Old Town - Centro storico

Old Town or old City, is a city, district or neighborhood with a significant number of buildings from a bygone era that are still intact. They often have an antique look and are considered one of the best ways to get an idea of ​​what life was like in past centuries. The oldest cities have existed since before the birth of Christ. Numerous historic centers are recognized in the World Heritage List ofUNESCO.

To know

A historic center is permanently inhabited, unlike the archaeological sites and the ghost city.

Still existing ancient cities are not necessarily the first settlements built in the place. Many of them have been destroyed and rebuilt several times. Some old historical centers, like Düsseldorf, have been restored to their ancient appearance in recent times.

Foreign language terms for ancient cities:

How to get around

Since the main purpose of ancient cities was to gather buildings within a short distance, these usually have narrow streets and even narrower alleys, where pedestrians move more easily than cars.

Medieval cities typically had fewer than 100,000 inhabitants (with a few exceptions, such as Rome, Constantinople, Tenochtitlan is Beijing) and were densely populated, so they are typically less than 1 square km large. Due to the steps, stairs and cobblestones, travelers with disabilities may find it difficult to pass some points. Suitcases with wheels, strollers and bicycles can also be difficult to move. Riding a bicycle is further complicated by the often dense foot traffic, and getting off and on is often the smartest choice when cycling through the old city.

Getting into an old city by car can be physically impossible, illegal, or at least very difficult. Although the road is wide enough for a car, some old towns (in particular Quebec) are built on steep slopes as a cliff or hill makes the city historically easier to defend against a land or sea attack. Parking a car outside but near an old city can also be difficult and expensive.

Some ancient cities have gotten some connections to public transport, although in many cases they are rather radial lines bypassing the historic (narrow) core and even long-distance transport infrastructure, such as train stations have often been built outside the old city . Where stations were built within the city walls, it was often the determining factor (at least in part) that brought them down to make room for the tracks. The Napoleonic Wars and the railway boom shortly thereafter are one of the main reasons why many old European cities no longer have walls. Those city walls that survived this double strike were often razed to the ground by bombing in World War II or torn down to make room for cars. In the latter case, the ancient city walls can still be evident in the name and orientation of some city streets.

What see

L'architecture in the historical centers it can be totally unique. Many historical centers are dominated by city walls or other fortifications, along with palaces and religious buildings (churches, mosques, temples, synagogues, etc.). Non-government buildings can be prominent in merchant cities, such as Venice or the ancient Hanseatic cities.

In some of the ancient cities, a historic building is often converted into an art, science, history or biographical museum. A house in which a famous person was born or lived can become a museum about that person's life and work, giving visitors a chance to see the inside of the building and the objects themselves. Often, several buildings close to each other are converted into several individual museums. Religious buildings are often still in use for religious functions but can be opened for viewing as a museum when the building is not in use for religious functions. The rules for indoor photography vary and can be as sensitive or even prohibited as in religious settings (such as Mayan churches in the Mexico southern and in Guatemala). Some are free while others charge admission at different rates or with free offer. Other buildings can be converted into government offices, hotels, commercial spaces and other private uses that offer limited or no public access.

What to do

Several historic centers are served by carriage rides, with old-fashioned carriages. These are often expensive, far from traditional.

Several historical centers have traditional festivals that connect with their past. That they have been carried on since ancient times (such as Sechseläuten to Zurich) or taken from posterity (such as the "Medieval Week" of Visby), can offer a different experience than usual.

Especially in the (formerly) German-speaking areas i Christmas markets they often take place in ancient cities, with a tradition of half a millennium or more.


The historical centers usually contain several possibilities of shopping: traditional arts and crafts, souvenirs and common shops.

Where to eat

As the historic centers are frequented by travelers, meals can be overpriced and alone and not particularly good quality. Due to the lack of modern amenities, hygiene may be lacking. However, good restaurants can also be found. The best places to eat are popular places with locals. In addition to a more authentic dining experience, the restaurant owners have a greater incentive to bring people back, who might even bring a guest, and maintain a positive reputation among the locals. Avoid restaurants that are devoid of people as there is a reason business doesn't run. Watch out for restaurants where locals don't go.

Where to sleep

Accommodation within ancient cities can be limited in size and comfort, compared to the grand old hotels of the late 19th century. The accommodations available can be of any type: from zero-star homes to five-star boutique hotels or anything in between. Some may even be international chains that fit the old-fashioned architecture. Therefore, the rooms are rarely standardized, you should take a look at the room or, better yet, several rooms, as one may be in better condition in a quieter place than the other, or at least have a description of the room, first to close the deal.


As ancient cities can be crowded with people, beware of common scams and pickpockets. Street lighting may be lacking in historic centers. As some old towns still have cobblestones, walk carefully when wet or when wearing high heels or pumps (better yet, wear footwear that gives you a good walk).

Although some places have extremely safe ancient cities where you can walk at any time of day or night without worry, there are some cities whose historical centers are criminal neighborhoods or oases surrounded by bad neighborhoods, where assaults or assaults can happen. In these cases, be careful if you are going out, especially if you go to the club and get drunk at night. Stay on busy, well-lit streets where there are people walking and not wandering around deserted side streets. Use taxis to get around if necessary.

In war zones

There are also old towns in conflict zones affected by civil unrest, terrorism, wars and lawlessness where kidnapping is rife or bullets can fly overhead in any direction. Many of the restaurants, hotels, shops and attractions mentioned in these articles (written before the conflict) may be closed or destroyed in the conflict, so inquire locally about what's still available, or better yet, if you can avoid traveling to areas of conflict, don't go there in the first place. In peaceful areas that were previously conflict zones, there may still be landmines in the surrounding countryside. For more information, see War Zone Safety Regulations and your country's foreign ministry website on travel safety.

Famous historical centers

This incomplete list includes urban neighborhoods of a decent size and population, open to the public, which have remained largely intact since about 1850, or have been faithfully restored.


While some cities ofsouthern Europe date back to Ancient Greece or the Roman Empire, most of them were founded during the Middle Ages (500-1500 AD). Some bear scars from warfare, particularly World War II, when some cities lost up to 90% of their pre-war buildings. Due to wars and overzealous city planners from the 19th to 20th centuries, some cities that have long since lost their former importance have actually preserved ancient cities better than other major cities. Several historical centers (not least in Germany and in Italy) were once independent or de facto cities. Today only some of them have their own flag (Monk, San Marino, etc.). Others were part of empires, such as the Austrian Empire, the Ottoman Empire or the Russian Empire.


Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: Middle Ages and Renaissance in Italy.

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