Perugia - Perugia

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Perugia, chosen city, is the provincial capital of Umbria in Italy.Perugia is also 3000 years of history, concentrated in a space of truly human proportions. The simplicity of an urban culture with a firm connection to the surrounding country, combined with the patience of time, which has worked stones and souls, are the essential qualities of Perugia.


The hills on which Perugia rises were populated long ago. This is proven by numerous finds from prehistoric and early historical epochs. Between the 6th and 5th centuries BC. becomes the area of Etruscan occupied, and in the 3rd century BC. is the seat of Perugia Lucumonia (King and spiritual leader revered as a deity) and member of the Etruscan Dodecapolis. In the two centuries that followed, the city was alternately allied with Rome and then enemies again, until it was in 40 BC. finally from Octavian is subjected. During the Roman Empire, the city declined in importance until it became an almost insignificant province. Around the 5th century there are first indications of a diocese of Perugia and thus evidence of the Christian organization and consolidation of the clergy. Defense of a siege by the Goths Totilas was made by bishop Ercolano but the defeat earned him a martyr's death (548 AD). The following centuries were marked by changing fortunes, until the city finally fell into the hands of the church. Around the 11th century, the two centuries of the ascent to renewed supremacy began. Wars against the neighboring cities, which are defeated and subjugated, and alliances with the Church and the neighboring states make Perugia one of the most prosperous cities in Italy. In this period of splendor, however, internal disputes began that lasted the entire 15th century (Periodo delle Signorie, Epoch of aristocratic rule) and finally in 1540 (the Salt war) end with the submission of the city to church rule. The city courts are abolished and replaced by a papal governor, and on the ruins of the Baglioni palaces the papal fortress becomes Rocca Paolina built. This state lasted for over three centuries until Perugia participated in the Risorgimento (national unification movement) 1859, revolt against the papal troops and bloodbaths, on September 14, 1860 the royal troops of Vittorio Emanuele II occupied the city, which from then on shared the fortunes of the Italian state.

getting there

By plane

About 16 km from the city center, near the small town of Sant'Egidio, is the 1 Perugia San Francesco d'Assisi AirportPerugia “San Francesco d'Assisi” airport in the Wikivoyage travel guide in another languagePerugia Airport “San Francesco d'Assisi” in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPerugia Airport «San Francesco d'Assisi» in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPerugia “San Francesco d'Assisi” airport (Q1371018) in the Wikidata database(IATA: PEG). The only direct connection from the German-speaking area is with Ryanair of Frankfurt-International (FRA; only during the summer half-year, twice a week: Tue Sat).

By train

You can easily get there by train. B. with the night express from Munich or Vienna in the direction of Rome to Arezzo. From there you have a direct train connection to Perugia. There are other connections from the Milan – Rome route with a change in Florence or from the Rome – Ancona route with a change in Foligno.

From 2 Perugia train stationPerugia train station in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPerugia train station in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPerugia train station (Q3970444) in the Wikidata database (Stazione FS) various bus lines lead to the historic old town, the fastest is the minimetro, the station Fontivegge is located 200 m from the train station.

By bus

Regional buses arrive at the bus station right on the edge of the old town. From there, an escalator takes you up to Piazza Italia. Bus tickets for city buses can be bought at the kiosk (Tabaccaio).

In the street

Perugia can be easily reached by car from Rome (170 km) or from Florence (150 km). To do this, use the Autostrada del Sole (A1: Milan – Bologna – Florence – Rome) and - coming from the north - take the exit Val di Chiana and reaches the city after a trip along Lake Trasimeno. Coming from Rome you leave the motorway at the exit places. When approaching from the northeast (Brenner or Venice via Padua and Ravenna) the motorway-like E45 / SS3bis leads directly to the city.


Map of Perugia

No means of transport is required to explore the beauty of the historic old town. Everything can be discovered and experienced wonderfully on foot along narrow alleys and hidden climbs.

Tourist Attractions

Churches and monasteries

Basilica di San Domenico

Perugia is rich in churches and monasteries.

