Portuguese - Portoghese


Flag of the Portugal

Portuguese (português) is a language that derives from Latin, and is the official language spoken in Portugal, Angola, Brazil (with some spelling, grammatical and structural changes), Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe, East Timor, Macau (China) and is also spoken in part of the Galicia.

Spread of the Portuguese language
      Portuguese as a mother tongue
      Portuguese as an official and administrative language
      Portuguese as a cultural or secondary language
      Creole languages ​​based on Portuguese

With more than 260 million speakers it is the fifth most spoken language in the world, the most spoken in the southern hemisphere, and the third most spoken in the western world.

Flag of the Brazil

Pronunciation guide


  • to: as in Italian
  • is: when separated it is pronounced "i", when it is in a word it is pronounced as in Italian
  • the: as in Italian
  • or: when separated it is pronounced "u", when it is in a word it is pronounced as in Italian
  • u: as in Italian
  • y:
  • to:
  • to:
  • or:


  • b: as in Italian
  • c: as in Italian: world cup. When it precedes the letter "i" it changes into S. e.g. Polícia (polísia) or police
  • ç: pronounced like an "s". e.g. Março (marsu) or March
  • d: as in Italian, if it is between two vowels it has an attenuated sound, similar to English 'th'
  • f: as in Italian
  • g: followed by 'e' or 'i', has the same sound as 'j' (see below), otherwise like the Italian 'g' in "gatto" (gato). When following an "ue" or "ui", it is pronounced as 'ghe' and 'ghi' respectively: e.g. Guerra (gherra) or war, Guilherme (ghiglerme) or William.
  • h: silent, as in Italian: Hora or Ora
  • j: Pronounced like the letter j in French: jouer, joyeux, Jean-Pierre. The same sound has the g followed by 'e' or 'i'.
  • k: like the Italian 'c' in "castle"
  • L: as in Italian
  • lh: pronounced as 'gli' in Italian on a leash. e.g. Alho or Garlic
  • m: as in Italian
  • n: as in Italian
  • nh: like 'gn' in "bagno": Junho (jugnu) or June
  • p: as in Italian
  • q: it is always included in "que" or "qui", and is pronounced as in the Italian "che" and "chi"
  • r: as in Italian, but if it is found at the beginning of a word it is pronounced elongated and guttural as in French "Savoir" or German "Hier" e.g. Rio (rrío) or River
  • s: as in Italian
  • t: as in Italian
  • v: as in Italian
  • w:
  • x: as 'sci' in science. e.g. Extremo (eisctremo) or Extreme
  • z: corresponds to a sonorous 's', as in "house" which is pronounced the same as Italian


Basic words
  • Yup : Sim ()
  • No : Não ()
  • Help : Ajuda ()
  • Attention : Cuidado / Atenção ()
  • You are welcome : De nada ()
  • Thank you : Obrigado / Obrigada ()
  • Do not mention it :   ( )
  • No problem : Nenhum problem ()
  • Unfortunately :   ( )
  • Here : Aqui ()
  • There / there :   ( )
  • When? : When?- ( )
  • Thing? : Or qué? ()
  • Where is it? : Waves? ()
  • Why? : Por qué? ()
  • Welcome : Bem-vindos ()
  • Open : Aberto ()
  • Closed : Fechado ()
  • Entry : Entrada ()
  • Exit : Saída ()
  • To push : Empurrar ()
  • Pull : Puxar ()
  • Toilet : Quarto de banho ()
  • Free :   ( )
  • Busy :   ( )
  • Men : Homens ()
  • Women : Mulheres ()
  • Forbidden : Forbidden ()
  • Smoking prohibited : Forbidden fumar ()
  • Hello : Olá ()
  • Good morning : Bom dia ()
  • Good evening : Boa tarde ()
  • Good night : Boa noite ()
  • How are you? : Como estás / Como está ()
  • Fine thanks : Bem, obrigado ()
  • And you? : And você / tu? ()
  • What's your name? : Como te chamas? / What is your name? ()
  • My name is _____ : Chamo-me _____ ()
  • Nice to meet you : Prazer em conhecê-la ()
  • Where do you live? : Waves moras? ()
  • I live in _____ : Eu moro em _____ ()
  • Where do you come from? : De onda vem / vens? ()
  • How old are you / are you? : Quantos anos tem / tens? ()
  • Excuse me (permission) : Com licença ()
  • Excuse me! (asking for forgiveness) : Desculpe ()
  • As he said? :   ( )
  • I'm sorry : Desculpe, lament ()
  • See you later : Até logo ()
  • See you soon :   ( )
  • We feel! :   ( )
  • I don't speak your language well :   ( )
  • I speak _____ : Do it _____ ()
  • Is there anyone speaking _____? : Há aqui alguém que fale _____ ()
    • ...Italian : ... Italian ()
    • ...English : ... inglês ()
    • ...Spanish :   ( )
    • ...French : ... francês ()
    • ...German :   ( )
  • Can you speak slower? : Pode falar mais devagar? ()
  • Could you repeat that? : Pode repetir? ()
  • What does it mean? : Or que é que mean? ()
  • I do not know : Não sei ()
  • I do not understand : Não entendo ()
  • How do you say _____? :   ( )
  • Can you spell it for me? :   ( )
  • Where is the toilette? : Onde é o quarter of banho? ()



