Eugubino-Altochiascio - Eugubino-Altochiascio

Eugubino-Altochiascio - Location

Eugubino-Altochiascio is a tourist region ofUmbria.

To know

Culture and traditions

The Eugubian tables
Eugubine tables

The Eugubine Tables are seven bronze tables found in the 15th century in the ancient territory Ikuvium (Gubbio), on which there is a text in Umbrian, relating to ceremonial complexes of lustration and expiation of the city. The tables were sold to the town of Gubbio in 1456 and are currently kept in the chapel of the Palazzo dei Consoli in Gubbio. The tables are the only source for the study of the Umbrian people and their language, as well as for their religious practices.

Territories and tourist destinations

43 ° 21′5 ″ N 12 ° 34′23 ″ E
Municipalities of the Eugubino-Altochiascio

Urban centers

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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