South Africa - Nam Phi

South Africa
Flag of South Africa.svg
Basic information
CapitalPretoria - administrative
Cape Town - legislative
Bloemfontein - Justice
CurrencyRand (ZAR)
Areatotal: 1,219,912 km2
soil: 1,219,912 km2
country: 0 km2
Population48,782,756 (July 2008 estimate)
LanguageThere are 11 official languages:-
ReligionChristian 68% (consisting largely of whites and blacks, and about 60% of blacks), Muslim 2% (consisting mostly of Malays, 40% of Indians, and some immigrants from Africa), Hindu 1.5% (60% Indians), indigenous beliefs, animists, other religions and people with no religion at all 28.5%
Power system220-240V/50HZ (South Africa socket)
Phone number 27
time zoneUTC

South Africa is a country at the southernmost tip Africa. South Africa has three capitals, the Parliament is located in Cape Town, the Government is located in Pretoria, and the Judiciary is located in Bloemfontein. South Africa is famous for its national park, Cape of Good Hope.The country borders Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Eswatini and Lesotho (to be completely surrounded by South Africa). It's a huge country with rich landscapes and 11 official languages, as well as an equally diverse population. South Africa is famous for its wines and is one of the world's largest producers of gold. South Africa has the strongest economy in Africa, and is an influential factor in politics Africa. In 2010, South Africa hosted the first football World Cup held on the continent Africa.


If you want to travel in the south Africa then South Africa is a good place to start. While you can fly into any country in South Africa, most flights pass through South Africa. South Africa is also a good place to get used to traveling in the region (although some say Namibia is better for that). Of course South Africa is more than just a jumping off destination, itself a wonderful destination rich in culture, animals and plants and history. South Africa's exterior is colored by stereotypes. like the rest of Africa. Contrary to popular belief, South Africa is not poor with an unstable government. Although the rural areas of South Africa remain among the poorest and least developed parts of the world and poverty in the towns can be appalling, progress is being made. The process of recovering from apartheid, which lasted nearly 46 years, was rather slow. In fact, South Africa's United Nations Human Development Index, which slowly improved in the final years of apartheid, has fallen dramatically since 1996, largely due to the AIDS epidemic, and Poverty levels seem to be on the rise. South Africa boasts a well-developed infrastructure and has all the modern amenities and technologies, much of it developed during the years of white minority rule. The government is stable, although corruption is common. Governments and major political parties generally have a high degree of respect for democracy and human rights institutions, although the government's support of neighboring countries' ill-ruled Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe has raised questions. ask about its commitment to human rights and even democracy itself.


South Africa has some of the oldest archaeological sites in Africa. The large fossil remains at Sterkfontein, Kromdraai and the Makapansgat caves show that many varieties of southern hominins existed in South Africa about three million years ago. This was followed by many Homo species, including Homo habilis, Homo erectus and the modern man, Homo sapiens. Bantu-speaking agricultural and grazing inhabitants, using iron tools, migrated south of the Limpopo River into present-day South Africa from the fourth or fifth century (the Bantu Expansion) replacing the speakers. native Khoi and San languages. They moved slowly south, and the earliest Iron Ages in present-day KwaZulu-Natal Province are thought to date from around 1050. The group that progressed farthest south were the Xhosa, whose language integrated a single language. Some linguistic features of the earlier Khoi and San people, progressed to Fish River, in present-day Eastern Cape Province. Those Iron Age inhabitants displaced the hunter-gatherers there.

The novelization of the story of Jan van Riebeeck's arrival in the land The written history of South Africa begins with navigators' narratives Europe passing through South Africa on the East Indies trade routes. Maritime restaurant Europe The first to circumnavigate the Cape by sea was the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias in 1488.

When Bartolomeu Dias returned to Lisbon he brought news of the discovery of what he called "Cabo das Tormentas" (Storm Cape). But his patron, Henry the Navigator, chose a different name, "Cabo da Boa Esperança" Cape of Good Hope because it promised a maritime route to rich, hopeful India that the Portuguese had trying to do.