  • I've lost my purse : Lose badly ()
  • I've lost my wallet : Lose a carteira ()
  • I was robbed : Roubaram-me ()
  • The car was parked in the street ... :   ( )
  • I haven't done anything wrong : Não fiz nada de mal / nada de errado ()
  • It was a misunderstanding : Trata-se de um mal-entendido ()
  • Where are you taking me? : Para waves me estão a levar? ()
  • Am I under arrest? : Estou taken? ()
  • I am an Italian citizen : Sou um cidadão / uma cidadã Italian / a ()
  • I want to speak to a lawyer : Desejo falar com o meu advogado ()
  • Can I pay the fine now? : Can I pay an agora fine? ()
  • I would like to speak to the Italian embassy / consulate : Desejo falar com a embaixada / o consulado italiano ()

On the telephone

  • Ready :   ( )
  • A moment :   ( )
  • I dialed the wrong number :   ( )
  • Stay online :   ( )
  • Sorry if I disturb, but :   ( )
  • I'll call back :   ( )


  • leave me alone : Deixem-me em paz ()
  • Do not touch me! : Não me toque! ()
  • I'll call the police : Vou chamar a polícia ()
  • Where is the police station? : Waves is a police squad? ()
  • Police! : Polícia! ()
  • Stop! Thief! : It seems (pron .: Ladrão!)
  • I need your help : Precise from vossa ajuda ()
  • I'm lost : Perdi-me / Estou perdido ()
  • On fire! : Fogo! ()
  • Can I use your phone? : Can I use or telephone? ()


  • It's an emergency : É uma emergência ()
  • I feel bad : Sinto-me mal ()
  • I am hurt : Estou ferido ()
  • Call an ambulance :   ( )
  • It hurts here : Dói-me aqui ()
  • I have fever :   ( )
  • Should I stay in bed? :   ( )
  • I need a doctor : Preciso de um médico ()
  • May I use the phone? :   ( )
  • I am allergic to antibiotics : Sou alérgico / a aos antibióticos ()
  • Where is the nearest hospital / dentist / pharmacy? : Waves cunt or hospital / dentist / farmácia mais perto? ()
  • I have diarrhea / cough / fever : Tenho diarrhea / cough / fever ()


At the airport

  • Could I have a ticket to _____? :   ( )
  • When does the plane leave for _____? :   ( )
  • Where does it stop? :   ( )
  • Stops at _____ :   ( )
  • Where does the bus to / from the airport leave from? :   ( )
  • How much time do I have for check-in? :   ( )
  • Can I take this bag as hand luggage? :   ( )
  • Is this bag too heavy? :   ( )
  • What is the maximum weight allowed? :   ( )
  • Go to exit number _____ :   ( )

