Zambia - Sambia

Zambia located in Africa. Bordering countries are the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana (short section on the Zambezi bank), Namibia and Angola. The most important tourist destinations are certainly those Victoria Falls, the Zambezi, the South Luangwa National Park as well as in the north of the Lake Tanganyika.

Map of Zambia


Map of Zambia
  1. Central Province — (Kabwe)
  2. Copperbelt — (Ndola)
  3. Eastern Province — (Chipata)
  4. Luapula — (Mansa)
  5. Lusaka (province) — (Lusaka)
  6. Northern Province — (Kasama)
  7. Northwest Province — (Solwezi)
  8. Southern province — (Livingstone)
  9. Western province — (Mongu)
  10. Muchinga — (Chinsali)


  • 1  LusakaWebsite of this institution (Capital and largest city of Zambia) Lusaka in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLusaka in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsLusaka (Q3881) in the Wikidata databaseLusaka on Facebook
  • 2  LivingstoneWebsite of this institution. Livingstone in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLivingstone in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryLivingstone (Q1866604) in the Wikidata database.Starting point for exploring Victoria Falls.
  • 3  Chipata. Chipata in the travel guide Wikivoyage in a different languageChipata in the Wikipedia encyclopediaChipata in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsChipata (Q856151) in the Wikidata database.Border town in the southeast too Malawi.
  • 4  Sesheke (Border town too Namibia) Sesheke in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSesheke in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSesheke (Q1756357) in the Wikidata database
  • 5  Chavuma (Border town too Angola in the northwest of the country on the Zambezi). Chavuma in the Wikipedia encyclopediaChavuma (Q1022152) in the Wikidata database.Border crossing to Angola about 10 km north. Chavuma Falls as a destination.
  • 6  Kapiri Mposhi. Kapiri Mposhi in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKapiri Mposhi in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKapiri Mposhi (Q985822) in the Wikidata database.Terminus of the Tazara Railway.
  • 7  LundaziLundazi in the travel guide Wikivoyage in another languageLundazi in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLundazi in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryLundazi (Q260171) in the Wikidata database

Other goals

Visiting the national parks is (chargeable). For Zambian nationals, entry into Kwacha has to be paid. In order to give as many citizens as possible access, admission is much cheaper for them than for foreign tourists. The latter pay entry in dollars.


Entry requirements


For German, Austrian and Swiss citizens Visa requirement. The pass must be valid for 6 months after the end of the trip. Unless they are entered in their parents' passport, children need a children's passport. At larger land border crossings and at the airport, a "visa on arrival" for single entry only be requested. This is particularly useful for overland travelers who do not know their exact arrival time. It is most appropriate to pay cash in US $. Tourist entry cost US $ 50 at the beginning of 2015. For air travelers, it may be better to organize the visa, which is relatively easy to obtain, in their home country. Alternatively, a e-Visa can be requested online. Visitors are allowed to stay in the country for a maximum of 90 days and business travelers for a maximum of 30 days per year. Regardless of the deadline specified in the visa, the actually approved length of stay is at the discretion of the respective border official. Exceeding the length of stay can result in high fines, possibly with imprisonment and deportation. Members of certain countries, especially poorer African, Arab and most of the CIS countries (except Russia) can only obtain entry permits (referred visas) from certain diplomatic missions, in Europe the embassy in London is responsible for this.[1] A work permit etc. is only available in the Headquarters in Lusaka issued.

Regarding the KAZA UNIVISA visa for Zimbabwe and Zambia as well as day trips to Botswana it is recommended for the Immigration authority to inform. In the past, this visa was occasionally suspended. At the moment it seems to be valid again.


Zambia has been according to WHO since 2015 [2] yellow fever free. A yellow fever vaccination is only required when entering from risk countries [3] for people older than 1 year. This also applies if the stopover (including at the airport) lasted longer than 12 hours. The yellow fever vaccination is valid for a lifetime. Vaccination protection exists from 10 days after vaccination. It is advisable to seek travel medical advice or contact the WHO to inform. No yellow fever vaccination is currently required for onward travel to South Africa, as Zambia is no longer considered an endemic area [4].

