Calenzano - Calenzano

Panorama of Calenzano Alto from San Donato
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Calenzano is a city of Tuscany, in the province of Florence.

To know

Geographical notes

Calenzano is located between Florence is Meadow, moreover it borders, as well as with the latter, also with Barberino di Mugello, Campi Bisenzio, Scarperia and San Piero, Sesto Fiorentino, Money order, Vaiano.

Its territory is two-thirds mountainous and extends between the Monti della Calvana to the west (918 m) and Monte Morello to the east (934 m). It is bathed by a few streams but with a rich wooded area.


It was an important road junction in Roman times, where a castle was built in the Middle Ages to control the road, on the hilly site of today's Calenzano Alto. It was definitively fortified in the 14th century. Today it is mainly a center of industries in the Florentine plain.

How to orient yourself


  • Settimello - The Parco del Neto extends in this locality.
  • Le Croci di Calenzano - The highest hamlet of the municipality (428 m) with excellent restaurants and prestigious residences. In winter it can be rough.

How to get

Calenzano railway station

By car

Calenzano can be reached by car from the A1 motorway (exit Calenzano-Sesto Fiorentino).

On the train

There are two railway stations (Calenzano and Pratignone) where interregional trains stop (Florence-Prato line)Bologna) and regional ones (Florence-Prato line-Pistoia-Lucca-Viareggio).

By bus

You can reach the city center in several ways, depending on the city of departure:

How to get around

What see

Calenzano offers several attractions of cultural interest. On its territory, there are very beautiful villas and churches of historical and artistic interest. The main attraction is Calenzano Alto, the medieval village and historic center of Calenzano, still enclosed by its walls today.

Religious architectures

The bell tower and the northern side of the parish church of Santa Maria
Parish church of San Severo
  • 1 Church of San Niccolò. Romanesque church with frescoes by Jacopo and Nardo di Cione, including the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, the Nativity and saints, L'Annunciation.
  • 2 Parish church of San Donato. It stands on a hill overlooking the Val di Marina along the ancient Roman road that connected Florence with Pistoia. In 1450 the church became part of the Medici properties.
  • 3 Parish church of Santa Maria (Location Carraia). Inside it preserves the Madonna offering her belt to St. Thomas between the saints Michael the Archangel and Francis with the client from the workshop of Lorenzo di Credi (1510), the Madonna and Child between San Rocco and San Sebastiano attributed to Agnolo di Donnino, and a Saint Anthony the Abbot from the workshop of Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio.
  • 4 Church of San Pietro (Casaglia locality). On the wall behind the main altar there is a glazed terracotta altarpiece from the workshop of Andrea della Robbia, datable to the second decade of the sixteenth century, depicting the Madonna and Child between Saints Peter and Paul.
  • Church of Santa Lucia (Location Collina). Rebuilt in the mid-sixteenth century by Filippo di Averardo Salviati. It has an oval with Saint Lucia, placed on the high altar in a baroque frame with cheering angels.
  • 5 Oratory of the Company of the Blessed Sacrament (Near the Church of San Niccolò). Inside there is the panel by Domenico Cresti known as the Passignano depicting the Crowning with Thorns.
  • Oratory of the Visitation (Attached to the villa Ginori in Collina.). The barrel vault has a rich grotesque decoration by Giovan Maria Butteri and Giovanni Bizzelli.
  • Oratory of San Pietro (Legri Castle). Of modest proportions, with a bell gable and a single nave.
  • 6 Parish church of San Severo (Location Legri). From the Byzantine era. Among the works of art we remember the fresco of the second half of the fourteenth century with San Iacopo, by Pietro di Miniato, and the Last Judgment with the Madonna and Saints, from the 15th century.
  • Church of Santa Maria alla Querciola. Prior to the thirteenth century with a valuable organ from the end of the eighteenth century.
  • Hermitage of Sant'Anna Vecchia. Founded in 1217 and currently in ruins. Only the architraved portal and the small lateral slit windows show traces of the ancient monastic origin.
  • Church of Santo Stefano (Locality Secciano). Dating back to the 13th century and fully restored in 1825.
  • 7 Church of Santa Lucia (Settimello location). Inside there is a polychrome terracotta sculpture depicting Saint Lucia by Benedetto Buglioni and a wooden crucifix by Baccio da Montelupo placed on the high altar. Both from the early 16th century.
  • Church of San Rufignano (Sommaia locality). The interior of the church houses a baptismal font from the Ginori di Doccia factory and a fresco by Otello Fratoni depicting the Baptism of Christ, dating back to the 19th century; as well as a pipe organ from 1842, restored in 2013.
  • Church of Santo Stefano (Sommaia locality). Dating back to the 11th century and acquired by the Ginori in 1514.
  • 8 Church of Santa Maria (Travalle locality). His most precious piece of furniture is a white porcelain crucifix from the Doccia factory.