Bus and Train

  • How much does the ticket cost for _____? : How much custa or bilhete para _____ ()
  • A ticket to ..., please : Um bilhete para _____, por favor ()
  • I would like to change / cancel this ticket :   ( )
  • Where is this train / bus headed? : Para waves go this comboio / truck? ()
  • Where does the train to _____ leave from? : De waves sai or comboio para _____ ()
  • Which platform / stop? :   ( )
  • Does this train stop at _____? : Este comboio para em _____ ()
  • When does the train leave for _____? : A que horas sai o comboio para _____ ()
  • When does the bus arrive in _____? : A que horas chega o ônibus para _____ ()
  • Can you tell me when to get off? :   ( )
  • Sorry, I booked this place :   ( )
  • Is this seat free? :   ( )
  • Binary : Cais / Plataforma ()
  • Carriage : Carruagem ()
  • Seat : Lugar sentado ()


  • Taxi : Táxi ()
  • Take me to _____, please : Leve-me to _____, por favor ()
  • How much does it cost up to _____? : How much custa até _____? ()
  • Take me there, please : Leve-me ali, por favor ()
  • Taximeter : Taxímetro ()
  • Turn on the meter, please! : Acenda o taxímetro por favor! ()
  • Stop here, please! : Pare aqui, por favor! ()
  • Wait here a moment, please! : Espere aqui um bocado por favor! ()

To drive

  • I would like to rent a car : Gostaria de alugar um carro ()
  • One way street : Sentido único ()
  • No parking : Proibido estacionar ()
  • Speed ​​limit : Limit de velocidade ()
  • Gas station : Estação de serviço ()
  • Petrol : Gasolina ()
  • Diesel : Gasóleo ()
  • Traffic light : Semáforo ()
  • Street : Estrada / rua ()
  • Square : Praça ()
  • Pavements : Passeio ()
  • Driver : Driver ( )
  • Pedestrian : Peão ()
  • Pedestrian crossing :   ( )
  • Overtaking : Ultrapassagem ()
  • Fine : Fine ()
  • Deviation : Desvio ()
  • Toll : Portagem ()
  • Border crossing : Atravessamento de Fronteira ()
  • Border : Fronteira ()
  • Customs : Alfandega ()
  • Declare : Declarar ()
  • Identity card : Bilhete de identidade ()
  • Driving license : Carta de condução ()

Orient yourself

  • How do i get to _____? : Como chego à _____? ()
  • How far away ... :   ( )
    • ...The train station? : ... à estação de comboios? ()
    • ... the bus station? : ... à estação de autocarros ()
    • ...the airport? : ... at or airport? ()
    • ...the center? : ... ao centro da cidade? ()
    • ... the hostel? : ... ao hostel? ()
    • ... the hotel _____? : ... ao hotel _____? ()
    • ... the Italian consulate? : ... ao consulado italiano? ()
    • ... the hospital? :   ( )
  • Where there are many ... : Onde há muitos ... ()
    • ... hotel? : ... hotéis? ()
    • ... restaurants? : ... restaurantes? ()
    • ...Cafe? : ... bares? ()
    • ...places to visit? : ... lugares to visit? ()
  • Can you point me on the map? : Pode-me show no mapa? ()
  • Turn left : Virem à esquerda ()
  • Turn right : Virem à direita ()
  • Straight ahead : Em frente, a direito ()
  • To _____ : Para _____ ()
  • Passing through _____ : Passing by _____ ()
  • Front _____ : Em frente _____ ()
  • Pay attention to _____ : Prestem atenção to _____ ()
  • Crossroad : Cruzamento ()
  • North : Norte ()
  • South : On the ( )
  • East : Este ()
  • West : Oeste ()
  • Upward : Para top ()
  • Over there : Para baixo ()


