China - Trung Quốc

Great Wall
China in its region (claimed hatched).svg
Basic information
LanguageNational language: Mandarin
dialects: Wu (Shanghai), Cantonese (Vietnamese), Min Dong (Fuzhou), Minnan (Fujian-Taiwan)]], Xiang, Cam, Hakka, minority languages
ReligionBuddhism (~18%), Taoism, Christianity 3%-4%, Islam 1%-2%, atheism 15%, majority of Chinese are religious pluralism.
Power system220V/50Hz (European style socket - 2 pins, Australian model - 3 pins)
Phone number 86
Internet TLD.CN
time zoneUTC 8

China (中国; Zhōngguó, officially known as People 'Republic of China (中华人民共和国) Zhonghua Renmin Gonghéguó) is a large country in East Asia (about the same size as USA) with the world's largest population, 1.34 billion according to the 2010 census. With coastlines on the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea and South China Sea, bordering 14 countries. Armor Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam in the south, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz in the west, Russia and Mongolia to the North and North Korea to the East. The number of these neighbors of China is only equal to that of China's giant neighbor to the north, Russia.

This article covers mainland China only. Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, please see separate post. The capital is Beijing. The largest city, the economic and financial center is Shanghai. This is the country with the largest population in the world with 1.34 billion people according to the 2010 census.



Ancient China

Historical records of Chinese civilization can be traced back to the Yellow River valley, said to be 'the cradle of Chinese civilization. The Xia Dynasty was the first to be described in ancient historical chronicles, although to date, no concrete evidence of its existence has been found. However, archaeological evidence has shown that a primordial co-civilization developed in China at the described period.

The Shang Dynasty, the first historically confirmed dynasty of China, and the Zhou Dynasty ruled over the entire Yellow River basin. The Zhou Dynasty adopted a decentralized system of government, in which feudal lords ruled over their territories with a high degree of autonomy, even maintaining their own armies, while at the same time maintaining their own armies. time to pay tribute to the king and recognize him as the symbolic ruler of China. During the second half of the Zhou period, China fell into a century of political instability, with feudal lords of many small domains competing for power during the Spring and Autumn period, and then stabilizing. into seven great nations during the Warring States period. This tumultuous period gave birth to some of China's greatest thinkers including Confucius, Mencius and Lao Tzu, who made significant contributions to Chinese thought and culture.

Chinese Empire

China was finally unified by Qin Shi Huang, the "first emperor", in 221 BC, and the Qin dynasty established a centralized system of government, standardized units of measure, and Chinese script. Nations and currency to create unity. However, dissatisfied with tyrant rule under the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty emerged and replaced in 206 BC after a period of rebellion, ushering in the first golden age of civilization China. To this day most of the Chinese race uses the term "Han" to describe itself, and the Chinese script continues to be referred to as "Chinese characters" in China, with the same root as in China. Japan and South Korea. The Han Dynasty saw the beginning of the Silk Road, and also saw the invention of paper.

The fall of the Han dynasty in 220 led to a period of political instability and war known as the Three Kingdoms period, when China was divided into three separate states of Wei, Shu, and Wu. China was then briefly unified under the Jin dynasty, before descending into periods of division and anarchy once again. The era of the division culminated with the Sui dynasty unifying China in 581. The Sui dynasty was famous for its major public project works, such as the feats of the Grand Canal, which gradually became famous. developed into a canal connecting Beijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south. Parts of the canal are still in circulation today.

In 618, the Sui Dynasty was replaced by the Tang Dynasty, ushering in the second golden age of Chinese civilization, marked by the blossoming of Chinese poetry, Buddhism, and the art of governance. and also witnessed the development of the faculty system. China's overseas Chinatown is often referred to as "Tang people's street (唐人街 Tángrén jiē) in Chinese. The fall of the Tang dynasty then saw China divided again, until reunification. by the Song in 960. In 1127, the Song was cornered south of the Huai River by the Jurchens, where they continued to rule as the Southern Song stationed at Lin'an (临安) (present-day Hangzhou), and achieved an unprecedented level of commercial and economic development until the industrial revolution of the West.The Yuan Dynasty (Mongolian Empire) first defeated Jurch, then went on to conquer the Song. 1279, and ruled their vast Eurasian empire from Tuo Du (present-day Beijing).

