Korean - Coreano


Spread of the Korean language in the world
Flag of the South Korea

The Korean language is spoken by around 78 million people on the Korean peninsula. Local names are: Chosŏnŏ (Hangŭl 조선어, Hanja 朝鮮語) o Chosŏnmal 조선말 (朝鮮 말) in North Korea also Hangugŏ 한국어 (韓國 語) or Hangugmal 한국말 (韓國 말) in South Korea. The different names derive from the different North Korean or South Korean denominations for their country. Most linguists classify Korean as an isolated language, although some include it in the controversial Altaic language family.

Flag of the North Korea

The Korean alphabet (한글, MCR: Han'gŭl) was invented by King Sejong (세종) to write the Korean language without resorting to the use of Chinese characters. Before the invention of a handy alphabet, most of the population had to turn to the scribe to write messages using Chinese, being often lacking in knowledge about it.

The difficult thing to understand about Hangeul is that the letters (Chamo) are not written one after the other as in the Latin alphabet, but the syllabic groups in the shape of a square (Eumcheol) come together.

Each graphic syllable is composed of at least one consonant and one vowel. For example, to write the syllable "KA" the symbols ㄱ (k / g) and ㅏ (a) are combined in the syllable 가.

In the case of CV syllables (vowel consonant) the vowel is written to the right of the consonant if this is a vertical vowel (ㅕㅑ ㅐ ㅔ ㅣ ㅏㅓ) or below if it is horizontal (ㅠ ㅛ ㅗㅜ ㅡ). For example, the syllable KU is written as ㄱ ㅜ = 구. Some combinations of a vertical and a horizontal vowel are allowed. For example PWA is obtained as ㅂ (P) ㅗ (O) ㅏ (A) = 봐.

Finally we can insert a final consonant by adding it below. For example, you can get KAP (갑), PWAK (봑), etc.

Guide to transcription

Below are the transcription tables (following the revised Latinization system).




LatinizationBeginning syllablegkkndttrmbppsss-jjjchktph
End syllablekknt-Lmp-ttngt-tktpt

The revised Latinization transcribes certain phonetic changes that occur with some combinations of a consonant in the final syllable with the initial one of the following syllable, which however are not to be applied in proper names: 정석민 → Jeong Seokmin or Jeong Seok-min, 최빛나 → Choe Bitna or Choe Bit-na. Significant changes are highlighted:

Following initial →
Previous final ↓gndrmbsjchktph
kgkgngnkdngnngmkbkskjkchk-kktkpkh, k
nnn-gnosndll, nnmargin nonbnsnjnchnkntnpnh
td, jtgnostdnosmargin notbtstjtchtkt-ttpth, t, ch
Lrlgll, nnldlllmlblsljlchlkltlplh
pbpgmnpdmnmmpbpspjpchpkptp-pph, p
tstgnostdnosmargin notbtstjtchtkt-ttpth, s
tjtgnostdnosmargin notbtstjtchtkt-ttpth, t, ch
tchtgnostdnosmargin notbtstjtchtkt-ttpth, t, ch
tt, chtgnostdnosmargin notbtstjtchtkt-ttpth, t, ch
thknostnosmargin nophschtchtktttpt

Pronunciation guide


  • to: as in Italian
  • is: like the first is in serenity
  • the: like the second the in painting
  • or: or very closed
  • u: as in Italian
  • y: as the the in yesterday
  • to:
  • to:
  • or:


  • b: as the p in pear
  • c:
  • d: as the t in mug
  • f:
  • g: as the c in dog
  • h: as the h of English Hall
  • j: as the c in cell
  • k: as the c in quill, but highly aspirated
  • L: as in Italian
  • m: as in Italian
  • n: as in Italian
  • p: as in Italian, but very aspirated
  • q:
  • r: as in Italian, but with the vibration reduced to a minimum
  • s: as the s in to dream
  • t: as in Italian, but very aspirated
  • v:
  • w: as the w of English week
  • x:
  • z:

Special combinations

  • eo: as the or in vegetable garden but without rounding the lips
  • eu: as the u in Italian but without rounding the lips
  • ae: like the second is in Why
  • oe: as the is in Italian
  • yeo: how yo in yogurt but without rounding the lips while pronouncing the "o"
  • ch: as the c in wax, but highly aspirated
  • ng: as the n in bench