Along with the accounts of early navigators, the accounts of shipwreck survivors provide the earliest information about the South. Africa. In the two centuries following 1488, several small fishing settlements were established by Jan van Riebeeck at the Cape of Good Hope by the people of the Dutch East India Company. For much of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, those slow-growing settlements were owned by the Dutch. Dutch settlers eventually met the southwestern Xhosa people in the Fish River region. A series of wars, known as the Cape Frontier Wars, occurred, primarily over conflicts of land and interests.

To address the labor shortage in the Cape slaves were brought in from Indonesia, Madagascar, and India. Furthermore, troublesome leaders, often of royal lineage, were banished from the Dutch colonies to South Africa. This group of slaves eventually became the population that now calls itself the "Cape Malays". Cape Malays was traditionally occupied by the colonists Europe gave them a higher social status - many of them became wealthy landowners, but were also gradually dispossessed as the apartheid regime developed. Cape Malay synagogues in District Six have been preserved, and now serve as memorials to the vandalism that occurred around them.

Most of the descendants of those slaves, often related by marriage to Dutch settlers, were later ranked alongside the Khoikhoi (also known as Khoisan) as Cape Colored People. Also classified in the Cape Colored People group are the Xhosa and other South African ethnic groups, so they now make up about 50% of the population of the Western Cape Province.

Great Britain took control of the Cape of Good Hope in 1795 ostensibly to prevent it from falling into the hands of the French under Napoleon Bonaparte but also to seek to make Cape Town a stopover on the road to Australia and India. Degree. The area was returned to the Netherlands in 1803, but soon the Dutch East India Company declared bankruptcy, and the British annexed the Cape Colony in 1806. The British continued border wars against the Xhosa, pushed the eastern frontier further back through a series of forts set up along the Fish River and fortified them by encouraging British settlement. Because of pressure from the abolitionist movements in England, the British parliament first halted their world slave trade in 1806, then abolished slavery in all of its colonies. surname in 1833.

The discovery of diamonds in 1867 and gold in 1886 spurred economic development and immigration, further enslaving the natives. The Boers succeeded in stopping British invasion during the First Boer War (1880–1881) with guerrilla warfare tactics, well suited to local conditions. However, the British returned in greater numbers during the Second Boer War (1899–1902). The efforts of the Boers to form an alliance with Germany's southwestern Africa further gave the British reason to gain control of all of the Boer Republics.

Boer women and children in British concentration camps The Boers resisted fiercely, but eventually the British with their superior numbers, modern tactics and outside supply lines destroyed the Boers forces. Also in this war, the British used the controversial Concentration Camp and Xiao Tu tactics. The Treaty of Vereeniging established full British sovereignty over all of the South African republics and the British government agreed to pay a war debt of £3 000 000 to the European South African governments. One of the main provisions of the treaty that ended the war was that 'Blacks' would not be allowed to vote, except in the Cape Colony.

After four years of negotiations, the Union of South Africa was formed from the Cape and Natal colonies, as well as the republics of the Orange Free and Transvaal States, on May 31, 1910, exactly eight years after the War Second Boer ended. The newly formed Union of South Africa is an Autonomous Territory within the United Kingdom. In 1934, the South African Party and the National Party merged to form the Unity Party, which sought to reconcile between European South Africans and English-speaking 'Whites', but the party split in 1939. about the Union's entry into World War II as an ally of Great Britain, a move strongly opposed by the National Party.

In 1948 the National Party was elected and took power, and began to impose a series of heavily discriminatory laws that would later come to be known as the apartheid regime. Not surprisingly, this discrimination also applies to property acquired during the rapid industrialization of the 1950s, '60s, and '70s. Although the Caucasian minority enjoys the highest standard of living of the entire population Africa, often compared on par with "First World" Western nations, the majority of Blacks still live in poverty by all standards, including income, education, housing, and life expectancy. . However, the median income and life expectancy of black, 'Indian' or 'colored' South Africans are still higher than in many countries. Africa with other black governments like Ghana and Tanzania.

