Chad - Tschad

The Chad lies in the north Africa, partly in the Sahara. Bordering countries are Libya in the north, the Sudan in the east that Central African Republic in the south as well Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger in the West.

In the absence of a lack of infrastructure, travel in the country is not cheap for western tourists, as one has to rely on specialized providers and small groups in order to be able to leave the capital.

Chad location map
Ennedi massif
Ennedi massif
Sena-Oura National Park
Manda National Park
Manda NP
Places in Chad.


Chad can be divided into three regions, from north to south, which are congruent with the climatic conditions: Sahara Desert,Sahel and Sudan. The area to the east is semi-arid, the terrain is rocky and hilly, with the valleys partially (sparsely) forested. In Dar Tar the heights reach 1200 m.


The area around Kouri Bougoudi, 35 km from the Libyan border, is a boom town after gold was discovered in 2013. At the same time, thanks to the increase in traffic, the main refugee route from East Africans to the Mediterranean has moved here, also because the route through the Kufra-Oasis to the north has become unsafe as a result of the overthrow of Colonel Gadaffi organized by the Americans. In 2018, freedom fighters against the government were active in the northwest. Air strikes have been carried out in the region of the Tibesti Mountains and in the border area with Libya since autumn 2017.

Although the situation in the eastern border area with Darfur has been more relaxed since 2017, the supply of the around 350,000 Sudanese in the twelve refugee camps in Chad has been reduced by the UN to such an extent that the monthly rations last at most two weeks, which is particularly important for the younger, male inmates An incentive creates the risk of a trip across the Mediterranean Sea.


  • Abéché
  • Monundou(ماوندو). Rooms in the Hotel Djimra cost 10-20,000 CFA in 2017, depending on the quality.
  • N’Djamena (Capital)
  • Sarh, the "green" city. With a nice museum and cathedral. Accommodation 2017: Hotel Safari, central from 10,000 CFA, just outside Auberge Beausejour, Pont de Balimba, 15,000 CFA.

Other goals

  • Ennedi massif (French: Plateau de l'Ennedi): "Due to the erosion of sedimentary rocks of different hardnesses, huge sandstone formations with pillars, bridges and arches were created, the dimensions of which are unique for the Sahara." Partly breathtaking rock formations on 40,000 km², since 2016 because they are up to 7,000 years old Petroglyphs Part of the world heritage. Individual trips are hardly possible at the moment. Specialized providers from Europe are offering group tours for € 3000 in 2016, plus flight and visa.
  • Erdi-Ma is a rocky plateau in the Sahara, near the Libyan border. Research trips were only made here in 1923 and 2005.

National parks

These were not protected during the long war times. The nationwide elephant population has decreased from around 30,000 in 1970 to around 10,000 in 2007.


1 Zakouma (‏ زكوما الحديقة الوطنية ‎, Parc National Zakouma). 3000 km² park surrounded by 20,000 km² outer protection zone and wetland Plaines d’inondation des Bahr Aouk et Salamat, a flood savannah, which is used by migratory birds when passing through. A few years ago, rhinos were released back into the wild from South Africa. The local park rangers are well trained. Elephant poaching is under control, and around 500 pachyderms are expected to be at home again in 2016. There are also numerous giraffes.
During the rainy season from June to October, the park is not accessible due to flooding. The temperatures January-February are most pleasant, the increasingly scarce water also causes the animals to gather more and thus to be easier to find. From March to May, daytime temperatures of 40-45 ° C are normal.

Directions and accommodation

From the capital one drives the 860 km in 12-14 hours. Specialized providers charge 200,000 CFA per day for a four-wheel drive vehicle with a driver. Foreigners are asked to pay 7500 CFA per day, plus 3500 CFA per vehicle as parking admission (2018). Camp nomad and Tinga are the luxurious accommodations that can be booked through specialist safari providers. The Camp Salamat consists of ten native-style huts.

There are three entrances to the park. The most important is at Goz Djérat (Goz Djarat). From N'Djamena on the main road towards Abéché after 200 km turn right in 1 Ngoura, then continue via Mongo (مونقو) To the junction marked by a stone signpost to the park 2 12 km before Am Timan (‏ أم تيمان). From there you drive another 1½ hours to the park entrance at Goz Djérat.

The bush pilots for evangelical missionaries of the Mission Aviation Fellowship offer charter flights to the landing site in the park.


