Sesto Fiorentino - Sesto Fiorentino

Sesto Fiorentino
The castle of Castiglione
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Sesto Fiorentino
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Sesto Fiorentino is a city of Tuscany, the third most populated city in the province of Florence.

To know

City whose urban agglomeration is a natural extension of that of the Tuscan capital without interruption from it. The name comes from sextus ab urbe lapis that is to sixth mile from the city of Florence. The cities and hamlets of Terzolle, Quarto, Quinto (Alto and Basso), Settimello have a similar etymology.

Geographical notes

Sesto Fiorentino is located in the northwest of the Florentine plain (understood as the province of Florence, excluding the areas Prato is Pistoia), its territory is mainly flat, but it also extends over reliefs such as Monte Morello (921 m) which is the main mountain in the Florentine area, and thanks to its height it dominates the landscape of the city.

In the Sesto area there are also woods, which can be traveled along the paths. These woods are contained in the territory of Monte Morello.

There is a small stream, the Zambra stream, fed mainly by the rains.


The oldest human settlement in the Florentine plain dates back to about 9,000 years ago, but only in the Neolithic (about 5 / 6,000 years ago) there is archaeological evidence of a widespread population, with agricultural and pastoral villages. There is also evidence of a plant with the most ancient kilns for firing ceramics.

Around the seventh century BC the presence of the Etruscan people began, who in the area devoted themselves a lot to the reclamation of the surrounding plain. The Tomba della Montagnola and the Tomba della Mula date back to that period.

The first churches date back to the Late Middle Ages, among which the Pieve di San Martino immediately acquired importance. Later it was part of the Florentine Republic in which it was the capital of one of the leagues of the countryside. Greater development took place in the Renaissance due to the reclamation of the plain.

In 1735 the Marquis Carlo Ginori founded the Doccia Factory, one of the first porcelain factories in the entire Europe, which brought considerable economic development.

After World War II, the Sesto Fiorentino area was the subject of a rapid urban expansion and considerable economic development.

Monte Morello

How to orient yourself

Natural areas

  • Parco del Neto (or Villa Gamba) - English garden dating back to 1853.
  • Park of villa Solaria - English garden.
  • Parco dell 'Oliveta - Public park built on an olive grove in which a free wireless coverage is active.
  • Parco degli Etruschi - Built on the occasion of the works for the passage of the high-speed line, it houses a small remnant of a Roman aqueduct.
  • Parco della Piana (ANPIL - Podere la Querciola) - Extensive wetland area managed by Legambiente with various observation points perfect for birdwatching throughout its territory. Over 200 species of birds pass through the year, including herons, flamingos, knights of Italy and many others.

Archaeological sites

In the area there are some Etruscan archaeological sites:

  • Tomba della Montagnola - It is located in via Fratelli Rosselli 95, inside the park of a private villa. Discovered in 1959, it can be dated to the 7th century BC. It consists of an external uncovered dromos and a covered internal one flanked by two lateral cells, one on each side. The burial chamber is surmounted by a false dome with a central pillar. It is considered one of the most famous Etruscan monuments in the area.
  • Tomb of the Mula - It is located in via della Mula 2, also inside a private park. It was used by the owners of the villa as a cellar; this use has modified the floor. It measures about 9 meters in diameter. Nearby is the park of Villa Solaria, where, in 1820, another tomb was found, which was then demolished to use the rocks.
  • Palastreto Necropolis - Consisting of a series of holes where urns containing the remains of the deceased were lowered, it was used by several Etruscan villages in the area between the eighth and sixth centuries BC. Currently free to visit (the finds have been transferred to neighboring museums)
  • Remains of the Roman Villa - Discovered during the construction of the shopping center in Via Petrosa, it was an agricultural villa (contains traces of an oil mill and warehouses). Currently visitable with periodic free openings in the parking lot of the same Shopping Center.


Tomb of the Mula with Monte Morello in the background

The main hamlets of Sesto are:

  • Cercina - Located in a panoramic position.
  • Colonnata - At the foot of Monte Morello.
  • Osmannoro - Sesto industrial and commercial area near the Peretola airport.
  • Il Neto - Urban area centered around the park of the same name.
  • Quinto Basso - Where among others there is the Tomb of the Mula.