After defeating the Mongols, the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) re-established rule by the Han nation. The Ming Dynasty was noted for trade and exploration, with Zheng He's many trips to Southeast Asia, India and the Arab world. Famous buildings in Beijing, such as the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven, were built during this period. The last dynasty was the Qing (Manchuria) (1644-1911), which saw the Chinese empire grow to its present size, annexing the western regions of Xinjiang and Tibet. The Qing dynasty declined in its final years to become "the sick man of Asia, torn apart by the great powers of the West. Westerners established their own open ports in Guangxi. Zhou, Shanghai and Tianjin China lost some territories to foreign powers, Hong Kong and Weihai were ceded to Great Britain, Taiwan and Liaodong went to Japan, parts of the region The Northeast included Dalian and parts of Manchuria outside to Russia, while Qingdao was ceded to Germany.Also, China lost control of its vassals, with Vietnam being recaptured. to France, while Korea and the Ryukyu Islands were ceded to Japan.

Republic and World War II

The two-thousand-year empire regime fell in 1911, when Sun Yat-sen (孙中山) founded the Republic of China (中华民国 Zhonghua Mínguó). Central rule collapsed in 1916 after the death of Yuan Shikai, the second president of the self-proclaimed emperor, China fell into turmoil, with many warlords ruling the regions. different from China. In 1919, student protests in Beijing gave birth to the "Five Four Movements" (五四运动 Wǔ Sì Yundong), which espoused various reforms to Chinese society, such as the use of languages. local writing, as well as the development of science and democracy. The intellectual ups and downs of the May Fourth Movement gave birth to the reorganized Kuomintang (KMT) in 1919 and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), within the concessions. France in Shanghai, 1921.

After much unification in eastern China under Kuomintang rule in 1928, the CCP and KMT turned to fight, the CCP fled to Yan'an in Shaanxi during the Long March. During the period 1922-1937, Shanghai became a truly cosmopolitan city, as one of the busiest ports in the world, and the most prosperous city in East Asia, home to millions of Chinese. and 60,000 foreigners from all over the world. However, fundamental problems throughout the vast countryside, especially in much of the interior of the country, such as civil unrest, famine and warlord strife, remained.

Japan established a puppet state under the name of Manchuria in Manchuria in 1931, and launched a full-scale invasion of central China in 1937. Japan began a brutal regime in East China, culminating in the Nanjing Massacre of 1937. After fleeing west to Chongqing, the KMT recognized the urgency of the situation and signed an agreement. fragile agreement with the CCP to form a second united front against Japan. With the defeat of Japan During 1945, the Kuomintang and the Chinese army deployed troops to positions in northern China, laying the groundwork for civil war in the years to come. The civil war lasted 1946-1949 and ended with the Kuomintang being defeated and run over Taiwan, where they hope to re-establish and retake the mainland one day.

Communism period

On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong declared the establishment of the People's Republic of China under the communist state regime in the mainland. Under Mao Zedong, China's sovereignty and unity for the first time. decades have been secured, and there have been developments in terms of infrastructure, industry, health care, and education. All this has helped raise the standard of living for the majority of the population. China. They also believe that movements such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution have positively impacted China's development and cleansed the culture.

However, in the early days of the Chinese Communist Party, there were a number of mistakes such as the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution and the Hundred Flowers Blooming, which caused heavy damage to the economy and severely damaged the heritage. Chinese culture. Especially since the Great Leap Forward there has been a terrible famine in China. The National People's Congress elected Liu Shaoqi as the country's president, initiating economic reforms.


Regions of China
Northeast China (Liaoning, Sand forest, Heilongjiang)
dōngběi, "rust belt" cities, large areas of forest, Russian, Korean, and Japanese influence, long snowy winters
North China (Shandong, Son Tay, Inner Mongolia, Ha Nam, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin)
The Yellow River Basin, China's cradle of civilization and historical center
Northwest China (Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang)
Where is the Chinese capital for 1000 years, steppes, deserts, mountains, nomads and Muslims
Southwest China (Tibet, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou)
Exotic regions, ethnic minorities, breathtaking scenery, and backpackers paradise
Central South China (An Huy, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi)
Agricultural areas, mountains, river canyons, temperate and subtropical forests
Southeast China (Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian)
Traditional business center, factory area, and ancestral homeland of most countries outside China
East China (Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang)
"Land of milk and honey", traditional water cities, China's new urban economic center


