Gubbio - Gubbio

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Gubbio it's a city Umbrian in the province of Perugia.

To know

Geographical notes

The municipal area is mainly mountainous and hilly. The city is located at the foot of Mount Ingino and is crossed by the Camignano and Cavarello streams.

When to go

Winter has variations between cold and mild with a prevalence of cold due to the influence of the nearby Apennines and the rainfall is also snowy. On the other hand, summer is hot but windy, with scarce rains.


Detail of the Gubbio tables

The first forms of settlement in the Gubbio area are to be placed already in the Paleolithic. In the Bronze Age a settlement developed for several centuries on the overhanging Mount Ingino.

The name of the city derives from its origin relative to the Umbrian population with the name of Ikuvium or Iguvium. Evidence of the Umbrian period are the Eugubine tables, consisting of seven bronze plates partly written in the Umbrian alphabet and partly in the Latin alphabet. In 89 BC the city obtained Roman citizenship and was elected a municipium.

Invaded by the Heruli, it was destroyed by the Goths in 552, but was rebuilt with two powerful defensive towers by the Byzantines no longer on the plain, but on the slopes of Mount Ingino.

The city is closely linked to the history of Saint Francis, especially at the meeting with the Wolf which took place near the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria. Francis took refuge in Gubbio after moving away from Assisi, finding asylum and right here the true conversion took place living together with the poor and lepers. Precisely for this reason, the city is crossed by several paths traveled every year by thousands of pilgrims, all in the name of the saint.

Sold to the Church by Pippin the Short is Charlemagne, the city, became a Ghibelline faction and, in the 11th century, an expansionist policy began. The city then passed to the Montefeltro family until 1508 when the Della Rovere family took over the dominion of the city and then to the papal state.

In 1860 Gubbio was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy. Following the economic depression of 1873-1895, many inhabitants emigrated in search of work and better living conditions. This phenomenon continued for about a century, in various waves conditioned by the first and second world wars, to end in the seventies.

During the Second World War, on 22 June 1944, following the murder of 2 Germanic medical officers, the Germans killed 40 citizens near the church of the Madonna del Prato, where today a mausoleum commemorates the "40 martyrs".

How to orient yourself

S. Francesco and the wolf
S. Francesco and the wolf

The story tells of a large wolf that for some time had terrified the inhabitants of the Gubbio countryside, where Francis used to go to preach; for years the animal had not disdained approaching the city walls to get food. The inhabitants then turned to San Francesco. The friar then went into the woods to meet the wolf. His mediation meant that the wolf stopped terrorizing the inhabitants of Gubbio, as long as the latter committed themselves to feeding the animal daily.

According to other interpretations, the wolf of Gubbio was nothing more than a brigand who was "tamed" by Francesco and reintegrated into the Gubbio society thanks also to the help of the inhabitants.

Leaving the state road nº 219, take via Perugina which after 10 km ends in Piazza Quaranta Martiri where you can park your car. From here to Piazza Grande it is 400 m.

1 Piazza Grande is the center of Gubbio. It overlooks the Palazzo dei Consoli and the praetorian palace, which has remained unfinished.

The Casa di Sant'Ubaldo and antique shops overlook the nearby via Baldassini, located at a lower level than Piazza Grande. At the bottom, Largo del Bargello with the homonymous building.

Via Savelli begins on the other side of Piazza Grande with the churches of San Francesco della Pace and Santa Maria Nuova. Beyond the San Pietro gate is the church of the same name

How to get

By plane

By car

If you are coming from the north coast (for example if you are driving along the coast from Venice) leave the highway A14 to Fano.

From the north on A1, Exit Arezzo. From Rome and from the south exit the A1 to Orte and follow the signs for Perugia and then for Gubbio.

On the train

Fossato di Vico-Gubbio station

The city does not have a station but relies on that of Moat of Vico or you can consider it Perugia.

  • 2 Fossato di Vico-Gubbio station (18 km from Gubbio.). Located on the Rome-Ancona line. It serves the towns of Fossato di Vico and Gubbio.
From the station you can take the E052 bus to Gubbio. The timetables are available here. Fossato di Vico-Gubbio station on Wikipedia Fossato di Vico-Gubbio station (Q17146390) on Wikidata
  • 3 Perugia station (Perugia Fontivegge), Vittorio Veneto square (40 km from Gubbio). The Perugia-Rome route is covered between 2 hours and 50 and 3 hours at a cost of about € 11. Perugia station on Wikipedia Perugia station (Q3970444) on Wikidata

By bus

  • 4 Extra-urban bus stop, Square of the 40 martyrs. The extra-urban connections are managed by:
  • Umbria mobility - links with Perugia, Fossato di Vico Station, Gualdo Tadino, Umbertide, City of Castello and other localities and hamlets of the Municipality of Gubbio and of the Province of Perugia.
  • Sulga - connections with Rome - Tiburtina Station and Fiumicino Airport
  • Giovannini bus lines - neighboring municipalities.

