Garðabær - Garðabær

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Garðabær is a city in the southwest of Reykjavík, it lies between Hafnarfjörður and Kópavogur.


Bessastaðir, seat of the Icelandic President

The village belongs to Garðabær Álftanes on the peninsula of the same name. There is also Bessastaðir with the seat of the Icelandic President.

getting there

By plane

In the street

By boat


Map of Garðabær

Tourist Attractions

  • The main attraction is the actually inconspicuous hamlet 1 Bessastadir, consisting of the simple mansion Bessastaðastofa, a few outbuildings and the village-like church Bessastaðakirkja, in front of which there is an equally simple cemetery. The buildings were erected in the 18th century. Some signs indicate that the premises should not be entered in private hands without authorization. After all, the mansion is the seat of the Icelandic President. The church is used by the community in Garðabær and is open to the public. The stained glass windows with motifs from church history and the altarpiece are worth seeing.
  • 2  Icelandic Museum of Design (Hönnunarsafn Íslands), Garðatorg 1 210 Garðabær, Iceland. Tel.: 354 512 1525. Changing exhibitions.Open: daily 12 p.m. - 5 p.m., closed on Mondays.
  • 3  Vídalínskirkja. Modern concrete church.Open: Tuesday to Friday 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.







Practical advice



Web links

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