  • Shanghai, the largest city, the economic, commercial and financial center of China
  • Beijing, the capital, the second largest city, where there are ancient buildings such as the Palace, Di Hoa Vien, where you can visit a section of the Great Wall.
  • Guangzhou, the third largest city, the center of manufacturing and trade.
  • Xi'an, the thousand-year-old ancient capital of China, where you can visit the Tomb Complex of Qin Shi Huang with the terracotta army, Dai Nhan Tower where Huyen Trang translated Buddhist scriptures from Sanskrit and from there spread it throughout East Asia.
  • Chongqing, one of the cities directly under the central government.
  • Nanjing
  • Kunming
  • Continental Automotive, famous for its ancient citadel, classical Chinese gardens, and Hanshan Temple.
  • Hangzhou, famous Tay Ho, silk.
  • DalianThe city is famous for its sea cucumber.
  • Nam Ninh
  • Guilin
  • Xiamen
  • Macau, which is famous for its casinos, was formerly a concession to Portugal.
  • Lhasa, the capital of Tibet.
  • Wuhan, city of hundred lakes, many great universities.
  • Harbin with the famous ribbon festival.
  • rümqi
  • Chengdu


Stretching over nearly 10 million square kilometers, with its location in the northern half of the Eastern Hemisphere and bordering many regions, China has a diverse and even somewhat complex climate. Divided into 4 distinct seasons, winter in this country lasts from November to January, the temperature is low sometimes below 0 degrees Celsius. Because the winter weather is sometimes harsh, tourists often avoid traveling. If you have a Chinese calendar at this time, if you have one, you must carefully prepare warm clothes for the winter, to ensure that you stay warm during your visit.

Spring in China starts from February, lasts until April, the temperature is from 10 to about 15 degrees, the weather is warm and fresh, the grass and flowers are green. This is an ideal time for excursions for tourists. Summer in China lasts from May to August, it is hotter with temperatures sometimes reaching up to 35 degrees Celsius. If you like to explore areas like Tibet, Mongolia, this is the best time, because these mountainous regions are usually warm in the summer and the roads are easy and convenient. Compared with the seasons of the year, autumn in China has its own charm.

Not only has the weather pleasant with an average temperature of about 22 to 28 degrees Celsius, the period from August to October in this country has many festivals, especially the bustling Mid-Autumn Festival. have the opportunity to experience one of the biggest Chinese festivals of the year.

Other destinations

This place is likened to a beautiful scene like a paradise. This place is surrounded by snow-white mountains, lush green forests, a system of rivers and streams, and dense waterfalls. Especially in autumn, the forest area turns bright red or yellow, reflecting on the clear blue lakes of Jiuzhaigou, as beautiful as a fairy picture.

The Wild Macao Grotto in Dunhuang is also known as "The Thousand Buddhas Cave". There are many caves here. Currently, there are 492 caves left. Inside the caves are other sculptures and frescoes from ancient times. It also has 2415 statues and 5 wooden houses from the Tang and Song dynasties. Coming to Macao Grottoes, visitors will better understand the history and culture of the Chinese people. This place has been recognized by Unesco as "World Cultural Heritage".

Huyen Khong Pagoda is located halfway up the cliff in Hang Son mountain, in Son Tay province. This temple has a very unique architecture and is made entirely of wood. Unique and sophisticated sculpture lines unique in the world. The temple is 1400 years old. There are still more than 80 statues and a place of worship of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.

Nga My Mountain is one of the four famous mountains in Chinese Buddhism. The mountain is also often featured in popular TV series. The mountain is not only majestic and sacred with ancient pagodas and temples but also has beautiful scenery.

When traveling to China, you cannot ignore Beijing. It is not only the cultural center of China but also the capital of many feudal dynasties. Beijing has many ancient palaces and temples, the Great Wall, the National Bird's Nest Stadium, places that attract a lot of tourists every year.


Most visitors will need a visa (签证 qiānzhèng) to visit mainland China. In most cases, visas are issued from a Chinese embassy or consulate prior to departure. Since citizens from most Western countries do not need a visa to visit Hong Kong and Macau for up to 90 days and 30 single or double entry visas to the mainland are generally easy to obtain in Hong Kong, in general One can fly from abroad to Hong Kong without a visa and then proceed from there to the mainland having spent a few days in Hong Kong to get a visa to the mainland. Visa requirements for Hong Kong and Macau can be obtained from the Chinese embassy or consulate, but these visas must be applied exclusively to mainland China visas.