  • 1  Cattedrale San Lorenzo. Cattedrale San Lorenzo in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCattedrale San Lorenzo in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCattedrale San Lorenzo (Q1132503) in the Wikidata database.The Cathedral of San Lorenzo is in Piazza IV Novembre; The foundation stone was laid in 1345, construction began between 1437 and 1439, the interior was completed at the end of the 15th century, the exterior was built until 1587 without coming to an end. The side facing the square hides a pulpit on the right, from which San Bernardino preached. On the left a statue of Pope Julius III. (Vincenco Danti, 1555). Even further to the left, the Loggia des Braccio, built on behalf of Braccio da Montone in the 15th century. Under the loggia there is a piece of Roman wall remains and a replica (the original is kept in -> Palazzo dei Priori) of the Pietra della Giustizia which in 1234 declared the city's public debt to be paid off.
  • Former monastery of San Antonio, Corso Guiseppe Garibaldi.
  • San Fortunato Church, in Piazza Braccio Fortebraccio. A first phase of construction dates from between 1292 and 1328. The choir and two of the four arches were built. A second construction phase followed between 1408 and 1464. It once belonged to the Vallornbrosa Order.
  • Church of San Francesco delle Donne, Via Francesco Innamorati. Dates from the 13th century.
  • San Matteo degli Armeni Church, Via Monteripido.
  • San Rocco Church
  • San Sebastiano Church
  • Church and Monastery of Montemorcino Nuovo, near the Piazza dell'Universita. Formerly the church of the Olivetan monastery, which now houses parts of the university.
  • Convent of the Beata Colomba, Corso Guiseppe Garibaldi.
  • Monteripido Monastery, Via Monteripido.
  • San Agnese Monastery, Corso Guiseppe Garibaldi.
  • San Benedetto Monastery, Via del Fagiano.
  • San Caterina Monastery, Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi.
  • San Lucia Monastery, Corso Guiseppe Garibaldi.
  • Oratory of San Agostino, Piazza Lupattelli. In 1450 the priors decided to build the oratory in honor of the Franciscan preacher San Bernardino from Siena. The facade was designed in 1457 by the Florentine Agostino di Duccio. The interior is in the Gothic style and consists of three naves. The => is right next to the oratorio.
  • Church of San Francesco al Prato, Piazza Lupattelli. The Franciscans built it in the 13th century. It has a nave and a transept and a polygonal apse. Today it is desecrated and is used as a space for art and cultural events.
  • Tempio di San Michele Arcangelo, Via del Tempio.
  • Church of San Maria della Misericordia, in Piazza Piccinino. Built in the 17th century by the "Compagnia della Morte", an institution founded in the 16th century for the burial of the poor.
  • 2 Santa Giuliana, former Cistercian monastery


Palazzo dei Priori
  • Palazzo dei Priori. Built 1293-1353. Today it houses the Umbrian National Gallery.
  • Palazzetto dei Notari, Piazza IV Novembre, corner of Via Calderini, opposite the Palazzo dei Priori. Built in the middle of the 15th century in the Gothic style. Between the three-arched windows he bears the coat of arms of the notarial college: "Griffo" (Lion with eagle head and wings) over an inkwell.
  • Palazzetto dell'Inquisizione
  • Palazzo Conestabile della Staffa
  • Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, Piazza Matteotti. Erected between 1472 and 1481 by the Lombard architects Gasparino di Antonio and Leone di Matteo. The staircase of the Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo is similar to that of the Palazzo dei Priori, while its double windows are carved with Renaissance arches. The crescent moon above the entrance contains a statue representing the judiciary, just as if the architects knew the building would one day be used as a courthouse.
  • Palazzo della Penna, Via Podiani 11, between Viale Indipendenza and Tre Archi. Tel.: 39 075573369 (Info). Once housed an important art collection. After a series of restorations, a permanent exhibition of the in Umbria born painter Gerardo Dottori (1884-1977) and some works by the German artist w: Joseph Beuys (1921-1986).Open: all year round, daily except Mon 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.
  • Palazzo Florenzi
  • Palazzo Gallenga, Piazza Fortebraccio. Built by the Roman architect Francesco Bianchi between 1740 and 1750, it is the only baroque building in the city. Today is the one Università per Stranieri (University for foreigners).
  • Palazzo Vescovile. Episcopal Palace.


  • Rocca Paolina. The cellars of a castle destroyed in 1860, accessible by escalators to the bus station. Popular venue.
  • aqueduct
  • Gender tower of the Sciri, Via dei Priori. The only one of what were once many family towers that has been completely preserved.
  • Etruscan city walls
  • Arco dei Funari
  • Arco dei Gigli, Via Bontempi. The gate still contains traces of the original gate, which consisted of a double series of arched lintels. These were replaced by a pointed arch in the Middle Ages. The same changes can be found on =>.
  • Arco di San Ercolano. Originally called Porta Cornea, this arch shows the typical pointed arch architecture.
  • Arco dei Tei
  • Arco dello Sperandio
  • Arco Etrusco or Arco di Augusto, located in the north of Perugia. It is the main entrance gate into the city. It was built in the 3rd century BC. built. There are two Latin inscriptions near the Doric frieze: The first AUGUSTA PERUSIA dates from the 1st century BC. commemorates the reconciliation of the city with Octavian, 40 BC. Perugia destroyed at the end of a seven month siege during the Civil War against Mark Anthony. The second inscription reads COLONIA VIBIA and dates from the 2nd century reminiscent of the title of Colony, which Perugia was given to the city by Emperor Caius Vibius Trebonianus Gallus (251-253).
  • Arconi di Via della Rupe
  • Fontana Maggiore, Piazza IV November. Sculptural masterpiece by Giovanni and Nicola Pisano. It was built in 1278 with technical assistance from Boninsegna da Venezia and under the supervision of Fra Bevignate.
  • Porta dei Ghezzi
  • Porta di Braccio
  • Porta di San Costanzo
  • Porta Eburnea or Arco della Mandorla. Almond arches.
  • Porta Marzia
  • Porta San Giacomo
  • Pozzo Etrusco, Piazza Danti. Etruscan fountain, 5 m in diameter and 35 m deep, one of the most remarkable structures of the Etruscan civilization.
  • City gate of St. Peter
  • San Angelo city gate
  • San Girolamo city gate
  • City Gate and Watchtower San Antonio
  • Trasmen city gate