Consulates for the German-speaking area

  • Embassy of Zambia, Axel-Springer-Str. 54a, 10117 Berlin. Tel.: (0)30 2062940, Email: . Open: Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Fri. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.Price: Tourist single: € 40, double € 70.
    . Specified processing time 2015: 2 weeks, urgent processing not planned (2nd Application forms 2 photos required). There are honorary consulates in Hamburg (responsible for Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg) and in Bad Camberg (for Hessen).
  • Ambassade du Zambie, Avenue de Tourville 18, 75007 Paris. Tel.: 33 (1) 56 88 12 70, Fax: 33 (1), Email: .
    . Also responsible for Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

The Honorary Consulate of Zambia, Hoyosgasse 5, 1040 Vienna ([email protected]) is not authorized to issue visas. Austrians turn to Berlin in Zambia Bern no representation. Luxembourgers are in Brussels dispatched.

For consulates, including those of neighboring countries, see the section “Embassies and Consulates” in Lusaka.

getting there

Zambia is relatively easy to reach.

Everyone is under a new regulation Payment transactions for services located in Zambia from now on in local currency (Zambian Kwacha, ZMK). Violations can be punished with high penalties (theoretically up to 10 years in prison). According to the immigration authorities, entry visas applied for at the airport can still be paid for in US dollars. Banks and exchange offices usually only exchange US dollars from the series issued after 1996. Credit cards, especially Visa and Masters, are only partially accepted and only a few machines can be used with EC cards. ATMs and card readers do not always work reliably. The old banknotes have been invalid since 2013.

By plane

The main airport in the country is the airport of Lusaka. There are direct flights from London with British Airways and a lot of connections to different airports in Africa. If you are planning to visit the eastern parts of the country (e.g. Chipata), it may be useful to go to Lilongwe into the neighboring Malawi to fly. One should bear in mind, however, that border crossings in Africa can be somewhere between problematic and nightmarish. In Livingstone both Victoria Falls and in Mfuwe near the South Luangwa National Park there are also smaller airports that are served from different places in Africa.

By train

Waiting area of ​​the new Kapiri Mposhi train station (2012).

Rail traffic, only on single-track, non-electrified lines, is operated on the one hand by the state-owned Zambia Railways (ZR) with essentially a distance of almost 1250 km: Mulobezi southeast to Livingstone, where there is a connection to the Zimbabwean railway network, and from there northeast to Lusaka. Continue towards the Congo Kapiri Mposhi, Ndola (Connection to Lubumbashi), Kitwe to Chingola.

The independently operated TAZARA-Trains run between Kapiri Mposhi in Zambia and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania every Tuesday and Thursday. According to the timetable, the journey takes 38 hours, but the train often breaks down and has delays. You should allow for appropriate time buffers when planning your vacation. The journey is not only cheap (Fares), you also get great impressions of the landscape on the way.

A few tips make traveling by train easier:

  • Take enough water with you.
  • The customs officers stamp the passports right at the border, even in the middle of the night. However, you should be very careful when opening your compartment at night, as thieves and robbers are also around at this time.
  • If you miss the customs officers on entry, there are two options: you will be sent back to the border or you will have to pay a special "tax".
  • Once you have crossed the border, the currency of the country you have just left is no longer accepted on board the train. Therefore you should change money before starting the train journey. It is possible to change black money on the train, but the rates are extremely bad.
  • Timetable (without guarantee; as of 2015-04-15)

By bus

International bus routes exist to and from Malawi, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Long waiting times often occur at the borders when an entire bus is checked at once.