The Apartheid regime became increasingly controversial, leading to punishment and capital withdrawal from abroad and growing unrest and repression within South Africa. (See also the History of South Africa during apartheid.) A prolonged period of government repression, along with many violent protests, strikes, marches, and vandalism by many protest movements. apartheid regime, most famously the African National Congress (ANC), took place. In the late 1970s, South Africa launched a nuclear weapons program, and over the next decade it built six usable nuclear weapons. The rationale for nuclear weapons is disputed, but it is widely believed that Vorster and PW Botha wanted to be able to force the United States to intervene in the event of a war between South Africa and the MPLA government. of Angola is supported by Cuba.

In 1990, Frederik Willem de Klerk of the National Party took over as president, replacing Botha. Thanks to this position, and with determination, he reformed to gradually dismantle apartheid apartheid and took the first step of negotiating their own departure from power when the ban on the Dai Dai party was lifted. African National Association and other left-wing political organizations worked, and released prisoners of color, including Nelson Mandela, after two or seven years in prison for alleged acts of armed violence. The laws regarding Apartheid were gradually abolished, and South Africa also destroyed its nuclear arsenal and joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The first multi-ethnic elections were held in 1994, the African National Congress won a resounding victory with a majority of seats. The party has come to power in South Africa since that time.

Although apartheid has ended, millions of South Africans, mostly black, continue to live in poverty. This is partly due to the legacy of the apartheid system (although poverty is also a problem across the globe.) Africa), and, what more and more people see as a mistake by the current government in dealing with social problems, plus the monetary and tax regulations of the current government to ensure both wealth redistribution and economic growth. In the ten years since the African National Congress came to power, the United Nations Human Development Index for South Africa has fallen dramatically, although it has consistently grown steadily until the mid-1990s. The majority. attributable causes of the AIDS epidemic and the government's failure to respond to it. However, the social housing policy of the African National Congress has resulted in some improvements in living conditions in many regions by rethinking budget spending and improving the efficiency of the tax collection system.


South Africa is a country located at the southern tip of the continent Africa, with a coastline of more than 2500 kilometers (1,550 miles) running through two oceans (Atlantic and Indian Oceans). With a total area of ​​1,219,912 km² (470 979 mi²), South Africa is the 25th largest country in the world (after Mali). The country is about the size of Colombia. Njesuthi at Drakensberg at 3 408 m (11,424 ft) is South Africa's highest peak. South Africa is bordered by Botswana - 1,840 km, Lesotho - 909 km, Mozambique - 491 km, Namibia - 967 km, Eswatini - 430 km, and Zimbabwe - 225 km. It has a coastline of 2,798 km.

Contrary to popular belief, South Africa has a generally mild climate, partly because it is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean on three sides, thanks to its location in the southern hemisphere with a relatively short period of time. milder weather, and thanks to the increasing elevation northward (towards the equator) and inland. Because of these topographic and oceanic influences, South Africa has many climatic zones.

Climates vary widely, from the arid southern Namib desert in the extreme northwest to lush subtropical climates in the east along the borders with Mozambique and the Indian Ocean. From the east, the terrain rapidly transforms into steep mountains towards the inland plateau known as the High Steppe. Even South Africa is classified as semi-arid, there are quite a lot of differences in climate as well as topography.

Inland South Africa is a large, flat and sparsely populated, drier, drier clay plateau region along the Namib Desert. In contrast, on the east coast is a land with lush vegetation, lots of water with a tropical climate. The extreme southwest has a climate very similar to that of the Mediterranean with wet winters and dry summers, and is home to the famous Fynbos Biome. The region is also home to the majority of South African wines. The area is also famous for the type of wind there, which blows intermittently throughout the year. The ferocity of this wind made navigating the Cape of Good Hope especially difficult for sailors, causing many shipwrecks. Farther east of the country's southern coast, rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year making the landscape verdant. This area is often referred to as the Garden Route.

