Hong Kong - Hồng Kông

Hong Kong at night
Hong Kong in China (zoomed) ( all claims hatched).svg
Flag of Hong Kong.svg
Basic information
Capital"Victoria", although in reality the area is known as Trung Hoan or Trung District (Central)
GovermentSpecial Administrative Region of China
CurrencyHong Kong Dollar (HKD)
Areatotal: 1,092 km2
country: 50 km2
soil: 1,042 km2
Population7.184.000 (estimated mid-2013)
LanguageChinese (official), English (official)
ReligionMixed religions (Buddhist, Lao, Confucian) - accounted for 92%, the rest consisted of a minority of atheists and Christians
Power system220V/50Hz (British outlet)
Phone number 852
Internet TLD.hk
time zoneUTC 8
Victoria Harbor and Kowloon seen from Thai Binh Mountain

Hong Kong (香港) Heūng Gong in Cantonese, means Scented Port) is one of two special administrative regions of People 'Republic of China (remaining special administrative region is Macau). Hong Kong is located on the Southeast coast of China. While most of the People's Republic of China's city names are romanized using pinyin, the official English name of Hong Kong is still Hong Kong, not Xiānggǎng (Huong Cang). The territory of Hong Kong, consisting of more than 260 islands, is located to the east of the Pearl River Delta, bordering the province Guangdong to the north and overlooking the East Sea to the east, west and south.

Hong Kong was once a dependent territory of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from 1842 until the transfer of sovereignty to the People's Republic of China in 1997. The Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law of Hong Kong provide that Hong Kong enjoys a high degree of autonomy until at least 2047 - 50 years after the transfer of sovereignty. Under the "one country, two systems" policy, the Central Government is responsible for the territory's defense and diplomacy, while Hong Kong maintains the majority of its political system, legal system, and force. British police force, monetary regime, customs policy, immigration policy, publishing system, press, education system, and delegates in international organizations, parties, and events economic.


Is a part of People 'Republic of China, Hong Kong operates as a special administrative region with a high degree of autonomy, so in reality for most visitors the city is a different country. Visa requirements, laws, monetary system, culture and language here are completely different from the rest of China. Since its handover from the British in 1997, Hong Kong has operated under the "one country, two systems" principle, maintaining most of the laws and government structures from the colonial era. Hong Kong enjoys many Western-style freedoms unmatched in mainland China, and many locals feel proud of this. The ideals of a free and open society are firmly rooted here.


Archaeological finds date the first human settlements in the area back more than 30,000 years ago. It was first imported into China during the Qin dynasty and remained largely under Chinese rule until 1841 during the Qing dynasty, with a brief hiatus at the end of the Qin dynasty, when the Qin officials established the kingdom of Nam Viet, which later fell into the hands of the Han Dynasty.

In January 1841, as a result of the defeat of China's Qing dynasty in the First Opium War, Hong Kong became a British colony, under the Convention of Chuen Pi. After China's defeat in the Second Opium War, the Kowloon peninsula was ceded to Britain in 1860. In 1898, the new territories were leased to Britain for 99 years.

When World War II broke out, Winston Churchill, the British prime minister, declared that Hong Kong was an "impregnable fortress". However, it was only a reality check for the British as most of their soldiers were bound to fight the British. virtue live Europe, and Hong Kong did not have the resources to defend itself. As a result, after just over two weeks of fighting, Hong Kong surrendered to the Japanese on December 25, 1941, causing Britain to lose a colony for the first time to an invading force. After the war, despite the assurances of USA that Hong Kong would be returned to China, the British quickly regained control of Hong Kong. However, they have lost their aura of invincibility and cannot continue to govern Hong Kong the way they used to before the war, and all the restrictions on non-citizens. Europe Property ownership on top real estate land has been lifted. Hong Kong's post-war recovery was amazingly quick, and within 2-3 months all post-war economic restrictions were lifted and Hong Kong became a one-off free market. again.

