Coastal Eritrea - Eritrea costiera

Coastal Eritrea
Historic Center Massawa Panorama.JPG

Coastal Eritrea is a region ofEritrea.

To know

Coastal Eritrea is located along the Red Sea and is one of the hottest places on the planet.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Assab - Port city in the southern Danakil region.
  • 2 Beilul (or Beylul) - Small town in the southern Red Sea.
  • 3 Edd - Village located on the road that connects Assab with Massawa.
  • 4 Massawa - It is the main port of Eritrea and is generally considered as the second most important city of the country after the capital Asmara.
  • 5 Nacfa - Town in the Northern Red Sea region.

Other destinations

  • Archipelago of the Dahlak Islands - Formed by 126 islands of different sizes located off the Eritrean coast opposite the port city of Massawa in the southern Red Sea.
  • Depression of the Danakil (or Dankaliya)

How to get

By bus

Massawa it is connected with the capital Asmara through a regular bus service. The road condition is good.

How to get around

On boat

For a trip toArchipelago of the Dahlak Islands, you need to rent a boat at Massawa or join an organized group.

By bus

There are buses between Massawa and Assab twice a week.

What see

  • Debre Bizen Monastery -
  • The ruins of the ancient Aksumite port of Adulis -

What to do

At the table


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