Basic words
  • Yup : 예 (pron.:ye)
  • No : 아니오 (pron.:anio)
  • Help : 도와 주십시오 (pron.:dowajusipsio)
  • Attention :   ( )
  • You are welcome :   ( )
  • Thank you : 감사 합니다 (pron.:gamsahamnida)
  • Do not mention it :   ( )
  • No problem :   ( )
  • Unfortunately :   ( )
  • Here :   ( )
  • There / there :   ( )
  • When? : 언제 입니까? (pron.:eonjeimnikka?)
  • Thing? : 무엇 입니까? (pron.:mu-eosimnikka?)
  • Where is it? : 어디 입니까? (pron.:eodiimnikka?)
  • Why? :   ( )
  • Welcome : 천만 입니다 (pron .: cheonmanimnida)
  • Open : 열림 (pron.:yeollim)
  • Closed : 닫힘 (pron.:dadchim)
  • Entry : 입구 (pron.:ipgu)
  • Exit : 출구 (pron .: chulgu)
  • To push : 미시 오 (pron.:mishio)
  • Pull : 당기 시오 (pron.:dangishio)
  • Toilet : 화장실 (pron .: hwajangshil)
  • Free :   ( )
  • Busy :   ( )
  • Men : 남 (pron.:nam)
  • Women : 여 (pron.:yeo)
  • Forbidden : 금지 (pron.:geumji)
  • Smoking prohibited :   ( )
  • Hello : 안녕하십니까 (pron.:annyeong hashimnikka)
  • Good morning : 좋은 아침 입니다 (pron.:jo-eun achimimnida)
  • Good evening : 좋은 저녁 입니다 (pron.:jo-eun jeonyeogimnida)
  • Good night : 좋은 밤 입니다 (pron.:jo-eun bamimnida)
  • How are you? : 어떻게 지내 십니까? (pron.:eotteoke jinaeshimnikka?)
  • Fine thanks : 잘 지 냅니다, 감사 합니다 (pron .: jal jinaemnida, gamsahamnida)
  • And you? :   ( )
  • What's your name? : 성함 이 어떻게 되세요? (pron.:seonghami eotteoke doeseyo?)
  • My name is _____ : 제 이름 은 ______ 입니다 (pron.:je ireumeun ____ imnida)
  • Nice to meet you : 만나서 반갑 습니다 (pron.:mannaseo bangapseumnida)
  • Where do you live? :   ( )
  • I live in _____ :   ( )
  • Where do you come from? :   ( )
  • How old are you / are you? :   ( )
  • Excuse me (permission) : 실례 합니다 (pron .: shillye hamnida)
  • Excuse me! (asking for forgiveness) : 죄송 합니다 (pron .: joesonghamnida)
  • As he said? : 다시 한번 말해 주십시오 (pron.:dasi hanbeon malhae jusipsio)
  • I'm sorry :   ( )
  • See you later : 안녕히 가십시오 (pron.:annyeonghi gashipshio)
  • See you soon :   ( )
  • We feel! :   ( )
  • I don't speak your language well : 저는 한국어 잘 못합니다 (pron.:jeoneun hangugeo jal motamnida)
  • I speak _____ :   ( )
  • Is there anyone speaking _____? : 여기 에 _____ 를 하시는 분 계십니까? (pron.:yeogie _____reul hasineun bun gyesimnikka?)
    • ...Italian : 이탈리아어 (pron.:...itallia-eo)
    • ...English : ... 영어 (pron.:...yeong-eo)
    • ...Spanish : 스페인어 (pron.:...seupein-eo)
    • ...French : 프랑스어 (pron.:...peurangseueo)
    • ...German : ... 독일어 (pron.: ... tog-ireo)
  • Can you speak slower? : 천천히 말해 주십시오 (pron .: cheoncheonhi malhae jusipsio)
  • Could you repeat that? : 다시 한번 말해 주십시오 (pron.:dasi hanbeon malhae jusipsio)
  • What does it mean? :   ( )
  • I do not know :   ( )
  • I do not understand : 이해 가 안 갑니다 (pron .: ihaega angamnida)
  • How do you say _____? : _____ 은 한국말 로 어떻게 말 합니까? (pron.:____eun hangungmallo eotteoke malhamnikka?)
  • Can you spell it for me? :   ( )
  • Where is the toilette? : 화장실 이 어디에 있습니까? (pron.:hwajangsili eodi-e isseumnikka?)