How to get around

By public transport

There are two urban lines, "A" and "B" which both run from the parking lot in Piazza 40 Martiri. They are managed by APM (Perugina Mobility Company).

Cable car

Gubbio cable car
  • 5 Colle Eletto, Via S. Gerolamo (At the lowest point (532 asl)). Simple icon time.svgWeekdays Mon-Sat 10: 00-13: 15 and 14: 30: 18: 30, holidays 9: 30-13: 15 and 14: 30-19: 00. It allows you to go up in 6 minutes from Gubbio to the Basilica of S. Ubaldo. The cable car consists of open cages for two people.
  • 6 Sant'Ubaldo (At high altitude next to the Basilica of Sant'Ubaldo (803 above sea level)). Simple icon time.svgWeekdays Mon-Sat 10: 00-13: 15 and 14: 30: 18: 30, holidays 9: 30-13: 15 and 14: 30-19: 00.

By car

The limited size of the village allows you to explore it on foot. There are several parking options:

  • 7 Parking of the Roman theater, Viale Teatro Romano. Ecb copyright.svgfree.
  • 8 Seminary parking. Ecb copyright.svgfor a fee.
  • 9 S. Lucia car park, Via Tifernate, 7.
  • 10 Parking of San Pietro, Via Cavarello, 45. Ecb copyright.svgfor a fee.
  • 11 High school parking, Via Giosuè Carducci, 17.

What see

  • Tourists Card. Ecb copyright.svgfull € 5, museums € 3, audio guide € 3. You can choose between three cards that offer discounts for museums and exhibitions as well as for municipal services such as the cable car and public transport. Discounted prices are also available for the affiliated shops. The Card can be purchased at the IAT Office in Via della Repubblica (see below).


Palazzo dei Consoli
  • Main attraction1 Palazzo dei Consoli, Piazza Grande, 39 075 9274298, fax: 39 075 9274298, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 7.00 full, € 5.00 reduced (May 2019). Simple icon time.svgFrom April to October: 10.00-13.00 / 15.00-18.00 From November to March: 10.00-13.00 / 14.30-17.30. It is the backdrop to the Piazza Grande and is the main city monument. Built between 1332 and 1349 on a project by Angelo da Orvieto, mentioned in the inscription on the portal, it is one of the most impressive medieval public buildings in Italy. Inside there is the civic museum containing a series of archaeological finds from the area, the famous ones Eugubine tables, ceramics and an art gallery with works from the city. Palazzo dei Consoli on Wikipedia Palazzo dei Consoli (Q3361073) on Wikidata
Praetorian palace
Ranghiasci-Brancaleoni Palace
  • 2 Palazzo Pretorio (Palazzo del Podestà), Piazza Grande. Seat of the municipality of Gubbio, it is located on the opposite side of the Piazza Grande from the Palazzo dei Consoli. Construction began in the Middle Ages but never came to an end (the last modification is from the 17th century). Palazzo Pretorio (Q63455627) on Wikidata
House of Sant'Ubaldo
Bargello Palace and fountain
  • 3 Ranghiasci-Brancaleoni Palace, Piazza Grande. This beautiful neoclassical building was erected by the homonymous family. The lower floor consists of an ashlar facade and the upper part of columns. Inside there are numerous works of art and splendid mosaics attributable to the Augustan age.
  • 4 House of Sant'Ubaldo, Via Baldassini, 38 (Next to the Palazzo dei Consoli). According to popular tradition, this building was the home of the patron saint of the city Sant'Ubaldo. Casa di Sant'Ubaldo (Q63452265) on Wikidata
  • 5 Fountain and Palazzo del Bargello, Via Consoli, 35. The Bargello was the local police chief, hence the name of the building. An early 14th century building in the Gothic style. like many medieval houses it presents next to the large entrance portal, the so-called door of the dead, with the threshold a little higher than the street level a door that was opened only in the event of the death of one of the members of the family whose body he would have passed through it to avoid the main threshold.
In front of the building is the fountain of the mad (redone in 1862). According to an ancient tradition still in use, the foreigner who runs three laps around it, while other people bathe it with water, acquires the citizenship of Gubbio and the honorary title of Matto d'Agobbio that is, "Honorary Fool of Gubbio" in the sense of joker and bizarre. Palazzo del Bargello (Gubbio) on Wikipedia Palazzo del Bargello (Q16586406) on Wikidata
Ducal Palace
  • Main attraction6 Ducal Palace (New Court), Via Federico da Montefeltro, 39 075 9275872, @. Ecb copyright.svgfull € 5.00, reduced € 2.50 (18/25 years), free (up to 18 years, over 65 years and school groups with a list signed by the headmaster). Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 8:30 am - 7:30 pm. This palace was built by the Duke of Urbino Federico da Montefeltro in 1470, in Renaissance style, on pre-existing medieval buildings: the only example of a Renaissance building in a purely medieval city. The original furniture has long since disappeared as the famous study of Guidobaldo da Montefeltro (similar to that of Urbino) at the Metropolitan Museum of New York. Today there is a faithful copy of it on site. Palazzo Ducale (Gubbio) on Wikipedia Doge's Palace (Q3361295) on Wikidata
Loggia of the shooters
Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo
  • 7 Loggia dei Tiratori, Square of the Forty Martyrs, 44. Originally the building was the seat of the hospital of Santa Maria, erected in 1326. Then in 1505 it was extended to become "Spedal Grande". The name loggia dei tiratori comes from the presence of the loggia used since the middle of the 15th century to "pull" the clothes, that is, to dry the fabric so that it takes on a certain size. The pulling frame was built, however, only at the beginning of the seventeenth century. Loggia dei Tiratori (Q63451933) on Wikidata
  • 8 Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, Via Capitano del Popolo, 2. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 9: 00-19: 00. Medieval building from the late 13th century. It takes its name because, according to tradition, the so-called Captain of the People lived there. Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo (Q7127012) on Wikidata