Citizens of Brunei, Japan and Singapore do not require a visa to visit Mainland China for a stay of up to 15 days, regardless of the reason for the visit. Citizens of San Marino do not need a visa to visit mainland China for a stay of up to 90 days, regardless of the reason for the visit.

In order to enter Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau citizens with Chinese nationality need to apply for a visa at the China Tourism Administration, the only authorized visa issuing authority, to obtain a Return Permit. incense (回乡证), a credit card sized identification card that allows multiple entry and unlimited stay for 10 years with no restrictions including employment. Citizen Taiwan can obtain an entry permit (valid for 3 months) at airports in Dalian, Fuzhou, Haikou, Qingdao, Sanya, Shanghai, Wuhan, Xiamen and Tourism Bureaus China in Hong Kong and Macau. Visitors must have a Republic of China passport, ID card Taiwan and Paper compatriots Taiwan (台胞 证 rebāozhèng). Certificate of compatriots Taiwan Can be used only at airports in Fuzhou, Haikou, Qingdao, Sanya, Wuhan and Xiamen. The entry permit fee is 100 plus 50 for issuing a single use Citizenship Certificate Taiwan. Travelers should check for the most up-to-date information before traveling.

Guest Vietnam You can apply for a visa at the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi or the Chinese Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City.

By air

The main international gateways to China are Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Most sizable cities will have an international airport, but options are usually limited to flights from Hong Kong, neighboring countries like Korea and Japan, and sometimes Southeast Asia.

There are regular routes between Vietnam and Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Nanning, Kunming, Chengdu, Hong Kong.

Transit in Hong Kong and Macau

If you come Hong Kong or Macau has a ferry that can take passengers directly to a destination such as Shekou or Bao'an airport in Shenzhen, Macau, Zhuhai and other places without actually "entering" Hong Kong or Macao. A shuttle bus that transits passengers to the ferry terminal to their official point of entry, where they clear immigration, will be the ferry destination rather than the airport. Please note that ferries are not available for various hours so if a plane is landing late at night it will be necessary to enter the territory to catch a bus or ferry to one's final destination. For example, immigration clearance is required if traveling from Hong Kong International Airport to Macau via the Macau Ferry Terminals. The latest information on ferries to Hong Kong can be found at the Hong Kong international airport page. [1]

While many major airlines now fly to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, cheap tickets are often scarce. If you live in a city with a sizable Chinese diaspora (like Toronto, San Francisco, Sydney or London), check out cheap flights with someone in the community or visit an agency. China's active tourism. Sometimes flights only in Chinese newspapers or travel agencies cost significantly less than the fare posted in English. However if you go and claim you can get the same discount.

Flight route

  • North America: Delta Air Lines [2] serves Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou through its hub in Narita and directly from Detroit, Boston and Seattle. Ky [3] has the most nonstop flights, serving Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and from Chicago, San Francisco, Newark, and Washington. America [4] flies non-stop to Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong from Chicago. Air Canada [5] Serving Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong from Toronto and Vancouver.
  • Australia: Qantas [6] offers direct flights from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth to Hong Kong. Qantas also flies to Beijing and Shanghai from Sydney but only offers codeshare service to Shanghai from Melbourne. There may be cheaper flights through Southeast Asia, some of the discount airlines do fly to Australia. China Southern Airlines, offers direct flights from Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne to Guangzhou with constant connections to major cities.
  • New Zealand: Air New Zealand [7] is the direct flight option to mainland China. They offer direct flights to Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.
  • Southeast Asia: ​​Singapore arguably the best connection, due to the large Chinese population, with flights to all major cities as well as several regional hubs such as Xiamen, Kunming and Shenzhen. Besides Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Manila provide good connectivity. Tiger Airways [8], Jetstar [9], Air Asia [10], and Cebu Pacific offers cheap flights from Southeast Asia (Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Hanoi) to various destinations in southern China, including Xiamen, Scene Hong, Guangzhou, Haikou and Macau.
  • Europe: Most major European airlines, including Air France Air France [11], British Airways [12], and Finnair [13], and Finnair [14] have direct flights from their hubs to Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai; several flights to Guangzhou as well. Some have links to other Chinese cities. KLM . example [15] fly directly from Amsterdam to Chengdu and Lufthansa [16] Direct Flight Frankfurt Go Nanjing.
  • Taiwan: regular non-stop flights between Taiwan and mainland China resumed in 2008, after a 59-year ban. Currently, there are direct daily flights between Taipei and major cities in China.