  • I've lost my purse : 가방 을 잃었 습니다 (pron.:gabang-eul ireotsseumnida)
  • I've lost my wallet : 지갑 을 잃었 습니다 (pron.:jigabeul ireotsseumnida)
  • I was robbed :   ( )
  • The car was parked in the street ... :   ( )
  • I haven't done anything wrong : 저는 잘못한 것이 없습니다 (pron.:jeoneun jalmotan geosi eopsseumnida)
  • It was a misunderstanding : 그것은 오해 였습니다 (pron.:geugeoseun ohaeyeotsseumnida)
  • Where are you taking me? : 저 를 어디로 데려가 십니까? (pron.:jeoreul eodiro deryeogasimnikka?)
  • Am I under arrest? : 저는 체포 됩니까? (pron.:jeoneun chepodoemnikka?)
  • I am an Italian citizen : 저는 이탈리아 국민 입니다 (pron.:jeoneun itallia gungminimnida)
  • I want to speak to a lawyer : 변호사 에게 이야기 하고 싶습니다 (pron.:byeonhosa-ege iyagihago sipseumnida)
  • Can I pay the fine now? : 지금 벌금 을 내 도 되겠습니까? (pron.:jigeum beolgeumeul naedo doegetsseumnikka?)

On the telephone

  • Ready :   ( )
  • A moment :   ( )
  • I dialed the wrong number :   ( )
  • Stay online :   ( )
  • Sorry if I disturb, but :   ( )
  • I'll call back :   ( )


  • leave me alone : 혼자 내버려 두십시오 (pron.:honja naebeoryeo dusipsio)
  • Do not touch me! : 만지지 마십시오! (pron.:manjiji masipsio!)
  • I'll call the police : 경찰 을 부르 겠습니다! (pron.:gyeongchareul bureuketsseumnida!)
  • Where is the police station? :   ( )
  • Police! : 경찰! (pron.:gyeongchal!)
  • Stop! Thief! : 서라! 도둑 이야! (pron.:seora! dodukiya!)
  • I need your help : 당신 의 도움 이 필요 합니다 (pron.:dangshin-ui doumi pilyohamnida)
  • I'm lost : 길 을 잃었 습니다 (pron.:gireul ireotsseumnida)


  • It's an emergency : 응급 상황 입니다 (pron.:eunggeup sanghwang-imnida)
  • I feel bad : 아픕니다 (pron.:apeumnida)
  • I am hurt : 상처 를 입었 습니다 (pron.:sangcheoreul ibeotsseumnida)
  • Call an ambulance :   ( )
  • It hurts here :   ( )
  • I have fever :   ( )
  • Should I stay in bed? :   ( )
  • I need a doctor : 의사 가 필요 합니다 (pron.:uisaga piryohamnida)
  • May I use the phone? : 당신 의 전화기 를 사용해 도 되겠습니까 (pron.:dangshin-ui jeonhwagireul sayonghaedo doegetsseumnikka?)
  • I am allergic to antibiotics :   ( )


At the airport

  • Could I have a ticket to _____? : _____ 에 가는 표 한 장 이요 (pron.:_____e ganeun pyo han jang-iyo)
  • When does the plane leave for _____? :   ( )
  • Where does it stop? :   ( )
  • Stops at _____ :   ( )
  • Where does the bus to / from the airport leave from? :   ( )
  • How long do I have for check-in? :   ( )
  • Can I take this bag as hand luggage? :   ( )
  • Is this bag too heavy? :   ( )
  • What is the maximum weight allowed? :   ( )
  • Go to exit number _____ :   ( )

Bus and Train

  • How much does the ticket cost for _____? : _____ 에 가는 표 가 얼마 입니까? (pron.:_____e ganeun pyoga eolmaimnikka?)
  • A ticket to ..., please : _____ 에 가는 표 한 장 이요 (pron.:_____e ganeun pyo han jang-iyo)
  • I would like to change / cancel this ticket :   ( )
  • Where is this train / bus headed? : 이 기차 / 버스 는 어디로 갑니까? (pron.:i gicha / beoseu-neun eodiro gamnikka?)
  • Where does the train to _____ leave from? :   ( )
  • Which platform / stop? :   ( )
  • Does this train stop at _____? : 이 기차 는 _____ 에 섭 니까? (pron.:i gicha-neun _____e seomnikka?)
  • When does the train leave for _____? : _____ 에 가는 기차 는 언제 출발 합니까? (pron.:_____e ganeun gicha-neun eonje chulbalhamnikka?)
  • When does the bus arrive in _____? : 이 버스 는 _____ 에 언제 도착 합니까? (pron.:i beoseu-neun _____e eonje dochakamnikka?)
  • Can you tell me when to get off? :   ( )
  • Sorry, I booked this place :   ( )
  • Is this seat free? :   ( )


