Long-distance travel by motorcycle - Fernreisen mit dem Motorrad

In the Lesser Caucasus

Long-distance travel by motorcycle is certainly a great adventure. Somewhere between expedition and vacation you "experience" the world. Good preparation is half the battle here. There are many pieces of advice and advice, and sometimes it is difficult to keep track of things. Let me just say in advance that there is no such thing as an unsuitable motorcycle, an unsuitable time, an unsuitable age and no other none. Everything is a matter of motivation and willpower.

Travel planning

The idea becomes a plan, this is how you could describe this part of the adventure. If you have set yourself a travel destination or even planning a trip around the world, detailed planning begins here. This includes the formalities that are directly related to the trip, such as visas, insurance and identification documents, and those that are only indirectly related to it. The latter includes taking care of the home including the post office, etc. All of this needs to be considered. Furthermore, depending on the travel destination and scope of the trip, the route must be worked out more precisely and the corresponding climatic (e.g. monsoons, snow) and socio-cultural (e.g. Ramadan, elections) taken into account. Last but not least, you have to think about the budget. Above all, this includes fuel consumption. While there is leeway in terms of accommodation and food, there is often a lack of fuel. You always have to refuel.


In contrast to a vacation trip by plane, there are significantly more demands on the traveler here. On the one hand, the respective entry formalities have to be clarified, that is Visa requirement and vaccination protection. In addition, it is still necessary to obtain the necessary documents for the vehicle and driving it. First there is the driver's license and possibly that international driver's license, secondly the green insurance card (e.g. Turkey) or a Carnet de passage. It is also important to clarify whether the vehicle owner and driver must be identical (e.g. some Eastern European countries) or whether written approval must be available.

Route planning

In addition to personal preferences and wishes, climatic and infrastructural factors also play a role. So is India in the monsoon certainly as exciting as that Sahara Desert in August. On the other hand is a trip to Siberia Not clumsy in late spring or early summer, as the temperatures are still within limits, the river levels have dropped and some of the slopes are not yet completely softened.


Sparkling wine or seltzer, rice or caviar and tent or hotel are questions that you have to answer yourself. This allows some of the costs to be controlled. But as already mentioned at the beginning, there are costs that arise in any case, the gasoline costs. Depending on the duration of the trip, these account for a large part of the fixed costs.

Motorcycle preparation

There is hardly any other topic that gives more diverse opinions, tips, tricks and arguments than the right choice and the right preparation of a motorcycle for a long journey. At this point, an attempt should be made to provide a simple approach and assistance.


Here the route is crucial. While in Europe, Australia and New Zealand as well as North America a workshop network is available for almost all types, things look different in Latin and South America, Africa (except South Africa and Namibia), Central, South and Southeast Asia. Modern motorcycles with electronic fuel injection and "self-learning" engine management, ABS and Can-Bus are quickly dependent on a workshop in the event of defects. In contrast, carburettor engines with a simple braking system and classic transistor ignition can be repaired almost anywhere. Another factor is the fuel available. Machines with catalytic converters rely on unleaded gasoline. The Kat may have to come out here. The octane number is less of a problem, here injectors with engine management are just as good, if not better, than carburettor machines. They are also less susceptible at higher altitudes (Altiplano, Himalaya). Basically, it is also true here that it is important to get to grips with the technology before the trip so that errors can be isolated and, if necessary, corrected.

Spare parts and tools

The tool supplied does not always deserve the name. Here you should at least replace the tool kit with a usable key and screwdriver. The method of performing simple maintenance and repair work yourself with the on-board tool kit has also proven its worth. That way you quickly found out what needs to be added. An air pump and a repair kit, replacement tubes suitable for tubular tires and replacement lamps (mandatory in some countries), cable ties, wire, fuses and replacement Bowden cables are also part of the basic equipment. Those who trust themselves to change tires shouldn't forget the tire levers. If you are going to countries with black market gasoline supply, an additional gasoline filter and possibly a fine-mesh funnel to catch the coarse dirt is not wrong.

Wear parts such as chains and brake pads can round off the portfolio. However, the next chapter must be observed here, because all of this must be taken with you and find a place on the machine.


As with all travel, "Do I really need this?" The best thing to do is to make a list of the absolutely necessary things and then load the machine for a test and drive a lap. If there is still room for some "favorite things", you can take them with you. When loading, it is important to ensure that the center of gravity of the machine is not changed too much. Load heavy things as deeply and centered as possible. Above all, tools and spare parts can be arranged in a tool compartment with favorable focus (on the engine guard or similar). The lighter and easily accessible items should then be stowed on the stern (e.g. tent and sleeping bags). The rain suit can be put in the tank bag. The rest ideally in the side pockets / case. A luggage net over the rear luggage or the tank makes sense to quickly accommodate the shopping for dinner. Here you can quickly clip something under for short distances. Camera or similar should be transported padded in the tank bag. This place is usually not affected in the event of a fall. If you drive without a suitcase, computers can be transported between the sleeping bags. The upholstery is good here and when the bag is on the rear rack, relatively little happens if the machine falls over.

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