Bang Free is particularly flat thanks to its location on a plateau. North of the Vaal River, the High Steppe is more water-rich and does not have a particularly hot subtropical weather pattern. Johannesburg, in the heart of the High Steppe, is at an elevation of 1740 meters (5,709 ft) and has an average annual rainfall of 760 millimeters (30 in). Winters in this region are cold, although snow is quite rare.

To the north of Johannesburg, the elevation drops towards the High Steppe escarpment, and turns towards the Lower Shrub Prairie, a mix of dry forests and rich in wildlife. East of the High Steppe, towards the eastern escarpment, the Low Steppe stretches towards the Indian Ocean. This region has exceptionally high temperatures, and is also a favorable place for subtropical agriculture. The Barberton Mountains of the Greenstone Range in the Low Prairie are the oldest mountain ranges on Earth, dating back to 3.5 billion years ago. The earliest evidence of life (dating from 3.2 to 3.5 million years) has been found in these mountains.

The Drakensberg Mountains, which form the southeastern bluff of the High Steppe, are host to winter skiing. Many consider South Africa's coldest place to be Sutherland to the west of Mount Roggeveld, where midwinter temperatures can drop as low as −15 degrees Celsius (5 °F). In fact, the coldest place is Buffelsfontein, in the Molteno district of the Eastern Cape. Buffelsfontein recorded a temperature of −18.6 degrees Celsius (-1.5 °F). The interior has the hottest weather: a temperature of 51.7 °C (125°F) was recorded in 1948 at the Northern Cape Kalahari near Upington.

South Africa also has a small sub-Antarctic archipelago of the Prince Edward Islands, consisting of Marion Island (290 km²/112 mi²) and Prince Edward Island (45 km²/17.3 mi²) (not to be confused with a province of the same name of South Africa). Canada).


ClimateT. OneT. HaiT. BaT. FourthT. YearT. SixT. SevenT. EightT. NineT. TenElevenTwelve
High day (°C)303030272524232629293230
Low night (°C)2323211712881116182122
Christmas (mm)16610039359316162449114112

The climate in South Africa ranges from desert and semi-desert to the northwest of the subtropical country on the east coast. The rainy season for most of the country is during the summer, except in the Western Cape, where the rains return during the winter. Rainfall in the Eastern Cape is evenly distributed throughout the year. Winter temperatures hover around 0 degrees, summers can be very hot, exceeding 35 °C (95 °F) in some places. The South African Weather Service provides weather updates, forecasts and forecasts. and radar images.

Politics and law

South Africa has a bicameral system consisting of: ninety members of the National Provincial Council (Senate); and four hundred members of Congress (the House of Representatives). Members of the lower house are elected by proportional representation: half of the members are elected from national lists and half are elected from provincial lists. Ten members are elected to represent each province in the National Provincial Council, regardless of the population in the province. Elections for both houses are held every five years. The government is formed by the lower house and the leader of the majority party in the National Assembly is the President.

South African politics are currently dominated by the African National Congress (ANC) party, which received 69.7% of the vote in the last 2004 general election and 66.3% of the vote in the 2006 municipal election. . elected May 6, 2007). The party's previous leader was Tony Leon. The New National Party, which had previously dominated politics, and which introduced apartheid through its predecessor, the National Party, has increasingly lost the public's trust through elections since 1994. and eventually disbanded. The party chose to merge with the ANC on 9 April 2005. Other major political parties present in Parliament include the Inkatha Liberal Party, which mainly represents Zulu voters, and the Democrats. Independent, 6.97% and 1.7% of the votes respectively in the 2004 and 2006 elections.