After the communists took control of mainland China in 1949, many Chinese, especially businessmen, fled to Hong Kong due to repression by the communist government. Unlike the restrictive policies imposed by the communists in China, the British government did not intervene heavily in Hong Kong, at the suggestion of former Finance Secretary John James Cowperthwaite, resulting in a high degree of economic freedom. Under such conditions, businesses flourish in Hong Kong and the economy grows rapidly, income for Hong Kong becomes a place that is one of the East Asian tigers. In 1990, Hong Kong's GDP per capita surpassed that of Britain, the first time a colony's GDP per capita surpassed that of its colonists. Hong Kong is now the fourth largest financial center in the world after London, New York and Tokyo.

The great wave of Mainland Chinese refugees has led to the rise of the Walled Cities of Kowloon, which is an area of ​​cramped alleyways, complete darkness, tight spaces, and cramped conditions. unsanitary event. The report claimed that meat was eaten there (something quite common in China, but considered unacceptable by the British) and that the doctors were not licensed to practice there. The walled city was evacuated and later demolished in 1993, and the Kowloon Walled City Park was built on the site.

In 1984, the Governments of China and Great Britain signed the Joint Declaration on the Hong Kong issue, defining Hong Kong to return to China on July 1, 1997. Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region (SAR). ) of the People's Republic of China. With the slogan "One country, two systems", Hong Kong remains a capitalist economy without various restrictions that apply in mainland China such as news censorship and foreign exchange controls.

Consistent with the Joint Declaration, the Basic Law was enacted to serve as a mini-constitution for Hong Kong. In theory, Hong Kong enjoys a high degree of autonomy in most matters except defense and foreign affairs. In reality, the problem is much more complicated. On the one hand, Beijing exerts a lot of influence, on the other, there are groups campaigning for a more democratic and universal suffrage.

In many respects, little has changed since the handover to China in 1997. A chief executive, chosen by an elite electorate, has replaced the colonial governor, who is from Beijing. replaced people in London. What was once a British colony now looks like a Chinese colony. Although part of China, Hong Kong primarily functions as a small country with its own currency, laws, international dialing codes, police force, border control and the like. It is also a member of international organizations usually limited to sovereign states such as the WTO, APEC and the IOC. Look carefully and you'll see proof of Chinese sovereignty at the top of the flagpole, and in the not so easy but huge Chinese military barracks located in the middle of the city's commercial district.


Hong Kong mainly consists of Hong Kong Island, Tai Ershan, Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories. The Kowloon peninsula is connected to the New Territories to the north and the New Territories to the north and finally to Mainland China via the Shenzhen River. In total, Hong Kong consists of a set of 262 islands in the South China Sea, of which Dai Ershan is the largest. Hong Kong Island is the second largest and most populous island. Ap Loi Chau is one of the islands with the highest population density in the world.

The name "Hong Kong" (derived from "Huong Cang", Cantonese read as Huong Cong, meaning "fragrant port", taken from the area of ​​present-day Aberdeen located on Hong Kong Island, where products from Incense wood and incense were once traded.The narrow body of water separating Hong Kong Island from the Kowloon peninsula is Victoria Harbour, one of the deepest natural harbours in the world.

While Hong Kong has a reputation for being highly urbanized, the territory has also made efforts to enhance its green environment. Much of the territory remains undeveloped as these areas are largely hilly with steep slopes. Of the 1104 km² of the territory, less than 25% is developed. The rest of the land is mostly green space with about 40% of the land reserved for country parks and nature reserves. Much of the territory's urban development exists in the Kowloon peninsula, along the northern coasts of Hong Kong Island, and in scattered settlements throughout the New Territories.

Hong Kong's long and uneven coastline has endowed the territory with many bays, rivers and beaches. Despite the territory's high tree density and coastal location, environmental consciousness is growing as Hong Kong's atmosphere ranks among the most polluted. About 80% of the city's smoke comes from other parts of the Pearl River Delta.

Hong Kong is 60 km east of Macau, on the opposite side of the Pearl River Delta and bordered to the north by the special city of Shenzhen in Guangdong province. The highest peak of this territory is Dai Mao Son, with an altitude of 958 m above sea level. The lowlands are located in the northwestern part of the New Territories.