3 Sena-Ouara, 735.2 km² on the border with Cameroon, on whose Bouba Djida National Park it borders. 2010 reported. Black rhinoceros and the giant eland are to be saved in both. There are a total of sixteen endangered animal species, including lions, cheetahs and elephants. Loosened and extensive forests dominate, interspersed with thick bushes and undergrowth of long-stemmed grasses and broad-leaved herbs.


4 Manda

Binder-Léré wildlife reserve

5 Binder-Léré wildlife reserve. Fed by the Mayo Kébbi river, which fills the Léré and Tréné lakes. Between the two was a marshland, a bird's paradise. The manatee species African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) is practically extinct. Here is the small town too 2 Léré (ليري). The protected area lies in the transition zone between the open savannah landscape of the Sahel-acacia savannah in the north and the tree-strewn eastern Sudan savannah.

According to the agreements of the Morocco-Congo Treaty 1911-1919 as "Entenschnabel" to German Cameroon.


Landscape in Chad
3 In the Mao oasis.

After Faschoda crisis In 1898 the French and British demarcated their colonial holdings in inner Africa. "Sudan" then referred to the entire strip of land in the "Sahel zone." The old one Empire Wadai (‏وداي‎, French: Ouaddaï), a slavery society, came 1909-11 finally under French colonial rule. Even then, the local population was barely able to support themselves. By 2011, however, the number of inhabitants had increased by a factor of two, so that today it is not possible to make a bearable living with the resources available. France granted independence in 1960.

In the area north of the 16th parallel there were long disputes with Libya in the 1980s Aouzou stripes. At that time, 1982-90, ruled Hissène Habré the country with Muslim hardship. It had its predecessor, the Christian one sponsored by Libya François Tombalbaye fights. Freedom fighters have been active again in the north since 2017.

With interruptions, there have been wars in the country since the 1980s, so that there are hardly any tourists. Chad is a classic third world country with a highly corrupt, tribe-based ruling caste that is still ruled by France post-colonial. As everywhere in Africa, the “free world” was never interested in whether the dictator was a mass murderer. Only the interests of western (oil) companies were and will be defended. Since 2011, China has gained tremendous influence with its “aid without preconditions”.

Since 2003, Chad has also been one of the oil-exporting countries, which explains why the French, who have been posting mainly Foreign Legionnaires here since 1976, are resisting EUFOR (2008-10) and the Americans also maintain a small contingent. After long struggles 2006-10 is under the strong man Idriss Déby, who came to power in 1990, is calm again in the southern parts of the country. After a constitutional amendment in April 2018, he rules with full powers. His tribal brothers the Zaghawa are now disproportionately represented in offices and the army.

getting there

Apart from citizens of some neighboring countries, all foreigners require a visa. The following is responsible for this:

  • For the FRG and Austria Consular section of the Chadian embassy, Lepsiusstrasse 114, 12165 Berlin. Tel.: 49 30 3199162-0. Double application form to be downloaded from the embassy website. In addition, proof of accommodation.Open: Mon.-Thurs. 9.00-15.00, Fri. 9.00-13.00.Price: tourist, single entry € 100.
  • Section consulaire de l'Ambassade du Chad, Avenue d'Aïre 40, 1203 Genève.
  • For many other European countries, the Embassy in Brussels Contact Person.

Reports on obtaining a visa in neighboring countries indicate that the requirements depend heavily on the mood of the respective employee, e.g. with regard to the need for an invitation or proof of accommodation or surcharges for the "express fee." It can therefore make sense to find another consulate if necessary to seek out.

Upon entry is a Yellow fever vaccination certificate to submit. Foreigners have to register with the police within 72 hours of entering the country.

See also: List of Chad’s diplomatic missions abroad

By plane

The country's only international airport is in N'Djamena (NDJ).

By train

There is no railroad in Chad.

By bus

Bus connections are rare and are only offered in larger towns. They are not recommended for European tourists. At least in the south, however, the more important cities are reasonably reliably connected to one another.

In 2017, STTL buses run every hour during the day between Sarh ↔ Monundou in 6½ hours on good roads.

The Sarh ↔ N'Djamena road along the Shari is not tarred. Therefore, especially in the rainy season, the better route to Doba and 4 Guelengdeng hazards.

