Casanare - Casanare

Location of the department.

Casanare is a department of Colombia.


The first settlers in the region were the native Tunebos, Guahíbos, Sálivas, Cusianas, Caquetíos, Piapocos, Amoruas, who with the Spanish conquest of the Eastern Plains at the beginning of the 16th century were reduced and enslaved through the encomiendas. In this same century the Los Llanos Governorate, which in 1660 was divided into the Provinces of San Juan (south of the Meta River) and of Santiago de las Atalayas (north of the same river).

Between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, reductions, mission towns, herds and agricultural and cattle ranches were created at the request of the Jesuits, who gave economic importance to the region during the time of the Spanish colony. The Jesuits who founded most of the first towns. By 1767 the government of Spain expelled the Jesuits from their territories, which generated an economic crisis in the area.

Antonio Nariño was arrested in 1797 and although, despite the fact that the Royal Audience knows the plan, as well as the popular support in Casanare for such an initiative, he does not take measures because he considers it unlikely to be able to carry out this plan successfully. With the declaration of independence in Quito In August 1809, Antonio Nariño forms a clandestine junta and in El Socorro they plan to surprise the military convoy that carries weapons from Santafé for the Spanish authorities in Quito, stealing the weapons to defend the sympathetic rescuers, raising an army with the slaves of the trapicherías near Bogotá. The plan fails and Nariño is once again imprisoned. Those who manage to flee travel to Casanare in the hope of obtaining weapons from the religious missions and those run by the governor, Don Remigio Bobadilla. This is how three 18-year-olds: Carlos Salgar, José María Rosillo and Vicente Cadena, led the insurrection in Casanare, formed an army made up of former lifeguards, creoles and ordinary people from Casanare, and on February 17, 1810 they took the capital of the province, By e and they declare it free from Spanish rule. This is the first cry for independence in the New Granada, which would culminate with the date on July 20, 1810 in Bogotá.

The inexperience of Salgar, Rosillo and Cadena means that they do not imprison the officials and authorities of the Cabildo and the Resguardo, who set a trap for them on February 18, 1810, Salgar falls prisoner. Rosillo escapes towards Tunja, where he is arrested and sent to Bogotá, he would be released on July 20, 1810. As for Cadena, he is trapped in a herd and sent to Pore, where after a trial they are executed on April 30, 1810. Their heads are sent to Bogotá to be publicly fixed in retaliation, but the repudiation and popular discontent that such action aroused prevented it. This act, described as bloody by Camilo Torres Tenorio, is the trigger for the events of July 20, 1810.

Territory of the Province of Casanare in 1810.

In the lands of Casanare, the liberating armies that made the crossing of the páramo de Pisba which ended with the victories of the Pantano de Vargas and the Boyacá Bridge. Once the independence of the Viceroyalty of New Granada from the Crown of Spain (1821), the Province of Los Llanos del Casanare are called Autonomous Province within the Grancolombiano department of Boyacá; once the dissolution of the Great Colombia In 1831, the province declared itself independent under the name of Gobierno Unido del Casanare, which after its failed secession became part of the Republic of New Granada.

Casanare remained as a New Granada province until 1857, the year in which it was integrated into the Sovereign State of Boyacá as one of its provinces. In 1863 it happened to be administered directly by the nation with the name of Territory of Casanare, which in 1867 was declared a department; in 1873 it again became part of the National Territories.

During the period between 1830 and 1880 there were successive changes of capital: Pore, until 1842, when he moved to Támara, he returned to Pore in 1843 until 1857, which passed to Moreno; in 1863 the capital of the territory changed to Támara, until 1877, when the capital became Tame, being transferred that same year to Nunchía.

In 1892 the National Intendency of Casanare was created with its capital in Orocué, which was developed as a river port for the export of products to the international market. The Intendancy is merged in 1905 with the Intendancy of San Martín (today Meta); a couple of years later the area between Upia and Cusiana becomes Boyacá. By 1911 Arauca was established as Special Police Station, segregating its territorial area from Casanare, which in 1912 returned to be Boyacá territory.

The Casanare Special Police Station was created in 1950 with a territory similar to the current one, but a short time later it was abolished due to public order problems. In 1953, a Civil Military Headquarters was created based in Yopal, according to Boyacá and the Meta; This situation would remain until November 28, 1973, when by means of Law 19 of that year the National Intendency of Casanare was created again, segregating it from Boyacá.

In 1977 the Rubiera massacre (Hurry), in which people from the Cuiba and Yaruro peoples were killed by settlers to take possession of their territories.

With the Political Constitution of Colombia of July 4, 1991, radical changes are introduced in the political division of the country, one of them being the suppression of the so-called National Territories (divided into Municipalities and Police Stations) to give them the form of Departments.



Other destinations

  • Bocas del Pauto
  • La Iguana Park
  • Cusiana and Cupiagua
  • Sierra Nevada del Cocuy


To get

By car

  • From Bogotá, via the Llano road (Villavicencio - Villanueva - Aguazul - Yopal), the alternate road to Llano (Guateque - Sisga - El Secreto - Aguazul - Yopal), the Cusiana road (Tunja - Sogamoso - Pajarito - Aguazul - Yopal). Through the latter circulates the transport to and from Bucaramanga.
  • For the north of Boyacá, from Socha, towards Sácama and Hato Corozal.
  • From Tame (Arauca) towards Hato Corozal, Paz de Ariporo, Pore and Yopal. This way is accessed from Cucuta.
  • From Puerto Lopez and Puerto Gaitán (department of Goal) towards Orocué, San Luis de Palenque, La Chaparrera and Yopal.

By plane

  • Via Satena, in code shared with Avianca, from Bogotá to Yopal.
  • Via Aires, towards Yopal from Bogotá and Bucaramanga.


  • By the Meta river, departures from Orocué and Bocas del Pauto to Puerto Gaitán (Meta), Santa Rosalía, La Primavera and Puerto Carreño (Vichada)



To buy

Cultural festivities

The department has a great wealth in cultural manifestations expressed in its many festivals. Almost every municipality has its own:

Summer Festival.
International Festival of the Creole Bandola "Pedro Florez", in the month of January.
Mango Festival, in the month of March.
Livestock Fair, in the month of May.
Festival of the Savannah, in the month of December.
National Festival of the Colonies, in the month of August.
Bovine and Equine Commercial Exhibition Fair, held in November.
The Colegio Fabio Riveros institution reigns a festival called THE PALMARITO which takes place in mid-September.
Festivities in honor of the Virgin of Manare.
International Festival of the Plain, in the month of January.
El Alcaravan de Oro Student Festival.
Feast of the Colonies
Festival "El Cimarrón de Oro"
Student Festival "El Garcero del Llano".
Livestock exhibition fair, in the month of August.
International Guacaba Festival, in August.
Festival and National Student Reign of the song llanero y el joropo, in the month of August.
Festival and National Reign of Rice, in the month of January.
Alma Sabanera Festival, in the month of November.
Rio Tua Summer Festival.
Orange Festival and livestock fair, in the month of January.
Festivities of Our Lady of the Rosary, in the month of October.
Reign of the Livestock, in the month of October.
Rope Festival, in the month of October.
  • The Salina
Salt Festival, in the month of November.

To eat

Mamona or Veal a la Llanera. Chiguiro meat, also very popular.

Drink and go out





Keep in touch


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