Hong Kong's climate is subtropical and is influenced by monsoons. In winter the climate is colder and dry from December to early March and hot, humid and rainy in spring to summer. In autumn it is sunny and dry. Hong Kong often has tropical cyclones in summer and autumn. Hong Kong's ecosystem is affected by this climate change. Hong Kong's climate is seasonal because the wind directions change between winter and summer. Geologically, Hong Kong has been stable for millions of years, although landslides are common, especially after heavy thunderstorms. The flora and fauna in Hong Kong change with changes in climate, sea level and human influence. The highest recorded temperature in Hong Kong was 38 °C (98.0 °F) and the lowest recorded temperature was -4 °C (25.0 °F). The average temperature in the coldest month of January is 16.1 °C (61.0 °F) and the average temperature in the hottest month of July is 28.7 °C (83.7 °F).

The territory located south of the Tropic of Cancer is equivalent to the latitude of Hawaii. In winter, strong and cold winds blow from the north, making the city cold; In the summer, the wind direction changes, bringing warm and humid air from the southwest. The climate at this time is suitable for tropical rainforest.


Hong Kong districts map.png
Hong Kong Island (香港島) (Midwest District, East District, Southern District)
Hong Kong Island is the site of a former British settlement. Most of Hong Kong's tallest skyscrapers and financial hubs can be found here, including the famous downtown skyline along the North Shore. Hong Kong's financial center, shopping. Overall, Hong Kong Island is more modern and richer than other parts of Hong Kong.
Kowloon (九龍)
This peninsula, which juts south to Hong Kong Island from the Asian mainland, is the most populous area in Hong Kong and the most densely populated in the world. Today, it consists of a collection of shopping streets, sidewalk markets, and apartment complexes.
New World (新界)
Named by British officials hired by the Chinese government in 1898, the New Territories consisted of a collection of small farms, villages, factories, mountain national parks, and towns with a population equal to some cities.
Dai Ershan (大嶼山)
Formerly known as Lan Tou (Traditional: 爛頭, Simplified: ), name English: Lantau Island or Lantao by its old name in Chinese, is the largest of the islands in the island district, twice the size of Hong Kong Island and famous for its high peaks, wild landscapes, beaches and courtyards. fly.
Island (離島)
Known as a popular weekend destination for locals, the island consists mostly of islands around Hong Kong Island. They include a considerable number of rocky islands that rise out of the sea.


Entry conditions

Save time if you are a frequent traveler

If you travel to Hong Kong often, consider subscribing to e-Channel. Instead of waiting for the passport check to complete at the counter, you can avoid it by going through an automated barrier that uses fingerprint recognition technology. The device is also available without registration to all existing Hong Kong identity card holders. For more detailed information, visit the following website of Hong Kong Immigration Bureau.

Hong Kong maintains a separate and independent immigration regime from mainland China. Unlike mainland China, most visitors do not need to apply for a visa in advance. However, a visa is required to enter mainland China from Hong Kong.

Foreigners of the following countries/territories may be visa-free enter Hong Kong as traveler:

All owners APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC - APEC Business Travel Card) can use the Hong Kong citizen counters at the immigration checkpoint and can stay in Hong Kong visa-free for up to 60 days if their card has the line 'HKG' printed on the back of the card.

Foreigners who require a visa to enter Hong Kong (if they cannot get a visa exemption, want to stay longer than their visa-free period allows, or want to work, study or set up/join a business ) can be applied at a Chinese embassy or directly through the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Note Hong Kong visas must be applied separately from a visa to Mainland China, and not a single visa serving both regions. For information on how to apply for a Hong Kong visa from the Hong Kong Immigration Department, visit their website. Foreigners living in Macau who require a visa for Hong Kong can apply at one of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China. Foreigners living in Mainland China can apply for a Hong Kong visa at Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangzhou, or at Government Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Beijing.

Chinese citizen come from Chinese mainland need to apply for a special travel document (Immigration permits for entering and leaving Hong Kong and Macau (EEP), Chinese: 港澳 通行证) together with a visa confirmation, unless transiting through Hong Kong to a third country (or vice versa) they are exempted from visa in that country for no more than 7 days with a Chinese passport Country. Details are available on the following website Hong Kong Immigration Bureau.

