Dreischor - Dreischor

Three choir
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Three choir is a typical Kirchringdorf Schouwen-Duiveland in the Dutch province Zeeland.


Ringdörfer (Rundlinge) are among the oldest village complexes in the Netherlands and are common in Zeeland. These villages emerged when the Zeelanders systematically polded land in the Middle Ages. First a church was built, around it the cemetery. A settlement grew around this ecclesiastical area.

The Dreischor polder was first mentioned in 1206. Until 1373 Dreischor was a small island in the sea. In the second half of the 14th century. it was connected to the mainland by Schouwen. The Noordgouwe polder was created in the south and Zonnemnaire in the west. During this time, the Adriaanskirche was built on the highest point in the country. Windenburg Castle followed around 1400 and was demolished in the 19th century. Deischor was a prosperous village because of the fertile soil, as the houses on the ring bear testimony to. In the 19th century the village developed into the center of the flax industry on Schouwen-Duiveland. Some black-tarred barns are a reminder of this time.

getting there

By plane

By train

  • from East and North Germany:
IC to Amsterdam C; change there in IC to Vlissingen. Get off in Goes. The travel time between Amsterdam and Goes is 2 hours.
  • from southern and western Germany:
ICE to Amsterdam C; change there in IC to Vlissingen. Get off in Goes. The travel time between Amsterdam and Goes is 2 hours.
IC from Venlo to Breda; Change to train to Roosendaal; there change to Stop clean to Vlissingen. Get off in Goes.
from Maastricht to 's-Hertogenbosch; there change to IC to Roosendaal; there change to Stop clean to Vlissingen. Get off in Goes.
  • in Goes switch to the bus to Zierikzee. In Zierikzee get on the bus in the direction of Burgh-Haamstede via Dreischor.

By bus

In the street

  • From north and east Germany:
A7 / N7 direction Groningen, A28 direction Assen - Hoogeveen - Zwolle - Amersfoort - Utrecht; A27 direction Gorinchem - Breda; A59 Roosendaal - Vlissingen
  • From West and South Germany:
BAB3 to GÜG Elten; A12 direction Arnhem - Utrecht; A27 direction Gorinchem - Breda; A59 Roosendaal - Vlissingen
GÜG Venlo A67 direction Eindhoven; A2; A58 direction Breda - Roosendaal - Vlissingen
  • from the A58 in Goes to the A256. This later changes into the N256 and leads to Zierikzee on Schouwen-Duiveland. From Zierikzee follow the signs to Noordgouwe and Dreischor.
(Of course it would also be possible to travel to Schouwen-Duiveland via Rotterdam. These routes are mostly overcrowded.)

By boat


In Dreischor, bicycles or feet are completely sufficient means of transport.

The Belbus (Call bus) 126 drives on the one hand to Zierikzee, on the other hand to Sirjansland and Oosterland-

Tourist Attractions

Map of Dreischor
  • Adriaanskerk, ring. Tel.: 31 (0)111 401581. The two-aisled church seems much too big for the small village. It originally served as a parish church and had to accommodate the many Catholic ceremonies. She also had to offer shelter to pilgrims from outside at fairgrounds and public holidays. Inside the Church exudes Calvinist sobriety, but there are two peculiarities. In the second half of the 16th century, for example, Reformed Bible verses were painted on the wall. The church also houses one of the most beautiful burial chapels in the country. In the south aisle there are two marble monuments to Jan and Cornelis Ockense and their cousin Pieter Mogge. Jan Ockense and Pieter Mogge were Dreischor's bailiffs. After their death in 1756, they left around 1.5 million guilders, a huge amount of money for that time. The painted ceiling, the black and gold grilles and the stucco work are also noteworthy.Open: Mon - Sun 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call in advance out of season.Price: Entry is free.
  • Streek- en Landbouwmuseum Goemanszorg, Molenweg 3. Tel.: 31 (0)111 402303. The regional and agricultural museum provides information about life in the region between the beginning of the last century and the fifties. When agriculture was mechanized. The magnificently restored farm from the 18th century with black tarred barn includes a fully furnished farmhouse apartment, including a good stuve, cellars, alcove and of course that opkamertje, a small room halfway up. The museum is surrounded by a garden with agricultural plants, herbs and standard fruit trees. The story of madder cultivation is told in the large barn.Open: Mon - Fri 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sat - Sun 7:00 a.m. In winter by appointment.Price: Entry € 5.00.
  • "Aeolus" grain windmill, Molenweg. Tel.: 31 (0)111 401538. Of the former two windmills, the West and the Oostmolen, only the Oostmolen has survived. In the heyday of the flax industry, it also ground flaxseed. Today it is named after the Greek god of wind and serves as a grain mill.Open: Sa 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. by appointment.Price: Admission is free.
  • 1  Wijnhoeve De Kleine Schorre, Zuiddijk 4. Tel.: 31 (0)111 401550. The Rivaner from “De kleine schorre” is an excellent accompaniment to crab or lobster and is therefore also offered in the corresponding Zeeland restaurants. The Weinhof also has a shop with regional products from Zeeland.Open: Mon - Sat. Reserve for a guided tour or wine tasting.Price: Admission is free.


  • Flat day, 3rd Sat in August. Demonstration of flax processing. Before the introduction of cotton, flax was an important product for textile manufacture alongside wool.



  • Museum coffee, Molenweg 3. Tel.: (0)111-402303. The museum café of the Regional and Agricultural Museum offers coffee with a bolus or a lunch dish.Open: Mon - Fri 11 a.m. - 6 p.m., in winter by appointment.Price: Admission to the museum € 5.







Practical advice


  • In 1374 the dike was started on a new polder, which took the name Noordgouwe received. Over time, a village with the same name emerged in the polder. The reformed church is separated from the whitewashed houses and farms from the 18th century by a canal. There are five widow's houses on Kloosterweg. The meestoof Willem III from 1863 on Zuid-Bosweg recalls the time when madder was the most important agricultural product in Schouwen-Duiveland.
  • The village Zonnemaire owes its name to the Sunnemaire watercourse, which once formed the mouth of the Gouwe. During the St. Aagen flood of 1287, the estuary became the Dijkwater relocated and transformed the area of ​​Sunnemaire into a landscape of Schlicken and Groden. Sunnemaire was polded in 1401 at the behest of Albrecht of Bavaria. The “new” reformed church from 1867 disturbs the village character somewhat. In the eye-catching house with the pointed gable, the physicist Pieter Zeeman (1865-1943) was born, who together with his colleague Hendrik Anton Lorenz received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1902.
  • In the 17th century wealthy patricians from Zierikzee built in the wooded area around the relaxation Schuddebeurs. This is how the country houses Mon Plaisir, Weligart, Welzicht and Heesterlust were created. The residents created parks and forests around the villas. In the place of the former hostel there is now a classy restaurant (Hostellerie Schuddebeurs).
  • In the village Sirjansland there is the nature reserve “Dijkwater” (130 ha). It consists of old watercourses, dykes, grass and forest. Over time, the Gouwe silted up, but the northern part of the water, the Dijkwater, remained open. At high tide, the boats drove from Grevelingen to the small agricultural harbors. In 1953 the water pounded various holes in the dike. A year later the Dijkwater was cordoned off. The Stevensluiswandeling (4.5 km) runs over the old sea dike along the old fairway and the former harbors. From one gluurmuur Birds can be observed from ("Lauermauer").


Web links

  • An official website is not known. Please open Wikidata add.
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