In the street

Driving is not advisable. Apart from the dangers of the numerous thieves, only the streets of the capital are suitable for western drivers. Even well-developed trunk roads are usually understood to mean gravel roads. The entire network of paved roads covers approx. 270 km, about the same as that of Liechtenstein. Since 2010, Chinese development aid has paved further stretches: Monundou - Doba - Koumra (190 km), Massaget - Massakory (72 km), Bokoro - Arboutchatak (65 km) and Abéché - Am Himede - Oul Hadjer - Mongo.

The N’Djamena refinery is under Chinese control. The nationwide demand for petrol cannot always be satisfied; if there is a shortage, the price per liter rises to 1000-1500 CFA.

If you drive overland and need a visa, you can not only apply for this in the respective capital cities. Chad maintains a consulate in Maiduguri, Nigeria (Lagos Street, Behind GVT House Of Borno State; ☎ 234 81 63 32 77 82) and Garoua, Cameroon (☎ 237 222 27 25 23).
From / to Cameroon

The only reasonably safe approach is likely to be through the northern provinces of Cameroon in 2018. The Cameroonian 5 Kousséri is only 20 kilometers by road from the city center of N’Djamena. In all other neighboring areas armed forces are on the move, preferring to kidnap Europeans. Other border crossings are at:

  • 1 Bongor (‏بونقور) Across the Logone River (no bridge) to Yagoua. This transition is ideal for traveling south to Monundou and Sarh.
  • 2 Mani (‏ماني‎)

Without crossing Cameroon, the Nigerian N3 leads from Maiduguri to the border with the Nigerian 6 Gamboru over the border bridge to Fotokol in Chad. This area has been the heartland of the since 2015 Boko Haram-Fighters and therefore for whites only to travel at risk of death.

From / to Darfur in Sudan

From Abéché it is 165 km to the border town 7 Adré (‏ادرے). The border has officially reopened to locals since 2015. However, whether it is possible from Darfur to Khartoum Obtaining the necessary permission if you are not part of the UN mission or the like is also doubtful in 2018.

From / to the Central African Republic

From Sarh you drive 130 km to the border 8 Sido / Moyen Sido.


Paid ridesharing on trucks is often the only way to get ahead.

Mobility is low as the road network is very poor. There are taxis within the cities, nationwide you should take the plane, provided it is just back Domestic connections gives.

In the northern part of the country it goes without paved roads through almost 1000 km of desert, some of which is still mined.


According to the Ethnology report In 2003 there were still around 110 living in Chad, mostly nilosaharan Languages. Around Lake Chad is mainly Hausa spoken. The official language is standard Arabic, but around a million locals use it Chadian Arabic spoken. This dialect is also used in parts of Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Niger, and Nigeria. The second official language is French as the language of education. It is spoken in many authorities.

to buy

The national currency is the one pegged to the euro at a ratio of 1 to 655, but strongly overvalued for political reasons CFA franc.

The purchase options are limited and there are practically no souvenirs. Counterfeit and adulterated goods are routinely offered in the markets.


In principle, there is no Chadian cuisine, most people suffer from famine and poverty.

If there is beer, it is imported from Cameroon. The alcoholic one made from millet bili-bili


There are few good restaurants. At night it is better to stay in the hotel anyway. A three-course meal for two cost a good 20-30,000 CFA in 2017.


Luxury hotels only in N'Djamena.


Most of all, Chad needs to import machinery, vehicles and food. The country can export cotton, livestock products, peanuts and, more recently, oil. The Chaders hoped for jobs in the oil industry, because 62% are poor and live on US $ 1 a day. Unfortunately, the militarization of the country and mafia-like government methods (Chad is one of the most corrupt countries in the world) have failed a World Bank project that the Chinese took over. The population sees next to nothing of the oil revenue.

public holidays

On national holidays there is May 1st, Independence Day on August 11th, November 28th, the founding day of the republic and December 1st, "Freedom and Democracy Day."

Then there are the moving Muslim festivals: May 12, 2021 - the last day of the fasting month of Ramadan, the beginning of Id al-Fitr, on the 1st show whale (May 13, 2021) - two to four day fasting festival. July 19, 2021 - four day Islamic Festival of Sacrifice (ʿĪd al-Aḍḥā), which begins on the 10th of Dhū al-Jiddjah. October 19, 2021 - birthday party (Mulid / maulid) for the Prophet Mohammed on the 12th Rabi 'al-auwal.


Security is in short supply in Chad. Tourists are not advised to visit areas outside of N'Djamena, especially the north is dangerous. Apart from pickpockets, the capital is quite safe, especially since some European ambassadors work there too. But you should stay on main roads.