Owner of ID card forever or Visit Permit (Visit Permit) belong to Macau with resident status Resident can get visa-free entry to Hong Kong to 180 days if using their ID card. Holders of Macau Visit Permits who do not have permanent resident status can obtain visa-free entry to Hong Kong within 30 days. Details are available on the following website Hong Kong Immigration Bureau.

Residents of Taiwan are granted visa-free visits to Hong Kong for 30 days if they have a 'Taibaozheng' (Taiwan Compatriot License, Chinese: 台胞证; nice Mainland Travel Permit for Citizens of Taiwan, abbreviated English name: M-TP, Chinese: 台湾居民来往大陆通行证). Otherwise, a pre-arrival visa is required, which in many cases can be obtained through an airline company. Details are available on the following website Hong Kong Immigration Bureau.

All visitors to Hong Kong must complete a entry declaration form (arrival card) when the immigration formalities are passed, and must return a exit declaration (departure card) upon leaving Hong Kong - unless you are a Hong Kong resident (with a Hong Kong ID card or passport with a resident/work/study visa), a Macau resident forever (with a Macau smart ID card) or a Chinese citizen (with a passport (EEP) issued by the authority of mainland China).

All visitors (whether visa exempt or not) may be required to present an onward flight ticket (forward ticket) or return flight ticket (return ticket), although in practice this is rarely done if your flight has already landed at a Hong Kong airport (there are cases where it is more likely that you will be denied boarding of the airline you purchased your ticket from). if there is no onward ticket even though the vast majority of domestic carriers do not require this, even though it appears specified in the Timatic database used by most airlines). Qatar Airways has been known to refuse to board people with one-way tickets unless the passenger signs a waiver to commit to the carrier. In theory, you may also be required to show proof of sufficient financial resources to cover your stay.

Anyone landing at Hong Kong International Airport who requires an onward visa for Mainland China may proceed at the desk staffed by the China (Hong Kong) Travel Service Co. Mainland China company of the same name, abbreviated English name: CTSHK) can be found at the destination (arrival). A photo is required and the staff will serve you wholeheartedly. Also, the cheapest way to get a visa for Mainland China is to apply for a visa for one of the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in Hong Kong, where a single visa only costs $150 for most foreign nationals and takes 4 working days to get the visa. Visas can be issued within 3 working days for an additional $150 payment or within 2 working days for an additional $250. For more information, please visit the website of Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Note, the mainland part of Hong Kong is considered separate from China, so you should apply for a multiple-entry visa if you want to enter Hong Kong, and then re-enter Mainland China.

With citizen Vietnam, when applying for a visa to Hong Kong can be granted a visa up to 30 days. It is possible to stay longer than 30 days, but must apply for a visa extension longer than 30 days. There is no set minimum distance between two entries. If you want to re-enter Hong Kong, you must apply for a new visa, Hong Kong does not issue a double or multiple entry visa.

Travel warning

ATTENTION: Overstaying your visa is a serious offense - you can be fined up to $50,000 and/or imprisoned for up to 3 years.

If you enter Hong Kong as a traveler, friend no right looking for work (whether or not paid), studying, or starting/entering a business. Violating the conditions of stay can result in a fine of up to $50,000 and/or imprisonment for up to 2 years. If you intend to work, study or set up/join a business, you must obtain the appropriate visa. If you make a false statement to an immigration officer or are in possession of a forged passport, you could be fined up to $14,000 and/or imprisoned for up to 14 years.


If you have goods forbidden or exceed your allowance, friend Right declare them in the region Red Channel (Red Channel) when you enter Hong Kong - even when traveling from mainland China, Macau and Taiwan.

Meat, products of animal origin, fish, rice, ozone-depleting substances, counterfeit goods and radio transmitters are all included in the list. prohibited goods and Right declared.

A tourist 18 years of age or older is allowed to bring into Hong Kong - for the sole use of that man/woman - as part of tax free subsidy for that man/woman:

  • 1 liter of alcoholic beverage with an alcohol content of more than 30% by volume measured at a temperature of 20
  • 19 cigarettes OR 1 cigar OR 25g cigar OR 25g other tobacco product (tobacco).

If the traveler holds a Hong Kong Identity Card, he/she must have spent 24 hours or longer outside of Hong Kong to benefit from the tax-free allowance related to alcoholic beverages.

