Africa - Châu Phi

Africa map

Africa is the third largest continent in the world, with the following area Asia and Americas. With an area of ​​about 30,244,050 km² (11,677,240 mi²) including adjacent islands, it accounts for 20.4% of the total land area of ​​the Earth. With 800 million people living in 54 countries, it accounts for about one-seventh of the world's population. Africa is also the hottest continent in the world


Africa is the largest of the three water bodies south of the Earth's surface. It covers an area of ​​approximately 30,244,050 km² (11,677,240 mi²) if the islands are included.

Separated from Europe by Mediterranean, it is connected with Asia to the northeast by the Isthmus of Suez (crossed by the Suez Canal) 130 km (80 mi) wide. Geographically, the Sinai peninsula of Egypt located east of the Suez Canal (also commonly referred to as Africa). From the furthest point to the north is Ras ben Sakka at Tunisia, located west of Cape Blanc, at 37°21' north latitude, to the southernmost point, Cape Agulhas in South Africa, 34°51′15″ south, about 8,000 km (5,000 mi) distant; from Cape Verde, 17°33′22″ west, the furthest point west to Ras Hafun in Somalia, 51°27′52″ east, is approximately 7,400 km (4,600 mi). The length of the coast is 26,000 km (16,100 miles). The absence of deep depressions along the shoreline is compared realistically by the size Europe, which has an area of ​​only 9,700,000 km² (3,760,000 sq mi) but has a coastline of 32,000 km (19,800 mi).

The major structural lines of the continent are shown in both a west-east direction (at least in the northern hemisphere) of the more northerly parts and a north-south direction in the southern peninsulas. Africa can therefore be considered a combination of two perpendicular parts, the northern part running from east to west, the southern part running north-south.


With the total53 countries Africa is the second largest continent in the world. Some of the most popularcities of Africa consists of:

  • Cairo - The capital of Egypt, it is the most populous city in Africa.
  • Lagos - The commercial capital of Nigeria, it is the most populous city of Africa's most populous country.
  • Johannesberg - South Africa's largest city, it stands as a reminder of the struggle against apartheid.
  • Cape Town - One of South Africa's famous cities, Cape Town is world wide popular for its Table Mountain and Cape Point.
  • Alexandria - The city of Egypt is probably the oldest inhabited city in the world. Former capital of Egypt, it is where the mighty Nile River meets the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Kinshasa - A friendly getaway on the banks of the Congo River, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is a major African city. The heart of the nation's economic activity, it is also the hub of some of Africa's greatest musical genres.
  • Kano - Nigeria's third largest city, it is the administrative center of the country.

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By most estimates, Africa has over a thousand languages. There are four major language families of native origin in Africa.

  • The Afro-Asiatic language family is a family of about 240 languages ​​and 285 million speakers spread across North Africa, East Africa, the Sahel and Southwest Asia.
  • The Nile-Saharan language family includes more than 100 languages ​​spoken by about 30 million people. The Nile-Saharan languages ​​spoken mainly in Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and north Tanzania.
  • The Niger-Congo language family covers much of sub-Saharan Africa and is perhaps the largest language family in the world when it comes to having a variety of languages. One notable among them is that the Bantu languages ​​are most widely spoken in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • The Khoisan language family number more than 50 languages ​​and are spoken by about 120,000 people in southern Africa. Many of the languages ​​in this family are in a state of extinction. The Khoi and San are considered to be the original inhabitants of this region.

European languages ​​also had some significant influence; English, French, Portuguese and Spanish are official languages ​​in some countries as a result of colonization. In South Africa, where a significant number of people of European descent live, English and Afrikaan are the native languages ​​of a significant portion of the population.

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Safe place to stay


Because most African countries have underdeveloped economies, their health systems are also dragged down, so Africa's health systems are very poor.


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