The main basis of South African law is the Roman-Dutch personal and commercial law and English Common Law, influenced by Dutch settlers and British colonists. The first law is based on Europe in South Africa introduced by the Dutch East India Company and known as the Roman-Dutch Law. It was launched before the law Europe incorporated into Napoleonic Law and resembles Scottish Law in many respects. This code was followed by both the Common Law and the Statutory law of Great Britain in the 19th century. Beginning with unification in 1910, South Africa had its own parliament and made separate laws for South Africa, which were established by law. built on the basis of the previous legislation of each colony.


South Africa is divided into 9 provinces:

Regions of South Africa
Pretoria national administrative capital. Johannesburg is the provincial capital, also the economic center of Africa, and the most popular entry point into southern Africa.
Western Cape
Cape Town, the legislative capital, where the National Assembly is located, with Table Mountain and Cape of Good Hope. Vineyards near the Stellenbosch, vertical whale coast Overberg, Agulhas where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet in the Cape Floral Region. Garden Route, one of the top destinations, runs along the Southern Coast from Mossel Bay arrive Port Elizabeth, with cities like Knysna and ostrich capital Oudtshoorn.
Eastern Cape
The rest of the Garden Route, known as Tsitsikamma. old homeland, Wild Coast, breathtaking coastline without the tourist crowds. Great beaches in Port Elizabeth, East London and Jeffreys Bay. The national park is as big as Addo Elephant National Park and Tsitsikamma . National Park.
Northern Cape
Capital Kimberley, famous for diamonds and "Big Hole". The largest province with the least population, Upington.
Free State
Capital Bloemfontein is the judicial capital.
Durban, the largest city in the province and the second largest in South Africa.
North West
Rustenburg, famous for Sun City and Pilanesberg Game Reserve.
Capital Nelspruit, of input Mozambican and south of Kruger . national park.
Metropolis Polokwane (former name Pietersburg) is a good gliding point to visit the northern regions of Kruger . national park and Zimbabwe.



  • Pretoria - the administrative capital of the country
  • Cape Town - Legislative capital and National Assembly headquarters. A world class city named for its proximity to the Cape of Good Hope. Also in throwing a stone of South Africa's Winelands. One of the most beautiful cities in the world, located between the sea and Table Mountain, it is a popular summer destination by both domestic tourists and those from abroad.
  • Bloemfontein - The position of the Supreme Court of Appeal, the highest court in unconstitutional matters. The Constitutional Court in Johannesburg became the highest court in constitutional matters in 1994.
  • Durban - the largest city in KwaZulu-Natal, the largest in South Africa and the third most popular coastal holiday in South Africa.
  • Newcastle - 3rd largest city in KwaZulu-Natal, the largest in South Africa and the Capital of North KZN 10. Famous for its steel production, coal mining, heavy industry and textile industry capital of South Africa.
  • Johannesburg - economic center of Fly and the most popular entry point to South Africa.
  • Polokwane - the capital of Limpopo ( officially known as Pietersburg) and skimming points for visits to the northern parts of Kruger . national park and Zimbabwe.
  • Port Elizabeth - coastal city in Eastern Cape with Addo Elephant National Park located close by.
  • Kimberley - Capital of Northern Cape conscious. Famous for its diamonds and "Big Hole".
  • Upington - Located in arid province Northern Cape, the city makes a good base when exploring the Kalahari Desert and the many national parks located in Northern Cape.
  • East London - coastal city in Eastern Cape lie near Wild Coast



The following nationalities do not require a visa for a stay of 90 days or less: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Portugal, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania (90 days in 1 year), United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and citizens of British overseas territories.

The following nationalities do not require a visa for a stay of 30 days or less: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Cape Verde, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Gabon, Guyana, Hong Kong (BNO passport or SAR passport), Hungary, Jordan, Lesotho, Macau, Malaysia, Malawi, Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambican, Namibia, Peru, Poland, Seychelles, Slovakia, Korea, Eswatini, Thailand, Turkey, and Zambia.

Do not arrive without a visa if you are required to have one, as visas will not be issued at the border. If necessary, you can extend your visa within South Africa. With a visa extension period, the total allowed stay is 6 months. Additional information on visas and visa application forms can be found at the Department of Home Affairs, tel 27 012 810 8911.