Due to great demand from mainland China, the Hong Kong government has put a limit on the number of infant formula formulas that can be used. take out territory. If you have friends or family in the Mainland, then they may ask you to bring back as many recipes as they can, however Hong Kong customs has been finding a lot of cases. pirated this precious product.

Travel warning

ATTENTION: If you do not declare any items forbidden or taxable are in your luggage, you may be fined up to 1.000.000 $ and/or face imprisonment up to 2 years in case of detection. If you are caught on a drug charge, you could be fined up to 5.000.000 $ and face life imprisonment.

It is illegal to knowingly possess and leave Hong Kong with more than 1.8 kg of baby milk powder. Fines and imprisonment are possible in this case.

For more detailed information, visit the website of Hong Kong Customs and Taxation Department.

By air

Hong Kong International Airport

Detailed article: Hong Kong International Airport

Hong Kong International Airport at night

Hong Kong International Airport (IATA : HKG) (Also known as Chek Lap Kok (Chek Lap Kok) -), is the main airport for travelers arriving in Hong Kong by air. Modern and efficient, it opened shortly after handover in July 1998 and has been named "World's Best Airport" five times in Skytrax's annual rankings.

Sân bay quốc tế Bảo An Thâm Quyến

Nếu các chuyến bay giữa Hồng Kông và các thành phố của Trung Quốc đại lục, sử dụng Sân bay Thâm Quyến (IATA : SZX) thay thế thường rẻ hơn đáng kể, mặc dù sẽ tốn nhiều thời gian để di chuyển qua biên giới và bạn phải trả tiền phí vận chuyển. Các chuyến bay quốc tế, chủ yếu là từ các thành phố Đông Nam Á, cũng có sẵn chuyến tới Thâm Quyến.

Có nhiều cách để tới Hồng Kông, mặc dù khá tốn thời gian.

Train: Đầu tiên hãy đi tàu điện ngầm (Tàu điện ngầm Thâm Quyến) tại đường ray số 1 từ sân bay tới ga cuối của quận La Hồ (Luohu) (65 phút, tốn 8.55 nhân dân tệ hoặc $8), sau đó đi qua một đường hầm dài và một của khẩu biên giới (hãy chắc chắn là thị thực của bạn sẵn sàng cho việc này) và một khi đã sang đến đất Hồng Kông, đi tuyến đường sắt ngoại ô phía Đông tới Hường Khám (Hung Hom) (43 phút, $31.8). Tổng thời gian di chuyển từ sân bay Thâm Quyến sang Hồng Kông là dưới hai giờ với chi phí $39.8.

Ngoài ra, từ trung tâm mua sắm "Elements" phía trên Trạm tàu điện ngầm MTR Cửu Long ở Đông Dũng (Tung Chung) và đường dây của thiết bị Airport Express, có một phòng chờ có mặt tiền là cửa hàng, nơi bạn có thể check-in và nhận thẻ lên máy bay của mình (mặc dù việc đăng kí trước tại địa điểm này không có sẵn cho hành khách của China Southern Airlines), và sau đó bắt một chuyến xe buýt trực tiếp tới sân bay Thâm Quyến. Thủ tục check-in trong thành phố này hoàn toàn khác biệt với thủ tục check-in trong thành phố cung cấp cho Sân bay quốc tế Hồng Kông. Đi thang cuốn lên từ trạm tàu điện ngầm AE/MTR tới tầng 1/F của Trung tâm mua sắm Elements Mall, rẽ phải, và địa điểm này đối diện Starbucks. Xe buýt áp dụng loại điều kiện thuận lợi cho sự thông qua việc nhập cảnh có ảnh hưởng từ phương Tây, nơi mà thủ tục nhập cảnh của cả Đặc khu hành chính Hồng Kông và Trung Quốc được hoàn tất dưới chung một mái nhà. Chi phí cho dịch vụ này là $100 và xe buýt được quảng cáo là đi trong 75 phút, nhưng thường mất khoảng 100 phút. Các xe buýt hiện đang chạy mỗi nửa giờ từ 06:30-19:00 từ Hồng Kông, và 10:00-21:00 từ phía Thâm Quyến.