The dome
  • 9 Cathedral of Gubbio (Cathedral of Saints Mariano and Giacomo). Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 9: 00-17: 00. The current Gothic-style Cathedral stands on the site of a previous Romanesque building prior to the year 1000. The new church was finished in 1229 and then enlarged in 1336. Further additions were made in the following centuries. Cathedral of Gubbio on Wikipedia Gubbio cathedral (Q594678) on Wikidata
Basilica of S. Ubaldo
  • 10 Basilica of S. Ubaldo, Via Monte Ingino, 5 (on Mount Ingino, reachable by the cable car), 39 075 9273872, @. The sanctuary of Sant'Ubaldo which houses the body of the patron saint of Gubbio, is located on Mount Ingino. It was built in 1513. In the basilica are placed the candles, once in wax, then from the sixteenth century in wood. On the occasion of the feast of the candles in honor of the patron saint, exhibited in the Palazzo dei Consoli and carried in procession through Gubbio and then, along the climb to the sanctuary. Basilica of Sant'Ubaldo on Wikipedia basilica of Sant'Ubaldo (Q3635744) on Wikidata
Church of San Giovanni Battista
Interiors of S. Maria dei Laici
  • 11 Church of San Giovanni Battista, Via Repubblica, 5. The church was built between the 13th and 14th centuries, in all probability on the site previously occupied by the primitive Cathedral of San Mariano. The facade is Gothic while the bell tower is Romanesque. Many of the original frescoes have been lost; only a few fragments of one remain Saint Catherine of Alexandria and one Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine. Church of San Giovanni Battista (Gubbio) on Wikipedia church of San Giovanni Battista (Q45360786) on Wikidata
Church of San Francesco
  • 12 Church of Santa Maria dei Laici, Via A. Piccardi, 2. Built in the first half of the fourteenth century, it has inside theAnnunciation by Federico Barocci, the paintings of the vault above the main altar, from the 17th century. While in the 'Sepolcro' there are fifteenth-century frescoes with Stories of the Passion.
  • 13 Church of San Francesco, Largo San Francesco. The church was built in the second half of the 13th century and which would have welcomed St. Francis of Assisi after his abandonment of the paternal house. The bell tower is from the 15th century. Church of San Francesco (Gubbio) on Wikipedia church of San Francesco d'Assisi (Q10300734) on Wikidata
Church of San Domenico
  • 14 Church of Sant'Agostino, Via di Porta Romana, 7, 39 075 927 3814. Completed in 1294, it has inside a cycle of frescoes from various eras. Church of Sant'Agostino (Gubbio) on Wikipedia church of Sant'Agostino (Q17017365) on Wikidata
  • Church of San Francesco di Paola, Casamorcia. Church of San Francesco di Paola (Gubbio) on Wikipedia church of San Francesco di Paola (Q3670166) on Wikidata
  • 15 Church of San Domenico, Via Camillo Benso Count of Cavour, 2. Built at the end of the 13th century on a pre-existing church, it has a series of decorations inside, including an interesting lectern and inlaid choir from the 16th century. The facade is incomplete.
Madonna of the Prato
  • 16 Madonna of the Prato (Near the Mausoleum of the 40 Martyrs). Baroque church inaugurated in 1662 built in the Roman style of Borromini. Inside there are interesting frescoes and stuccos of valuable scenographic effect. church of the Madonna del Prato (Q17009151) on Wikidata
  • 17 Santa Maria Nuova, Via Nelli, 9. Church of the late 13th century with interesting frescoes on the walls. Santa Maria Nuova (Q63532627) on Wikidata
Church of San Marziale
  • 18 Church of San Marziale, Largo S. Marziale, 1 (Near the lower station of the chairlift), 39 075 922 0693. Small 13th-century church with a beautiful room inside where the religious could follow the liturgical celebrations from behind bars.
Church of S. Pietro
  • 19 Church of S. Pietro, St. Peter's Square, 6, 39 075 927 2700. Consecrated in the mid-11th century, the facade has sculptures with bestiaries while inside there are several paintings.
  • 20 Church of Santa Maria della Vittorina (Santa Maria della Vittoria), Via Frate Lupo. This church was blocked in the presumed place where, S. Francesco met the wolf of Gubbio. The building then passed to the nuns and today displays numerous frescoes from the early 16th century. Santa Maria della Vittorina (Q63451354) on Wikidata