  • You have a free room? : Têm um fourth livre? ()
  • What is the price of a single / double room? : What is or preço de um fourth solteiro / casal? ()
  • The room has ... : O fourth term ... ()
    • ...the sheets? : ... os lençóis? ()
    • ...the bathroom? : ... quarto de banho? ()
    • ...the shower? : ... duche? ()
    • ...the phone? : ... do you call? ()
    • ...TV? : ... televisão? ()
    • Can I see the room? : Can I ver or fourth? ()
    • You have a room... : Têm um quarter ... ()
    • ...smaller? :   ( )
    • ... calmer? : ... corn sossegado? ()
    • ...bigger? : ... maior? ()
    • ...cleaner? : ... corn limpo? ()
    • ...cheaper? : ... corn economy? ()
    • ... with a view of (sea) : ... com vista ()
  • OK, I'll take it : Ok, cool with ele ()
  • I will stay for _____ night (s) : Vou ficar ______ noite / noites ()
  • Can you recommend another hotel? : Pode aconselhar-me outro hotel? ()
  • Do you have a safe? : Têm cofre? ()
  • Do you have key lockers? : Têm cacifos? ()
  • Is breakfast / lunch / dinner included? : Está incluído or pequeno-almoço / almoço? ()
  • What time is breakfast / lunch / dinner? : A que horas é o pequeno-almoço / almoço / jantar? ()
  • Please clean my room : Por favor, limpem o meu quarto ()
  • Can you wake me up at _____? : Podem acordar-me às _____? ()
  • I'd like to check out : Gostaria de fazer or check out ()
  • Common dormitory : Dormitório comum ()
  • Shared bathroom : Quarto de banho comum / banhos públicos ()
  • Hot / boiling water : Água quente / a ferver ()

To eat

  • Trattoria : Adega ()
  • Restaurant : Restaurante ()
  • Snack bar : Snack-bar ()
  • Breakfast : Pequeno-almoço ()
  • Snack : Lanche ()
  • Starter : Entrada ()
  • Lunch : Almoço ()
  • Dinner : Jantar ()
  • Snack : Petisco ()
  • Meal : Refeição ()
  • Soup : Sopa ()
  • Main meal : Prato principal ()
  • Sweet : Sobremesa ()
  • Appetizer : Appetizer ( )
  • Digestive : Digestive ()
  • Hot :   ( )
  • Cold :   ( )
  • Sweet (adjective) :   ( )
  • Salty :   ( )
  • Bitter :   ( )
  • Sour :   ( )
  • Spicy :   ( )
  • Raw :   ( )
  • Smoked :   ( )
  • Fried :   ( )

The bar

  • Do you serve alcoholic beverages? : Servem bebidas alcoólicas? ()
  • Do you serve at the table? : Servem à mesa? ()
  • One / two beers, please : Uma / duas cervejas, por favor ()
  • A glass of red / white wine, please : Um copo de vinho tinto / branco, por favor ()
  • A large beer, please : Uma cerveja grande, por favor ()
  • A bottle, please : Uma garrafa, por favor ()
  • water : Água ()
  • Tonic water : Água tónica ()
  • Orange juice : Sumo de laranja ()
  • Coca Cola :   ( )
  • soda :   ( )
  • One more, please : Corn um / uma, por favor ()
  • When do you close? : A que horas fecham / encerram? ()

