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Kythira - Localization
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Kythira or also Kythira (Κύθηρα in Greek) is an island Greek located between the Peloponnese is Crete. According to legend, Venus was born here.

To know

From a geographical point of view the island is part of the Peloponnese but administratively it is submitted to the prefecture of Piraeus, despite the remoteness from the port of Athens.

The island is semi-uninhabited. In the past, its population emigrated en masse to the United States, in Australia and, in the years following the 2nd World War, in Germany. In the summer, however, it revives somewhat by tripling its inhabitants. It is calculated that in the one alone Australia there are 60,000 descendants of the ancient emigrants.

The island is subject to frequent earthquakes. The most intense were recorded in 1903, 2004 (November 5) and 2006 (January 8). The latter which had its epicenter just 20 km from the east coast of Kythira and at a depth of 70 km and was also felt in southern Italy as well as in Egypt.

Kythira is a destination for family tourism without any pretensions and with almost no nightlife. In the high season, its main beaches are quite crowded


From a historical point of view then it is considered part of Ionian Islands. In fact, it was part of the Venetian possessions of the Ionian Sea until the fall of the Serenissima in 1797. Following the treaty of Campoformio it suffered the domination of the French and then formed a small independent kingdom together with the Ionian islands "The United States of the Ionian Islands" under British protectorate. In 1862 the British decided to hand over the small state to Greece. The Union of the Ionian Islands with the Kingdom of Greece it was built two years later.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Aghia Pelaghia - A small stop for ferries from Vatika (Neapolis) in Peloponnese.
  • Chora - The capital, in the southern part perched on a hill overlooking the bay of Kapsali well equipped from a tourist point of view.
  • Diakofti - The main airport of Kythira.
  • Kapsali - Coastal tourist resort.
  • Karavas - Village of the hinterland.
  • Livadi - Tourist spot near Chora.
  • Milopotamos - Traditional village.
  • Potamos - A rural village of the interior.

Other destinations

The most popular beaches (and more beautiful) are all located on the eastern side:Platia Ammos - Isolated in the extreme north of the island, Platià Ammos (Literally: "Largo arenile") can be reached via a road that starts from the village of Agia Pelagia

  • Fourni caves
  • Avlemonas is Paleopolis - Both are easily accessible from Diakofti
  • Komponada
  • Firi ammos
  • Chalcos - Located in the far south, Chalcos is a large pebble beach that can be reached from the capital.

The beaches on the western side (Ionian Sea) are best visited by boat as the access by land is quite difficult but it is not worth it if not for:

  • Melidoni - A beach in a beautiful sheltered bay east of Chora.

Other destinations

The bay of Kapsali
The bay of Avlemonas

How to get

By plane

Kythira has an airport which was modernized at the end of the 20th century with largely private funds. L'Olympic airlines manages flights to and from Athens. The airport is located between Diakofti and the village of Friligiannika about 8 km from the capital.

On boat

Ferries from Gizio, Antikythira, Piraeus, Crete is Neapolis - Vatika in the neighbor Peloponnese.

How to get around

What see

There is very little to see in Kythira. Below is a list of interesting things

  • Archaeological Museum (Chora).
  • Byzantine fortress (Chora).
  • Caves of Aghia Sofia (Aghia Pelagia).
  • Monastery of Panagia Mirtidiotissa (Livadi).
  • Museum of Byzantine Art (Livadi).
  • Venetian fortress (Milopotamos).

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch

Post office

The postcode of the island is 80100.


The area code for the island is 30 27360.


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