  • Taxi : 택시! (pron.:taeksi!)
  • Take me to _____, please : _____ 로 데려가 주십시오 (pron.:____ro deryeoga jusipsio)
  • How much does it cost up to _____? : _____ 까지는 요금 이 얼마 입니까 (pron.:____kkajineun yogeumi eolmaimnikka?)
  • Take me there, please :   ( )
  • Taximeter :   ( )
  • Turn on the meter, please! :   ( )
  • Stop here, please! : 저기 에 데려가 주십시오! (pron.:jeogi-e deryeoga jusipsio)
  • Wait here a moment, please! :   ( )

To drive

  • I would like to rent a car : 차 를 빌리고 싶습니다 (pron.:chareul billigo sipseumnida)
  • One way street : 일방 통행 (pron .: ilbang tonghaeng)
  • No parking : 주차 금지 (pron.:jucha geumji)
  • Speed ​​limit : 속도 제한 (pron .: sokdo jehan)
  • Gas station : 주유소 (pron.:juyuso)
  • Petrol : 휘발유 (pron.:hwibalyu)
  • Diesel : 디젤 유 (pron.:dijelyu)
  • Traffic light :   ( )
  • Street : 길 (pron.:gil)
  • Square :   ( )
  • Pavements :   ( )
  • Driver :   ( )
  • Pedestrian :   ( )
  • Pedestrian crossing :   ( )
  • Overtaking :   ( )
  • Fine :   ( )
  • Deviation :   ( )
  • Toll :   ( )
  • Border crossing :   ( )
  • Border :   ( )
  • Customs :   ( )
  • Declare :   ( )
  • Identity card :   ( )
  • Driving license :   ( )

Orient yourself

  • How do i get to _____? : _____ 에 가려면 어떻게 해야 합니까? (pron.:____e garyeomyeon eotteoke haeya hamnikka?)
  • How far away ... :   ( )
    • ...The train station? : 기차역 ...? (pron.:gichayeok ...?)
    • ... the bus station? : 버스 정류장 ...? (pron.:beoseu jeongnyujang ...?)
    • ...the airport? : 공항 ...? (pron.:gonghang ...?)
    • ...the center? : 시내 ...? (pron.:shinae ...?)
    • ... the hostel? : 유스 호스텔 ...? (pron.:yuseu hoseutel ...?)
    • ... the hotel _____? : _____ 호텔 ...? (pron.:____ hotel ...?)
    • ... the Italian consulate? : 이탈리아 영사관 ...? (pron.:itallia yeongsagwan ...?)
    • ... the hospital? :   ( )
  • Where there are many ... : ... 이 많은 곳 은 어디에 있습니까? (pron.:...i manheun gosun eodi-e issumnikka?)
    • ... hotel? : 호텔 ...? (pron.:hotel ...?)
    • ... restaurants? : 식당 ...? (pron.:sikdang ...?)
    • ...Cafe? : 술집 ...? (pron.:suljip ...?)
    • ...places to visit? : 볼거리 들 ...? (pron.:bolgeorideul ...?)
  • Can you point me on the map? : 지도 상에서 가르쳐 주 시겠습니까? (pron.:...jidosang-eseo gareucheo jusigessumnikka?)
  • Turn left : 왼쪽 으로 도 십시오 (pron.:oenjjogeuro dosipsio)
  • Turn right : 오른쪽 으로 도 십시오 (pron.:oreunjjogeuro dosipsio)
  • Straight ahead : 곧장 가십시오 (pron.:gojjang gasipsio)
  • To _____ : _____ 를 향해 (pron.:_____reul hyanghae)
  • Passing through _____ :   ( )
  • Front _____ :   ( )
  • Pay attention to _____ :   ( )
  • Crossroad : 교차로 (pron.:gyocharo)
  • North : 북 (pron.:buk)
  • South : 남 (pron.:nam)
  • East : 동 (pron.:dong)
  • West : 서 (pron.:seo)
  • Upward :   ( )
  • Over there : 거기 (pron .: geogi)