At the restaurant

  • A table for one / two people, please : Uma mesa para uma / duas pessoas por favor ()
  • Can you bring me the menu? : Pode trazer-me or cardápio? ()
  • Can we order, please? :   ( )
  • Do you have any house specialties? : Têm alguma especialidade from home? ()
  • Is there a local specialty? : Têm alguma especialidade from the area? ()
  • Is there a menu of the day? : Têm cardápio do dia? ()
  • I am a vegetarian / vegan : Vegetarian sou ()
  • I don't eat pork : Não como carne de porco ()
  • I only eat kosher food : Só como alimentos kosher ()
  • I just want something light :   ( )
  • I would like to _____ : Quero _____ ()
    • Meat :   ( )
      • Well done :   ( )
      • To the blood :   ( )
    • Rabbit :   ( )
    • Chicken : Frango ()
    • Turkey :   ( )
    • Bovine : Cattle ()
    • Pig :   ( )
    • Ham : Fiambre ()
    • Sausage : Salsicha ()
    • Fish : Peixe ()
    • Tuna :   ( )
    • Cheese : Queijo ()
    • Eggs : Ovos ()
    • Salad : Salada ()
    • Vegetable : Vegetable / vegetais ()
    • Fruit : Fruta ()
    • Bread : Pão ()
    • Toast : Tough ()
    • Croissant : Croissant ( )
    • Krapfen : Espargos ()
    • Pasta : Mass ()
    • Rice : Arroz ()
    • Beans : Feijões ()
    • Asparagus :   ( )
    • Beet :   ( )
    • Carrot :   ( )
    • Cauliflower :   ( )
    • Watermelon :   ( )
    • Fennel :   ( )
    • Mushrooms :   ( )
    • Pineapple :   ( )
    • Orange :   ( )
    • Apricot :   ( )
    • Cherry :   ( )
    • Berries :   ( )
    • Kiwi :   ( )
    • Mango :   ( )
    • Apple :   ( )
    • Aubergine :   ( )
    • Melon :   ( )
    • Potato :   ( )
    • Chips :   ( )
    • Pear :   ( )
    • Fishing :   ( )
    • Peas :   ( )
    • Tomato :   ( )
    • Plum :   ( )
    • Cake :   ( )
    • Sandwich :   ( )
    • Grapes :   ( )
  • Can I have a glass / cup / bottle of _____? : Pode dar-me um copo / uma chávena / uma garrafa de _____? ()
    • Coffee : Café ()
    • You : Chá ()
    • Juice : Sumo ()
    • Sparkling water : Água com gás ()
    • Beer : Cerveja ()
  • Red / white wine : Vinho tinto / branco ()
  • Can I have some _____? : Pode dar-me um pouco de _____? ()
    • Spices :   ( )
    • Oil :   ( )
    • Mustard :   ( )
    • Vinegar :   ( )
    • Garlic :   ( )
    • Lemon :   ( )
    • salt : Sal ()
    • pepper : Pimenta ()
    • Butter : Manteiga ()
  • Waiter! : Empregado! ()
  • I finished : Terminei ()
  • It was great : Estava excelente ()
  • The Bill please : A conta por favor ()
  • We pay each for himself (Roman style) :   ( )
  • Keep the change :   ( )


  • Credit card : Credit card ()
  • Money : Dinheiro ()
  • Check : Check ()
  • Travel checks : Check-viagem ()
  • Currency : Moeda ()
  • To change :   ( )
  • Do you accept this currency? : Aceitam esta moeda? ()
  • Do you accept credit cards? : Aceitam cartões de crédito? ()
  • Can you change my money? : Pode cambiar-me or dinheiro? ()
  • Where can I exchange the money? : So can I change or dinheiro? ()
  • What is the exchange rate? : What is a taxa de câmbio? ()
  • Where is the bank / ATM / exchange office? : Onde é o Banco / a caixa multibanco / o câmbio? ()


Useful words
  • To buy :   ( )
  • Do the shopping :   ( )
  • Shopping :   ( )
  • Shop :   ( )
  • Library :   ( )
  • Fishmonger :   ( )
  • Shoe shop :   ( )
  • Pharmacy :   ( )
  • Bakery :   ( )
  • Butcher's shop :   ( )
  • Post Office :   ( )
  • Travel agency :   ( )
  • Price :   ( )
  • Expensive : Expensive ( )
  • Cheap : Barato / económico ()
  • Receipt :   ( )
  • When do the shops open? :   ( )
  • Do you have this in my size? : Tem este / esta do meu tamanho? ()
  • Does he have it in other colors? :   ( )
  • Which color do you prefer? :   ( )
    • Black : Preto ()
    • White : Branco ()
    • Grey : Cinzento ()
    • Red : Vermelho ()
    • Blue : Azul escuro ()
    • Yellow : Amarelo ()
    • Green : Green ()
    • Orange : Laranja ()
    • Violet : Roxo ()
    • Brown : Castanho ()
  • How much? : How much custa? ()
  • Too expensive : Demasiado dear ()
  • I can not afford it : Não mo I can permitir ()
  • I don't want this : Este eu não quero ()
  • Can I try it on (dress)? : Can I experimenta-lo? ()
  • You want to cheat me : Querem enganar-me ()
  • I'm not interested : Não estou interessado ()
  • Do you also send abroad? :   ( )
  • OK, I'll take this : Ok, levo este ()
  • Where do I pay? :   ( )
  • Can I have a bag? : Pode arranjar-me um saco? ()

