Uganda - Uganda

Uganda is lying in east of Africa. The neighboring countries are in the north of the South Sudan, in the west the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the south Rwanda and Tanzania and in the east Kenya. Uganda has a share in the south Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa.



Map of Uganda
  • Kampala - Capital
  • Gulu - in the northwest of the country
  • lira - in the northern center of the country
  • Jinja - on the bank of the Lake Victoria
  • Arua - in the northwest (West Nile region) near the Congolese border

Other goals

  • UNESCO world heritageRuwenzori Mountains, a national park and UNESCO World Natural Heritage in the west of Uganda, on the border with Democratic Republic of Congo, houses the Margherita Peak (5,109 m high).
  • Ssese Islands, 84 islands in Lake Victoria. The civil war has left no traces there and the interested visitor gets to know a completely different side of Uganda. The few tourists who visit the islands are welcomed in a very friendly manner by the residents. Getting there: From the bus station in Kampala the bus to Masaka, from there the 2:00 p.m. bus to the ferry to Luku and to Kalangala. There is also a ferry from Entebbe to the main island at 2:30 p.m. She drives back from there at 8:00 a.m. Tickets cost 10,000 UGX. Don't forget mosquito protection.
  • Jinja, the source of the White Nile, is 80 km from Kampala and can be reached by bus (BujagaliWaterfalls or rapids).
  • Queen Elizabeth National Park, you can get to know the local flora and fauna of this national park better through a boat tour led by conservationists.
  • Chimpanzee Removal Program by Jane Goodall, here you can watch how sick or orphaned chimpanzees are reintegrated into their natural environment.
  • Bwindi Nation Park, for $ 500 you can book a gorilla tour here. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The original inhabitants, the Batwa Pygmies, were forcibly relocated when the park was built. On the edge of the park they lead an uprooted existence and offer pathetic souvenirs.


The current state of Uganda emerged on the drawing board of British colonial power. The Kingdom of Buganda (um Kampala and Entebbe in the southwest of the country) was merged with other tribal areas to form a new state. This led to conflicts and tensions, especially after independence, such as are still visible in other African countries in the region.

Uganda's bloody days began in the early 1960s with the dictatorships of Milton Obote (1962 to 1971 and 1980 to 1985) and Idi Amin (1971 to 1979). Over 300,000 people were murdered during Idi Amin's regime.

Since 1986 the moderate Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as the president of a democratic nation in power. Democracy in Uganda has made use of some authoritarian elements. For a long time, political parties were not banned, but almost all of their usual actions were forbidden. The policy was de facto a one-party system. In view of the elections at the end of February 2011, however, there is an unmanageable variety of parties with their own presidential candidates.

see also Wikipedia article History of Uganda

getting there

Entry requirements

For Uganda, Germans are required to have a visa. As of July 1, 2016, visas can only be obtained online via be requested. Most visas cost US $ 100, and depending on the type of visa, a copy of your passport, yellow fever vaccination and a passport photo must be attached to the electronic application. An "Entry Permit" sent back as an e-mail must then be printed out by the holidaymaker and taken with him when entering the country. The one that is also available in this way East Africa Tourist Visa (EAC tourist visa) is a joint visa for Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya that has existed since 2014.

Children need their own children's passport. All ID cards must be valid for at least 6 months.

A valid yellow fever vaccination is required when entering from a third country that is considered a yellow fever endurance area. If you are entering Uganda directly (from Europe), a yellow fever vaccination is not mandatory, but with the new visa system, yellow fever vaccination seems to be necessary in principle.

Guns, drugs and pornographic literature are not allowed to be imported. The duty-free amount of spirits is one bottle of wine or higher percentage alcohol.

Foreign currencies do not have to be declared and can be imported in unlimited amounts. Uganda shillings are not allowed in or out of the country.

By plane

The international airport of Entebbe is from Europe directly from British Airways from London Heathrow Airport and from SN Brussels Airlines from Brussels approached. Much cheaper and more flexible (as there are daily transfer connections) are connections via Cairo With Egypt Air, above Dubai With Emirates or over Addis Ababa With Ethiopian. Offers the best connections (twice a day) KLM/Kenya Airways from all German airports with transfers in Amsterdam and Nairobi. Tickets are available from Ethiopian from 560 € (incl.), From other airlines from 750 € (incl.) (As of July 2010).