But there are also: Canonica di Cercina, Montorsoli, La Zambra, Padule, Querceto, Quinto Alto, San Silvestro, Val di Rose, Valiversi, Volpaia.

How to get

By car

Reachable from the A1 and A11 motorways respectively exit Calenzano-Sesto Fiorentino and Sesto Fiorentino.

For those arriving from Florence it is sufficient to take via Sestese, which then changes its name to via Gramsci. The latter is a street that crosses the whole city, and which near the center is a restricted traffic area on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays from 8:00 to 19:00 (ZTL signaled by special signs and when activated by luminous devices flashing).

On boat

There are no navigable waterways.

On the train

From Sesto passes the Florence-Meadow-Bologna: only regional trains that cover the metropolitan connection stop at the station Pistoia-Prato-Florence-Pontassieve-Montevarchi with very frequent runs, spaced even by a few minutes, from 5 in the morning to midnight.

By bus

From Florence with lines 2, 28 and 57 of theATAF.

How to get around

For the small city center it is advisable to move by bicycle or on foot.

By public transport

Sesto is served by the ATAF vehicles for connections with Florence and by the means of the CAP for connections with Meadow.

By taxi

Taxis can be called or booked on the numbers 39 055 4242 and 39 055 4390.

By car

Getting around by car is simple thanks to the low traffic and the availability of parking (unlike what can happen in the historic center of Florence or in the main suburban communication arteries). The car parks are paid during the day: some of them are also paid during the weekly market (Saturday)