Petroia Castle
  • 21 Carbonana Castle, Via dell'Assino (In the hamlet of Zangolo). Private castle among the most beautiful in the area
  • 22 Petroia Castle, Petroia locality. This castle is famous because it was born there Federico da Montefeltro future Duke of Urbino. Today it is an accommodation facility. Petroia Castle on Wikipedia Petroia castle (Q3662792) on Wikidata
  • 23 Mausoleum of the 40 Martyrs, via Mausoleum. This monument commemorates the shooting of forty Gubbio by German troops on June 22, 1944.
Roman theatre
  • 24 Roman theatre (Park of the Roman theater), Street of the Roman Theater, 39 075 9220992. Ecb copyright.svgFull 3 €, reduced 2 €.. Simple icon time.svgApril-October: Tue - Sun 10: 00-19: 30, November-March: Tue - Sun 9: 00-18: 30. The theater is located inside an archaeological park where there is also an antiquarium with the display of finds and mosaics from a Roman domus.
  • 25 Porta Romana. Porta Romana (Q63451498) on Wikidata
  • 26 Porta Vehia, via Dante 13.
  • 27 Gardens of the Doge's Palace (Enter the gallery under the Doge's Palace). Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 9: 00-19: 00. From this panoramic terrace with gardens and trees you can admire the city from above. It is a great place to rest and stop.

Events and parties

  • Feast of candles. Simple icon time.svgMay 15. It is a mad rush of three large wooden candles, each weighing around 300 kg, in the narrow streets of the city.
  • Palio of the Crossbow. Simple icon time.svglast Sunday of May. Folklore event in honor of the patron saint of the city, St. Ubaldo. Palio della Crossbow on Wikipedia Palio della Crossbow (Q3361451) on Wikidata
  • Gubbstock Rock Festival. Simple icon time.svgIn July. Rock event.
  • Pilgrimage "Path of Francis". Simple icon time.svgSeptember. 40 km to be covered in three days to retrace the path made by St. Francis of Assisi in the winter between 1206 and 1207.
  • Festival of the Middle Ages. Simple icon time.svgfirst week of October. Cultural event focused on historical disclosure. Exhibitions, markets, a medieval book fair, films, historical re-enactments, shows, concerts, workshops for children, herbaria, role-playing games and guided cultural visits.
The Christmas tree of Gubbio and the Roman theater
  • Gubbio Christmas tree. Simple icon time.svgDecember 7-January 6. Made up of over 800 luminous bodies scattered along the slopes of Mount Ingino, it is famous for being the largest Christmas tree in the world. Gubbio Christmas tree on Wikipedia Gubbio Christmas tree (Q330406) on Wikidata

What to do

  • 1 Luca Ronconi Municipal Theater, Via Capitano del Popolo, 17.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Bar Dei Consoli, Via dei Consoli, 103, 39 366 493 0823.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices

  • 2 Hotel Tre Ceri in Gubbio, Via Benamati 6 (near Via dei Consoli), 39 075 92 22 109. Entirely renovated in 2001, the Tre Ceri hotel is made up of two buildings dating back to the 14th century.

High prices

  • 3 Petroia Castle Hotel, Petroia - 06020 Written of Gubbio, 39 075 920287. Ecb copyright.svg€ 110-250 for a double. Located in a strategic position between Gubbio and Perugia overlooking the Chiascio valley. Petroia Castle was the scene of many important events of the 12th-14th century.


How to keep in touch


  • Perugia - Regional capital full of museums and medieval buildings 39 km away
  • Urbino - Renaissance city of Montefeltro at 70 km
  • Assisi - Religious place known for San Francesco and the splendid Basilica with Giotto's ciclio. 48 km

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Gubbio
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Gubbio
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