  • You have a free room? : 방 있습니까? (pron.:bang isseumnikka?)
  • What is the price of a single / double room? : 한 사람 / 두 사람당 방이 얼마 입니까? (pron.:han saram / du saram-dang bang-i eolmaimnikka?)
  • The room has ... : 그 방 에는 ... 이 있습니까? (pron.:geu bang-eneun ... i isseumnikka?)
    • ...the sheets? : ... 침대보? (pron.:...chimdaebo?)
    • ...the bathroom? : ... 화장실? (pron.:...hwajangsil?)
    • ...the shower? :   ( )
    • ...the phone? : ... 전화기? (pron.:...jeonhwagi?)
    • ...TV? : ... 티브이? (pron.:tibeu-i?)
    • Can I see the room? : 방 을 먼저 봐도 되겠습니까? (pron.:bang-eul meonjeo bwado doegesseumnikka?)
    • You have a room... : ... 방 있습니까? (pron.: ... bang isseumnikka?)
    • ...smaller? : ... 더 작은? (pron.:...deo jag-eun?)
    • ... calmer? : ... 더 조용한? (pron.:... deo joyonghan?)
    • ...bigger? : ... 더 큰? (pron.:...deo keun?)
    • ...cleaner? : ... 더 깨끗한? (pron.:...deo kkaekkeutan?)
    • ...cheaper? : ... 더 싼? (pron.:... deo ssan?)
    • ... with a view of (sea)  :   ( )
  • OK, I'll take it : 좋습니다, 그것 으로 하겠습니다. (pron.:choseumnida, geugeoseuro hagetsseumnida)
  • I will stay for _____ night (s) : _____ 밤 묵 겠습니다. (pron.:_____ bam mukkgetsseumnida)
  • Can you recommend another hotel? : 다른 호텔 을 권해 주 시겠습니까? (pron.:dareun hoteleul gwonhae jusigetsseumnikka?)
  • Do you have a safe? : 금고 있습니까? (pron.:geumgo itsseumnikka?)
  • Do you have key lockers? : 자물쇠 있습니까? (pron.:jamulsoe itsseumnikka?)
  • Is breakfast / lunch / dinner included? : 아침 식사 / 저녁 식사 가 포함 됩니까? (pron.:achimsiksa/jeonyeoksiksa ga pohamdoenikka?)
  • What time is breakfast / lunch / dinner? : 아침 식사 / 저녁 식사 는 몇시 입니까? (pron.:achimsiksa/jeonyeoksiksa neun myeximnikka?)
  • Please clean my room : 방 을 청소 해 주십시오 (pron.:bang-eul cheongsohe jusipsio)
  • Can you wake me up at _____? : _____ 시 에 깨워주 시겠습니까? (pron.:_____ si-e kkaewojusigetsseumnikka?)
  • I'd like to check out : 체크 아웃 하고 싶습니다 (pron.:chekeu autago sipsumnida)
  • Common dormitory :   ( )
  • Shared bathroom :   ( )
  • Hot / boiling water :   ( )

To eat

  • Trattoria :   ( )
  • Restaurant :   ( )
  • Snack bar :   ( )
  • Breakfast : 아침 식사 (pron.:achim siksa)
  • Snack :   ( )
  • Starter :   ( )
  • Lunch : 점심 식사 (pron.:jeomsim siksa)
  • Dinner : 저녁 식사 (pron.:jeonyeok siksa)
  • Snack :   ( )
  • Meal :   ( )
  • Soup : 국물 (pron.:gukmul)
  • Main meal :   ( )
  • Sweet :   ( )
  • Appetizer :   ( )
  • Digestive :   ( )
  • Hot :   ( )
  • Cold :   ( )
  • Sweet (adjective) :   ( )
  • Salty :   ( )
  • Bitter :   ( )
  • Sour :   ( )
  • Spicy :   ( )
  • Raw :   ( )
  • Smoked :   ( )
  • Fried :   ( )

The bar

  • Do you serve alcoholic beverages? : 술 팝 니까? (pron.:on pamnikka?)
  • Do you serve at the table? :   ( )
  • One / two beers, please : 맥주 한 / 두 병 부탁 합니다 (pron .: maekju han / du byeong butakamnida)
  • A glass of red / white wine, please : 적 / 백 포도주 한 잔 부탁 합니다. (jeok / baek podoju han jan butakamnida ()
  • A large beer, please :   ( )
  • A bottle, please : 한 병 부탁 합니다 (pron.:han byeong butakamnida)
  • water : 물 (pron.:mul)
  • Tonic water : 탄산 음료 (pron.:tansan eumryo)
  • Orange juice : 오렌지 쥬스 (pron.:orenji jyuseu)
  • Coca Cola : 콜라 (pron.:kolla)
  • soda : 탄산수 (pron.:tansansu)
  • One more, please : 한 개 더 부탁 합니다 (pron.:han gae deo butakamnida)
  • When do you close? : 언제 닫 습니까? (pron.:eonje dasseumnikka?)