What see

Religious architectures

Parish church of San Martino
  • 1 Parish church of San Martino. Known as early as 1000. The interior has three naves of which the central one maintains the 12th century layout. Of note, on the high altar, is a Crucifix by Agnolo Gaddi (1390). In addition, a Circumcision by Jacopo Vignali, la Death of the Virgin by Cenni di Francesco di ser Cenni, Four saints di Santi di Tito and a series of reproductions made by Ginori in the nineteenth century from Robbian originals.
  • 2 Church of Santa Maria a Quinto. Rebuilt in the second half of the eighteenth century. Inside it preserves a remarkable triptych by Spinello Aretino and an "Annunciation" by the Master of the Strauss Madonna (1410).
Parish church of Sant'Andrea in Cercina
  • 3 Parish church of Sant'Andrea in Cercina. Three-nave church dating back to the year 880, later enlarged in the 15th century. In the right apse are early frescoes by Domenico Ghirlandaio (Saints Girolamo, Barbara and Antonio Abate), in the central apse is the fourteenth-century polyptych by the Maestro di San Niccolò; at the end of the left aisle there are late sixteenth century frescoes.
  • 4 Church of San Romolo in Colonnata. Church of the thirteenth century and renovated in 1620. Adorned with beautiful furnishings from the Ginori di Doccia factory: the altar is covered with brightly colored porcelain; in the center is the tabernacle with the door in porcelain painted by Giovan Battista Fanciullacci (1783). Above the altar stands a "crucified Christ" in white porcelain, while a set of candlesticks completes the apparatus. In the hall of the Compagnia there is a series of imposing frescoed "Apostles" from the end of the sixteenth century which lead to a frescoed "Pietà" from the fifteenth century.
  • 5 Church of San Giusto in Gualdo. The church preserves on the architrave of the entrance door the coat of arms of the Ginori family which in the sixteenth century had its patronage. The church is currently the seat of cultural and recreational activities and the two paintings on canvas that adorned its side altars are now kept in the rectory of the Pieve di San Martino in Sesto.
  • 6 Church of Santa Maria a Morello. Church of the thirteenth century, renovated in 1519. On the facade is visible a stone coat of arms with the arms of the Cocchi family. The restoration work brought to light various frescoes: a grandiose one was found in the vault of the apse Christ enthroned blessing flanked by the figures of the Virgin and St. John the Baptist, datable to the second half of the fourteenth century.
  • 7 Church of Santi Maria e Bartolomeo in Padule. Church of the year 1024 with a portico frescoed at the end of the 15th century. On the facade it shows the coat of arms of the Venturi family. Inside, too, there are numerous frescoes from the mid-17th century.
Oratory of San Jacopo in Ceppeto
  • 8 Church of Santa Maria and San Jacopo in Querceto. 13th century church, renovated in the 18th century. It has a very particular high altar made by the Ginori di Doccia factory in the second half of the 18th century in translucent majolica. The crucifix of the high altar dating back to the same period was changed a few years ago to replace another porcelain crucifix, also made by the Ginori di Doccia factory to facilitate the admiration of the paintings behind it. The old crucifix is ​​now kept in one of the catechism rooms. In 1934 a fragmentary fresco attributed to the school of Michele di Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio was discovered, today restored and clearly visible.
  • 9 Monastery of San Domenico, via Capponi 32, 39 055 4200066. Monumental Renaissance structure immersed in a large park. Among the works of art, the polychrome wooden "Christ crucified" of the fourteenth century and a beautiful painting, dated 1520 and close to the manner of Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio, which depicts the "Virgin with two saints who protects the community of nuns with her mantle".
Church of San Bartolomeo in Carmignanello
  • 10 Church of San Lorenzo al Prato. Church, of Romanesque origin, from 1575 it was the oratory of the nearby villa formerly owned by Venturi and subsequently Corsi. Very simple in structure, inside it has a frescoed ceiling with "San Lorenzo carried to heaven by angels".
  • 11 Oratory of San Jacopo in Ceppeto. The oratory, located in a panoramic point, preserves pleasant frescoes from the end of the sixteenth century with the Virgin with Child and the saints Antonio Abate and Rocco. The coat of arms of the Catellini da Castiglione family with three rampant ermines, also frescoed on the same wall as the only altar, recalls their ancient patronage which extended up to this small church.
  • 12 Convent and church of Santa Lucia alla Castellina, Via del Bronzino, 9, 39 055 452244. Carmelite convent, built in the early sixteenth century and renovated around 1640. It preserves a rich artistic heritage in terms of frescoes, decorations, stuccos, where the confessionals in carved walnut have also been preserved, all between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The most important work is theAssunta with the Child and saints of Volterrano (1682).
  • 13 Church of San Bartolomeo in Carmignanello, Via di Carmignanello (On the southern side of Monte Morello (path 4 CAI), near the Villa-convent of Carmignanello). On the outside it presents the cladding with the typical Alberese stone row, a small apse with a central lancet window slightly buried with respect to the street level, while on the other side there is the small entrance surmounted by a circular window. The construction is completed by the bell gable, now completely devoid of bells. Overall, the small Romanesque building is severe but graceful.
  • Oratory of San Luigi Gonzaga. Oratory of the Pieve di San Martino where summer camps for children are organized.


Doccia Porcelain Museum
  • 14 Richard-Ginori Museum of the Doccia Factory, Via Pratese, 31, @. Executed on a project by the architect Pier Niccolò Berardi. It exhibits an excellent selection of the works produced by the Ginori Manufacture in Doccia then Richard-Ginori from its foundation to the present day. Currently closed, it will reopen in 2022. Richard-Ginori Museum of the Doccia manufactory on Wikipedia Richard-Ginori Museum of the Doccia Factory (Q3867637) on Wikidata

Civil architectures


Over time, numerous villas, villas and parks were built in the hills of Sesto by wealthy Florentine aristocrats.

