals that populate the area and illustrates the local history. Thanks to the particular natural conformation of the territory and the remarkable endowment of eco-compatible infrastructures, Oasi Zegna is an open-air laboratory and a place to practice a series of activities dedicated to leisure and sport all year round: hiking, deep sea trekking, mountain biking, horseback riding, climbing wall, adventure trails in the trees, kite flying and winter sports.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are Milan-Malpensa and Turin-Caselle.

By car

  • From Turin: A4 motorway, Santhià exit, pass on the provincial road 143, direction Biella.
  • From Milan is Novara: A4 motorway, Carisio exit, pass on the provincial road 230, direction Biella.
  • From Genoa: highway A26, exit Vercelli, pass on the provincial road 230, direction Biella.

On the train

Along the Turin-Milan line, from the stations of Novara is Santhià Two lines depart respectively, reaching Biella and touching the main towns in the area.

How to get around

By car

The Biella area has a good road network that reaches all locations. In particular, the panoramic road SP 232 Zegna connects the Cervo Valley with the Mosso Valley and runs along a high altitude stretch from which you can enjoy an exceptional view over the whole Biellese area, up to the plain.

By bus

All the municipalities of the province are served by a local bus service (timetables on the website atap)

What see

The Sacred Mount of Oropa
  • Sanctuary of Oropa. Reachable from Biella along a road that climbs the mountain through the woods, the sacred mountain, declared heritage ofUNESCO it is one of the largest of its kind and preserves the miraculous effigy of the Madonna d'Oropa.


Way of Oropa: a pilgrimage starting from the plain of Santhià reaches the Sacro Monte.

What to do

  • Ski. Despite its modest altitudes, the Biella area offers some great ski resorts. The most important are that of Biemonte, located at 1300 meters above sea level, where there are more than 10 slopes and modern ski lifts and that of Oropa, above the Sacro Monte.
  • Excursions. The Biella area offers hikers of all kinds a vast range of itineraries that cross the length and breadth of the natural beauties of its valleys. Here a little taste of possible excursions.
  • Bungee jumping (Veglio). A jump from a 150-meter bridge overhanging the Mosso Valley.
  • Veglio Adventure Park. Large adventure park with paths suspended in the trees.

At the table

The predominantly mountainous conformation of the territory favors the breeding of livestock (it is still possible to witness transhumance in the spring-autumn periods); therefore the production of dairy products is remarkable (Toma and typical cheese Macagn) and sausages (Biella headstock, originally from Coggiola, potato salami, snot ...). Among the local dishes, the ris en cagnon, the sweet palpitòn of Mongrando, la polenta concia (topped with melted butter and cheese) and the supa mitunà. And among the desserts i canestrelli of Crevacuore, in Valsessera, in the Biella variant, vaguely similar to wafers, crunchy pressed chocolate waffles.


As for the spirits, the white wine DOC Erbaluce di Caluso (produced in the area of Viverone is Roppolo), and the red DOC Coste del Sesia (produced with various native grapes such as nebbiolo, vespolina and croatina, in various eastern municipalities of the province), the precious Bramaterra (the only wine produced from the assembly of the noble Nebbiolo with a maximum of 30% of croatina, in the Biellese municipalities of Masserano, Brusnengo, Villa del Bosco, Support is Curino), and the noble Lessona, one of the greatest and oldest wines in Italy, which fell into oblivion for a long time and is now constantly recovering, produced in the municipality of the same name from the Nebbiolo grape almost in purity. Also worthy of mention is Ratafià, a black cherry liqueur typical of Andorno Micca and now present with other aromatic variants.


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