Sân bay quốc tế Ma Cao

Vì có mức phí cao hơn ở tại Sân bay quốc tế Hồng Kông, vé thường sẽ rẻ hơn nếu bay từ Sân bay quốc tế Ma Cao (IATA : MFM). Air Asia đã thành lập một trung tâm tại Ma Cao và bay đến các điểm như Bắc Kinh và Bangkok cùng một số địa điểm khác. Sân bay quốc tế Ma Cao có thể dễ dàng đến được bằng phà từ đảo Hương Cảng, Cửu Long và Sân bay quốc tế Hồng Kông. Với dịch vụ của Express Link, bạn thậm chí có thể chuyển trực tiếp từ sân bay tới phà (hoặc theo chiều ngược lại) mà không phải qua thủ tục nhập cảnh vào Ma Cao.

Bằng trực thăng

Sky Shuttle bố trí một dịch vụ trực thăng trong mỗi 30 phút từ Ga Marítimo ở Ma Cao tới Sân bay lên thẳng Tín Đức ('Shun Tak Heliport) (IATA : HHP) tại Cầu tàu phà Hồng Kông - Ma Cao (Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Pier) ở Thượng Hoàn (Sheung Wan), Đảo Hương Cảng. Chuyến đi kéo dài trong 15 phút, với giá vé một chiều là $2900, thêm $200 vào cuối tuần và các ngày lễ.

By boat

By ferry

Một chiếc catamaran của hãng TurboJet

Hồng Kông có thể tới được trong vòng 1 giờ nếu đi bằng tàu cánh ngầm từ Ma Cao cũng như có liên hệ tốt với Trung Quốc đại lục. Có hai công ty chính tổ chức các dịch vụ, TurboJet và Cotai Jet. Di chuyển bằng phà rất thoải mái và là một cách tiện lợi để đi du lịch trong khu vực. Các điểm đỗ là:

Bằng tàu thủy

Chiếc Star Pisces tại Ocean Terminal

Cầu tàu Ocean Terminal ở Tiêm Sa Chủy là một trong những trung tâm của Star Cruises. Tàu du lịch khởi hành từ đây tới các thành phố khác nhau tại Việt Nam, Trung Quốc đại lục và Đài Loan. Ngoài ra, còn có các dịch vụ đường dài bằng tất cả các cách tới Singapore thông qua các cảng ở Việt Nam, Thái Lan và Malaysia.

By train/train

By car

By bus

Di chuyển

Di chuyển ở Hồng Kông

Cũng giống đa số các thành phố khác, phương tiện di chuyển tiện lợi nhất là đi: MTR, Bus. Tham khảo www.mtr.com.hk. Và ở đây cũng có các loại thẻ đa năng giống ở Singapore. Một trong số đó là thẻ Octopus tiện lợi (giống Ezlink của Singapore): trả tiền đi bus đi MTR, đi cáp treo Ngongpin, và có thể thanh toán hóa đơn trong các cửa hàng tiện lợi. Ngoài ra, thẻ Octopus còn được dùng để thanh toán trong siêu thị, các cửa hàng tiện ích 7/11, Watson. Ngay cả một số điểm tham quan như, đi tàu cáp treo lên đỉnh Peak, lên Đài ngắm cảnh ở đỉnh Peak cũng quẹt Octopus thoải mái. (chính vì thế mà người HongKong gọi đó là thẻ: Bát đại thông)Thẻ OctopusSử dụng thẻ tiện ích Octopus: Quẹt thẻ qua phần đọc thẻ, đi qua thanh chắn. Lưu ý nếu không quẹt thẻ ở điểm đi, lúc tới điểm đến sẽ không ra được. Mua vé theo chặng: Mua tại các máy tự động trong bến MTR. Trên màn hình cảm ứng của máy, dùng tay chạm vào ga bạn cần đến, máy sẽ hiện ra giá tiền. Có thể mua nhiều vé một lúc bằng cách chọn multi. Xong nhét tiền vào khe, chờ vé in ra và trả lại tiền thừa.

Mua thẻ Optopus ở đâu? Mọi quầy dịch vụ khách hàng (Customer Service) ở các bến tàu điện ngầm. Ngay ở quầy Customer Service của Airport Express trên sân bay khi bạn vừa đến nơi.

