Hauts de France coastline - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Côte du littoral des Hauts de France — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Coast of the coast of Hauts-de-France on the shores of the North Sea and the English Channel north of the France enter here Belgian coast and the Normandy coastline


  • A coastal town is a municipality along the coast of the ocean or the sea.
  • A seaside resort is a coastal town developed for a main activity, tourism of "sea baths".
  • The name of the coasts is distinguished by an appellation corresponding to their geology, location, color, etc.
  • Reading is counterclockwise


North Sea

  • 1 Flanders dune coast Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – French coast from the Belgian border to Gravelines and Grand-Fort-Philippe in the department of North in the region Hauts-de-France

Seaside resorts and coastal towns of the Flanders dunes coast

  • 1 Bray-Dunes Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Zuydcoote Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Ghyvelde Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Leffrinckoucke Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Malo-les-Bains Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Dunkirk Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Grande-Synthe Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Loon-Plage Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Gravelines Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Petit-Fort-Philippe Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort (municipality of Gravelines)
  • Grand-Fort-Philippe Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort



  • 2 Opal Coast Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – From Gravelines, Oye-Plage to the bay of Authie in Berck, Groffiers, in the department of Pas-de-Calais in the region Hauts-de-France

Seaside resorts and coastal towns of the Opal Coast

  • 2 Oye-Plage Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Marck Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Calais Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Sangatte Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Blériot-Plage Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort (municipality of Sangatte)
  • Escalles Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Wissant Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Tardinghen Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Audinghen Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Audresselles Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Ambleteuse Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Wimereux Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Boulogne-sur-Mer Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • The Portel Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Équihen-Plage Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Saint-Etienne-au-Mont Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Ecault Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort (municipality of Saint-Etienne-au-Mont)
  • Neufchâtel-Hardelot Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Hardelot-Plage Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort (municipality of Neufchâtel-Hardelot)
  • Dannes Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Camiers Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Sainte-Cécile-Plage Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort (municipality of Camiers)
  • Étaples Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Le Touquet-Paris-Plage Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Cucq Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality
  • Stella-Plage Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort (municipality of Cucq)
  • Merlimont Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Berck Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Seaside resort
  • Groffliers Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Coastal municipality



  • 3 Picardy coast Logo indicating a wikipedia link – From Authie bay from Quend, Fort-Mahon, via Baie de Somme to Mers-les-Bains in the department of Sum in the region Hauts-de-France
  • 4 Marquenterre Park Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link
Logo representing 1 star half gold and gray and 2 gray stars
These travel tips are a rough sketch and need more content. The article is structured according to the recommendations of the Style Manual but lacks information to be really useful. He needs your help. Go ahead and improve it!
Complete list of other articles in the theme: French coast