Chateau-Chinon (Ville) - Château-Chinon (Ville)

An old fortress tower of Château-Chinon

Chateau-Chinon (Ville) is a town in the region Burgundy in France.


The surface of Château-Chinon (Ville) is 4.28 km² and more than 2100 people live there. The town is located in the west of the Morvan against the flank of Le Calvaire at an altitude of 609 meters and overlooks the left bank of the Yonne and the plain of Bazois. Due to its strategic location, it has been an important place over the centuries. Currently it is the capital of the Haut-Morvan. Château-Chinon (Ville) is a good starting point to explore the area. The city is proud that François Mitterrand was mayor of Château-Chinon from 1959 to 1981. There is no escaping that fact. He is honored with a statue, a museum and memorial plaques. A school and a square are named after him.


By bus

There are five bus lines:

  • Line 1: Château-Chinon - Nevers - every day
  • Line 4: Château-Chinon - Gouloux - on Wednesday and second Monday of each month.
  • Line 6: Château-Chinon - Autun - from Monday to Saturday.
  • Line 7: Château-Chinon – Arleuf - only on Saturdays.
  • Line 8: Château-Chinon - Glux-en-Glenne - only on Wednesdays.

By car

Château-Chinon (Ville) is crossed from west (Nevers and Autun) to east (Louhans) by the provincial road D978. From the south, from Luzy, you can reach the town via the main road D27. The town is also accessible from the D37 main road from Cercy-la-Tour from the south and Settons Montsauche from the north. From Lormes and Avallon you can reach the town via the provincial road D944.

Travel around

To look at

Stroll through the town and keep an eye out for the historic buildings and places:

  • The old town hall, with the monumental fountain.
  • The old palace of justice
  • The old prison
  • The Notre Dame city gate, one of the few remains of the old fortifications. Further on, two old fortress towers can be admired.
  • L'église Saint-Romain, a neo-Gothic church from the end of the 19th century
  • Walk to the top with the three crosses on which Château-Chinon is located. On this site, the old castle was destroyed during the battles between the Dukes of Burgundy, Charles the Bold and the troops of Louis XI. Three mission crosses have been erected. Much earlier this place was a Gallic oppidum (high, safe abode) and then a Roman castrum (fortress). In the mid-sixteenth century, the inhabitants asked the Prince of Condé for permission to use the stones of the castle for the construction of the gate on the Place Notre Dame. From the Calvaire you have a beautiful view over the hills of the Morvan and the valley of the Bazois. The panorama is a reward for the visitors who have managed to complete the steep climb.


Musee du Septennat
  • Le musée du Septennat[1] is a museum located in a former monastery (Rue du Château 6, tel: 03 86 85 19 23). François Mitterrand, president of France from 1981 to 1995, expressed his gratitude by donating to the town the many gifts of all kinds, which he had received during his presidency. The gifts are ordered by origin and include carpets, furniture, vases and objects in gold and diamonds. Several rooms are dedicated to African gifts. You can also admire decorations, medals and "keys to important cities" that he received during his many travels. The name of the museum Septennat represents the 7-year term of the French presidency.
  • Le musée du Costume et des Arts et Traditions Populaires du Morvan[2] (Rue du Chateau 4). This museum houses costumes from the 18th century and part of Jules Dardy's collection.

To do

  • A city walk and climb the Calvaire.
  • [http://www.ot-chateauchinon.comTourist Office] (tourist office), 6 boulevard de la republique( 03) 386850658, e-mail: . Opening hours: July and August every day from 09:00-12:30 and 14:00-18:30. Out of season there are adjusted times.


The hotel all have a traditional French restaurant. Below are some other dining options:

  • Bar le Montana5 Place Notre Dame( 03) 86850777.
  • Café de l'Agriculture - Bar Brasserie1 Boulevard de la Republique( 03) 86851020.
  • Le Mesopotami21 Boulevard de la Republiq( 03) 86794487. Restaurant KebabI

stay overnight

  • Camping Municipal Le Perthuy d'oiseau( 03) 86850817. Open from May 1 to September 30. Camping
  • Mme Josiane Renault49 Faubourg de Paris( 03) 86850495, e-mail: . gite


  • National Gendarmerie (Law enforcement), 17.
  • Hospital - Maison de Retraite (Hospital), 42 Rue Jean-Marie Thevenin( 03) 386796000.

all around

  • The regional nature park de Morvan
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