Thông tin được trích từ bài viết: http://toidi.net/diem-den-nuoc-ngoai/du-lich-hong-kong.html






Các khu mua sắm có mặt khắp nơi tại Hồng Kông.

Trung tâm thương mại IFC.
  1. IFC Mall Tọa lạc gần Star Ferry và Outlying Islands Ferry Piers ở trung tâm. Có nhiều mặt hàng cao cấp, rạp phim đắt đỏ ở tầng thượng. Bạn có thể đi thẳng từ sân bay qua Airport Express và Tung Chung Line.
  2. Pacific Place Cũng là một trung tâm mua sắm lớn với chủ yếu là các thương hiệu cao cấp, và có một rạp chiếu phim tuyệt vời. Đi tàu điện ngầm để đến đây.
  3. Festival Walk Một trung tâm mua sắm lớn với sự pha trộn của các thương hiệu đắt tiền và chuỗi nhỏ. Có một sân trượt băng, rạp chiếu phim và một trong ba Cửa hàng Apples tại Hồng Kông. Ngoài ra còn có một nhà ga xe buýt trong khu phức hợp trung tâm. Đi tàu điện ngầm East Rail để đến Kowloon Tong.
  4. Cityplaza Một trung tâm mua sắm lớn tương tự, có sân trượt băng. Để đến đây, đi tàu điện ngầm đến Taikoo trên Island Line.
  5. Landmark- Nhiều thương hiệu cao cấp có cửa hàng ở đây Gucci, Dior, Fendi, Vuitton,... nằm ở Trung tâm, Pedder Street. Nó từng là một thỏi nam châm thu hút khách du lịch nhưng đã giảm sút vì khâu quản lý trong những năm gần đây.
  6. APM Tất cả trung tâm mua sắm 24 giờ mới ở Kwun Tong. Đi tàu điện ngầm đến ga Kwun Tong.
  7. Harbour City Trung tâm mua sắm lớn ở Tsim Sha Tsui trên Canton Road, đến đến đây đi MTR Tsim Sha Tsui, hoặc đi Star Ferry.
  8. Langham PlaceMột trung tâm mua sắm 12 tầng lớn tiếp giáp với Langham Place Hotel ở Mong Kok. Chủ yếu có các cửa hàng thời trang cho giới trẻ. Đi tàu điện ngầm đến ga Mong Kông và làm theo hướng dẫn phù hợp.
  9. Elements Nằm trực tiếp trên Kowloon Station, trung tâm này chủ yếu bao gồm các cửa hàng thương hiệu sang trọng và nhà hàng. Có một rạp chiếu phim, sân trượt băng, một trạm chuyển phát nhanh sân bay, nơi bạn có thể kiểm tra vào các chuyến bay của bạn và một trạm xe buýt đường dài nối với đại lục. Tòa nhà cao nhất Hồng Kông, Trung tâm Thương mại Quốc tế (ICC), nằm trong trung tâm này.
  10. Times Square Một trung tâm mua sắm thời trang đa tầng với một số thương hiệu sang trọng, với các gian hàng thực phẩm ở các cấp thấp hơn, và khu vực ăn uống cho người sành ăn ở các tầng trên. Đi tàu điện ngầm đến Causeway Bay, và thoát ra tại "Times Square". Nơi này luôn thu hút được một đám đông giới trẻ và rất đông đúc vào dịp cuối tuần, đây là nơi gặp gỡ phổ biến của các thanh thiếu niên.
  11. Citygate Outlets Nằm ngay bên cạnh Ga tàu điện ngầm đến Tung Chung và nối trực tiếp đến khách sạn Novotel Citygate Hong Kong, Citygate là một trung tâm cửa hàng với tấn của các thương hiệu giá trung bình, một trong số đó là Adidas, Esprit, Giordano, Levi, Nike, Quiksilver và Timberland. Nhiều mặt hàng có giá rẻ hơn mặc dù cũng thường trái mùa. Lưu ý rằng hầu hết các mặt hàng mua ở đây không thể được trả lại hoặc hoàn trả.



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This tutorial is just an outline, so it needs more information. Have the courage to modify and develop it !