Jiangsu - Giang Tô

Jiangsu (江苏) is a coastal province in the east China. The simplified name of Jiangsu is "Su" (苏, sū), which is the second letter of the province's name. Jiangsu has the highest population density of any Chinese province, and ranks fourth among provincial units, behind only Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin. In the early Qing Dynasty, Jiangsu belonged to Jiangnan province, by the 6th year of Kangxi (1667), the court split Jiangnan province into Jiangsu and Anhui.

Jiangsu borders Shandong to the north, Anhui to the west, and Zhejiang and Shanghai to the south. Jiangsu has a coastline of 1,000 kilometers (620 mi) along the Yellow Sea and part of the East China Sea, which flows through and empties into the sea in southern Jiangsu. Since China's reform and opening up, Jiangsu has been a hotbed of economic development and currently has the highest GDP per capita of any province in China. However, there is a development disparity between the affluent south and the highly rural north.



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Jiangsu is located in the east of mainland China, limited from 116°22'-121°55' East longitude, 30°46′-35°07′ North latitude. There are Changjiang and Huaihe flowing through the south and north, bordering the Yellow Sea to the east, Shanghai to the southeast, Zhejiang to the south, Anhui to the west, and Shandong to the north.[15] Jiangsu is located in the transition zone between northern and southern China, the climate and vegetation have both northern and southern characteristics. Jiangsu has an area of ​​102,600 km², making it the second smallest province in China, after Hainan. The land boundary of Jiangsu province is 3,383 km long, along with 954 km of coastline.

The vast majority of Jiangsu is the alluvial plains downstream of the Truong Giang and Hoai Ha, the topography of the whole province is generally quite low and flat, and is also the lowest and flattest province in China. The area of ​​the delta in Jiangsu is about 70,000 km², accounting for 69% of the province's area; The water surface area accounts for 17% of the province's area, the low hills and mountains account for 14% of the province's area and is concentrated in the southwest and the north. Jade Nu Peak (玉女峰) on Hua Guoshan in Lianyungang is the highest point in Jiangsu with an altitude of 624.4 meters above sea level. Hua Guoshan in Jiangsu is relatively widely recognized as the archetype of Hua Guoshan in Journey to the West.


Most of Jiangsu lies in a humid subtropical climate zone (Cfa or Cwa in the Köppen climate classification), and has begun to transition to a humid continental climate zone (Köppen Dwa) further north. There is a clear distinction between the seasons, with temperatures averaging −1 to 4 °C (30 to 39 °F) in January to 26 to 29 °C (79 to 84 °F) in July. Rain falls frequently between spring and summer (mai vu), tropical storms along with rainstorms appear in late summer and early autumn. Jiangsu's average annual rainfall is 800 to 1,200 millimeters (31 to 47 in), concentrated mainly in summer, when there is a southeast monsoon.


Mandarin and Wu are the two main languages ​​or dialects in Jiangsu. In which, the Wu language is distributed in the southeast region, with the centers being Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou; Trung Nguyen mandarin is distributed in the northwest, covering the whole of Xuzhou and the urban area of ​​Tuc Thien; Giao-Lieu mandarin is only spoken in Cong Du district of Lien Van Cang; The rest of the regions, including the provincial capital Nanjing, mainly speak Jianghuai Mandarin. In addition, in the Tonan region, a number of island dialects originated from out-of-province immigrants, such as that of Min Nam.



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