  • I need... : Precise de ... ()
    • ...toothpaste : ... paste de dentes ()
    • ...toothbrush : ... escova de dentes ()
    • ... tampons : ... tampões ()
    • ...soap : ... sabão ()
    • ...shampoo : ... champô ()
    • ...painkiller : ... desodorizing ()
    • ...medicine for colds : ... medicament para a gripe / constipação ()
    • ...blade : ... lâmina ()
    • ...umbrella : ... chapéu de chuva ()
    • ... sun cream / milk : ... solar creams / loção ()
    • ...postcard : ... postal ()
    • ...stamp : ... carimbo ()
    • ... batteries : ... baterias ()
    • ... books / magazines / newspaper in Italian : ... livros / revistas / jornais em Italian ()
    • ...Italian dictionary : ... Italian dicionário ()
    • ...pen :   ( )


1um(a)21won and um(vint 'i um)
2dois(duoisc)22win and dois(vint 'i doisc)
6six S(seisc)60sixty(sessénta)
11onze(ónse)101hundred and um(siento i um)
15quinze(bent down)1.001mil and um(mil i um)
16dezasseis(dezásseisc)1.002mil and dois(mil i doisc)
17dezassete(desassète)2.000dois mil(doisc mil)
18dezoite(of zuoito)10.000dez mil(dès-mil)
19dezanove(dèsanóv)20.000won mil(vint-mil)
20won(vint)1.000.000um milhão(a migläum)
Useful words
  • zero :   ( )
  • number :   ( )
  • half : me (pron.:meiu)
  • double :   ( )
  • less than : menos (pron .: menusc)
  • more than : corn (pron.:màis)
  • same :   ( )
  • comma :   ( )
  • point :   ( )
  • more :   ( )
  • for :   ( )
  • less :   ( )
  • divided :   ( )


Time and date

  • What time is it? : Que horas são? ()
  • It is precisely one o'clock :   ( )
  • Quarter to _____ :   ( )
  • What time do we meet? : A que horas nos vemos? ()
  • At two o'clock :   ( )
  • When will we see you? :   ( )
  • See you on Monday : Vemos-nos segunda-feira ()
  • When are you leaving? : When partes / partem? ()
  • I'm leaving / leaving tomorrow morning : Parto / partimos amanhã ()


  • _____ minute / minutes (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ hour / hours (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ day (s) (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ week (s) (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ month / months (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ year / years (ago) :   ( )
  • three times a day :   ( )
  • in an hour / in an hour :   ( )
  • often :   ( )
  • never :   ( )
  • always :   ( )
  • rarely :   ( )

Common expressions

  • Now : Agora ()
  • Later : Corn tarde ()
  • Before : Antes ()
  • Day :   ( )
twelve o'clock
  • Afternoon : Late ()
  • Evening : Fim de tarde ()
  • Night : Noite ()
  • Midnight : Meia-noite ()
  • Today : Hoje ()
  • Tomorrow : Amanhã ()
  • Tonight :   ( )
  • Yesterday : Ontem ()
  • Yesterday night :   ( )
  • The day before yesterday :   ( )
  • Day after tomorrow :   ( )
  • This week : Esta semana ()
  • Last week : A semana passada ()
  • Next week : a próxima semana ()
  • Minute / I. : Minute / os ()
  • hour (s) : Hora / s ()
  • day (s) : Dia / s ()
  • week (s) : Semana / s ()
  • month (s) : Mês / meses ()
  • year / s : Ano / s ()


The days of the week
Pronunciation(Segúnda feira)(Tersa feira)(Cuarta feira)(Chinta feira)(Seista feira)(Sábadu)(Dumingu)

Months and Seasons

WritingDezembroJaneiroFevereiroMarcoAbrilBut I
Pronunciation(Desëmbru)((D) ganeiru)(F'vreiru)(Marsu)(Abríl)(Maiu)
Pronunciation((D) gugnu)((D) guglu)(Aguostu)(Setëmbru)(Outubru)(Novëmbru)

Grammatical appendix

Basic forms
he / she / itele / ela
Flexed forms
lo / la-gli / le-ne-si
them / ne

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Portuguese
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Portuguese
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