The Department of Home Affairs is very inefficient, so be sure to apply for a visa and renew it as soon as possible.

Make sure you have 2 blank return return pages in your passport and it is valid for at least 30 days after your scheduled departure date, or you will be sent back! Make sure you have a return ticket available or they will resend it to you. If you need to pick up a ticket at the airport with your flight number and details handy and talk to the customs officer, they should check your story out and let you in. Be wary of arriving with a damaged passport as new security measures may prevent you from entering the country.


South Africa is a major hub for regional air travel Nam Châu Phi.

Nam Phi có 10 sân bay quốc tế, hai sân bay chủ yếu sân bay quốc tế Cape Town and sân bay quốc tế OR Tambo in Johannesburg mà phục vụ như là hai cảng hàng không quốc tế lớn cho khách du lịch và du khách nước ngoài. Tất cả các sân bay lớn hơn trong Nam Phi được sử dụng để được nhà nước sở hữu, nhưng đã được tư nhân hóa và bây giờ được quản lý bởi Công ty Sân bay của Nam Phi [1].Sân bay Quốc tế Durban là sân bay lớn thứ ba. Chuyến bay thường xuyên đến và đi: Blantyre, Cairo, Gaborone, Dar es Salaam, Harare, Lilongwe, Livingstone, Luanda, Lusaka, Kinshasa, Maputo, Manzini, Maun, Mauritius, Nairobi, Victoria Falls and Windhoek.

Các chuyến bay trực tiếp cũng đến từ chính Europe trung tâm, bao gồm: Amsterdam, Athena, Madrid, London, Paris, Istanbul, Frankfurt, Munich, Zurich and Lisbon. Ngoài ra còn có các chuyến bay trực tiếp từ Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha, New York, Atlanta, Washington, DC, Buenos Aires, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Sydney, Tel Aviv and Perth.Bạn cũng có thể muốn có một cái nhìn tại Giảm giá các hãng hàng không ở châu Phi.

Lưu ý: Hành vi ăn cắp hành lý tại các sân bay là khá phổ biến tại sân bay quốc tế OR Tambo ở Johannesburg để tránh đặt vật có giá trị như đồ trang sức và các thiết bị đắt tiền trong hành lý chính của bạn nếu bạn có thể và đặt chúng trong hành lý xách tay của bạn.

Một cuộc phiêu lưu thực sự được bay với máy bay cổ điển cũ. Có một số công ty lữ hành cung cấp các chuyến bay như vậy, chủ yếu là trong các Gauteng khu vực. Một ví dụ là Rovos Air [2], một bộ phận của Rovos Rail.

Một số tuyến bayphổ biến bao gồm:


By train

By car

By bus

By boat



Nam Phi có 11 ngôn ngữ chính thức, cụ thể là tiếng Afrikaans, Ndebele Nam, Xhosa, Zulu, Swazi, Bắc Sotho, Nam Sotho, Tswana, Tsonga, Venda và tiếng Anh. Hầu hết mọi người khác hơn người châu Phi dađen nông thôn nói tiếng Anh như một ngôn ngữ thứ hai. Chỉ có khoảng 8% dân số nói tiếng Anh như một ngôn ngữ thứ nhất, gần như độc quyền trong dân da trắng mà trớ trêu thay suy giảm vai trò ngôn ngữ thứ nhất, trong khi nó đã là một ngôn ngữ chung ở Nam Phi, và khoảng 60% dân số có thể hiểu English. Tiếng Anh Nam Phi bị ảnh hưởng nhiều bởi tiếng Afrikaans. Tiếng Afrikaans được sử dụng rộng rãi, đặc biệt là đa số dân da trắng và màu. Tiếng Afrikaans thường là không chính xác được gọi là 'afrikan' hoặc 'tiếng Nam Phi' bởi người nước ngoài. Lưu ý đây là rất không chính xác như 'tiếng châu Phi' cho một tương ứng với Nam Phi với các ngôn ngữ bản địa châu Phi: Zulu, Xhosa, Pedi vv (và, tất nhiên, có hàng ngàn ngôn ngữ ở châu Phi nên không có ngôn ngữ duy nhất có thể được gọi là "châu Phi ') Afrikaans có nguồn gốc trong tiếng địa phương Hà Lan thế kỷ 17, vì vậy nó có thể được hiểu bởi những người nói tiếng Hà Lan và đôi khi giải mã bởi những người nói German. Ngôn ngữ thông dụng khác là Zulu (chủ yếu là trong KwaZulu-Natal - nhóm ngôn ngữ lớn nhất của Nam Phi) và Xhosa (chủ yếu là ở Western Cape và Eastern Cape), cũng như Sotho và Venda. Điều này thay đổi theo khu vực bạn đang ở.