At the restaurant

  • A table for one / two people, please : 한 사람 / 두 사람 테이블 부탁 합니다 (pron.:han saram / du saram teibeul butakamnida)
  • Can you bring me the menu? : 메뉴 를 봐도 되겠습니까? (pron.:menyureul bwado doegetsseumnikka?)
  • Can we order, please? :   ( )
  • Do you have any house specialties? : 이 집 의 특별 요리 가 있습니까? (pron.:i jibui teukbyeol yeoriga itsseumnikka?)
  • Is there a local specialty? : 이 지역 의 특별 요리 가 있습니까? (pron.:i jiyeogui teukbyeol yeoriga itsseumnikka?)
  • Is there a menu of the day? :   ( )
  • I am a vegetarian / vegan : 저는 채식주의 자 입니다 (pron.:jeoneun chaesikjuuijaimnida)
  • I don't eat pork : 저는 돼지 고기 를 먹지 않습니다 (pron.:jeoneun dwaejigogireul meokji anseumnida)
  • I only eat kosher food : 저는 유대인 음식 만 먹 습니다 (pron.:jeoneun yudaein eumsingman mokseumnida)
  • I just want something light :   ( )
  • I would like to _____ : 저는 _____ 을 원합니다 (pron.:jeoneun _____eul wonhamnida)
    • Meat : 고기 (pron .: gogi)
      • Well done :   ( )
      • To the blood :   ( )
    • Rabbit :   ( )
    • Chicken : 닭고기 (pron .: dalgogi)
    • Turkey :   ( )
    • Bovine : 소고기 (pron .: sogogi)
    • Pig : 돼지 고기 (pron .: doaejigogi)
    • Ham : 햄 (pron.:haem)
    • Sausage : 소세지 (pron .: soseji)
    • Fish : 생선 (pron.:saengseon)
    • Tuna :   ( )
    • Cheese : 치즈 (pron.:chijeu)
    • Eggs : 달걀 (pron .: dalgyal)
    • Salad : 샐러드 (pron.:saelleodeu)
    • Vegetable : (신선한) 야채 (pron.:(sinseonhan) yachae)
    • Fruit : 과일 (pron.:gwa-il)
    • Bread : 빵 (pron.:ppang)
    • Toast : 토스트 (pron.:toseuteu)
    • Croissant :   ( )
    • Krapfen :   ( )
    • Pasta :   ( )
    • Rice : 밥 (pron.:bap)
    • Beans : 콩 (pron.:kong)
    • Asparagus :   ( )
    • Beet :   ( )
    • Carrot :   ( )
    • Cauliflower :   ( )
    • Watermelon :   ( )
    • Fennel :   ( )
    • Mushrooms :   ( )
    • Pineapple :   ( )
    • Orange :   ( )
    • Apricot :   ( )
    • Cherry :   ( )
    • Berries :   ( )
    • Kiwi :   ( )
    • Mango :   ( )
    • Apple :   ( )
    • Aubergine :   ( )
    • Melon :   ( )
    • Potato :   ( )
    • Chips :   ( )
    • Pear :   ( )
    • Fishing :   ( )
    • Peas :   ( )
    • Tomato :   ( )
    • Plum :   ( )
    • Cake :   ( )
    • Sandwich :   ( )
    • Grapes :   ( )
  • Can I have a glass / cup / bottle of _____? :   ( )
    • Coffee : 커피 (pron.:keopi)
    • You : 차 (pron.:cha)
    • Juice : 주스 (pron.:joseu)
    • Sparkling water :   ( )
    • Beer : 맥주 (pron.:maekju)
  • Red / white wine : 적 / 백 포도주 (pron.:jeok/baek podoju)
  • Can I have some _____? : _____ 을 / 를 조금 먹어도 되겠습니까? (pron.:____eul/reul jogeum meogeodo doegesseumnikka?)
    • Spices :   ( )
    • Oil :   ( )
    • Mustard :   ( )
    • Vinegar :   ( )
    • Garlic :   ( )
    • Lemon :   ( )
    • salt : 소금 (pron.:sogeum)
    • pepper :   ( )
    • Butter : 버터 (pron .: beoteo)
  • Waiter! :   ( )
  • I finished : 다 먹었 습니다 (pron .: from meokeotsseumnida)
  • It was great : 맛 있었습니다 (pron.:masisseotsseumnida)
  • The Bill please : 계산서 부탁 합니다 (pron.:gyesanseo butakamnida)
  • We pay each for himself (Roman style) :   ( )
  • Keep the change :   ( )