By train

China is connected by train from many of its neighboring countries and even all the way from Europe.

  • Russia and Europe - two tracks of Trans-Siberian Railway (trans-Mongolian and trans-Manchurian) runs between Moscow and Beijing, stopping in other Russian cities, and for trans-Mongolia, in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
  • Kazakhstan and Central Asia - from Almaty, Kazakhstan, one can travel by rail to Urumqi in the northwestern province of Xinjiang. There is a long awaited border crossing customs, as well as to change the wheelbase to track the next country.
  • Hong Kong - regular trains connect to China.
  • Vietnam - from Nanning Guangxi province to Vietnam through Friendship Quan. Train service regularly connects from Kunming has been discontinued since 2002.

From Hanoi take international train to Nanning, from Nanning transfer train to other cities in China.

  • North Korea - four weekly connections between North Korea's capital Pyongyang and Beijing.

By road

China has land borders with 14 different countries, a number of neighbors that only its northern neighbor Russia can match. In addition, China also has land borders with the special administrative regions of China Hong Kong and Macau, which is for all practical purposes considered international borders. Most border crossings in western China are located in remote mountain passes, which, while difficult to access and traverse, often reward travelers with beautiful scenery.


The relationship between the two countries is cold, but the Nathu La pass between Sikkim in India and South Tibet have recently reopened to cross-border trade. Currently, though the crossing is not open to tourists, and special permits are required to join either party.

Myanmar (Burma)

Entering China from Myanmar can stay Thuy Le (China) - Lashio (Myanmar) across the border, but permits need to be obtained from the Burmese authorities first. Generally, this will require you to join a guided tour.


For most visitors Hanoi is the starting point for any road trip to China. Currently there are international border gates:

  • Dong Dang (V) - Bang Tuong (C: 凭祥)

You can catch a local bus from the bus station on the east side of Hanoi (Gia Lam district, ☎ 86 4 827 1529 to Lang Son, where you have to transfer to a minibus or motorbike to get to the border in Dong Dang. Also there are many offers from open tour suppliers, for those in a hurry, they can be a good option if they offer a direct hotel to the border via transfer.

You can exchange money with free money changer, but test the speed carefully first.

Border procedures take about 30 minutes. On the Chinese side, go up through the "Friendship border gate" and take a taxi (about 20 yuan, remember to haggle!) to your destination. By Wall, Guangxi. A seat in a minibus costs 5 yuan. There is a Bank of China branch across the street from the main bus station, ATMs accept Maestro cards. You can travel by bus or train to Nanning.

  • Lao Cai (V) - Hekou (河口)

You can take the train from Hanoi to Lao Cai for about 420,000 VND (as of 11/2011) for a soft bed. The trip took about 8 hours. From there, it's a long drive (or 5-minute ride) to the Lao Cai/Hakou border. Crossing the border is simple, fill out a customs card and wait in line. They will check your belongings (especially your books/documents). Outside the Hekou border pass a variety of shops, and the bus station is about 10 minutes by car from the border. Một vé đến Côn Minh từ Hà Khẩu về chi phí 140 tệ, thời gian chạy xe là khoảng 7 giờ.

  • Móng Cái (V) - Đông Hưng (C: 东兴)

Tại Đông Hưng, bạn có thể đi xe buýt đến Nam Ninh, một chiếc xe buýt ngủ đến Quảng Châu (giá khoảng 180 tệ), hoặc một chiếc xe buýt ngủ tới Thâm Quyến (khoảng 230 tệ, thời gian chạy 12 giờ) (tháng 3 năm 2006).

By bus

By boat


Từ Việt Nam, du khách có thể đi du lịch Trung Quốc bằng nhiều phương tiện đa dạng. Với du khách chọn đường hàng không, có thể lựa chọn vé máy bay Trung Quốc của nhiều hãng hàng không uy tín như Vietnam Airlines, Hong Kong Airlines, Shanghai Airlines,…Các chuyến bay có thể xuất phát từ Hà Nội hoặc Tp. Hồ Chí Minh bay đến Bắc Kinh, Thượng Hải, Quảng Châu,…Du khách muốn trải nghiệm đường bộ, có thể sử dụng xe bus hoặc tàu lửa đi từ Hà Nội qua các cửa khẩu như Hữu Nghị Quan, Hà Khẩu (Lào Cai), Móng Cái (Quảng Ninh),… đều rất thuận tiện và dễ dàng.