Ẩm thực Nam Phi chỉ là đa dạng như nền văn hóa của nó, với những ảnh hưởng từ Brother, Netherlands, virtue, India, Mã Lai, Portugal và dĩ nhiên ảnh hưởng châu Phi bản địa.

  • Braaivleis, thịt nướng trên một gỗ mở hoặc bếp than, là rất phổ biến và thường được thực hiện tại các sự kiện xã hội vào cuối tuần. Hành vi rang thịt cũng như các sự kiện xã hội được gọi là một braai.
  • Pap, cháo làm từ bột ngô. Slappap (cháo chảy nước mũi), được mịn màng và thường được ăn như một bữa ăn sáng cháo, Stywepap (cháo cứng) có một sự nhất quán nhão và sần hơn và thường được sử dụng như một sự thay thế cho gạo hoặc tinh bột khác. "Krummel" pap còn gọi là umphokoqo (crumby cháo) là khô hơn, giống như couscous và thường được phục vụ tại một braai bao phủ trong một thích thú cà chua thanh nhã.
  • Potjiekos, một thịt và rau hầm trong một nồi gang trên bếp lửa. Một yêu thích ở braais'.
  • Boerewors, xúc xích cay. Boerewors Rolls là bánh hotdog với boerewors chứ không phải là xúc xích, truyền thống trang trí với một củ hành tây và cà chua thích thú.
  • Thịt miếng phơi khô và Droëwors, thịt dày dạn hoặc xúc xích đã được sấy khô. Thịt bò, trò chơi và đà điểu thịt thường được sử dụng. Một yêu thích tại các sự kiện thể thao và trong khi đi du lịch.
  • Bunny chows, một nửa ổ bánh mì với các bên trong thay thế bằng thịt cừu hoặc thịt bò cà ri là một món ăn không thể bỏ qua khi đi du lịch đến KwaZulu Natal.
  • Bobotie, bánh mì thịt với một ảnh hưởng Cape Malay, dày với cà ri và gia vị, đứng đầu với một sữa trứng mặn.
  • Morogo, một rau bina hoang dã tự mình hoặc với khoai tây. Đôi khi phục vụ với pap.
  • Waterblommetjiebredie, thịt cừu và nước bản địa lily hầm.
  • Masonja, cho phiêu lưu ẩm thực, chiên Mopanie sâu.
  • Melktert, "sữa chua", một món tráng miệng làm từ sữa.
  • Koeksisters, một món tráng miệng dính chiên.

Thức ăn nhanh

Bạn sẽ tìm thấy các mảng thông thường của các cửa hàng thức ăn nhanh quốc tế. McDonalds, KFC and Wimpy tại khá phổ biến trong cả nước.

Nhượng quyền thương mại địa phương đáng nói là Black Steer', Spur and 'Steers cho bánh mì kẹp thịt và tốt nhất gà peri-peri Nando.

Pizza giao hàng ở các khu vực đô thị lớn.







To respect


This tutorial is just an outline, so it needs more information. Have the courage to modify and develop it !