  • Credit card : 신용 카드 (pron.:sin-yong kadeu)
  • Money : 돈 (pron.:don)
  • Check :   ( )
  • Travel checks : 여행자 수표 를 (pron.:yeohaengja supyoreul)
  • Currency :   ( )
  • To change :   ( )
  • Do you accept this currency? :   ( )
  • Do you accept credit cards? : 신용 카드 받으 십니까? (pron.:sin-yong kadeu badeusimnikka?)
  • Can you change my money? : 환전 해주 시겠습니까? (pron.:hwanjeon haejusigetsseumnikka?)
  • Where can I exchange the money? : 어디 에서 환전 할 수 있습니까? (pron.:eodi-eseo hwanjeonhal on oiseumnikka?)
  • What is the exchange rate? : 환율 이 얼마 입니까? (pron.:hwan-yuri oelma-imnikka?)
  • Where is the bank / ATM / exchange office? : 현금 자동 지급기 가 어디에 있습니까? (pron.:hyeon-gum jadong jigeupgiga oedi-e itsseumnikka?)


Useful words
  • To buy :   ( )
  • Do the shopping :   ( )
  • Shopping :   ( )
  • Shop : 가게 (pron.:gage)
  • Library : 서점 (pron.:seojeom)
  • Fishmonger : 어시장 (pron.:eosijang)
  • Shoe shop :   ( )
  • Pharmacy : 약학 (pron.:yakak)
  • Bakery : 베이커리 (pron .: beikeori)
  • Butcher's shop :   ( )
  • Post Office :   ( )
  • Travel agency : 여행사 (pron.:yeohaengsa)
  • Price : 가격 (pron .: gagyeok)
  • Expensive : 비싼 (pron.:bissan)
  • Cheap : 싼 (pron.:ssan)
  • Receipt :   ( )
  • When do the shops open? :   ( )
  • Do you have this in my size? : 이 것으로 제 사이즈 있습니까? (pron.:i geoseuro je saijeu isseumnikka?)
  • Does he have it in other colors? :   ( )
  • Which color do you prefer? :   ( )
    • Black : 검은 색 (pron .: geomeunsaek)
    • White : 흰색 (pron.:huinsaek)
    • Grey : 회색 (pron.:hoesaek)
    • Red : 빨간색 (pron.:ppalgansaek)
    • Blue : 파란색 (pron.:paransaek)
    • Yellow : 노란색 (pron.:noransaek)
    • Green : 초록색 (pron.:choroksaek)
    • Orange : 주황색 (pron.:juhwangsaek)
    • Violet : 자주색 (pron.:jajusaek)
    • Brown : 갈색 (pron.:galsaek)
  • How much? : 이것은 얼마 입니까? (pron.:igeoseun eolmaimnikka?)
  • Too expensive :   ( )
  • I can not afford it : 그것을 살 여유 가 없습니다 (pron.:geugeoseul sal yeoyuga opsseumnida)
  • I don't want this : 그것을 원하지 않습니다 (pron.:geugeoseul wonhaji anseumnida)
  • Can I try it on (dress)? :   ( )
  • You want to cheat me : 저 를 속이고 있군요 (pron.:jeoreul sogigo itgunyo)
  • I'm not interested : 관심 없습니다 (pron.:gwansim opsseumnida.)
  • Do you also send abroad? : 해외 로 발송 합니까? (pron.:haewiro balsonghamnikka?)
  • OK, I'll take this : 좋습니다, 그것을 사 겠습니다 (pron.:jossueumnida, geugeoseul sagetsseumnida)
  • Where do I pay? :   ( )
  • Can I have a bag? : 가방 을 살 수 있습니까? (pron.:gabang-eul sal on itsseumnikka?)