Car / own vehicle

In Zambia there is Left-hand traffic. There are many border crossings for cars, the most popular ones are likely to be:

  • Coming from Zimbabwe through Livingstone in the south
  • Coming from Malawi through Chipata or Lundazi in the southeast
  • by Ndola in the north from the Republic of the Congo coming
  • The only land border to / from Namibia opens 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. She is at 1 Wenela (Katima Mulilo) / Sesheke(17 ° 28 ′ 40 ″ S24 ° 14 '47 "E) over the Zambezi.
  • and through Kazungula out Botswana coming

When arriving with your own vehicle, please note that the official opening times of the borders are from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (there is the usual African leeway in both directions). Allow sufficient time to cross the border.

Required documents:

A Carnet de passage is required. In addition, liability insurance must be taken out for Zambia. This can usually be done directly upon entry. If you travel to several countries in East Africa, you are sure to complete one COMESA Yellow Card Insurance sensible. Furthermore are a international driving licence and international approval is required.

By boat

Ferry across the Zambezi from Kazungula, Botswana (2007).
Tourist boat Lady Livingston at Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park (2010).

Zambia is inland in Africa and has no maritime coasts. But on Tanganykia lake there is an international ferry connection to Tanzania. The ferry runs a few times a week.


Road traffic in Lusaka (2007).

By plane

Domestic flights are from Zambian Airways (formerly Roan Air), which have nothing to do with the former and now bankrupt state airline of the same name. A network of flights connects the most important cities and tourist destinations. Flights are certainly the fastest and most comfortable way to travel through Zambia, but they are also the most expensive. A one hour flight (e.g. Lusaka-Mfuwe) costs about 150 US-D one way. The aircraft used are often small and so the number of seats is limited, so you should try to get a seat in good time. There is also the possibility for groups to charter their own planes. If there is a sufficient number of people, the costs are not much higher than the regular connections.


The minibuses, which are vans equipped with additional seats, are popular. However, they are often not approved, unsafe and the opposite of comfortable. In order to maximize their profit, the drivers cram as many passengers and luggage (katundu) as possible in their vehicles. The comfort of the other passengers only plays a subordinate role. On the other hand, there is hardly a better way for the rural population to feel the number and such a trip is definitely a special travel experience.

By bus

Normal large buses also run in Zambia. These naturally offer sufficient space for passengers and luggage. As a rule, they are more reliable than the minibuses and stick to schedules. Tickets can be purchased in advance.

In the street

Typical truck (2012).

Zambia officially rules Left-hand traffic.

There are a few Car rental companies in Zambia, however, the cost of renting a car is quite high. A car costs about $ 100 a day and many roads in the country are in very poor condition. Potholes take up the whole road and during the rainy season parts of the road are often washed away. There are many unpaved roads outside the cities. Although these make a solid impression, the subsurface is often loose. The result is frequent accidents. Due to the small number of streets, there is hardly any risk of litigation. Without all-wheel drive, at least during the rainy season, nothing works and you should definitely not do without it the rest of the year. Sometimes, however, all-wheel drive does not help in the rainy season.

Due to the numerous conflicts in the past, unmarked minefields exist in the border area with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola and Zimbabwe. Under no circumstances should you leave the street here.

By train

Completely independent of the TAZARA route network, there are also a number of train connections in the north of the country. The main route is certainly from Livingstone via Lusaka to Kitwe. The trains are quite reliable but also very slow.


Hitchhiking is popular in Zambia, but is often a pure gamble due to the low volume of traffic. You should also note that if you are picked up by locals, payment is usually expected.

In Zambia, people don't keep their thumbs up if they want to be picked up. The suitable method is as follows:

  1. Stack luggage next to the road
  2. Put in the shade
  3. If you hear or see a vehicle: jump up
  4. Run to the luggage
  5. Wave up and down with your whole arm. Keep the palm of the hand open and facing down
  6. Hope the car stops


Heard thanks to its colonial past and membership of the Commonwealth English Zambia's eight official languages. English is also mostly spoken in schools, on the radio, in public offices, etc. There are also over 70 different Bantu dialects across the country. The most important are Bemba, which is spoken in Lusaka, Copperbelt and in the north, and Nyanja (Chewa), which is quite common in the east, in Livingstone and also in Lusaka.

