Calci - Calci

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Calci is a community in the Tuscany and belongs to the province of Pisa.


The place Calci is located in the small valley Valgraziosa at the foot of the range of hills of Monte Pisano around 13 km east of the city of Pisa.

The community includes the following districts; La Pieve (capital of the municipality), Il Colle, Villa S.Andrea, Castel Maggiore, Tre Colli, S.Lucia, Rezzano, S.Lorenzo, Monte Magno, La Corte and La Gabella.

getting there

By plane

By train

By bus

Calci can be reached from Pisa (Piazza San Antonio) by bus 160 (direction Tre Colli) in about 30 minutes.

In the street


Map of Calci

Tourist Attractions

  • The 1 Pieve dei Santi Giovanni ed Ermolao, Parish church, was built in the 11th century. The facade is in the Pisan Romanesque style, while the bell tower (campanile) was never completed. Inside there is a marble baptismal font from the 12th century.
  • The 2 Certosa di Calci, is a Charterhouse, which is about 1 km away from the town center. The Charterhouse, which is one of the largest in Tuscany, was founded in 1366. In the 18th century the interiors were rebuilt and decorated with baroque frescoes. Today the monastery is used as a museum.
  • It is in part of the Charterhouse Museo di Storia Naturale e del Territorio housed at the University of Pisa. This museum displays geological, paleontological, botanical and zoological collections from the university. One of the special features is a roof structure in which a large number of whale skeletons (Galleria dei cetacei) is housed. Via Roma 79 Tel. 050/2212970 Fax 050/2212975.
  • 3 Chiesa di Sant'Agostino








Practical advice


  • Pisa - the provincial capital


Web links - Calci official website

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