  • Museo dell 'Accademia Di Belle Arti, Piazza San Francesco al Prato, 5. Tel.: 39 075 5726562.

Streets and squares

  • Corso Vannucci. The Perugia's promenade par excellence. Here you will find elegant shops and cafes. On the weekend evenings, the families of the city show up here and stroll leisurely along the Corso. Corso Vannucci was the city's main street as early as Etruscan-Roman times.
  • Piazza IV November. The heart of the historic old town. From there all streets run steeply downhill towards the city wall.
  • Piazza della Republica
  • Piazza San Francesco al Prato


  • Giardini Carducci
  • Giardini del Campaccio
  • Giardini dell'Università
  • Giardini di San Giuliana
  • Orto Botanico
  • Parco della Pescaia
  • Parco di San Anna
  • Parco San Angelo



Regular events

  • In the surrounding area of ​​Perugia take place weekly from August to the end of October Sagre instead of. A sagra is a kind of folkloric harvest festival, e.g. B. the Sagra dei Funghi Porcini, Sagra delle Cipolle or Sagra dei Tartufi etc. The local population conjures up typical regional specialties that give the sagra its name - wonderful risotti with porcini mushrooms, roasts, starters, dishes with porcini mushrooms, truffles. The sagre mostly take place in the open air. The Sagre are advertised with posters throughout Perugia (Umbria).
  • Eurochocolate. The world-famous chocolate festival Eurochocolate takes place in mid-October. Around 100 companies from 15 countries offer their sweet products.



Baci Perugina (Bacio means kiss in Italian) are pralines with a filling of a whole hazelnut, chopped hazelnuts and milk chocolate, wrapped in dark chocolate. The Perugina company was founded in Perugia in 1907 and is now part of the Nestlé Group.


  • Ristorante La Botte, Via Volte della Pace 33. Tel.: 39 075 5722679. Price: Inexpensive, tasty menus at € 11 and € 15.
  • Ristorante Da Peppone, Via Baldeschi 4 / A. Tel.: 39 075 5726329.
  • Sandri, Corso Vannucci 32. Tel.: 39 075 5724112. True to style from the 19th century.









  • Hotel Ilgo ***, Via Agostino Di Duccio, 1. Tel.: 39 (0)7557366, Fax: 39 (0)755720720. Only 1.5 km from the historic city center in the countryside.Price: BB 72-136 € (DR).
  • Ostello Ponte Felcino. However, a bit away from the center.
  • Ostello Mario Spagnoli. Incredibly nice staff, very clean, rich breakfast, parking spaces available, approx. 15 minutes from the train station, price per person 2005: 17 euros in a multiple-bed room; Depending on the number of visitors, there are also twin rooms.
  • B&B Camere di Via della Cupa, Via della Cupa 18. Tel.: 39 3338757583. With a nice family in the old town house, so the room is quite dark, very good breakfast.Price: double 50 €.


  • Sangallo Palace Hotel ****, Via L. Masi n.9, 06121 Perugia. Tel.: 39 (0)755730202, Fax: 39 (0)755730068. Centrally located in the historic old town.Price: B&B 125.00 - 172.00 € (per double room / night).



In Perugia there is next to the Università degli Studi nor the university for foreigners Università per Stranieri di Perugia, where foreign students learn Italian or study international communication studies. There are also didactic courses for Italian teachers and you can take the language exams CILS, CELI, etc. there.




  • Hospital Santa Maria della Misericordia, Piazzale Giorgio Menghini, 1st floor. Tel.: 39 075 5781.

Practical advice

Important phone number:

  • Hospital: 39 075 5781
  • Ambulance: 118
  • Medical emergency call: 39 075 34024
  • Traffic Police: 39 075 23232


In addition to the city itself, the district of Perugia consists of the three municipalities Corciano, Deruta and Torgiano. Furthermore, the art and culture city of Perugia is surrounded by “smaller” centers, with “small” referring exclusively to the size of the cities. Assisi, Todi, Spoleto and Gubbio are the best known, but equally are Trevi, Spello and Montefalco and many other cities of art of great interest. The area around the provincial capital, with its approx. 800 "borghi" (medieval fortified villages), is one of the most scenic in Italy.


Web links

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