Bribery demands are also made at the checkpoints, but perseverance can be fended off or reduced to a tolerable level.


Worldwide the highest number of Meningococcal meningitis diseases (purulent meningitis) observed during dry periods. This also applies to Chad. Travelers to risk areas, especially in the "Meningitis Belt of Africa," are recommended to have a vaccination at least two weeks before departure.

Regarding the cholera there is an increased risk in many regions of the country, especially in the districts of N'djamena, Massakory, Bongo and Bol. However, the risk of infection for tourists is rather low. Careful food and drinking water hygiene measures are essential. Nationwide there is a risk for various Infectious diseasestransmitted through contaminated food or drink (e.g. Hepatitis A, typhoid, bacterial dysentery, amoebic dysentery, lambliasis, worm diseases). The necessary hygiene must be strictly observed for food and drinking water.

In the south of the country, where the capital N’Djamena and the international airport are located, there is a risk that that Yellow fever is transmitted. Yellow fever vaccination is mandatory upon entry. In the wetlands and national parks exists year round Malaria risk.


Climate charts Chad

In the north a typical desert climate, in the south of the country a humid tropical climate. The southeast is still influenced by the West African monsoon, there is rainy season from April / May to October and dry season from November to April.


As in other countries of the Sahel, the natives are reluctant to be photographed, so you should always ask. It goes without saying that the generally accepted ban on photography in Third World countries for anything that could be of any military or government importance.

Black Sudanese peoples live in Chad. The Sara and the Hausa form the largest groups. The peoples living in the south still cling to their old natural religions and tribal traditions. Few of these people were converted to Christians through missionary work. The sparsely populated north is inhabited by Arab and Arabized ranchers and nomads, including the Tibbu and Kanuri. They are all Orthodox Muslims with the appropriate moral codes as well as clothing and eating regulations that visitors must also respect. The traditional clashes between nomadic and sedentary peoples are hardly understandable for Europeans. These take on violent and bloody forms again and again, up to and including civil war with the use of the most modern automatic weapons.

Practical advice

Fixed line telephones are not very common, and there are acceptable connections in the big cities. Operator is the semi-public Sotel Tchad, which their cellular service under the brand Salam (2018 still GSM / EDGE), data services as Tawali operates.

The private cellular network is covered by two operators: Tigo Chad (2017: 3G in Abeche, N'Djamena, Moundou) and Airtel Chad. Prepaid cards are offered for both networks. About 86% of the population can be reached with GSM services.

For a longer stay or for desert tours, a satellite phone is recommended, e.g. the Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Co. Devices can be borrowed in almost all European countries.


Current travel guides do not exist in 2018.

  • Burr, Millard; Collins, Robert O .; Africa's thirty years was: Libya, Chad, and the Sudan, 1963-1993; Boulder 1999 (Westview); ISBN 0813335663
  • Chad; 1: 1.5 million, Vancouver 2009 (ITM); 69⨉99 cm, folded; ISBN 9781553411635
  • Doumenge C., Palla F., Scholte P., Hiol Hiol F. & Larzillière A. (Eds.); Aires protégées d’Afrique centrale; Kinshasa 2015; Chad, pp. 229-46
  • Kröpelin, Stefan; Reconnaissance of the Erdi Ma (Northeast Chad); in: Atlas of Cultural and Environmental Change in Arid Africa, Africa Praehistorica, 21 (2007), pp. 58-59
  • Leitess, L .; Journey to the Sahara: cultural compass for hand luggage; 2009; ISBN 978-3293204713
  • Meier, Astrid; Hunger and Domination: Pre-Colonial and Early Colonial Hunger Crises in Northern Chad; Stuttgart 1995 (Steiner); [1680-1922. Diss. Zurich 1993/4]
  • Ngaryam, Benoudjita; The problematic de gestion durable de la biodiversité au Tchad: impacts des aires protégées sur les zones périphériques - cas des parcs nationaux de Manda et Sena Oura; 2016; Diss. Full text
  • Poilecot P .; Bemadjim N'Gakoutou E .; Taloua N .; Evolution of large mammal populations and distribution in Zakouma National Park (Chad) between 2002 and 2008; Mammalia, 2010, pp. 235-46
  • Seibert, Bjoern H .; Operation EUFOR TCHAD / RCA and the European Union's common security and defense policy; Carlisle 2010 (Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College); ISBN 9781584874652

Web links

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