In the cities, many locals speak passable English. In the more rural areas, however, communication becomes more difficult. However, you shouldn't be surprised if you come across a Zambian who speaks fluent English and is well versed in the western world.

Never forget to say hello to the natives. At the first contact you should always ask "How are you?" (Muli Bwanji?).


File: Zambia P-55 O.jpg
The 50 kwacha banknote introduced in 2014.

The currency of Zambia used to be Kwacha ("Sunrise," in honor of independence) pegged to the US dollar. In the late 1990s, however, the course was opened and has since lost a lot of its value. Since January 1, 2013 there is a new Kwacha (ZMW). You exchanged 1: 1000. The old notes (recognizable on the portrait of Kenneth Kaundas until 1992, then an osprey) are no longer a valid means of payment since June 30, 2013.

In recent years, however, the rate has stabilized somewhat and the exchange rate is around 1 EUR = 25 Kwacha (as of March 2021). US dollars were also a common form of payment, especially for larger purchases.

It is advisable to always have smaller notes on hand, as the large banknotes often cannot be changed.

ATMs can be found in the larger cities, but you should always plan that these will not work. Some shops and restaurants accept credit cards, as do virtually all luxury hotels and safari lodges. As a rule, however, a surcharge of 5–10% is then usual. The daily limit per card, which varies depending on the bank, is 2000-4000 Kwacha.

Although other payment methods besides cash are gaining traction, they should not be relied on. A little forward planning will help reduce exchange costs.

Most stores have fixed end prices and the owners usually do not want to negotiate the price (although it is sometimes possible). Street vendors, taxi drivers, etc. often do not give prices and the price is usually negotiated here. In general, one can assume that the first-mentioned price is at least twice as high as it would be reasonable.

Tip is not necessary, but is partly expected. Porters get around US $ 0.50 per suitcase, better restaurants take 10% service charge or expect a tip of this amount.

When buying larger quantities of a smaller item, look for one mbasela ask. According to a local custom, you get an article for free.


Accommodation options in Zambia cover the whole gamut: from luxury hotels that cost several hundred dollars a night (e.g. The Intercontinental), middle-class hotels (like the Ndeke), which costs around US $ 50 per night, to basic accommodations like that Lusaka Backpackers (formerly Chachacha), where you can still get decent accommodation for five to ten US $. In addition, there is a wide range in practically every price and luxury class. Generally speaking, more expensive hotels are safer than cheap accommodations.

Outside the tourist centers it can be difficult to find a good one. H. especially to find clean and quiet accommodation. If you value luxury or just electricity, you should consider whether you want to travel too far to more remote parts of the country. On the other hand, the small hotels there offer an authentic experience that you will probably remember for a long time in a positive way. Probably nowhere else in the world is there a second hotel like this Castle Hotel in Lundazi.


The only university is the University of Zambia. However, their fees are not affordable for most residents. There are also technical schools. Teacher training seminars can be found in every provincial capital. A two-year program there costs approximately US $ 300.

For tourists, the following "educational offers" are more likely to come into question:

  • When visiting a wildlife park, one can learn almost infinite knowledge about the animals of the region from the guides. Please don't forget a tip.
  • Arrange an overnight stay in a traditional African village (this can be booked, for example, with Wade, the owner of the ChaChaCha Backpacker in Lusaka). Of course, the program is somewhat tailored to the tourists and the experience is not necessarily 100% authentic, but you get a good impression of the tough everyday life in Zambia.


public holidays

In addition to the usual international New Year, Good Friday (April 2, 2021), Easter Monday (April 5, 2021), Labor Day and Christmas Day:

March 12thYouth day
25. MayAfrican Unity DayFounding date of the OAU.
July 6th and 7thDay of heroes; Day of Unity
3rd AugustDay of the Peasants
October 24thIndependence DayNational holiday on the occasion of independence in 1964


