Gentbrugge - Gentbrugge

Gentbrugge is a part of Ghent and is located southeast of the city center, adjacent to Sint-Amandsberg and Ledeberg (with which it is completely fused). Gentbrugge has 20,317 inhabitants (2007). The name refers to a bridge (over the Scheldt) to Ghent.


The busy Brusselsesteenweg is the main connecting road from Gentbrugge and runs via Ledeberg to the city center. There are entrances and exits with the E17, which floats over the houses via the Gentbrugge viaduct, with a large parking lot (park & ​​ride) under the motorway from where trams and buses depart to the city center.

Travel around

To look at

  • The Water tower - Gentbrugge's brightly colored water tower can be seen from the E17 motorway.


  • Old Vault Castle - Most likely the oldest castle in Gentbrugge.
  • Castle Coninxdonck - This castle was built in the 19th century to replace a medieval castle.
  • It Braem Castle - Around the castle is a small park where visitors can relax.

To do

Attend a match of football club AA Gent that plays its home games here in the Ottenstadion.

To buy


  • The Braemhof[1] (e-mail: [email protected]), Braemkasteelstraat 6, 9050 Gentbrugge - This restaurant is located in a large building, the garden provides an oasis of peace.

Going out

stay overnight


all around

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