In the street

By bus

By boat

The ferry connections to Kenya and Tanzania across Lake Victoria were discontinued after the last remaining passenger ferry went down in 2004. There are a few cargo ships that occasionally take passengers. No demands should be made on minimum standards of accommodation and sanitary facilities.


By train

Uganda Railways resumed passenger traffic around Kampala in February 2018. With Chinese help, additional lines in standard gauge are planned.

Bus / taxi

The central bus station in Kampala is the ideal starting point for destinations across the country. Organized chaos is an experience in itself. There are several competing bus companies that race along the route for passengers waiting on the side of the road. The roads from Kampala-Mbarara-Kasese or Kampala-Rwanda come off worst in the accident statistics.

Boda-Bodas (motorcycle taxis). Just take a seat on the stern and say where you want to go. The price should be negotiated beforehand; also make sure that the brakes and both lights are working and that the driver is not drunk. On longer journeys it is not uncommon for the driver to first drive to the petrol station and pay an advance directly at the petrol station (according to information from the drivers, they rent their Boda and often live from hand to mouth so that there is no money for several Liters of petrol is still available as change); however, payment is generally only made upon arrival. Every day, an average of three people die in motorcycle accidents in Uganda.

Otherwise there are still thousands of taxis, all of which start from a central taxi park to their destinations and then drive back again. There is one in Kampala Old Taxi Park and the New Taxi Park, from which minibuses drive to the whole city or the whole country, so-called Special hires are taxis in the European sense; Say the goal, negotiate the price, get in.

In general, both buses and taxis are filled until nobody can fit in - four people in the front and five in the back in a taxi or 35 people in a minibus are possible. If you have more space or don't want to wait for more passengers, you can usually pay an extra charge.

The drivers often only know their own district and the center, but always answer questions as to whether they know the way with "Yes"; therefore, if you do not know the goal yourself, it is better to ask open questions about the way that cannot be answered with "yes" or "no".

In the street

The main routes from Kampala to the north (Gula), east (Tororo), west (Fort Portal) and south-west (Kabale) are tarred and can be driven on by car without any problems. For most of the other routes, especially the numerous slopes, a four-wheel drive vehicle is essential. Some of these slopes are very slippery after rain. In general, there are a lot of potholes or speed bumps. Vehicles can be rented in the capital, but should be reserved in advance if possible, as the more reliable rental companies in particular are often fully booked. Petrol is available in all (medium) large towns (price June 2012 : approx. 3,600 UGX / 1.20 €). Night trips should be avoided at all costs, as the numerous unlit bicycles and vehicles pose a considerable risk of accidents!


Approx. 70 different languages. English as the official language. In central Uganda (around Kampala) the inhabitants speak Luganda. Swahili is common, but some do not like it because it is the language of the military in Uganda. Every soldier must be able to speak Swahili and English.

to buy

1000 shilling coin 2012.

The Uganda shilling has been more or less stable since the currency reform; inflation is around 5%. In March 2021 there were around 4000 UShill per dollar or 4400 per euro.

Owino Market in Kampala - eyes open and through. Everything a person needs is offered in this incredibly huge market. However, bags should always be tightly closed. In Kampala there are shopping centers such as Shoprite or Garden City. Small shops selling basic groceries, soap, etc. are a dime a dozen, supermarkets with an acceptable selection only in larger cities, mostly run by Indians.


For the hunger in between: Chapati, flat bread baked in oil. (300 - 500 UGX on the street). The cheapest meal is the Chikomando, cut up chapati with lentil stew. (1,200 - 1,700 UGX) Furthermore, samosa, fried dumplings are sold. These are filled with rice, peas or minced meat and are sold on the street.

  • Rolex (the name comes from rolled eggs, rolled eggs) consists of a chapati with a rolled-up omelette and sometimes pieces of tomato and onions. (approx. 1,500 UGX).