  • Villa Belvedere (Location Belvedere).
  • Villa Calamai Ricceri, Via Gramsci.
  • Villa Capponi (Querceto locality).
  • 15 Villa-convent of Carmignanello, Via di Carmignanello. 17th century villa located near the beginning of the valley of the Zambra stream.
The panoramic garden of Villa Il Casale
  • 16 Villa Il Casale, Via Pozzo, 1. Fourteenth-century villa, subsequently enlarged and renovated. It has an Italian-style panoramic terraced garden that features geometric flower beds surrounded by box hedges arranged around a central fountain.
  • Villa of Castiglione (Location Castiglione).
  • 17 Villa La Collina (Location Collina on the slopes of Monte Morello). 15th century villa. Inside, the armory stands out, with cross vaults, and numerous rooms with coffered ceilings. It has a garden with a panoramic terrace.
Internal garden of the Villa Guicciardini Corsi Salviati
  • 18 Villa Guicciardini Corsi Salviati, Via Gramsci, 456. One of the most beautiful villas around Florence, whose garden represents an important testimony, as it contains stratifications and stylistic transformations that have occurred in at least three hundred years of history starting from 1500.
  • 19 Villa Gerini (Villa of Colonnata), Via XX Settembre, 259. 14th century villa with a park full of local and exotic plants (e.g. a beautiful cedar from Nepal), as well as ponds and fountains. The structure of the old lemon house has been converted into a restaurant.
  • 20 Villa Ginori in Doccia, Via delle Porcellane. Fourteenth century villa enlarged in the 1600s. Easily identifiable from all over the plain because it is located at the foot of the seventeenth-century and spectacular Ginori lane (two very long tree-lined rows) which climbs up to the top of Monte Acuto.
  • Villa Landini, Street of the Chapels.
  • Villa Malafrasca, Via della Topaia.
  • Villa Il Masseto, Via del Masseto.
  • Villa Il Melarancio (Querceto locality).
  • 21 Villa Paolina (Villa Baldini-Doufur), Via di Castello, 47. Villa of the '500 which has seen the succession of many owners and which owes its name to Paolina Bonaparte, for whom it was built and who stayed there with her husband. Today, after the modernization of the early nineteenth century, it appears as one of the most interesting villas in a fully neoclassical style.
  • Villa Le Pergole, Via della Loggia.
  • Villa La Piazza (Canonical locality).
  • Villa Il Poggio, Via delle Botti.
  • Villa Poggio Chiaro (Location Morello).
  • 22 Stanley Villa, Via XX Settembre, 200. The Villa has a typical architecture of the fifteenth century, with a portico and enclosed courtyard. Inside, the furnishings of the 19th century stand out, the arms room, with cross vaults, and numerous rooms with coffered ceilings. The garden surrounding the villa is a centuries-old garden, with a large lawn bordered by cypresses that surrounds the building on all sides. Today inside there is a luxury hotel and a restaurant for receptions.
  • Villa Tognozzi Moreni, Via della Castellina.
  • Villa Tommaso Reggio, Via del Ghirlandaio.
  • Villa La Torre, Via della Topaia.
  • Villa Torrigiani (Villa Solaria) (Quinto Alto location). Built in the 15th century for the Guidacci family. Following many changes of ownership, in 1982 it was acquired by the municipality making its large park (6 hectares) public.
  • 23 Villa Villoresi (Prato Della Tosa), Via Ciampi, 2 (Colonnade). Formerly a thirteenth-century fortress with a large lawn in front. The loggia on the first floor overlooking the Italian garden, one of the longest in the entire region, thirty-five meters long, supported by seven stone columns is very remarkable. The interior of the villa has numerous prestigious rooms.


Detail of the facade of Palazzo Pretorio
  • Town Hall, Vittorio Veneto square. Palace of 1869.
  • Palazzo Pretorio, Ginori square. Palace of 1477 bearing numerous coats of arms of the various successive podestàs.
  • 24 Baracca Tower (Location Fonte dei Seppi. Reachable from the CAI path 2B). Tradition has it that the tower was born to control the old mule track. The tower enjoys a wide view from the west side of Monte Morello.

Events and parties

  • Saint martin (Patronal feast). Simple icon time.svg11 November.
  • Empty the Cellar. Event open to the public which usually takes place in spring along the streets and squares of the city. Residents can request a stand where they can give away (usually at ridiculously low prices) all the junk they no longer use. On the other hand, you can also get great deals there.

What to do

  • Trekking. On the mountain paths indicated by the CAI. Some of which depart from the headquarters of the Gualdo Sports Group.


  • La Botteguccia (Richard-Ginori outlet), Viale Giulio Cesare 50 (Inside the Ginori factory), 39 055 4210472. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 10 am-1pm and 2 pm-7pm. Richard-Ginori's products derived from ancient works in porcelain of the old Ginori in Doccia they are certainly one of the most typical, and in some cases valuable, things that can be purchased. La Botteguccia sells both first (end of series stock) and second and third choice products, with prices much lower than those that can be found elsewhere. Being high quality products, the second choices generally have minor, almost imperceptible problems. The third choice instead shows imperfections visible to the naked eye (even minimal or positioned on the bottom).

