Arbus (Italy) - Arbus (Italia)

Arbus - Flumentorgiu Tower
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Arbus is a city of Southern Sardinia.

To know

Geographical notes

The Arbus area can be identified in the south-western part of Sardinia and consists of a group of mountain ranges that culminate in the south with Monte Linas (1,236 meters above sea level) and to the north with Monte Arcuentu (785 meters above sea level). Together with Capo Frasca it constitutes the extreme south of the Gulf of Oristano. Arbus borders the municipalities of Fluminimaggiore, Gonnosfanadiga, Guspini is Terralba (Oristano).


Arbus shows traces of an ancient human settlement; here, in fact, two human skeletons were found dating back to the Neolithic period (8500 years ago) and renamed by the American researchers "Beniamino and Amanda". A shelter under the rock in Pranu Agas, within the territory of Arbus near the Montevecchio - Funtanatza road, due to the breadth and abundance of obsidian flakes and objects found nearby, but above all for the finding of fragments of human bones, suggest that these natural ravines were used as a burial place by a primitive community of shepherds.

In the Nuragic period, during the Bronze Age, various nuraghe and tombs of the giants were built, the remains of which are still observable today.

The exact date of the foundation of Arbus is not known: it is not included in the list of papal tithes of 1341 because, unlike today, the town was structured in several villages including Santu Domini, Santa Sofia, Bidda Zei, Bidda Erdi, Villa Babari, Funtana Atza, Cilirus, near Flumentorgiu, "Villa Jaca" and other small towns but over time, due to the numerous attacks by land and sea by Saracens and Aragonese, the different inhabitants merged into a single town which constitutes the current Arbus.

How to orient yourself



Its municipal territory also includes the towns of Ingurtosu, Montevecchio, Sant'Antonio di Santadi, Tunaria, Torre dei Corsari, Pistis, Gutturu and flumini, Portu Maga, Porto Palma, Bau (Is arenas), Pitzinurri and Naracauli.

How to get

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach Arbus.

By car

Take the SS 131 Carlo Felice and take the "Sanluri-San Gavino-Guspini" exit and follow the signs for Guspini. Once here, follow the signs for Arbus in order to arrive at your destination.

On boat

From the port of Cagliari or from the ports of Porto Torres, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

By bus

You can reach Arbus from Cagliari with the ARST 211 line, from Guspini with the ARST line 215, from Sanluri with the ARST 205 line.

How to get around

What see

Church of San Sebastiano
  • 1 Church of San Sebastiano martire, Via Alessandro Manzoni (center of the country), 39 070 975 9020. The first news of its construction date back to the end of the 16th century, but the place of worship has more ancient origins. The structure of the building is very modest, and its lines do not fall within the canons of any architectural style since it was built, enlarged and restored in different periods.
  • Church of the Beata Vergine d'Itria. Built around the first half of the seventeenth century, the church of the Beata Vergine d'Itria has maintained its original structure up to now with a loggia and two rooms. It has been able to be preserved over time thanks to the care of an ancient Brotherhood, which owned buildings and livestock that were rented. From the parish and brotherhood administrative registers we learn that the church has undergone restoration and maintenance work several times, a tangible sign of the attention paid to ensure its efficiency.
  • Church of Santa Barbara. It rises in the mining village of Ingurtosu. For its construction, Pope Pius X offered 20,000 lire to the engineer Pavan, then director of the mine. The works began in 1914 and the church, despite the slowdown due to the First World War, was inaugurated on May 21, 1916. It is divided into three naves, with a central vault, supported by imposing granite columns. A Via Crucis created since 1958, starts from the church and winds along a path immersed in the vegetation up to a natural rocky complex where the three crosses of Calvary have been erected.
Tree knife
  • 2 Museum of the knife, Via Roma, 15, 39 070 975 9220. It is the first museum on the Sardinian knife, in particular on the typical Arbura knife, a typical local artisan product.The largest Arbura knife in the world, now preserved in the Sardinian knife museum in Arbus, has a length of 4.85 m and a weight 295 kg. It entered the Guinness Book of Records in 1986, at the beginning as the largest jackknife in the world, a record later beaten by a school of artisans from Gallura, however it is still in the Guinness book as the heaviest jackknife in the world.
Montevecchio mine

The city of Arbus was particularly marked by the mining activity that took place in the mines of its territory in the first half of the twentieth century and which led to a rapid demographic increase. Today some of the disused mines can be visited in the area surrounding the city: In the municipal area of ​​Arbus there are the following disused mines:

  • Gennamari mine (or Gennemari).
  • Ingurtosu mine.
  • Montevecchio mine.
  • Perda S'Oliu mine.
  • S'Acua Bona mine.
  • Scivu mine.
  • Zurufusu mine.

Events and parties

Traccas during the feast of Sant'Antonio
  • Feast of Sant'Antonio. Among the numerous sacred feasts the most important event is the feast of Saint Anthony of Padua which takes place every year in June and lasts four consecutive days (from the first Saturday after June 13 to the following Tuesday). During the feast of Sant'Antonio da Padova, a procession takes place that runs for about 33.6 km, accompanied by groups in Sardinian costumes from neighboring villages, knights dressed up in celebration, by traditional traccas (processional carts pulled by horses or oxen). The procession begins in Arbus on Saturday morning, crosses the town of Guspini and reaches the hamlet of Sant'Antonio di Santadi, 3 km from the Pistis beach, where the celebrations continue on Sundays and Mondays. On Tuesday the simulacrum follows the reverse path and the celebrations end the night in Arbus, with the arrival of the statue of the saint, greeted with a fireworks display.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


Useful numbers

  • 4 Carabinieri, Via Guglielmo Marconi 14, 39 070 9759022.
  • 5 Emergency medical Service, Via Cavallotti, 39 070 9759035.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 6 Post Office, Via Cavalier Caddeo 30, 39 070 9758889, fax: 39 070 9756177. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 35, Sat 8: 20-12: 35.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Arbus (Italy)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Arbus (Italy)
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