Về việc di chuyển giữa các thành phố ở Trung Quốc, du khách không phải lo lắng nhiều vì mạng lưới giao thông ở đất nước này cũng khá phát triển và dày đặc. Để tiết kiệm thời gian, du khách có thể sử dụng các chuyến bay nội địa để di chuyển giữa các thành phố. Bên cạnh đó, tàu lửa cũng là một phương tiện ưu tiên để du khách dễ đi lại vừa tiết kiệm thời gian lẫn chi phí. Nếu không bị bó buộc về thời gian, du khách có thể sử dụng xe bus, tàu điện ngầm, xe điện, taxi và các phương tiện phổ biến khác như xích lô, xe đạp,…


Ngôn ngữ chính thức của Trung Quốc là tiếng Quan Thoại, chủ yếu dựa trên các phương ngữ Bắc Kinh, được biết đến trong tiếng Quan Thoại là Putonghua (普通话, "Phổ thông thoại" hay tiếng Phổ Thông). Tiếng Quan Thoại là ngôn ngữ duy nhất được sử dụng trong giáo dục ở Đại lục từ những năm 1950, vì vậy hầu hết mọi người nói nó. Trừ khi có ghi chú khác, tất cả các điều kiện, cách phát âm và phát âm trong hướng dẫn này nằm trong tiêu chuẩn tiếng phổ thông.

Nhiều khu vực, đặc biệt là ở phía đông nam và nam của đất nước, cũng có "phương ngữ" của riêng mình Đây là những ngôn ngữ rất khác biệt, như sự khác nhau giữa tiếng Pháp và tiếng Ý, mặc dù đề cập đến phương ngữ Trung Quốc như ngôn ngữ riêng biệt là một vấn đề chính trị nhạy cảm. Ngay cả trong tiếng Quan Thoại, phát âm rất khác nhau giữa các vùng và thường có một số lượng đáng kể tiếng lóng địa phương. Sau tiếng Quan Thoại, nhóm ngôn ngữ lớn thứ nhì là tiếng Ngô, được nói trong khu vực xung quanh Thượng Hải, Chiết Giang và nam Giang Tô, tiếp theo là tiếng Quảng Đông, tiếng ở hầu hết các tỉnh Quảng Đông, Hồng Kông và Ma Cao, và (Phúc Kiến) nhóm Mân bao gồm Mân Nam (Phúc Kiến) được sử dụng ở các khu vực xung quanh Hạ Môn và tại Đài Loan, một biến thể của Mân Nam được gọi là Triều Châu nói xung quanh Sán Đầu và Triều Châu, cũng như Mân Đông (Hokchiu) nói xung quanh Phúc Châu. Phần lớn dân Trung Quốc biết hai thứ tiếng bản địa của địa phương và tiếng Quan Thoại. Một số người lớn tuổi, ít học hoặc từ vùng nông thôn chỉ có thể nói được tiếng địa phương, nhưng điều này là khó có khả năng ảnh hưởng đến khách du lịch.


1. Trà

Cùng với bề dày phát triển văn minh, Trung Quốc nổi tiếng với các loại trà tuyệt hảo, những loại trà truyền thống của Trung Quốc đã được dùng cho các vị vua chúa thời phong kiến.

2. Đồ Lụa tơ tằm

Lụa tơ tằm Trung Quốc đã ra đời từ rất lâu, Trung Quốc là nước đầu tiên tìm ra cách trồng dâu nuôi tằm, lấy kén ươm tơ, dệt lụa sớm nhất trên thế giới vào thế kỷ 3 TCN. Tơ lụa thời đó được dành riêng cho vua chúa và hàng quí tộc, sau này lụa tơ tằm được đưa đi các vùng. Tơ lụa Trung Quốc luôn được đánh giá là có chất lượng tốt với hoa văn thêu đẹp mắt.

3. Đồ gốm sứ

Cũng tương tự như lụa tơ tằm, các làng nghề gốm sứ truyền thống của Trung Quốc đã tồn tại từ rất lâu. Các đồ gốm sứ Trung Quốc với đa dạng mẫu mã, hình dáng và họa tiết đẹp mắt. Nghệ thuật tráng men truyền thống vô cùng đẹp mắt, mầu men tươi tắn sinh động, các chi tiết trên đồ gốm được khắc họa thủ công kỹ lưỡng. Do đó nó luôn được du khách ưa chuộng khi du lịch tại Trung Quốc.