How to have fun


  • Theater of the Limonaia, Via Gramsci, 426, 39 055 440852, fax: 39 055 4493015, @. Ecb copyright.svgTickets typically from € 10 to € 13. It offers interesting theatrical performances.
  • Multiplex Cinema Grotto, Via Gramsci 387, 39 055 446600, @. Ecb copyright.svgFull € 7.50; Reduced (up to 11 years) € 5.50; Every Wednesday (excluding holidays and days before holidays) € 5.00; Subscription 10 entrances € 50.00. Tickets for 3D films cost € 1.5 / € 2.0 more per entry. With the "Pizza & Cinema" promotion you can have pizza, drink and admission for € 12 (€ 15 for 3D). Prices as of June 2014.. It has four rooms and within the structure there is also a restaurant-pizzeria. It has a free internal parking reserved for its customers.

Where to eat

Although the guts alla sestese (boiled pork entrails) are a typical dish of the municipality of Sesto, it is difficult (if not impossible) to find it in a restaurant. Same thing for the rice on the guts (rice cooked in the broth of offal).

Moderate prices

Average prices

  • The Morello Workshop, Via Di Gualdo, 1 (On the hills of Monte Morello), 39 055 4489444, @. Being in the hills it is a good option for summer dinners. Next to it is the Botteghina di Morello bar which is more a gastronomy where you can buy typical products or have an afternoon snack perhaps during a picnic.
  • Red Olive Tree, Via La Catese, 2, 39 055 4481890, fax: 39 055 4481953, @. Restaurant and B&B in the hills surrounded by greenery. The prices are slightly above average but the food is good and the atmosphere pays off. Parking is lacking so it happens to have to leave the car along the road not always very close, and at night it may not be the best.
  • Caravanserai, Piazzale Leonardo Da Vinci 1, 39 055 4489949, @. Pizzeria restaurant located in the highest and most panoramic point of Monte Morello. The quality may not be excellent but it is proportionate at medium-low prices, and in the summer it is pleasant to dine at one of its outdoor tables. The availability of tables is high, however in summer, especially for large groups, it is advisable to book in advance.

High prices

  • AqAbA, Viale XX Settembre, 221, 39 055 4421287, fax: 39 055 4421287, @. Excellent restaurant located inside the park of the villa Gerini, in particular in the former lemon house. Besides being good, the desserts are also beautiful to look at. In the summer, the outdoor tables are lovely. For those unfamiliar with it it is not easy to spot because it is poorly marked and far from the main avenue, the parking is still adjacent and free. Reservation, especially in summer, is to be considered mandatory.

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 Hotel Ibis Florence North Airport, Via Volturno, 50 (Osmannoro), 39 055 34511, fax: 39 055 3024894, @. 3-star hotel located in the heart of the industrial area, so in order not to be dependent on the few public transport it is necessary to have your own means of transport. However it is a good value hotel.

High prices

  • Hotel Villa Stanley, Via XX Settembre, 200, 39 055 446121, @. Ecb copyright.svgFree parking. Single, double, triple and quadruple rooms with prices ranging from 100 to 200 € depending on the season (June 2014). Historic Florentine villa immersed in a park used as a 4-star hotel. Its restaurant, not exactly cheap, is often used for ceremonies and it is possible to dine there by non-guests of the hotel.


Sesto is a relatively safe town, at least like many other cities in the center of Italy. However, in the event of an emergency, the following numbers can be contacted:

For health emergencies you can call the national number 118 or the emergency medical Service, Piazza San Francesco, 35, 39 055 4200050.