  • I need... : 저는 ... 이 필요 합니다 (pron.:jeoneun ... i pilyohamnida)
    • ...toothpaste : ... 치약 (pron.: ... chiyak)
    • ...toothbrush : ... 칫솔 (pron.:...chissol)
    • ... tampons : ... 탐폰 (pron.: ... tampon)
    • ...soap : ... 비누 (pron.: ... binu)
    • ...shampoo : ... 샴푸 (pron.: ... syampu)
    • ...painkiller : ... 진통제 (pron.:jintongje)
    • ...medicine for colds : ... 감기약 (pron.:...gamgiyak)
    • ...blade : ... 면도기 (pron.:...myeondogi)
    • ...umbrella : ... 우산 (pron.:...usan)
    • ... sun cream / milk : ... 햇볕 차단 로션 (pron .: ... haeppyeot chadan rosyeon)
    • ...postcard : ... 우편 엽서 (pron.:...upyeon-yeopseo)
    • ...stamp : ... 우표 (pron.:...upyo)
    • ... batteries : ... 건전지 (pron .: ... geonjeonji)
    • ... books / magazines / newspaper in Italian : ... 이탈리아어 책 / 잡지 / 신문 (pron.:itallia-eo chaek / japji / sinmun)
    • ...Italian dictionary : 이탈리아어 사전 (pron.:itallia-eo sajeon)
    • ...pen : ... 펜 (pron.: ... pen)


Sino-Korean numbers

These numbers are used to indicate telephone numbers, the 24-hour clock, to count minutes and money.

2(the)22이십 이(isibi)
4(you know)40사십(sasip)
Useful words
  • zero : 공 (pron.:gong)
  • number : 번 (pron.:beon)
  • half : 반 (pron.:ban)
  • double :   ( )
  • less than :   ( )
  • more than :   ( )
  • same :   ( )
  • comma :   ( )
  • point :   ( )
  • more : 더 (pron.:deo)
  • for :   ( )
  • less : 덜 (pron.:deol)
  • divided :   ( )

Native Korean numbers

These numbers are used to indicate the time and to count objects. For numbers above 100, Sino-Korean numbers are used.

1하나(hana)21스물 나(seumulhana)
2(dul)22스물 둘(seumuldul)
15열 다섯(yeoldaseot)1.001
16열 여섯(yeoryeoseot)1.002
18열 여덟(yeoryeodeol)10.000
19열 아홉(yeorahop)20.000


Time and date

  • What time is it? :   ( )
  • It's one o'clock precise : 오전 한 시 (pron .: ojeon han si)
  • Quarter to _____ :   ( )
  • What time do we meet? :   ( )
  • At two o'clock :   ( )
  • When will we meet? :   ( )
  • See you on Monday :   ( )
  • When are you leaving? :   ( )
  • I'm leaving / leaving tomorrow morning :   ( )


  • _____ minute / minutes (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ hour / hours (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ day (s) (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ week (s) (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ month / months (ago) :   ( )
  • _____ year / years (ago) :   ( )
  • three times a day :   ( )
  • in an hour / in an hour :   ( )
  • often :   ( )
  • never :   ( )
  • always :   ( )
  • rarely :   ( )

Common expressions

  • Now : 지금 (pron.:jigeum)
  • Later : 나중에 (pron.:najung-e)
  • Before : 전에 (pron.:jeone)
  • Day : 일 (pron.:il)
  • Afternoon : 오후 (pron.:ohu)
  • Evening : 저녁 (pron.:jeonyeok)
  • Night : 밤 (pron.:bam)
  • Midnight : 자정 (pron.:jajeong)
  • Today : 오늘 (pron.:oneul)
  • Tomorrow : 내일 (pron.:nae-il)
  • Tonight : 이번 밤 (pron.:ibeon bam)
  • Yesterday : 어제 (pron.:eoje)
  • Yesterday night : 어제 밤 (pron.:eoje bam)
  • The day before yesterday :   ( )
  • Day after tomorrow :   ( )
  • This week : 이번 주 (pron.:ibeon ju)
  • Last week : 지난 주 (pron.:jinan ju)
  • Next week : 다음 주 (pron.:da-eum ju)
  • Minute / I. : 분 (pron.:bun)
  • hour (s) : 시간 (pron .: sigan)
  • day (s) : 일 (pron.:il)
  • week (s) : 주 (pron.:ju)
  • month (s) : 달 (pron .: from)
  • year / s : 년 (pron.:nyeon)


The days of the week

Months and Seasons

Writing12 월1 월2 월3 월4 월5 월
Writing6 월7 월8 월9 월10 월11 월

Grammatical appendix

Basic forms
he / she / it
Flexed forms
lo / la-gli / le-ne-si
them / ne

to know more

Other projects