4. Tranh, các sản phẩm thủ công mỹ nghệ và thư pháp

Hệ thống chữ viết của Trung Quốc được hình thành và phát triển song song với sự phát triển văn minh của Trung Quốc. Đến nay hệ thống chữ viết đó vẫn còn được sử dụng. Thư pháp Trung Hoa là phép viết chữ của người Trung Hoa được nâng lên thành một nghệ thuật và có ảnh hưởng sâu sắc đến các nước lân cận. Ngoài thư pháp thì những bức tranh và các sản phẩm thủ công mỹ nghệ ở nơi đây cũng thu hút được du khách, với đa dạng mẫu mã và được thiết kế thủ công trên nhiều nguyên liệu khác nhau sẽ đáp ứng được nhu cầu của mỗi du khách.

5. Trang sức ngọc trai, ngọc bích và các loại đá quý khác

Bên cạnh các sản phẩm nói trên, Trung Quốc còn nổi tiếng với các đồ trang sức bằng ngọc trai và ngọc bích. Ngọc trai ở Trung Quốc có chất lượng cao và màu sắc tươi đẹp.

Ngoài ra, nếu bạn muốn mua hàng hiệu, các hàng điện tử hoặc những sản phẩm đại trà thì tại các trung tâm hoặc các khu chợ lớn. Nếu bạn mua hàng ở khu chợ lớn, chợ trời thì nên mặc cả và cảnh giác khi mua để tránh mua phải hàng giả. Nếu bạn muốn mua mấy mặt hàng có chất lượng thì tốt nhất nên đi đến các trung tâm mua sắm để tránh gặp phải hàng nhái, hàng kém chất lượng.



Một bữa ăn theo văn hóa Trung Quốc thương gồm hai thành phần chính: nguồn cấp chất bột, gọi là "主食" trong tiếng Trung, (‘‘zhǔshí’’ Pinyin, nghĩa "Thức ăn chính") — thường là cơm, mỳ, hay mantou), và thức ăn kèm theo như rau, thịt, cá, hoặc các thức khác gọi là "菜" (nghĩa "rau") trong tiếng Trung. Điều quan niệm hóa văn hóa này hơi khác so với các nền ẩm thực của Bắc Âu và của Mỹ, nới người ta coi thịt hay protein động vật là thức ăn chính, và tương đồng với phần lớn các nền ẩm thực của vùng Địa Trung Hải, chủ yếu dựa vào các thực phẩm làm từ lúa mì như pasta hay cous cous.Cơm là một phần quan trọng bậc nhất trong ẩm thực Trung Hoa, Tuy nhiên, nhiều nơi ở Trung Quốc, đặc biệt là miền Bắc Trung Quốc, các sản phẩm làm từ lúa mỳ như mỳ sợi và các loại bánh bao (như mantou) thì chiếm ưu thế, trái với miền Nam Trung Quốc nơi gạo là chủ lực. Tuy nhiên có nhiều trường hợp thì cơm là món phụ và được dùng sau dùng dưới dạng cơm chiên. Món xúp thường được dùng trước và sau một bữa ăn ở Nam Trung Hoa.

Với bề dày lịch sử và nền văn hóa phong phú đa dạng, ẩm thực Trung Quốc là một trong những nền ẩm thực rất giá trị của thế giới. Được chia thành 8 trường phái ẩm thực khác nhau gồm: ẩm thực Sơn Đông; ẩm thực Quảng Đông; ẩm thực Hồ Nam; ẩm thực Phúc Kiến; ẩm thực Chiết Giang; ẩm thực Giang Tô; ẩm thực An Huy; ẩm thực Tứ Xuyên, mỗi trường phái đều mang một đặc tính riêng biệt, làm cho ẩm thực Trung Hoa trở nên cực kỳ giàu có về hương vị, đa dạng về phong cách chế biến mà không phải quốc gia nào cũng có được.


  • Rượu Mai Quế Lộ






  • Y Học Phương Đông (Cổ Truyền): Bắt mạch, kê đơn, bốc thuốc, châm cứu, bấm huyệt...

To respect


This tutorial is just an outline, so it needs more information. Have the courage to modify and develop it !