In general, Zambia is considered a safe travel destination. Nevertheless, it is important to act with caution and mindfulness here as well. Armed robbery and “carjacking” are often targeted against tourists. The French Foreign Ministry advises the border area to Angola and the Congo (Zaire) as well as the region around the cities Chingola, Kitwe and Ndola only to be visited in justified exceptional cases.[5]

Criminal provisions relevant to tourism

Homosexuality is forbidden by law in Zambia and can be punished with prison terms of up to life. The possession, importation and consumption of drugs, including the so-called "soft drugs", is prohibited and is punishable by imprisonment. The same applies to the possession and distribution of pornographic material. Photographing security-relevant facilities or people (including bridges) is not permitted. The export of trophies is also not permitted, unless the ZAMA has given permission.


First signs of schistosomiasis: Cercarial dermatitis with clearly visible entry points of the larvae through the skin.

Zambia is one of the countries with the highest HIV infection rate in the world. According to WHO estimates, around 17% of all 15 to 49 year olds are infected. This led to a dramatic decrease in life expectancy from an average of 60 years in 1990 to 35 years in 2002.[6] While there is general free health care in state hospitals, this is more theoretical. Apart from acute serious injuries, you cannot even rely on the most basic care there. Pharmacies open Monday to Saturday, emergency services are unknown. In the country, at most, half the population has access, then they are only in a mission hospital. If you call the emergency number 991, at least in the capital, you can expect an ambulance to arrive soon. The best care is in the capital Lusaka. The largest hospital in the country is also located here, the University Teaching Hospital.

Tropical diseases

It exists across the country Malaria risk during the whole year. In particular, there is a nationwide risk for Plasmodium falciparum which is the causative agent of the severe malaria tropica. Resistance to chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine are known. The WHO offers a helpful overview with its International Travel and Health Page. Travel medical advice is recommended. Helpful information can also be found at German Tropical Medicine Society.

Also widespread, especially in the south and east as well as in the Luangwa Valley and Kafue National Park, is the African Sleeping sickness whose carrier is the Tse tse fly [7].

Schistosomiasis (schistosomiasis) can be caught in any standing body of water.

recommended vaccinations

The following general vaccinations are recommended: Tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis) as well as against polio, mumps, measles, rubella (MMR), influenza and pneumococci. Also recommended as special travel vaccinations are: Hepatitis A and typhoid, for long-term stays or corresponding exposure (hunting , Trekking, aid projects) also hepatitis B, rabies and meningococcal meningitis (ACWY). This is especially important when you consider that there was a measles epidemic in Luapula Province in 2012. Outbreaks of cholera and typhoid are not uncommon.

Electricity and drinking water

The power supply, nominally 220 V / 50 Hz, does not work reliably. In addition to Euro plugs, the three-pole English types BS 546 and BS 1363 are also used for socket types. The credit on meters usually has to be topped up using a prepaid card. Better accommodations have generators.

Tap water should not be drunk, outside the cities there is seldom a general network, many houses have their own wells (“bore”), the water of which is usually cleaner, but which requires pumps or manual operation in the case of frequent power failures. Hot water is usually produced by means of boilers (“geysers”) that are switched on for the hour; these also require a functioning power supply.

Climate and travel time

The climate is mildly tropical with moderate temperatures and three seasons due to the altitude. The rainy season from November to April (27–38 ° C) and the cool dry season from May to August (15–27 ° C) and the hot dry season from September to October (24–32 ° C).


Smoking in public places has been prohibited by law since May 28, 2008.

Post and Telecommunications

The postal service is operated by Zambia Postal Services Corp. short Zampost.


  • Pfrogner, Robert; Thundering Waters: Guide to Zambia; Norderstedt 2012 (BoD); ISBN 978-3-8448-0478-2
  • Zambia and Malawi; Munich 132014 (Ilona Hupe Verlag); ISBN 978-3-932084-58-4
  • Zambia Roadmap;92013; Scale 1: 1.5 million; ISBN 978-3-932084-57-7 (With GPS data and detailed maps of the national parks)

Web links

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