Clipperton - Clipperton

Rainbow trevally caught near the island
Clipperton - Location
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Clipperton (or Passion Island, Île de Clipperton or Île de la Passion in French, Isla Clipperton or Isla de la Pasión in Spanish), is an atoll French located in the Pacific Ocean in Northern America, 1,280 km west of Mexico.

To know

Spoken languages

The official language is the French, but, given the absence of inhabitants, it can be said that no language is spoken on the island.

Culture and traditions

Clipperton Island one dollar postage stamp

Suggested readings

There are dozens of essays and novels set on the island, but among the most recommended we find:

  • Clipperton: A History of the Island the World Forgot. 1989 book written by the American Jimmy Skaggs;
  • The isla de la pasión. 1989 novel by Colombian Laura Restrepo;
  • The Women of Clipperton Island. Novel published in 2018 by the writer A. G. Socha.
  • Dying in Clipperton. A historical fiction by Marco Ferrari published in 2009

Territories and tourist destinations

How to get

The region is under the authority of the government French and is an integral part ofEuropean Union. However, it is exempt from the Schengen area and therefore citizens outside of France need a permit to visit the island. This can be obtained by requesting it from:

However, unless a French Navy patrol visits the site, there are no officials on the island to check permits.

By plane

There are no scheduled flights operating on the island. But if you are equipped with a hydrofoil you can reach the atoll and land safely, as long as you know how to drive it correctly. On the island there is an old unused runway in a state of decay, so it is not safe to use it.

On boat

It is practically the only possible way to reach the island, but there are no conventional tourist routes, so you need to have your own boat or take part in an expedition. To make the trip as short as possible it is advisable to leave from the port of Acapulco, a city of Mexico western.

However, there is no port on the island and the only option is to anchor offshore. For docking, the southwest side of the atoll is recommended and you can then land on the island using a smaller and less bulky boat. The docking could however prove dangerous due to the presence of strong currents that make the sea rough, causing the waves to break more or less violently against the surrounding coral reefs. Leaving the island, however, is even more difficult: it is necessary to be equipped with skilled boatmen skills, in order to be able to time the passage over the cliffs at the right time, among the crashing waves.The freshwater lagoon in the middle of the atoll is closed and not reachable by boat.

How to get around

The absence of inhabitants also determines the lack of public transport of any kind. The atoll can be visited on foot, but even this choice could prove difficult. The surfaces that can be found on the island are of two types:

  • A sandy is fluffy, which could collapse due to the numerous burrows dug by the island's many crabs
  • One consisting of hard coral fragments cemented together and covered with loose coral pieces. Walking on this surface without proper precautions could lead to sprains in the ankles or feet, combined with cuts on the sole of these.

On boat

Since the internal lagoon is not accessible by boats, and the sea currents can prove to be a challenge, it is recommended to move as little as possible by boat.

What see

Historical photo of one of the many ships wrecked on the coasts of the island, still present today
  • 1 Clipperton Rock. It is a rock located in the south-east of the island, and is probably the first thing you see when approaching the atoll. It is a volcanic spur, about 29 meters high, and the only elevated point on the island. On the rock you can find the ruins of an old lighthouse, erected by the government of Mexico in 1906. In case you are fond of scary and disturbing stories, the story of the last lighthouse keeper the island has had, Victoriano, could be interesting. Álvarez. In 1917, due to the death of all the male inhabitants of the island, the captain went totally crazy after being alone with 15 women and other children. Insanity led him to rape them, until he was killed by one of the islanders.
  • The coconut palm trees;
  • Gods are scattered all over the island wrecks of the US Navy of World War II. These are old machinery and ammunition.
  • 2 US ammunition. Location where some US ammunition can be found, however the whole island is littered with war material.
  • Two wrecks of Mexican fishing boats, Lily Marie is Oco, are stranded on the shores of the island. Obviously, he hopes future tourists will not end up in the same way.
  • What remains of a NASA radar site built in 1996 to track a French rocket launch from French Guiana, which unfortunately did not work properly at the time and exploded shortly after launch.
  • 3 Bougainville Field. A historic, now abandoned research field where French scientists remained during scientific expeditions to the island.
Some coconut palms on the island
  • 4 Stele. It is a small pyramid in memory of the French expeditions to the island


In case you are interested in world war history, a tour of the island observing naval wrecks, ammunition, weapons and other places of military importance will surely be an unmissable experience. The island itself is a large open-air museum.

What to do

Rainbow trevally
  • to fish in the waters surrounding the island is an activity that attracts many more tourists than the island itself. The waters are home to, among other things, the rare Clipperton Rainbow Trevally.
Bright Orange Clipperton Crab
  • To observe the wild and endemic fauna of the island, which, like it or not, you will be obliged to see. Some species are present in very numerous communities, such as i Bright Orange Crabs which can be counted in the thousands, and some bird species. In total, there are 13 species of birds on the island, to which migratory birds are added. Unfortunately, the only mammals on Clipperton Island are a few rodents, imported by ships.
  • Snorkeling and scuba diving in the internal lagoon and surrounding sea. There is also the possibility of encountering dolphins.
  • In case you want to throw yourself into interesting challenges, you can try to break the record to run for the whole island. Until today of 1 hour and 17 minutes, accomplished by a radio amateur who visited the island in 2000.
Clipperton Booby in flight

At the table

There are no economic activities on the island, so it is necessary to bring food with you, taking into account the length of the round trip, the period of stay and an extra amount of resources in case of emergency. For those wishing to experience the thrill of survival, they could opt for a diet exclusively based on fish and a few makeshift coconuts. Although 115 species of fish have been identified in the territorial waters of Clipperton Island, the only economic activity is tuna fishing. In any case, it is preferable avoid the crabs, as some species present are poisonous.


It is necessary to bring your own water, given the absence of distributors. It is not possible to take too large quantities of water with you but they can be estimated at around 10 liters minimum per day or perhaps a little more. However, the water of the central lagoon, while not very good, seems to be drinkable.


There are no toilets, hospitals or other first aid systems on the island. You need to be self-sufficient, carrying a first aid kit is essential as the closest hospitals would be in Mexico. It is speculated, however, that the island could be used as a meeting point for some drug dealers.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Clipperton
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Clipperton
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