Cyrenaica - Cirenaica

Mediterranean coast at the ancient port city of Apollonia
Cyrenaica - Localization

Cyrenaica is the northeastern region of Libya which roughly corresponds to the ancient kingdom of the same name.

To know

Cyrenaica (Arabic: برقه Barqa, Berber: Berqa) is a historical-geographical region of eastern Libya. Strictly speaking, it corresponds to the peninsula that protrudes into the Mediterranean Sea between the Gulf of Sirte and the Gulf of Bomba (also known as historical Cyrenaica), while the area to the east of the Gulf of Bomba is historically known as Marmarica.

Geographical notes

The coastal area has a rather varied trend:

  • The westernmost part, from the ancient site of Arephilenorum (traditional western border) and from Marsa El Brega to Benghazi and to the plain of el Merj, is mostly bare and sandy.
  • Further east, the foothills of the Gebel al Akhdar plateau extend to the sea and the coast becomes sheer to the sea with deep inlets.
  • After Derna the coast returns to be low and uniform and so it remains for the whole Gulf of Bomba up to Tobruch. Here the coast returns to rocky and overlooking the sea to the border with Egypt.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Benghazi - Port city of Libya.
  • Shahhat - Near the ancient city of Cyrene, a heritage ofUNESCO.
  • Tobruch (or Tobruk) - Libyan port city and capital of the municipality of Al Butnan.

Other destinations

  • Green Mountains

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


After the conflict that lasted until the end of 2017, the city of Benghazi it can be visited, but it is advisable to avoid the outer district of Al-Hawari which has recently been the sad scene of car bomb attacks. Hotels and civil services are back available with adequate standards.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Cyrenaica
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Cyrenaica
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