Eistobel - Eistobel

The Eistobel is a canyon in the valley of the river Upper evil. He lies in Westallgäu between the parishes Grünenbach and Maierhöfen and is considered one of the most beautiful geotopes in the region, it is visited by around 70,000 people every year.

Bridge over the Eistobel



The term Tobel is used in the Alpine region for a V-shaped valley with a narrow exit. A ravine is often the breakthrough valley of a river. This is how the Eistobel came into being when, towards the end of the last ice age 15,000 years ago, the meltwater from a lake near Ebratshofen was looking for a drain. Over time, these water masses formed a deep channel in the softer rock layers, with the hard Nagelfluh resisting the erosion and thus causing the waterfalls and rapids.

Upper evil

The Obere Argen now flows through this valley, it arises not far from Oberstaufen by the confluence of Soul ditch, Moosmuehlbach and Schwarzenbach. At the hamlet Schüttentobel she gets to the Eistobel. There she makes her way through the rock, falls over rapids and waterfalls and forms whirlpool holes meter deep. The Eistobel ends at the Argentobel Bridge, after which the Obere Argen continues to flow a little more leisurely, past it Gestratz, Isny and Cheeks. At Neuravensburg it unites with the Untere Argen and then flows to the Lake Constance.

In the Eistobel nature reserve


In 1879 the Eistobel was discovered for tourism. The first paths and footbridges were laid out, and the gorge was opened to visitors as early as 1884. With the establishment of the tourism association Isny in 1897 there was an advertisement for a visit to the Eistobel. The Argentobel Bridge, built in 1907, contributed to the development of this geotope. In 1953 the Eistobel area was declared a nature reserve. There has been an information pavilion near the Argentobel Bridge since 2007, and display boards explain the geology of the ravine


At the reservoir above the power plant

Flora and fauna

The brown trout find a habitat in the cool flowing water, there are also dragonflies and other insects. Another very rare animal lives on it: the dipper, the only European songbird that can swim and dive.

Waterfall in the Eistobel


In the deeply cut valley it is usually a little cooler than on the surface. This ensures a pleasant cooling off on hot summer days. However, when it has long been dry again after a rain in the open landscape, moisture must still be expected in the ravine, which makes for muddy and slippery paths.

getting there

Eistobel 01


  • The main access is at the Argentobel Bridge. It is located between the places Grünenbach and Maierhöfen on the St 1318.
  • By car: There is parking on the west side of the bridge at the Eistobel information center and on the east side at the Argentobelbrücke inn.
  • By bus: Bus line 733 Isny-Oberstaufen (Eistobel line), current timetable (overland transport) at b-o-d-o
  • Another entrance is at the hamlet of Schüttentobel, there is also parking available there.

Fees / permits

Entrance fee adults € 1.50, children € 0.50.


Tourist Attractions

Hiking trail through the Eistobel:

  • One has a first view of the ravine from the middle of the 1 Argentobel Bridge. This structure was completed in 1986 and replaces a predecessor built in 1907. The bridge is 230 m long and protrudes 56 m over the valley floor.
  • The 2 Information center is located a little west of the bridge, from here you can get down into the valley. The path goes upstream in a south-easterly direction.
  • The path leads past meadows to the first smaller one 3 water falls
  • The 4 Great waterfall is 18 m high
  • At the 5 Kennel the valley narrows, the path leads partly over footbridges past boulders and vertical rock faces. Impressive that High wall made of sandstone
  • At the 6 Eistobelsteg is a waterfall. Here you can leave the valley and hike back.
  • At the 7 Reservoir is a rock face over 50 m high. The water from the reservoir drives a small hydroelectric power station.
  • In the small place 8 Schüttentobel the Eistobel hiking trail ends. You can also start the hike here: there is a turnstile with a coin-operated machine at the entrance.

At the end of the hike you either go back through the Eistobel, or alternatively you can choose a hiking trail above the gorge.




1  Argentobel Bridge Inn, Hauptstrasse 3, 88167 Maierhöfen. Tel.: (0)8383 289.


The Eistobel is often a destination for excursions. Accommodation options are available in the surrounding Allgäu villages.


The Eistobel is in winter for safety reasons officially blocked. In the nature reserve, the paths are neither cleared nor strewn. However, the icicle formations are particularly attractive when there is snow and ice. If you want to take a look, you should do so with extreme caution. This also means that you need good hiking boots, and it goes without saying that you will need to bring Grödel and crampons with you.

The ravine can be closed in extreme weather. You should then refrain from viewing in your own interest.



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