Or you can refer to the following pharmacies:

  • Municipal Pharmacy 1, Via Felice Cavallotti 26, 39 055 4489082. Simple icon time.svgOpen every day even at night, except on holidays.
  • Municipal Pharmacy 2, Viale I Maggio, 324, 39 055 444156. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 30-12: 30 and 16: 00-19: 30; Sat 9: 00-13: 00.
  • Municipal Pharmacy 3, Via Gramsci, 560, 39 055 442858. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 30-12: 30 and 16: 00-19: 30; Sat 9: 00-13: 00.
  • Municipal Pharmacy 4, Via Leopardi, 72, 39 055 4215924. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 30-12: 30 and 16: 00-19: 30; Sat 9: 00-13: 00.
  • Municipal Pharmacy 5, Viale Togliatti, 145, 39 055 4201109. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 30-12: 30 and 16: 00-19: 30; Sat 9: 00-13: 00.
  • Municipal Pharmacy 6, Via Gramsci 546 (Inside the Esselunga shopping center), 39 055 4490642. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 30-12: 30 and 16: 00-19: 30; Sat 9: 00-13: 00.
  • Municipal Pharmacy 7, Via Olmo, 135, 39 055 4216666. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 30-12: 30 and 16: 00-19: 30; Sat 9: 00-13: 00.
  • Municipal Pharmacy 8, Via Petrosa 19 (Inside the Ipercoop shopping center), 39 055 442089. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 30-12: 30 and 16: 00-19: 30; Sat 9: 00-13: 00.
  • Municipal Pharmacy 9, Via della Docciola, 72, 39 055 402086. Simple icon time.svgTue and Thu 14: 00-17: 00. Cercina's dispensary.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Main post office (Sesto Fiorentino), Via dell'Olmo, 39 055 4214531, fax: 39 055 4214550. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-19: 05; Sat 8: 20-12: 35; Sun and holidays, closed.
  • Post Office (Sesto Fiorentino 2), Via Gramsci, 544, 39 055 4485231, fax: 39 055 4480689. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-19: 05; Sat 8: 20-12: 35; Sun and holidays, closed.
  • Post Office (Sesto Fiorentino 1), Via Alighieri, 44, 39 055 4482231, fax: 39 055 4480746. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 35; Sat 8: 20-12: 35; Sun and holidays, closed.
  • Post Office (Colonnade), Piazza San Romolo, 35, 39 055 442003, fax: 39 055 4493948. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 35; Sat 8: 20-12: 35; Sun and holidays, closed.
  • Post Office (Settimello), Via del Gufo, 10, 39 055 8877641, fax: 39 055 8877641. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 35; Sat 8: 20-12: 35; Sun and holidays, closed.
  • Post Office (Florence 30), Via Reginaldo Giuliani, 148 / E, 39 055 4558231, fax: 39 055 4590819. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 35; Sat 8: 20-12: 35; Sun and holidays, closed.
  • Post Office (Osmannoro), Via Danubio, 12/14, 39 055 308505, fax: 39 055 300200. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 9: 00-18: 00; Sat-Sun and holidays, closed.


Cellular coverage is almost total by all operators, although TIM is the one that presents fewer problems.


In various public areas, such as the Oliveta Park, there is a free wireless network.

Keep informed


  • Florence it is undoubtedly the main excursion that can be done from Sesto, however the other neighboring towns may also be worth a visit.
50,000 lire banknote with the Bernini effigy
  • 25 Medici villa of Castello (Royal Villa) (Location Castello). Ecb copyright.svgPark: free admission. Villa: € 5 full price and reductions available (August 2015). Like all Medici villas, this one is also protected byUNESCO. The garden of the villa can be visited every day, while the villa can be visited on the last Sunday of the month (booking recommended) with the support of an accredited guide. For information call 39 055 2001278. In the garden there are sculptural masterpieces by Ammannati, Giambologna and Vasari. This is where theAccademia della Crusca.

Useful information

  • Carlo Collodi (stage name of Carlo Lorenzini) partly wrote his famous book here Pinocchio. Many of the places are set in Villa Gerini (or Villa Lorenzini, given the ten-year stay in the area of ​​his brother Paolo and the assiduous frequentations of Carlo).
  • Gian Lorenzo Bernini, sculptor, architect and painter of the seventeenth century, was born in Naples but his family is originally from Sesto Fiorentino.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Sesto Fiorentino
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Sesto Fiorentino
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).