Traditional wholesome food is called “local food.” Local food usually consists of at least one main course and one sauce. There is a main course Matooke (Plantain), Pocho (Cornmeal porridge), rice, sweet potatoes, so-called Irish potatoes (corresponds to normal potatoes), cassava, pumpkin. Often several dishes are served together with the sauce. This can be a lentil or pea stew, goat meat, chicken or beef. It is advisable to wash your hands before eating, as you often have to use your fingers (especially with chicken).

In many medium-sized restaurants you can also get more western food such as french fries with fried chicken, fish or pressed meat (chaps) as well as sandwiches or burgers. In Germany this food is sometimes referred to as fast food, in Uganda a burger is a real order and not necessarily quick to prepare. Quickly available food is actually only chapati or Rolex.In Kampala there are also restaurants with Italian food and Indian fast food outlets.

Uganda Breweries and Nile Breweries are the local beer producers. Wines are expensive because they are imported. Waragi is a schnapps made from millet that tastes similar to bad gin. Uganda Waragi (Basement or “Spirit of Uganda”) is the most popular brand, but it is also branded black a lot. It's called straight when drunk kasezi bong. There are flavored brands under other names.


There are a few clubs and bars in Kampala. Beer costs between 3,500 UGX and 5,000 UGX. The following bars are worth mentioning: Indigo with a view of the taxi park, MishMash in Kololo ... The following clubs are worth mentioning: Iguana (Kololo / Kamwokya), HiTable (City Square), Rouge (Railwaystation), Alfredoz (Bukoto) ....


public holidays

09.10.Independence dayIndependence 1962


It is forbidden to photograph uniformed persons (police, military, etc.), military facilities and public buildings.

Same-sex acts are a criminal offense, but have hardly been prosecuted since the president failed the constitutional court in 2014 with a stricter criminal law.

Offenses related to drugs are punished very severely, even if the amounts involved are low.


see also: Healthy on the go

Before traveling, a travel medical center, e.g. the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Baselto be visited. There you will be informed in detail about the medical risks and the necessary vaccinations can be made immediately.

Uganda is a malaria endemic area, which is why good prophylaxis, mosquito nets and long clothing are strongly recommended, especially in the twilight and night hours. If there are signs of a fever, a doctor should be consulted, even up to one year after the trip. The symptoms of malaria are like mild flu.

Infection with yellow fever is also possible, against which there is, however, a vaccination. The neighboring countries Tanzania and Kenya require a yellow fever vaccination for entry, and it is also mandatory when entering Uganda from an endemic country.

Boil tap water before drinking. Boiled water is often sold in plastic bags, mineral water (e.g. Rwenzori, etc.) is always a good choice, but there are many fakes that can be recognized by the fact that a hole has been drilled and resealed on the bottom of the plastic bottle.

Eating in upscale restaurants is always safe, cheaper food prepared on the roadside can cause diarrhea, depending on your tolerance. There is good access to very cheap Chinese and Ugandan medicines, with the Chinese being the better choice.

The last Ebola outbreak was on 11/30/2007 reported by the WHO.


Uganda is located on a high plateau (mostly over 1000 m) in the tropics. As a result, the typical tropical heat is softened and the temperatures are on average between 25 ° C and 30 ° C during the day and around 17 ° C at night. Precipitation actually falls all year round, only the months December to February and June to August are to be mentioned as drier periods. The average rainfall is 100 to 1500 mm.

The northeast of the country on the border with Sudan and Kenya, which can be described as semi-arid, is an exception. The savannah prevails here.

Rules and respect

Short skirts are often not welcomed. Even very eye-catching dresses with a large neckline should be worn with caution.

Practical advice

Cell phones are cheap. The mobile network is very well developed. A SIM card for one of the networks costs approx. € 1.00, the call credit (airtime) is easily available. With MTN a minute's call to Germany costs 10 cents. Internet credit is available from 500 UGX for 60MB for 24 hours (Airtel). Post is slow, normally shipments arrive sooner or later.


Web links

Daily newspapers

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