Civil architectures

Villa Matilde
Villa Ginori in Collina
  • Villa Barbensi, Via Pratese.
  • Villa Carmignani (Settimello location).
  • Villa Il Castellaccio, Street of Baroncoli.
  • Villa Cintolesi, Via Baldanzese.
  • Villa Gamba (Location il Neto).
  • Villa Ginori of the Castle of Calenzano, Street of the Castle.
  • Villa Ginori in Collina, Via di Collina, 15. It is located in a panoramic position on the top of the homonymous hill. It has a fortified aspect with large perimeter walls. Today the villa is used as a farm, while the hunting lodge houses a restaurant; the ragnaia belongs to other private individuals.
  • Villa Fossi (Location il Neto). Ancient villa dating back to the early fifteenth century of the Strozzi and Machiavelli families, surmounted by a high and massive tower that strongly characterizes its appearance.
  • Villa of Macìa (Macìa locality).
  • Villa Martini Bernardi (Sommaia locality). Erected at the end of the eighteenth century.
  • Masedonic Villa (Sommaia locality).
  • 9 Villa Matilde, Via del Castello, 48. Liberty style villa from the early twentieth century.
  • Villa Montedomini (Location Closed).
  • Villa Morrocchi, Via Vicinale del Chiuso.
  • Villa Le Prata (Location La Colonia).
  • Villa Il Pratello (Travalle locality).
  • Villa of San Donato (Location San Donato).
  • Villa of Spugnoli (Location Spugnoli).
  • Villa of the Tabernacle, Via Vittorio Emanuele.
  • Villa La Torricella, Via del Buon Riposo.
  • Villa of Travalle (Travalle locality).
  • Villa of Volmiano (Location Legri).

Military architectures

Tower of Baroncoli
  • Legri Castle (Location Legri). It stands on the highest peak of the hill visible from the four cardinal points and once a watchful sentinel of the important communication routes.
  • Fortress of the Strozzi, Street of Baroncoli.
  • 10 Tower of Baroncoli (From via di Baroncoli). Unfinished construction, commissioned by Carlo Ginori.


  • Municipal Museum of the Historical Figurine. Founded in 1981, it has taken on an educational path. In the mid-90s there is a collaboration with the Stibbert Museum brings the exhibition Guerra e Assoldati in Tuscany 1260-1364.
  • Industrial Design Museum. Established in 2005, the foundation owns about one hundred designs, from 1960 to today.

Events and parties

  • Drapery (Settimello location). Simple icon time.svgIn October. Dispute between historical groups of Tuscany.
  • Spring Festival (Location Name of Jesus). Simple icon time.svgIn April.
  • Horse Fair (Location Carraia). Simple icon time.svgIn September.
  • Cool in Summer (Location Carraia). Simple icon time.svgBetween August and September.
  • New oil market exhibition. Simple icon time.svgIn November.
  • Feast of the Unity of Legri. Simple icon time.svgIn July.
  • Feast of the Unit of Settimello. Simple icon time.svgHalf September.
  • The sustainable city, days for the environment. Simple icon time.svgLast week of September.
  • Medieval Carnival. Simple icon time.svgAt the end of February.
  • Tuscany Fair. Simple icon time.svgIn May. Market exhibition of Tuscany
  • Feast of Mercy of Calenzano. Simple icon time.svgSecond half of June.
  • Volunteering (At the "La Fogliaia" arch club). Simple icon time.svgFrom 4 to 22 June.
  • Christmas market. Simple icon time.svgIn the holiday season.

What to do


Neighborhood Markets

In its territory an excellent olive oil is produced; Calenzano is part ofNational Association City of oil.

  • Carraia market, Via Bellini. Simple icon time.svgEvery Monday.
  • Central market, Via Don Minzoni. Simple icon time.svgEvery Wednesday.
  • Settimello market, Via Cioni. Simple icon time.svgEvery Friday.
  • Donnini market, Resistance Square. Simple icon time.svgEvery Saturday.

How to have fun


  • Manzoni Theater, Via Mascagni, 18. Alongside the prose, there are also interesting jazz evenings created with the collaboration of Toscana Music Pool.

Where to eat

Olive groves in the hills of Calenzano

L'oil it is the product par excellence of the area, it is produced from the olive trees of the Calenzano hills, and is of excellent quality and is highly sought after.

Where stay


Calenzano is a relatively safe town, at least like many other cities in the center of Italy. However, in the event of an emergency, the following numbers can be contacted:

For health emergencies you can call the national number 118.

Or you can refer to the following pharmacies:

  • Municipal Pharmacy, Via Cioni (Settimello location), 39 055 8877006. Simple icon time.svgOpen Mon-Sat 9: 00-13: 00 and 16: 00-19: 30, except on holidays. On Saturday afternoon it is only open if on duty.
  • Balducci Pharmacy, Via Giusti, 15, 39 055 8879004. Simple icon time.svgOpen Mon-Sat 9: 00-13: 00 and 16: 00-19: 30, except on holidays. Sometimes it is open all day.
  • Navy pharmacy, Via di Prato, 26, 39 055 8879394. Simple icon time.svgOpen Mon-Sat 9: 00-13: 00 and 16: 00-19: 30, except on holidays. Sometimes it is open all day.

Calenzano pharmacies do not operate night shifts. To see the closest pharmacies open at night and the closing days of Calenzanese pharmacies, please refer to municipality site.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Post Office, Via Battisti snc, corner of Via Larga (Calenzano), 39 055 8811531, fax: 39 055 8825049. Mon-Fri 8: 20-19: 05; Sat 8: 20-12: 35; Sun and holidays, closed.
  • Post Office, Via Del Gufo, 10 (Settimello), 39 055 8877641, fax: 39 055 8877641. Mon-Fri 8: 20-13: 35; Sat 8: 20-12: 35; Sun and holidays, closed.


Cellular coverage is almost total by all operators.


On the municipal area there is a free wireless network for internet connection, identified by the name Common WiFi. Although free, it is necessary to authenticate. For more details on the areas covered by the service, see the relevant page on municipality site.

Keep informed


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Calenzano
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Calenzano
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